
POLITICS : 2008 Presidential Election

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NamePros Inc.VIP Member
:::: Politics :::: 2008 Presidential Election ::::

OK, I know some of you are about to EXPLODE if you don't have a place to say something about this campaign, and you're afraid to start any new threads after I basically told you-all to shut up the other day. :o

Well... God forbid the wrong candidate gets elected, ultimately resulting in world war 3, and the whole free world getting brought down to it's knees in agony... because 1-voter who might have been effected in some positive way from a political thread at NamePros.

So here it is. Go ahead, post away in this thread. Knock yourselves out.

Try not to hurt anybody. Don't get crazy. And try to keep it contained in THIS thread.

I will make it sticky and highlight it.

P.S. Please do not use this thread to address me personally, or our staff, about policies or decisions on this topic. I, and this staff, do what is best for the peace of the community as a 'whole'. It's not open for discussion. Thank you.


The 2008 NamePros Presidential Campaign Thread is now OPEN. May God help us all. :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
mainline said:
I am here to say that you are totally wrong on this. The media only talked about Obama and how great he is yet they never said anything about people he was associated with. The media also only said bad things about McCain and the Republican party!

Looks to me like the media swayed a lot of people's votes.

I am though giving my opinion from an Australian perspective. I remember people said the media ran with Palin, but people soon saw through it. In Australia Obama and McCain were both looked on and treated evenly IMO.

McCain though had the ball and chain of Bush around his ankle. Palin was portrayed as a bit of a "nutter" here in Aus, to which even her own party said she was, "whacky".

I would agree the media ran with Obamas momentum, everyone loves a winner, the media are no exception i guess.
Congrats to #1 Obama! :tu:
I told you, Dave ... no worries! ;)

-Jeff B-)
mainline said:
To be honest the race issue is the only good thing that has come out of this election...

Also to be honest with you, the only reason racism still thrives in America is because the Black Americans will not let it go.
It's true that many black Americans won't let the racism issue die.

But then, you have groups like the Sons of the Southern Confederacy that won't let it go (yes I know they say they are not racist or prejudice, but who's kidding who?), KK*K and skinheads, broad swaths of rednecks that wont let it go (which is demonstratged by the voting map showing what states were won and lost...almost all the S.E. U.S. went to McCain). Undoubtedly, that was b/c of rednecks voting.

Hell, the confederate flag is still an issue with many folks in the S.E......do you think anyone that supports the confederate flag voted for Obama? I doubt it.

Racism is everywhere......like my friend who comes from a German heritage. It exists in him and his family, but it is very, very silent....not shown openly like rednecks. They even think they are better than some whites. I've concluded they are good people....just ignorant.

Anyways.....I hope Obama gives this racism thing a setback.

Regarding a different subject, I also hope he fixes this broken health care system. YES it is broken. I got an endoscopy done in Brazil at an excellent hospital.....for $42 measly dollars. Here in the U.S. it is $2,800. Don't tell me this system is not broken. The health care industry is literally fuc*ing everyone to death in this country and siphoning their money from their accounts. I would prefer a private health care system....but I don't think that is possible in a pure sense anymore in the U.S.

"Health Care"....THIS is the main reason I chose Obama.....if it were not for that I would have voted for McCain.
RogueWriter said:
Why is it an historic time that people voted for an individual based on his skin color? You can say, oh, I didn't, but look at the % of african american voters that voted for him, and tell me that wasn't based on color.

Wake up and smell the coffee dude, Of course he got the african american vote. That alone doesn't mean he was elected because of his heritage. As Smash broke the numbers down and put it so well:

smashfactory said:
In the end tho, it would seem that experienced or not, voters were disenchanted with mccain. it takes alot with that much experience and history to push voters away.....you want an election based on quality, but an election is based on what the candidates bring to the table. and that was for america to decide, and they did, from all races, income and education levels.

It's sad that people will be so bitter and angry about this election for a long time to come. It is time to embrace our new president and look to the future with optimism.
smashfactory said:
again, i hope to see some merging in our government on our critical issues, and get some of this mess straightened out.

