discuss "Outbound Marketing Strategies"

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First, I'd like to ask NP members if any of you use a broker that aggressively uses "outbound" marketing strategies to market domains? Do any of them share how they do it? How much do they charge?

Second, now that I've actually sold some domains the old fashion way, I'm looking to start "outbound marketing" some of my domains my way:xf.wink:

As of this writing I've yet to register TwistatHome:xf.grin:com, but I've done a fair amount of research that if I do end up buying it, I have a plan to market it. First off, many of you old timers remember the dance called "The Twist" by Chubby about the Hula Hoop from the 50's and 60's. Guess what? To this day people are still twisting the night away, and the hula hoop is still somewhat popular. I know critics on NamePros discourage thinking outside the box, but that's what I do. A few observations with regards to TwistatHome...according to HosterStats, someone owned it from April 2017 to May 2020. While it's three words, it's just 11 letters. With Covid-19 any exercise "at home" has become a big deal....why not "Twist at Home:xf.rolleyes:"

Like I said I haven't registered it yet, and I would have registered it at Epik if it weren't for the fact they don't have an outbound marketing strategy, and they just won't work with me:xf.frown: I'll probably register it at GD for the their name adds value when presenting it to potential "end users".

Anyone else looking to do something similar? Anyone know of a broker who employees "outbound marketing", or one interested in partnering? Thanks
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Anyone else looking to do something similar? Anyone know of a broker who employees "outbound marketing", or one interested in partnering? Thanks

So you want to invest $8.49 .. and then have someone else do hours of work for 15% of a domain that will likely not even sell via reasonable outbound efforts?

You said many many many times that you have countless years of success in business and sales .. so again I'll ask .. why not do the outbound yourself?

Ultimately what you're trying to do is not new .. we just don't get into it here because IT IS NOT DOMAINING (for the 100th time) .. it is what's known as business development. When you take a new business concept and look for someone to start it as a business, it is called .. please say it out loud .. business development.

There is NOTHING wrong with business development .. people make tons of money starting new businesses all the time .. it's just that this conversation of your made up dream businesses are not appropriate here because it is NOT domaining .. it is BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT! Again .. to be clear .. IS NOT domaining .. IS business development!

There might or might not be value in the business concepts you come up with ... but when you couple those ideas with worthless hand-reg domains .. those domains are still completely worthless until you actually start to develop the business. To expect a domain registrar to outbound your worthless domains based on the domain value alone it absolutely absurd.

What would not be absurd is if you had a good business concept, and then hired someone specialised in business development or someone who specialises in finding venture capital .. and hire that person to find you people to sell the business to or to invest in your business concepts.

and I would have registered it at Epik if it weren't for the fact they don't have an outbound marketing strategy, and they just won't work with me:xf.frown:

Do you really expect @epik (@Rob Monster) or any other registrar to outbound every single hand registration domain? lol x 1000 ... I'm really not sure why you singled them out specifically when it's the same with pretty much every registrar out there. Seems like a cheap shot for personal reasons (which does not surprise me with you given your history of attacking people who have tried to help you). The fact you said that just proves how completely disconnected you are with the realities and differences between domaining and business development.

Most importantly .. you constantly boast of how much experience you have in business .. why do you keep trying to get people to do the actual work for you if you're so good at it? Just do the work yourself .. you have massive experience in sales .. pick up the phone yourself!

PS .. Did I say what you're talking about was business development and NOT domaining?
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First, I'd like to ask NP members if any of you use a broker that aggressively uses "outbound" marketing strategies to market domains?

Yes, I use
So you want to invest $8.49 .. and then have someone else do hours of work for 15% of a domain that will likely not even sell via reasonable outbound efforts?

You said many many many times that you have countless years of success in business and sales .. so again I'll ask .. why not do the outbound yourself?

Ultimately what you're trying to do is not new .. we just don't get into it here because IT IS NOT DOMAINING (for the 100th time) .. it is what's known as business development. When you take a new business concept and look for someone to start it as a business, it is called .. please say it out loud .. business development.

There is NOTHING wrong with business development .. people make tons of money starting new businesses all the time .. it's just that this conversation of your made up dream businesses are not appropriate here because it is NOT domaining .. it is BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT! Again .. to be clear .. IS NOT domaining .. IS business development!

