opinion How to know who at NamePros knows and who blows - general advice to Newbies and to all

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Do you know, or blow?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • I know!

  • I blow!

  • It depends.

  • Er...I'll get back to you on that one.

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XYNames.comTop Member
As Kenny has said
take everything you read in this thread with a grain of salt.
Some members know what they are talking about, some don't, but everyone has an opinion, and it shouldn't take you very long to figure out who knows and who blows..
the point being...don't assume because someone writes a long treatise on something that he knows what he is talking about, or that a short couple liner post means that the person isn't in the know. Just because someone speaks authoritatively or long windedly doesn't necessarily mean he has any real experience with domaining. And a person who makes just a few word post in poor English might really know what's up.

Is the person posting about what he thinks is right in theory, or based on actual experience? Has the person been proven wrong / called out in past posts? Is there some self-serving motive behind the post?

Look at the person posting...has s/he had any regular sales? What kind of domains is s/he acquiring or holding? Make an informed decision, on who knows, and who blows!
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Some people know but their attitudes blow.

Like everyone here, I know more than some but not as much as others.
That one may smile and smile, and be a villain. Or, to put it another way, not from Shakespeare, be the politest most diplomatic guy and be a doddering old fool when it comes to his content.

Yes, great intellect sometimes comes with great ego, and it shouldn't, but I think what is said is sometimes (not always) more important than how it is said.
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who knows, and who blows!

if you've been around a while
and have read thru thousands of posts and threads....
you'll come to recognize
who's feet fit in what shoes,
as they walk along or stumble off....the path of domaining.

There is always something to learn and I been a newbie 20 years. Whether it is a warning, just advice or a bit of networking the forum is a great place to interact with others with similar interests. The only thing I hate about newbies is the misuse of likes. I don't blame them for knowing nothing but please steer them right but stop the delusion for them this is hard work like any sales job. If someone asks for someone to speculate or for an appraisal it is no grounds for use of dislike button should you disagree with numbers. Most appraisers usually explain their logic and have given their time.. The dislike button should be reserved for incorrect facts rather than differences of opinion. Respect that opinion and ask if others agree or not. It is getting to the point that many won't express their VALUABLE thoughts if it may differ from those of the poster or even the mob. These valuable thoughts come from people competent enough to speculate and help research for you it is about time respect is drummed into some.
Sometimes problem nowadays is that if you give proper advice to some newbies they get aggressive if it doesn't works like they expected.

Example Appraisal section. Try giving an honest appraisal to a newbie and you are bound to offend him/her 9 out of 10 times.
There is always something to learn and I been a newbie 20 years. Whether it is a warning, just advice or a bit of networking the forum is a great place to interact with others with similar interests. The only thing I hate about newbies is the misuse of likes. I don't blame them for knowing nothing but please steer them right but stop the delusion for them this is hard work like any sales job. If someone asks for someone to speculate or for an appraisal it is no grounds for use of dislike button should you disagree with numbers. Most appraisers usually explain their logic and have given their time.. The dislike button should be reserved for incorrect facts rather than differences of opinion. Respect that opinion and ask if others agree or not. It is getting to the point that many won't express their VALUABLE thoughts if it may differ from those of the poster or even the mob. These valuable thoughts come from people competent enough to speculate and help research for you it is about time respect is drummed into some.

I'm a natural born newbie. :)
This is the sort of thing I am talking about
OK I don't know is my expert opinion but that usually does not stop me from commenting
the compulsion to post no matter what.

i.e. <<Let me be the first to respond by saying I don't know but I will post anyways.>>

If you come right out and admit that you don't know, why blow? :xf.grin:
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If you come right out and admit that you don't know, why blow? :xf.grin:

I think it's responsible for those who don't know, to say they don't know beforehand, rather than blowing without disclaimers.

This way, somebody who does know, can correct the one who doesn't know -- if they're feeling charitable with their time. And the person who does know, will know how someone who doesn't know, thinks about what they know.

Na mean?
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Well may we assume safely that one who says <<that usually does not stop me from commenting>> has frequently ("usually") blown, WITHOUT the "I don't know" disclaimer?

Na mean?
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Well may we assume safely that one who says <<that usually does not stop me from commenting>> has frequently blown, WITHOUT the "I don't know" disclaimer?

I don't think I'm a qualified authority to say what is and what isn't safe to assume regarding his know to blow ratio. You seem to be much more in the know of this users know to blow ratio than me.

For comparison sake, here's the amount of times each of y'all used the string "I don't know" on nP.

