Holo vs VR vs MR vs AR vs any other reality (All realities)

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Of course there will be a rare sale or two. Enjoy your successful one off sale, because it won't happen again.

Rare, random sales are not what makes an industry keyword profitable and you know it. There are scattered sales for the most obscure keywords...and you won't invest in them for a reason. But because you've already invested in IOT you will keep trying to justify your wasted money in order to sleep better at night.
Of course there will be a rare sale or two. Enjoy your successful one off sale, because it won't happen again.

Rare, random sales are not what makes an industry keyword profitable and you know it. There are scattered sales for the most obscure keywords...and you won't invest in them for a reason. But because you've already invested in IOT you will keep trying to justify your wasted money in order to sleep better at night.

Silly me. I forgot one on my previous list:

Blended Reality = BR

Sorry Brazil for using your country code lol.

'Blended Reality' Is The Next Big Thing - Business Insider

Well... if HP is on it... it must be important... :facepalm::-P

HP Blended Reality - United States

Yep they are trying to compete with Magic Leap using a similar name:

Blended Reality HP | MagicLab
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To break it down then:

Virtual Reality = VR
Augmented Reality = AR
Extended Reality = XR
Hyper/Hybrid Reality = HR
Holographic/Hologram = Holo
Mixed Reality = Holo (n)
Merged Reality = MR

Thank god I am still on the merged reality train.


Well I see value in domains that will attract keyword traffic. I've no doubt 'MR' will be the official tech head acronym for 'mixed reality' but I'm more interested in what millions or billions of people will be typing in five or ten years time when they want a 3D holographic girl to chat with or to play holographic poker in their own living room whilst wearing their HoloLens or MagicLeap or whatever Google has. The two things aren't necessarily the same.
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Well I see value in domains that will attract keyword traffic. I've no doubt 'MR' will be the official tech head acronym for 'mixed reality' but I'm more interested in what millions or billions of people will be typing in five or ten years time when they want to a 3D holographic girl to chat with or to play holographic poker in their own living room whilst wearing their HoloLens or MagicLeap or whatever Google has. The two things aren't necessarily the same.
I like the term hologram see it more and more in the media movies etc
Microsoft have only used one url regarding opening the door to developers regarding Mixed Reality.

That ended with MR


If MR is going to be used for domains and Holo for Apps, I will take that (just kidding guys, well sort of) lol ;)

If you think Microsoft or Magic Leap don't use MR, you need to do a lot more research.

You're right, of course. I was only toying with you guys saying Holo would be the in word. If Microsoft are calling their HoloLens developers page 'MR' then it is likely the smut sites and the casino sites will follow suit and brand themselves 'MR' too. Sometimes I doubt if MR Girl, for example, sounds right, but as Elad says, it's all about perception.
Shortened versions used by tech corporations in material aimed at fellow tech heads/developers etc. :

Virtual Reality = VR
Augmented Reality = AR
Extended Reality = XR
Hyper/Hybrid Reality = HR
Holographic/Hologram = Holo
Mixed Reality = Holo (n)
Merged Reality = MR

Shortened versions used by entertainment sites and start ups appealing to consumers :

Virtual Reality = VR/HOLO
Augmented Reality = AR/HOLO
Extended Reality = HOLO
Hyper/Hybrid Reality = HOLO
Holographic/Hologram = HOLO
Mixed Reality = HOLO (highlighted in red because even the only freaking mixed reality device in existance is branded HOLO)
Merged Reality = HOLO

I have no doubt that many MR names will be successful and the term will catch on, but I can't get away from the fact that holo, hologram and holographic just sound more exciting to me.

There's something almost mystical about holograms and they're synonymous with futuristic tech, like flying cars and robot servants

I think this will be a factor in how companies and sites choose to brand themselves.