There might or might not be value in the business concepts you come up with ... but when you couple those ideas with worthless hand-reg domains .. those domains are still completely worthless until you actually start to develop the business. To expect a domain registrar to outbound your worthless domains based on the domain value alone it absolutely absurd.

What would not be absurd is if you had a good business concept, and then hired someone specialised in business development or someone who specialises in finding venture capital .. and hire that person to find you people to sell the business to or to invest in your business concepts.

Do you really expect @epik (@Rob Monster) or any other registrar to outbound every single hand registration domain? lol x 1000 ... I'm really not sure why you singled them out specifically when it's the same with pretty much every registrar out there. Seems like a cheap shot for personal reasons (which does not surprise me with you given your history of attacking people who have tried to help you). The fact you said that just proves how completely disconnected you are with the realities and differences between domaining and business development.

Most importantly .. you constantly boast of how much experience you have in business .. why do you keep trying to get people to do the actual work for you if you're so good at it? Just do the work yourself .. you have massive experience in sales .. pick up the phone yourself!

PS .. Did I say what you're talking about was business development and NOT domaining?
Wow! don't give up do you? If I'm not looking to develop a domain I just bought like ", but rather sell the DOMAIN to someone who might want to develop it, that's not domaining:xf.rolleyes: You really need to give it a rest and get off my back. You don't have a CLUE what you're talking about, and anyone serious about this business should easily recognize that. For the LAST time, buying a domain and seeking an "End User" to buy it from you is DOMAINING regardless of how you define it. Now leave me alone and please STOP stalking and harassing me....PLEASE!!!!
First, I'd like to ask NP members if any of you use a broker that aggressively uses "outbound" marketing strategies to market domains? Do any of them share how they do it? How much do they charge?

Second, now that I've actually sold some domains the old fashion way, I'm looking to start "outbound marketing" some of my domains my way:xf.wink:

As of this writing I've yet to register TwistatHome:xf.grin:com, but I've done a fair amount of research that if I do end up buying it, I have a plan to market it. First off, many of you old timers remember the dance called "The Twist" by Chubby about the Hula Hoop from the 50's and 60's. Guess what? To this day people are still twisting the night away, and the hula hoop is still somewhat popular. I know critics on NamePros discourage thinking outside the box, but that's what I do. A few observations with regards to TwistatHome...according to HosterStats, someone owned it from April 2017 to May 2020. While it's three words, it's just 11 letters. With Covid-19 any exercise "at home" has become a big deal....why not "Twist at Home:xf.rolleyes:"

Like I said I haven't registered it yet, and I would have registered it at Epik if it weren't for the fact they don't have an outbound marketing strategy, and they just won't work with me:xf.frown: I'll probably register it at GD for the their name adds value when presenting it to potential "end users".

Anyone else looking to do something similar? Anyone know of a broker who employees "outbound marketing", or one interested in partnering? Thanks

I know some spammers. Usually they sell Viagra or SEO services but give them the right monetary incentive and they will spam your domains, no questions asked.

If you want I can forward you some contacts from my spam folder.
I know some spammers. Usually they sell Viagra or SEO services but give them the right monetary incentive and they will spam your domains, no questions asked.

If you want I can forward you some contacts from my spam folder.
Dirk...i know you're just being facetious, but if I'm looking to sell one of my realty domains to an established realtor or someone just just out of school, that's not spamming:xf.rolleyes: Same thing goes for restaurant names, and selling them to culinary students who will be starting restaurants someday. Let me give you an example Dirk. I live on an Island in Virginia Beach called Bay Island. The water running by my property is called "Long Creek" where about 400 homeowners reside. Dirk, I own the domain that I created once I learned there are over 300M in properties on the creek. Furthermore, there are 10-20 realtors on the Island where I live, and you think it would be spamming them to let them know they could own for $1,200 or $100 a month? Dirk, if I were a realtor on the Island and a neighbor of mine didn't tell me it was available to buy, I might be pissed. Do you have a clue why? Now if I stalked and harassed them to buy it like I'm being stalked and harassed on NP, that's another story. Make sense?
Most of the outbound stuff we are doing at Epik is centered on video and social media, notably Twitter where individual videos get viewed hundreds of thousands of times and have some prospect for viral propagation.