You: 31
Him: 82

But that's not an accurate measure of your question.

And I'm not entirely sure what the issue is.

The way I see it, (speaking for myself)

I hold your (xynames) opinion in high regard.

As far as I know, your experiences aren't as well documented in the domain industry as lawyers such as @jberryhill. I'm not entirely sure what type of law you practice, or if it extends to domain law, I'm just going off the general nP knowledge that XYnames is a lawyer. I apologize for not knowing this if it's supposed to be common nP knowledge. And I would wholeheartedly love to read some of your domain related cases if they're public record.

The point being, regardless of your experiences, I know (assume) you're a lawyer. And I think it's safe to assume that the average lawyer is smarter than the average nP member.

Though the average lawyer is smarter than the average nP member, it doesn't mean a lawyer will always know more than the average nP member. Sure, the average nP member will (or should) learn more than the average lawyer will learn in nP discussion, but don't discount the average nP member for being unable to teach the average lawyer anything. The average namePros member might have to say 100 things before the average lawyer learns something new. Does this mean the average namePros member has to tell the average lawyer 100 things if they want to be reciprocal to the one thing the average lawyer taught them?

How much nonsense does one have to subject themselves to before saying enough is enough?

Based off the time is money principle...

(X) lawyers time = $100/hour
( Y ) Minimum wage = $7.25 (round up to $10 for arguments sake)

If a lawyer (X) writes 100 words, does minimum wage member ( Y ) need to write 1,000 words to be equally reciprocal of lawyer (X)'s time?

Or is ( Y )'s 1,000 words seen as a waste of time for lawyer (X)?

Does the community (XYZ) all see ( Y )'s 1,000 words as a waste of time?

Then comes the questions:

Do you want everyone to know you're a lawyer?

Does everyone who's reading your content know you're a lawyer?

And, if nP had the option, would you wear, or want to a "Lawyer" badge?

I think it would be great if members wanted to showcase their education accomplishments, and it would be better for the community if those who are, wanted to identify themselves, to help with ones judgement of who knows, who blows, and/or whos educated and knows/blows.

Long posts generally blow. Not because they don't know. Because they're long.

Short posts generally blow as well. Not because they don't know. Because they're short.

Thus this post blows.

My hopes are that overtime, I will learn the poetic nature of someone like @biggie . He is a true master of words. imo
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Interesting, wouldn't mind some more research on what context I used the term "I don't know" I would assume I used it more in the context of "I don't know if..." etc., meaning as a nominative phrase modifying whatever is said next, as in
Okay! let me put in my two cents worth here. If you have say an Afternic BIN of 5500 and a floor of 4500 , and the domain ends up sold for 5000, they will go in after the fact and change the BIN to 5000. Just the way they do it. I don't know if they do it this way every time, but I noticed it once or twice.

or in seeking clarification of what someone said
I don’t know what you mean by “and/or” but all my domains are listed at Afternic.

It is in fact a lawyerly habit to use the phrase "I think" or "I don't know" in these ways, not at all typical for a lawyer to use the phrase I don't know to mean - I don't know! which is however the flat out way Bob used it in the quotation I provided.

Also I think you might have received false positives :-P, for example here, I quoted someone saying "I don't know," versus saying it myself:

In searching the times I appeared to have said "I don't know," turns out more than a few times I was merely quoting someone else who said it!

Here's another false positive of a different sort, where I used the phrase "I don't know" to mean, a person unfamiliar to me, a stranger:
I will accept PayPal from people I don't know,

And again, not used to mean that I don't know something:
If you don't wanna accept that I don't know what else I can do for you.

Here again, not used to mean I don't know the answer:
Much ado about nothing, you don't need a crystal ball to know that this sale will not happen for $1880. or anywhere close. If people in this thread can't see that, then I don't know what more to say.

I didn't look at all 31 instances of my using the phrase "I don't know" but glancing over them, couldn't find too many instances where I used it to mean that I did not know something. Anyway, what I am saying is that your research proves nothing, if your point was that I tend to use the phrase as much as the other guy, because I don't use it to mean that I blow!
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Nobody knows any, they are all encouraging each tother to buy the most bullshit names and call it investment
Oh look I shit out a 7 letter 'brand' 'name', now give me 5000 dollars
Nobody knows any, they are all encouraging each tother to buy the most bullsh*t names and call it investment
Oh look I sh*t out a 7 letter 'brand' 'name', now give me 5000 dollars

Why are you so angry?
Here's another false positive of a different sort, where I used the phrase "I don't know"


You could analyze both of y'all's "I don't know" all day if you want. But your time is valuable. And the community (and yourself) will probably appreciate your time and expertise spent on other areas.