I believe MR and Holo domains will both be in big demand, just for different kinds of sites.
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MR is the international abbreviation for "mister." This will be hard to overcome, imo. Especially in the adult industry, this could be very confusing. mrs@x? Sounds creepy. After mister, MR is a common abbreviation for "mentally retarded." MRdating? Could be very misleading. I see potential in a lot of the 2 letter abbreviations but not this one.
MR is the international abbreviation for "mister." This will be hard to overcome, imo. Especially in the adult industry, this could be very confusing. mrs@x? Sounds creepy. After mister, MR is a common abbreviation for "mentally retarded." MRdating? Could be very misleading. I see potential in a lot of the 2 letter abbreviations but not this one.

The MR abbreviation doesn't have to go in front though, to seperate it from the mister association.

Lots of VR companies have branded themselves with VR at the end of their brand/keyword. The same will likely follow suit with AR & MR.

I think Holo is the only one that works much better in almost all circumstances in front of the keyword/brand.

When I look at the below two logos, I don't even think about the mister association:


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The MR abbreviation doesn't have to go in front though, to seperate it from the mister association.

Lots of VR companies have branded themselves with VR at the end of their brand/keyword. The same will likely follow suit with AR & MR.

I think Holo is the only one that works much better in almost all circumstances in front of the keyword/brand.

When I look at the below two logos, I don't even think about the mister association:

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Show attachment 50210
Those logos look awesome mate especially great job hire you out as a logo designer
A bunch of VR names for sale on NP if you like that type of name (boothnames I think it was)
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Those logos look awesome mate especially great job hire you out as a logo designer

I would mate but myself, Elad, Mads & Robert Scoble are too busy trying to PR the MR abbreviation to take on any more projects at the moment :xf.laugh:

We are trying to get Cordoba to join our gang but he said he want's to remain SOLO, oops I mean HOLO.

I think we can tempt KingslayerVR if we pretend the MR abbreviation really stands for Merged Reality :xf.wink:
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You're right, of course. I was only toying with you guys saying Holo would be the in word. If Microsoft are calling their HoloLens developers page 'MR' then it is likely the smut sites and the casino sites will follow suit and brand themselves 'MR' too. Sometimes I doubt if MR Girl, for example, sounds right, but as Elad says, it's all about perception.

Just place some money on both Holo and MR. I have a big list of Holo and MR en even "hybrid lol" MRHolo domains. If there can not be one winner i just put them together Frankenstein style :borg:.
MR is the international abbreviation for "mister." This will be hard to overcome, imo. Especially in the adult industry, this could be very confusing. mrs@x? Sounds creepy. After mister, MR is a common abbreviation for "mentally retarded." MRdating? Could be very misleading. I see potential in a lot of the 2 letter abbreviations but not this one.

Have you heard of Mixed Reality? Most people never heard of it.. So why would MRdating would sound legitimate..
I would pick mixedrealitydating for a site my self, but when people will know about Mixed Reality and MR in big ammounts (windows mixed reality, mixed reality glasses, magic leap etc etc...) they will be more familiar with MR as mixed reality..
People tend to look at the future with the present glasses, its bad for domainers.
I think its better if we wait a bit :)
Silly me. I forgot one on my previous list:

Blended Reality = BR

Sorry Brazil for using your country code lol.

'Blended Reality' Is The Next Big Thing - Business Insider

Well... if HP is on it... it must be important... :facepalm::-P

HP Blended Reality - United States

Yep they are trying to compete with Magic Leap using a similar name:

Blended Reality HP | MagicLab
I think you might find that HP's device, due out this year, is a Merged Reality 'type' device.
But I think they are using Qualcomm's open hardware platform and I doubt Intel will like the idea of calling it Merged Reality because of that.
Just a fact that makes this more confusing to a consumer in the end and that in turn make most of these REALITY's unlikely to grab much attention in names. Unless one can stand-out and grab all the attention.

A new kind of VR Arcade ?
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I think you might find that HP's device, due out this year, is a Merged Reality 'type' device.
But I think they are using Qualcomm's open hardware platform and I doubt Intel will like the idea of calling it Merged Reality because of that.
Just a fact that makes this more confusing to a consumer in the end and that in turn make most of these REALITY's unlikely to grab much attention in names. Unless one can stand-out and grab all the attention.

A new kind of VR Arcade ?