It is not free to produce these videos but we do them for (1) great domains, and (2) people we enjoy helping.

We do also compile highly targeted lists using licensed databases for marketing specific domains to decision makers with budget authority.

We are looking at more non-spam strategies for getting domains in front of decision-makers as we accelerate efforts to educate more folks about the strategic value of domain names.

Overall, I would say it is working. We doubled the business in 2019. Lord-willing, we may grow the business by 3-fold in 2020. We'll see but things look really promising.

For anyone interested, here are some sample videos to check out. I am pretty sure there is no other domain marketing company that has anything remotely close, let alone produced at scale.

Premium Asset Models

Collection of 2-Letter Names (English)

Collection of 2-Letter Names (Chinese)

Oklahoma.City (Future Geo Name Model)

June 2020 Premium Domain Showcase Model

Epik TLD / gTLD Promotional Examples

.GAME (Hot concept video model with gameplay)

.CO Domain Name Promotion

Ultimate .GUITARS Collection Introduction

Resonator.Guitars - Justin Johnson

Acoustic.Guitars - Imad Fares

Bass.Guitars 1 - Aram Bedrosian

Bass.Guitars 2 - Davide Biale

Steel.Guitars 1 - Brian Lock

Steel.Guitars 2 - Doug Beaumier

Classical.Guitars - Estas Tonne
Wow! don't give up do you?
... or one interested in partnering?

It's your constant not-so-subtle fishing for partners / investors in each of these "concept" posts you essentially copy/paste every month or two that YES .. will have me step to speak the truth.

You say one thing in vague convoluted ways, so that when confronted, what you wrote seems vague enough that you can twist things in a different direction. (Hey look .. you're "Twisting at home" on your PC)

Like I said I haven't registered it yet, and I would have registered it at Epik if it weren't for the fact they don't have an outbound marketing strategy, and they just won't work with me:xf.frown:

Also didn't help me stay quiet when for some reason you singled out @epik (@Rob Monster) to shine a negative light on, when in fact they are no different from any other registrar in this regard.

Fact of the matter is that you're asking brokers/partners to invest time or money in a bad investment. At best is a $1000-$2000 domain with a 0.5% theoretical sell-through-rate (likely closer to 0.1%) .. as such the total investment threshold on such a domain is somewhere between $1 and $7.50 a year including time and money.

I am NOT saying it's necessarily a horrible domain to use if someone *** IF *** they started a company related to doing the twist at home. But I am saying that it's a poor investment because the chances of that company existing +AND+ finding that domain +AND+ willing to pay the markup despite there being multiple equally good alternatives = excessively low.

The additional time/expense necessary most certainly would not be even close to being worth it.

Most importantly .. who are they going to outbound it to ???

That's why I'm saying what you're talking about with outbounding this domain is not domaining, but business development. You're dreaming up business ideas like doing the twist at home and dreaming up a domain to go with it .. but even if it actually was a good domain, you would still need to sell the business concept for there to be any demand at all for the otherwise worthless/virtually-zero-demand domain (in this case it's still close to worthless anyways, but that's besides the point .. you haven't actually bought it yet .. so can't really give you too much grief for that .. lol)

I'm looking to start "outbound marketing" some of my domains my way:xf.wink:
Anyone know of a broker who employees "outbound marketing", or one interested in partnering? Thanks

At the end of the day all you do is keep posting the same thing over and over again. You say you have ideas that will change the industry. You trash and attack pretty much everyone else. You say you have tons of experience in creating businesses and sales. But all you end up doing is constantly fish for people to help you or do the work for you or invest in your "plans"/"concepts".

Most importantly .. I'm not even against people coming up with business concepts and looking for partners or investors .. but be straight forward about .. and most importantly .. do it at the proper venue.

And if you truly were expecting a professional DOMAIN broker to sell without also needing to sell the business concept, then .. well .. it's best I end my post here ... :xf.eek::xf.confused:O_o:xf.rolleyes::banghead:
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Such a great domain 👍
I have SOCALY.COM ;) more than 10,000 domains registered with SOCAL

BTW the landing with yt video a bit not optimized for mobile
Most of the outbound stuff we are doing at Epik is centered on video and social media, notably Twitter where individual videos get viewed hundreds of thousands of times and have some prospect for viral propagation.