That's a nice thing to wish for, Smash, but I just don't see it playing out that way. There are too many divisive issues, things that you either have to be for or against, and frankly when you have liberals controlling the house and senate, and you elect a liberal President, what, exactly, do you think is going to happen? Out of the goodness of the Liberals' hearts, do you think they are going to ignore their party's platform, just for the opportunity to 'play nice'?
more african-americans did vote democratic this year, but it was not a huge percentage:

in 2004, 12% of the voters were african-american- with 89% of them voting democratic
in 2008, 13% of the voters were african-american- with 95% of them voting democratic

in 2004, 42% of whites voted dem, and 57% voted gop
in 2008- 43% voted dem and 55% voted gop

when people say 95% of african americans voted for obama, and that is why he won, that is misleading- 89% also voted dem in 2004- so the jump in percent was not huge-
as you can see even a small percent of the white vote went to the dem vote-

in 2004, 7% of the gops voted democratic, and gops had 46% of the independant vote-
in 2008, it was 9% of gops that voted dem, and gops had 44% of the independant vote.

lots of numbers, lots of factors- not just one or two.

RogueWriter said:
That's a nice thing to wish for, Smash, but I just don't see it playing out that way. There are too many divisive issues, things that you either have to be for or against, and frankly when you have liberals controlling the house and senate, and you elect a liberal President, what, exactly, do you think is going to happen? Out of the goodness of the Liberals' hearts, do you think they are going to ignore their party's platform, just for the opportunity to 'play nice'?

no, not at all- that would be unrealistic. all issues will never come to the table of great harmony and work itself out. in times like this tho, crisis, which far outweighs your normal day to day party bickering- i am hoping that they can get together on some of the key issues affecting our country, right now, and start making some adjustments. i dont think the liberals would do anything out of the goodness of their hearts, as well as the conservatives would not either.

but somewhere down the line, something has gotta give. this isnt just a few moot issues that are thrown on the table year in and year out- if they DONT get together, and both have some give- then it wouldnt have mattered if mariah carey won- we are all going down anyways. (only, mariah would have a nice song to sing on the way down)
nicedomains said:
Wake up and smell the coffee dude, Of course he got the african american vote. That alone doesn't mean he was elected because of his heritage. As Smash broke the numbers down and put it so well:

It's sad that people will be so bitter and angry about this election for a long time to come. It is time to embrace our new president and look to the future with optimism.

Good Point, nicedomains.

There is no time after any Presidential election to be bitter and angry, We as a country have to move on. support our President-Commander And Chief.
.X. said:
Good Point, nicedomains.

There is no time after any Presidential election to be bitter and angry, We as a country have to move on. support our President-Commander And Chief.

I'm ready to leave the last century in the dust and see what we can all now accomplish. It's a brave new world.
Obama is going to find that it was much easier to run for President than it will be to run the country. He will have a honemoon period with the media but then they will start itching again.

Hope he surrounds himself with good advisors, because he sure will need them. The economy is obviously his main priority and most so called experts say things will get worse before getting better. Give him a grace period because, GW left him a big mess to sort out.

Americans should seriously start becoming less wastefull especially in the amount of energy they use. Don't buy gas guzzling cars, as that will force the auto makers to start producing fuel efficient, hybrid or electric cars in larger quanties. They have the technology but they seem to be holding back on it.

Alternative energy is the future. Stop the dependance on oil, and the world will thank you for it, though Hugo Chavez will be highly pissed off. But who cares about him anyway!

The stock markets are having a really miserable day today. Not a very nice welcome to the new president.
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I am personally not into politics, but I am excited for change. We really need it!!!
His greatest achievement so far has been the enfranchisement of so many new voters who are likely to stay voters now that they realise that they DO have a voice in the selection of their leaders.

He has broadened the power base of the United States of America substantially and will quieten external criticism from other lesser democracies for this reason.

andy (a brit).
"Why is it an historic time that people voted for an individual based on his skin color?"

Because there were so many who voted AGAINST him because of his skin color, and he still WON!!!

Everyone seems a little happier today, well at least the people I know. Today was also a great day for our terrazzo business, closed a nice deal this afternoon, and the rest of the week is starting to shape up nicely.

So much for the CRASH!!!
if there is a lessen to be learned is that we are one nation living in one world. For 8 years I was living as a stranger in my own country because of my religion and my beliefs because of the politics of fear that the Bush administration promoted.

but then came the divisive nature of the republican presidential campaign. suddenly, i wasn't the only one who was 'un-American' but millions of other folks whos views weren't along the lines of the neo conservative party.

stands to reason that if you alienate 2/3s of your electorate, they won't vote for you.
KingDon said:
"Why is it an historic time that people voted for an individual based on his skin color?"

Because there were so many who voted AGAINST him because of his skin color, and he still WON!!!

Everyone seems a little happier today, well at least the people I know. Today was also a great day for our terrazzo business, closed a nice deal this afternoon, and the rest of the week is starting to shape up nicely.

So much for the CRASH!!!

I know right? Thank god the markets didn't dip at all! You'd look like a real winner posting this message even AFTER the markets closed!