What I found regarding the "I don't know" string is

that's not an accurate measure of your question.

I'm still interested on hearing your thoughts on the other parts of my comment
I would wholeheartedly love to read some of your domain related cases if they're public record.

The point being, regardless of your experiences, I know (assume) you're a lawyer. And I think it's safe to assume that the average lawyer is smarter than the average nP member.

Though the average lawyer is smarter than the average nP member, it doesn't mean a lawyer will always know more than the average nP member. Sure, the average nP member will (or should) learn more than the average lawyer will learn in nP discussion, but don't discount the average nP member for being unable to teach the average lawyer anything. The average namePros member might have to say 100 things before the average lawyer learns something new. Does this mean the average namePros member has to tell the average lawyer 100 things if they want to be reciprocal to the one thing the average lawyer taught them?

How much nonsense does one have to subject themselves to before saying enough is enough?

Based off the time is money principle...

(X) lawyers time = $100/hour
( Y ) Minimum wage = $7.25 (round up to $10 for arguments sake)

If a lawyer (X) writes 100 words, does minimum wage member ( Y ) need to write 1,000 words to be equally reciprocal of lawyer (X)'s time?

Or is ( Y )'s 1,000 words seen as a waste of time for lawyer (X)?

Does the community (XYZ) all see ( Y )'s 1,000 words as a waste of time?

Then comes the questions:

Do you want everyone to know you're a lawyer?

Does everyone who's reading your content know you're a lawyer?

And, if nP had the option, would you wear, or want to a "Lawyer" badge?
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Well, spending a lot of time analyzing data and what people said is what you did here.

I was merely retorting.
As far as the other part of what you posted, I like my posts to stand on their content, versus merely because I am a lawyer. As you've perhaps seen, I've occasionally torn apart the posts of another lawyer, partly because they were legally incorrect, partly because they sounded like fustian.

As I have also said, I am not interested in legal clients from Namepros. Let's face it, people come here to get free advice. Suggest to someone at NP that he pay you anything for your legal or other advice and he will usually pucker up faster than a cowfish.
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Well, spending a lot of time analyzing data and what people said is what you did here.

I was merely retorting.

Fair enough.

I included the

that's not an accurate measure of your question.

Because I realized your uses of "I dont know" were irrelevant to the I don't know disclaimer we're talking about. Merely reporting on the text string "I don't know" seeing how I'm not evolved enough to write some type of script to send forth some sort of AI to do it for me.

Still, thank you for the retort (retortation? lol.) I was hoping to save you the time.
Also, as I have always said, I am not interested in legal clients from Namepros.

I can't speak for everyone else, I was just asking to look over your domain related cases, because

(a) I tend to enjoy what you have to say on nP and would probably enjoy/learn from what you have to say when somebody else is paying you on their behalf. E.g. the research you provide here is pro bono. I assume the research done on behalf of clients is next level?

(b) It would help validate your credibility. When I read domain cases, and see a lawyer consistently coming up with solid and winning arguments for their clients, it reinforces them as being a lawyer who knows, opposed to a lawyer who blows.
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@Grilled and @xynames
Your discussion is scary :peeking::xf.grin:

No, not really, just kidding. I found it interesting that you took the time to count/analyze the use of certain strings/phrases in this forum. Seems like a boring topic, but in fact is quite interesting when you dig deeper. I try to forget what I learned in linguistics, but as far as I know analyzing the way some people write can help to identify them on the internet. Your discussion reminds me about that.

But anyway...quite offtopic, but had the urge to comment this. :)
I found it interesting that you took the time to count/analyze the use of certain strings/phrases in this forum.

For the record I didn't count each post one by one.

I used the nP search feature.

Searched string: "I don't know"

By specific user.

And noted the total number search results displayed at the bottom of each search result.
For the record I didn't count each post one by one.

I used the nP search feature.

Searched string: "I don't know"

By specific user.

And noted the total number search results displayed at the bottom of each search result.

Yeah, I thought so - everything else would have been crazy :-D
Still interesting :)
I know one thing for sure

There are lots of things I don't know :xf.laugh:
I know one thing for sure

There are lots of things I don't know :xf.laugh:

and when it comes to domaining

there are a lot of things, that don't matter if i know or not


how many domains were reported as sold, yesterday
who was speaker on podcast or webinar
what amount MM sold his last domain name for
what is best registrar
who brokered what
etc, etc

just saying....

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