It is not free to produce these videos but we do them for (1) great domains, and (2) people we enjoy helping.

We do also compile highly targeted lists using licensed databases for marketing specific domains to decision makers with budget authority.

We are looking at more non-spam strategies for getting domains in front of decision-makers as we accelerate efforts to educate more folks about the strategic value of domain names.

Overall, I would say it is working. We doubled the business in 2019. Lord-willing, we may grow the business by 3-fold in 2020. We'll see but things look really promising.

For anyone interested, here are some sample videos to check out. I am pretty sure there is no other domain marketing company that has anything remotely close, let alone produced at scale.

Thanks for chiming in Rob Monster. Allow me to share with you and NP members an "outbound" strategy I'm developing for two domains i recently registered; TwistatHome and BroadBayRealty.

"Twist at Home" - first, you need to ask yourself if there's a market for home based exercise programs? The answer: YES. Then you need to ask yourself how big the market is? The answer: It's HUGE. How big is it? The answer: 25 Billion Dollar Plus. Who should be your target audience? The Answer: Fitness Center Owners, Managers of Fitness Centers, PE Majors, Fitness Guru's etc. Other than email, I'm giving some thought to snail mail. There's obviously a cost associated with it, but it should be tested.

"BroadBayRealty" While "Twist at Home" has global implications, "BroadBayRealty" is what I believe they call a GEO domain. I know a lot of you have sold GEO domains successfully, and I happen to know that Rob Monster lives in a similar area to mine, so I'm issuing a challenge to him how he would "outbound market" a similar domain in his area. What I do know about my area....i live on Broad Bay Island, is that there at least 100 realtors and maybe a half dozen brokers in the Broad Bay area. Also, since I've lived here for almost 50 years I'm aware there are over 1000 homes valued at over 400M Dollars in the area. Armed with that knowledge, I plan on attempting to sell the domain I just paid $8.50 for, for at least $1,800. Also, I just spent $10 to register the name "Broad Bay Realty" with the SCC here in Virginia so that anyone who buys the name can be assured they can start a business using that name.

Anyway Rob....thanks for your input, and I hope we can learn from each other.
Such a great domain 👍
I have SOCALY.COM ;) more than 10,000 domains registered with SOCAL

BTW the landing with yt video a bit not optimized for mobile sir are right, that is a great name. Now how do you think something similar can be done for a name I just registered If a video like that could be made (and I know it could) featuring homes on Broad Bay and Fishing, Sailing, Paddle Boarding and Kayaking on Broad Bay, there's a domain that could be sold for 10K Plus easily. Rob...are you listening?
Dirk...i know you're just being facetious, but if I'm looking to sell one of my realty domains to an established realtor or someone just just out of school, that's not spamming:xf.rolleyes: Same thing goes for restaurant names, and selling them to culinary students who will be starting restaurants someday. Let me give you an example Dirk. I live on an Island in Virginia Beach called Bay Island. The water running by my property is called "Long Creek" where about 400 homeowners reside. Dirk, I own the domain that I created once I learned there are over 300M in properties on the creek. Furthermore, there are 10-20 realtors on the Island where I live, and you think it would be spamming them to let them know they could own for $1,200 or $100 a month? Dirk, if I were a realtor on the Island and a neighbor of mine didn't tell me it was available to buy, I might be pissed. Do you have a clue why? Now if I stalked and harassed them to buy it like I'm being stalked and harassed on NP, that's another story. Make sense?

Richard, I know you may think I'm not serious but I am. I can forward you the contacts of a domainer who will go above and beyond to spam your names all over the place. They're not fooling around. Tricking each and every buyer into buying just about anything. They usually ask $100 upwards a name, which might pay off handsomely with a portfolio your size. again, not kidding.
Epik's approach of using video to promote a domain or collection of similar names sounds more appealing than outbound but video development comes at a cost and would only be practical for a realistic five -figure or higher payoff. Domains are illiquid and unappreciated by 99.99% of potential end users. After more than a decade in this space I see no evidence of that changing.
Videos actually aren't that difficult or expensive to produce these days .. but the real question is .. what do you do with the video after you've made it?