Yeah if i am correct you also favor a golden standard like mixed reality to get customers used to it and not confused with all kind of other third party terms. Well the latest posting from Elad in the mixed reality thread with a list of big brands calling it mixed reality is definitly pointing this way. One term to decripe this tech and not a list of 10 different variations to descripe the same.
one thing reality always stay constant
Yeah if i am correct you also favor a golden standard like mixed reality to get customers used to it and not confused with all kind of other third party terms. Well the latest posting from Elad in the mixed reality thread with a list of big brands calling it mixed reality is definitly pointing this way. One term to decripe this tech and not a list of 10 different variations to descripe the same.
You are either joking, trying to anger me or just talking out your bottom side.

I don't know how you could come to that conclusion, unless.... You never read my posts.
You are either joking, trying to anger me or just talking out your bottom side.

I don't know how you could come to that conclusion, unless.... You never read my posts.

Not trying to anger you. I apologize if it seems like that.

But isn't a golden standard to descripe this tech the best for all of us? Most here have already some decent MR cover. Yes gambling on some other smaller terms can be worth a shot but if some of the biggest tech companies are referring to it as mixed reality i wouldn't ignore this.

"Mixed Reality tech makes it possible to watch Holograms in your room."
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Not trying to anger you. I apologize if it seems like that.

But isn't a golden standard to descripe this tech the best for all of us? Most here have already some decent MR cover. Yes gambling on some other smaller terms can be worth a shot but if some of the biggest tech companies are referring to it as mixed reality i wouldn't ignore this.

"Mixed Reality tech makes it possible to watch Holograms in your room."
But you must have me confused with someone else when saying in the earlier post -
"Yeah if i am correct you also favor a golden standard like mixed reality to get customers used to it and not confused with all kind of other third party terms"
NOT ! Nothing further from the truth.

Let me sum it all up in a single very long post that I can just refer back to in the future...(indulge me :xf.grin:)

The only reason HOLO is a thing is because Microsoft choose to use it in part of their PRODUCT BRANDS years ago and HOLO is generic, and HOLO tells the users what they are likely to expect it is, and it is not a limiting term that would sound incompatible depending on it's exact use.
So re-enforced by MS branding, it has a public awareness and multiple forms of use and was quickly adopted by others. You can not TM 'HOLO' being a generic dictionary word except for perhaps some narrowly defined purpose that would be hard to defend. I have a fair investment in the keyword.

I'm still waiting for others to brand with AR (some have) and MR (very very few).
The need for names with AR & MR are dependent on the need for someone to WANT or NEED to market the products or services with AR/MR in the name. They would be the likely buyers for it.

Compare to "CLOUD" for names demand and product branding for any example research.
If anyone can't understand why cloud became a high value keyword, you will never understand it at all since it is the easiest and most in your face modern simple example.
All be it, the consumers for CLOUD names are more a B2B play with deeper pockets that need to say what they do in a name and keep it short and memorable normally with just 2 words.

We are selling names not a popularity contest for most mentioned in media or by tech co's.
It has nothing to do with what is technically true in definition of formats .
Those that think otherwise should only use google search "RESULTS" to pick their keywords. Good Luck.
Name value is determined by demand for end-use and most often a indicator of advantage to the buyer.
Why else spend the kind of money some expect.

You got a great name, but if nobody wants to use it for a product or service, it has no value.
But the question then becomes how many want it or how deep are the pockets of those that do want it and and how badly, so the advantages of the particular name present over other names that could be used.

When it comes to names, we are just trying to predict that future demand of 'end-use'.
I still see no commitment of use of MR in a brand and I know it is a bit premature but it's not a new thing either. After all.... they are all talking about it aren't they ! Many company's doing mixed reality did not use it in their name. (referring that to the 'cloud' example again).

This x-mas will sport plenty of MR devices so you will not have to wait long to determine commitment because if it comes to be,
it will be on the software experience side for highest demand and later not sooner..
MixedR will suffer from the LACK OF CONTENT in the beginning year maybe 2 anyway.
But that is dependent on how you define Mixed Reality 'Content'...
I'm 'not sure' this Merged/Blended style Mixed content will be compatible with Mixed style of HoloLens or Magic leap's. Nobody knows if ML's will be compatible with anything else.
Could be a problem if all MIXed content can not be viewed on all MIXed devices. A Wait-N-See !
It may be left on Microsoft's lap to make it cross hardware compatible .
But the Merged/Blended style will work with VR/360 content.
New definitions will likely be coming down the road. Along with new terms. Accurate ? I don't care.
This is much more complicated than many will give credit to.

