
Someone is letting blockchain domains drop and they’re selling like hot cakes

Spaceship Spaceship


Nametree.comTop Member
I was looking through tomorrow’s Godaddy Auctions and noticed a domain that stood out but fit the pattern of sales in the crypto/blockchain space -
BlockchainRegistry.com currently around $6k with 12ish hours to go. Then I noticed another - BlockchainNetwork, sitting at $10k with 12 hours to go.

Ran a quick whois check and it seems like they’re both being dropped by the same person... who is dropping several of these in the next few days. BlockchainCompany, BlockchainIt ($8,100 and going) and a cool dozen others going at least in the hundreds tomorrow ALONE.

With the new Godaddy expiry policy, does this person have any recourse to get these domains back at this point? What might cause someone to drop these gems, is this a simple mistake or cluelessness?
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Coulda sold em to me for $10 each. :smuggrin:
It's just crazy hot out there. All because of crypto
This blockchain bubble will burst so be careful regging or buying names in this niche, unless they are really quality names. I have seen a lot of very average names in the blockchain space being posted on here, these names will never sell not matter how big this industry gets. Just remember quality names will always sell and sometimes you have to pay x,xxx or more for them. The same is happening with crypto/bitcoin names. Imagine what you would have to sell these names for to make a profit if you are paying over 10k for a name.
This blockchain bubble will burst so be careful regging or buying names in this niche, unless they are really quality names. I have seen a lot of very average names in the blockchain space being posted on here, these names will never sell not matter how big this industry gets. Just remember quality names will always sell and sometimes you have to pay x,xxx or more for them. The same is happening with crypto/bitcoin names. Imagine what you would have to sell these names for to make a profit if you are paying over 10k for a name.
Right on the money, you can’t pay unlimited for these domains, right now people are bidding like crazy with no rational, at the same time the crypto markets are going red
in a sell off, double whammy. Yes, some of the better names are selling in crypto, but blockchain plus keyword is a very long phrase, and If you buy for thousands you need someone to pay you ten thousand plus, easier said than done when you are not dealing with generic domains, the risk reward ratio is way off. There will always be stupid bidders with a credit card limit, so be it.
forget blockchain ;) its outdated and limited
believe me
imo blockchain+solid keywords are great.. longish.. but not too long.

I see them making money.

this gives you an idea.. even though crypto markets are pretty much crashing now, the domains are on the roll :)

these gd auctions will be nice to watch for price references.. but buyers should be aware that if they are not presently regged on gd, the prev owner can renew/transfer out if he wants on other registrars.. aftr auctions end.

many people do this just to get idea of market values :)

I know a member on the forum who just got a few of them, only he did not pay a lot.

He's going to be laughing all the way to the bank.
The guy really has a knack for picking up on the cheap (y)
I know a member on the forum who just got a few of them, only he did not pay a lot.

He's going to be laughing all the way to the bank.
The guy really has a knack for picking up on the cheap (y)

u mean from the owner of the ones on gd auctions??
I know a member on the forum who just got a few of them, only he did not pay a lot.

He's going to be laughing all the way to the bank.
The guy really has a knack for picking up on the cheap (y)
What are you talking about, they are going for 3-5 figures, the lame keywords are going for 3 figures?

There is a lot of eyes on them, and the crappy keywords are going for cheap, because they have low potential of sale.

The better term is Block + Keyword, not so much blockchain
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Someone is letting blockchain domains drop

this https://www.namepros.com/threads/forget-blockchain-iota-is-coming.1060403/
What are you talking about, they are going for 3-5 figures, the lame keywords are going for 3 figures?

There is a lot of eyes on them, and the crappy keywords are going for cheap, because they have low potential of sale.

The better term is Block + Keyword, not so much blockchain

I told you he was good at what he does, I'mean they might not the best in the world, but they sure are not the worst either. :xf.wink:
I told you he was good at what he does, I'mean they might not the best in the world, but they sure are not the worst either. :xf.wink:
Your to funny, all those names are parsed into a search, and added to a watchlist, anyone can bid on them, and funny how some get bid into 4-5 figures, the others that are staying at low 3 figures are there for a reason, just because they are buying the lower end names for 3 figures doesn't make them good at what they do, I have had them on my screen all morning. You know which ones could be dead money, and which ones are in the money, and for that reason they sell at their different price points.

If you are so confident, it is all public info right now, share an example, or another ??? my imaginary buddy thread, without anything to back it up.

Every blog had made mention of this since yesterday, it's old news.

Next one up BlockchainPool.com is currently bid at $510 is your buddy stealing this one also?

You have to ask yourself who is your target market, since .io is very in play, along with .org, you have to be smart about your buys.
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Next one up is BlockchainIT.com for $8,100 and counting with 5 minutes to go, who is going to step up to steal this one.
Next one up is BlockchainIT.com for $8,100 and counting with 5 minutes to go, who is going to step up to steal this one, Maybe MapleDots who says every swallow tastes like maple syrup.

You know, that one is almost funny so I am going to let that one go - maybe!


BlockName2.com etc

There are good block name combos out there, just because you can't see them does not mean another on the ball forum member does not. He PM'd me and asked if I liked them, it's not my place to disclose that. If you cannot respect that then you better let it drop before I unload on you.... pardon the pun :cautious:
So, it looks like everyone missed the main item here...

With the new Godaddy expiry policy, does this person have any recourse to get these domains back at this point?

I believe they can renew 3-4 days into the auction, within 30 days of expiration.

The policy was changed because auctions were ending and domains were getting renewed after auctions were complete.

It's likely that the owner of these domains are just getting attention towards them and will renew.
BlockchainPlatform.com just went off at $1975 in auction, another one stolen lol

Most platforms choose to brand, so don't see much use for this other than some sort of affiliate site.

BlockchainRegistry.com up in 25 minutes, currently sitting at $5,100, get your bids in, we don't want to see this one stolen also.
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So, it looks like everyone missed the main item here...

I believe they can renew 3-4 days into the auction, within 30 days of expiration.

The policy was changed because auctions were ending and domains were getting renewed after auctions were complete.

It's likely that the owner of these domains are just getting attention towards them and will renew.
I have no idea, this could be something...

Milford, PA

Jane Angela Maginsky Pantalone Both of Milford, PA and a long time resident of the area passed away unexpectedly while walking her dogs at her residence on Sunday, March 26, 2017. She was 50.
She worked as an entrepreneur having her hands in many different business ventures such as Streamline Management of Port Jervis, a home inspection service.

Jane was named the Disaster Relief Commissioner of Deerpark, collecting many needed items for the people of the Deerpark area after the flood of 2005. She was recognized for raising over one million dollars in donations for the September 11th Responders Relief Fund.
even after the hype with coins dies down, the growth in Block Chain will continue to grow with other uses in the crypto niche - from file sharing to loans

i acquired a few and im HOLD'n
even after the hype with coins dies down, the growth in Block Chain will continue to grow with other uses in the crypto niche - from file sharing to loans

i acquired a few and im HOLD'n
HODL is not a fun word for many traders, today lots of TRX, and XRP HODL's who are kicking themselves today.
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