Oh .. Wait a second .. US markets didn't close up .. at all!

Dow: -486
S&P: -52
Oil: -$5.23
Gold: -$14.90

.. well then surely there must have been some green for you to make such a post, right KingDon? Let's take a look overseas, at some of our friends in Europe, they must have had a good day!

Oh .. whoops .. European markets plunged about 100 points on average.

So do you still not get it? You're the kid who just brags, and brags, and brags, and doesn't know when to shut his damn mouth.

When you started posting in this thread, I saw you as an educated advocate of Obama, and someone who would be a good member of this forum to debate with. I was wrong. By page 17, I look at you as an ignorant idiot. I'm sorry if I'm offending you, it's not even close to my intent; but why would you post such a message EVEN AFTER THE MARKETS CLOSED! It's like getting the answer key to a test, and where it says "A" you put "D", just because!
.X. said:
...support our President-Commander And Chief.

Isis- Politics of fear? What? I see the revisionist history is alive and well in you, you should write a text book for college liberals.

Seabass said:
It exists in him and his family, but it is very, very silent....not shown openly like rednecks. They even think they are better than some whites. I've concluded they are good people....just ignorant.

Please do not equate rednecks with racism. A racist is a racist, a redneck is not.
".. well then surely there must have been some green for you to make such a post, right KingDon?"

I'm in the service industry, and yes my business ventures are still doing well; I don't dabble in the stock market, and tomorrow when the dow rallys back up I'm sure you'll stop by to explain your deep and insightful comments.

"When you started posting in this thread, I saw you as an educated advocate of Obama, and someone who would be a good member of this forum to debate with. I was wrong. By page 17, I look at you as an ignorant idiot."

Funny how someone with your political ideals looks at me as the ignorant idiot. My how you miss the sentiment of the majority, we're actually tired of your ideals, and that trend will continue to grow. Get used to meeting a lot more ignorant idiots, we now out number you.

"if there is a lessen to be learned is that we are one nation living in one world. For 8 years I was living as a stranger in my own country because of my religion and my beliefs because of the politics of fear that the Bush administration promoted.

but then came the divisive nature of the republican presidential campaign. suddenly, i wasn't the only one who was 'un-American' but millions of other folks whos views weren't along the lines of the neo conservative party.

stands to reason that if you alienate 2/3s of your electorate, they won't vote for you."

I couldn't have said it any better myself, great and accurate comment Isis.
mainline said:
...the only reason racism still thrives in America is because the Black Americans will not let it go.
I'm a white Southerner and I know from first-hand experience that your statement is either ignorant or a bold-faced lie.
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RegFee said:

Er, Thanks, I guess-lol


Isis said:
if there is a lessen to be learned is that we are one nation living in one world. For 8 years I was living as a stranger in my own country because of my religion and my beliefs because of the politics of fear that the Bush administration promoted.

but then came the divisive nature of the republican presidential campaign. suddenly, i wasn't the only one who was 'un-American' but millions of other folks whos views weren't along the lines of the neo conservative party.

stands to reason that if you alienate 2/3s of your electorate, they won't vote for you.

So you think that the Majority of Americans will now not feel the same away about Muslims, Now that Obama will be President?

As i have said, Americans can not tell a non extremist Muslim, from an extremist Muslim, So i don't see a lot of change in that regard. At least not in the RED states you saw last night.

I live in one of those RED states you saw on TV last night, and damned proud of it too. We don't play that shit in my state, and i am grateful for it.
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smashfactory said:
here is my hope.
politicians- they are humans. they all started out the same way we did. somewhere along the line, something happens. it's these very people, who say they are fighting for what they believe in, that cause the great divide amongst americans. are you dem or gop. are you for war or against. are you left or are you right.

but my hope- is that at some point, there is that politican who remains as close to his/her human roots as possible. who can say look, regardless of we are left or right, we have issues...

...thrilled to be alive during this historic time. he seems like a steady, disciplined, intelligent man. i hope he keeps his word, i hope he brings things together, and gets things fixed.

every candidate makes promises, on both sides, and after every election we can only hope they keep them. all i know is, they have alot of work to do.
Exactly my thoughts! A+ post!!!
briman1970 said:
I'm a white Southerner and I know from first-hand experience that your statement is either ignorant or a bold-faced lie.

They watch to much CMT channel, briman. :D

Sure people, us Southerners get our posse together and ride our horses to work everyday.
RogueWriter said:
Please do not equate rednecks with racism. A racist is a racist, a redneck is not.
Just curious RW, in what state do you live?
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