The true cost comes in the distribution of the video .. essentially advertising.

It makes sense for Epik to do it because ultimately they can justify the cost due to the massive price tags of those ultra premium domains .. combined with the fact that at the end of the day it's more an ad for Epik than it ever could be for specific individual domains.

So it still makes sense for Epik to use those videos as advertisement even if they never lead to a direct sale.

More importantly .. there isn't anything in a video that would convince a buyer to buy a specific domain beyond what you could already include in an email or 2 minute phone call. If the domain is a fit for them and they need a domain, then they will get it if the price makes sense to them. Having a flashy video will make virtually zero difference. Certainly not enough to justify the time/energy and expense.

For example, if there truly are 100 real estate agents in a region where there are over 1,000 homes priced over $400 million (I'm thinking you made a typo), then that particular is a great Hand-Reg, and you should be able to sell it for over $1800 without any video .. what more could you put in a video that you can't put in a short email?

If the real estate data you mentioned is accurate, and you had a portfolio of domains similar to that you acquired at handreg or even $25 each. Then if you priced them at $2500 each I'm pretty sure you would exceed a 1% annual sell-through and have a profitable portfolio.

That's the difference between a domain like TwistAtHome and BroadBayRealty .. in that (based on the datayou put above), BroadBayRealty has existing potential buyers. It's not a domain that also needs for you to develop a business in order for there to be even a single potential buyer. TwistAtHome is so randomly obscure it's natural sell-through rate would be well under %0.1 (inbound) even at $1000 .. but a Geo+Realty domain in a hot market easily has 2% to even 5+% sell-through (inbound) at $2500. Fill a portfolio with one type and you're burning money .. fill your portfolio with the other type and you're going to make money in the long term.

Ultimately the road to success as a domainer is being able to see and understand the difference between those two types. If you buy things smart enough, you don't even need to be 100% right 100% of the time. I'll be the first to admit I have domains I got earlier on that I never should have got (even at closeout), but thankfully overall I'm more right than I am wrong, and more importantly I'm able to find my domains at a huge value/discount .. which ultimately results in a profitable portfolio in the long term.

I don't do outbound because my portfolio is profitable on inbound only and until recently I had a non-internet full time job as well as doing many other side projects. But I just don't get why you constantly use the excuse of others not wanting to work with you or for you?

You have the spare time .. and you seem determined to outbound .. I just don't understand why you wouldn't just call or email those 100 people in question? You've claimed more times than I can even imagine that you have an amazing history in business and sales .. why are you so afraid to actually do your own outbound? I mean it's almost like you're deliberately self-sabotaging yourself by bringing up distractions like using snail mail. If you spent as much time/energy in actually doing outbound as you do trying to get people to do the actual work for you, then you might actually make some more sales.
Richard, I know you may think I'm not serious but I am. I can forward you the contacts of a domainer who will go above and beyond to spam your names all over the place. They're not fooling around. Tricking each and every buyer into buying just about anything. They usually ask $100 upwards a name, which might pay off handsomely with a portfolio your size. again, not kidding.
That sounds like it may be spamming or a shotgun approach, but I take more of a custom targeted approach. I generally research my targets in order to customize my emails. One of the names I just mentioned, I already have some interest, and I've only sent four emails. I'll let you know how it turns out because I do expect to sell the name by year end:xf.wink:
That sounds like it may be spamming or a shotgun approach, but I take more of a custom targeted approach. I generally research my targets in order to customize my emails. One of the names I just mentioned, I already have some interest, and I've only sent four emails. I'll let you know how it turns out because I do expect to sell the name by year end:xf.wink:

Good luck. You should be able to sell that one. Nice domain.
One of the names I just mentioned, I already have some interest, and I've only sent four emails. I'll let you know how it turns out because I do expect to sell the name by year end:xf.wink:

That .. *IS* domaining. If the data on the region that you posted above are true and you've priced it at $1800 and continue to contact 4 prospects a week. Then I would say it's a safe bet you sell the domain well before the end of the year.

In fact .. even if you didn't do any outbound it would still be domaining because it doesn't require you also pushing/helping/explaining to the person how to start the business.
That .. *IS* domaining. If the data on the region that you posted above are true and you've priced it at $1800 and continue to contact 4 prospects a week. Then I would say it's a safe bet you sell the domain well before the end of the year.

In fact .. even if you didn't do any outbound it would still be domaining because it doesn't require you also pushing/helping/explaining to the person how to start the business.
Well what do you know, I am a domainer after all. Now back on topic for "Outbound Marketing Strategies" When I speak of "target rich" environment/industries, the real estate industry is a perfect example. Do you know how many realtors there are in the world? How about brokers? How many new realtors or brokers entering the market every year, every month, every day? Are they looking of a "needle in a haystack" domain? I think not, and therein lies a HUGE
Good luck. You should be able to sell that one. Nice domain. are some tips I shared on another thread about outbound emails;

Tip #1 Personalize your message as much as possible. I use Linkedin a lot, and may find where someone went to school, what they studied or what other positions they held.

Tip #2 In most cases I don't share a price since I'm only seeking interest

Tip #3 You never get a second chance to make a first impression so look sharp. By that I mean have the domain you're displaying look good

Tip #4 I have a program thru Linkedin where I can "direct message" someone. It's more effective than traditional email

Tip #5 If you've given it your best shot with no response, no need to follow up. That's when "end user" might get pissed
Tip #5 If you've given it your best shot with no response, no need to follow up. That's when "end user" might get pissed
Try following up, Rich. Don't give up after one contact. Sometimes your email or message gets lost in your contact's mailbox.

I've made more than one sale simply by following up after not hearing back the first time.
Try following up, Rich. Don't give up after one contact. Sometimes your email or message gets lost in your contact's mailbox.

I've made more than one sale simply by following up after not hearing back the first time.
I majored in Economics, and if I recall there's something called "The Law of Diminishing Returns" Now I might change things up a little, but I don't waste my time sending a second email.

Just for the record, while researching potential "end users" for BroadBayRealty, I happened to run into a local realtor who owns the domain To make a long story short we've connected on Linkedin, and we're to get together to explore all the possibilities. Ironically she and here husband own and eBike franchise called Pegego, and I've been looking to buy an eBike. My main point is that buying a domain like "Broad Bay Realty" is a total waste unless you have an "outbound" strategy of some sort.

Here's a challenge for you Joe and readers, I just registered a domain very similar to ComfortSpring, but because that was taken I was able to pick up the plural. GD values the plural version at $1,578 and Nameworth values it at $7,450, and even Estibot/Epik values it at $170 when i was expecting a valuation of zero. This is another domain I would not have purchased unless I'd done my homework to determine there are potential buyers....especially anybody and everybody in the "spring" business.

Again my point is, unless you have an "outbound" strategy for most domains, you're just pizzn in the wind:xf.rolleyes:
I majored in Economics, and if I recall there's something called "The Law of Diminishing Returns" Now I might change things up a little, but I don't waste my time sending a second email.
It's about ten seconds per follow-up. So even at a 1% success rate, you're only spending an additional 15 minutes in total per sale. The returns are only diminishing if you're doing it wrong, or spending too much time on your follow-up emails. :)

Here's a challenge for you Joe and readers, I just registered a domain very similar to ComfortSpring, but because that was taken I was able to pick up the plural. GD values the plural version at $1,578 and Nameworth values it at $7,450, and even Estibot/Epik values it at $170 when i was expecting a valuation of zero. This is another domain I would not have purchased unless I'd done my homework to determine there are potential buyers....especially anybody and everybody in the "spring" business.
What's the challenge?
It's about ten seconds per follow-up. So even at a 1% success rate, you're only spending an additional 15 minutes in total per sale. The returns are only diminishing if you're doing it wrong, or spending too much time on your follow-up emails. :)

What's the challenge?
How and to whom would you employ an "outbound" strategy to market/sell ComfortSprings to? I know it requires a little thinking outside the box, but that's the challenge:xf.wink:
How and to whom would you employ an "outbound" strategy to market/sell ComfortSprings to? I know it requires a little thinking outside the box, but that's the challenge:xf.wink:
Kick us off with your own strategy, since it's your domain and you started the thread. And then our challenge can be to improve upon it.
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Kick us off with your own strategy, since it's your domain and you started the thread. And then our challenge can be to improve upon it.
OK. but I'm busy the next few days. I'll share my strategy by
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