Problem is, they are calling them MERGED and BLENDED and who knows what else may come to play.
Each for a specific reason that you should be doing your research on to understand why.
But they are Mixed Reality Devices by the self created definitions out there, and those 2 names are not MR branding. So with all the mix-up, you will have to wait for the consumer reactions.
Now some folks have promoted the XR term in blogs and the like and there are also TM's associated with that term. (look them up) and I think the motivation for promotion lies in the owner of one of them
.(just conjecture on my part). It's not on my radar till 3 or more small cap's brand with the term.
That's commitment to the idea, if the TM does not get them. Even that will only have me 'watch for it'.

If you did have a single name to describe it all, someone would quickly have a new one to differentiate themselves from everyone else using it. And that is how we got here.:-o
We have one term to describe it all. VR ! Problem with that is, while some were busy differentiating themselves with AR/MR/Merged/Blended, they ill-defined what VR was and tied it to a particular hardware type/definition. And that has grown with each new one. There it is and if someone uses the term to describe what some define as DIFFERENT, it is quick to be pointed out. So one term will never work !
When Intel chose Merged or HP chose Blended, they were making a marketing statement that "what we do is different than the others", And that is how the name game is played. Marketing 101.

One company brand name can not play with others. Holo is a free standing word that is most often used as a syllable or a adjective and MS brands it HOLOLENS not HOLO. It really is a different keyword since you can view a hologram in any format tech and it means "whole or complete" with latin/greek roots.
I'm not promoting the keyword because it too is a limited use as the keyword just does not play well with many other words. But it is quite different than AR/MR, not necessarily better. Just pointing that out.

We all should know there will be some limited generic use on the hardware side of names for any format of it and I would expect 'some' software use of the term MR in 'generic branding' sometime.
If they don't brand with it (make it part of their name like Oculus VR), who you going to sell it to?
But it needs to be in the mind of and on the tongue of the likely consumer first (also see cloud example).

I don't care what terms come to be for it but I'm not playing more than a couple till there is a indication they are indeed domain keywords that likely will be used by end-users. The more 'likely buyers' I see with deep pockets, the more I will buy of any keyword. And I don't care which one's they are !

I do have opinions on what is best for the industry but it has no weight on how I value names.
It's just wishful thinking and I am just a spectator in the game. I react to the results.

And I do not promote one keyword over others. I play it as I see it. We can't/don't create keywords.
I have said it many times... Domaining is about the marketing of others.
But some end-users are better marketer's than others and it shows in the names they choose and what they are willing to pay for them. Doing well with domain's is understanding marketing.
Something all my tech knowledge does very little to help with in this niche. :xf.wink:

Sorry for the long one
.:ROFL: But next time, I will just refer to this post... ...LOL...

Here is a new one for ya... Synthetic Reality...... No hardware required... Just LSD !
But you must have me confused with someone else when saying in the earlier post -
"Yeah if i am correct you also favor a golden standard like mixed reality to get customers used to it and not confused with all kind of other third party terms"
NOT ! Nothing further from the truth.

Let me sum it all up in a single very long post that I can just refer back to in the future...(indulge me :xf.grin:)

The only reason HOLO is a thing is because Microsoft choose to use it in part of their PRODUCT BRANDS years ago and HOLO is generic, and HOLO tells the users what they are likely to expect it is, and it is not a limiting term that would sound incompatible depending on it's exact use.
So re-enforced by MS branding, it has a public awareness and multiple forms of use and was quickly adopted by others. You can not TM 'HOLO' being a generic dictionary word except for perhaps some narrowly defined purpose that would be hard to defend. I have a fair investment in the keyword.

I'm still waiting for others to brand with AR (some have) and MR (very very few).
The need for names with AR & MR are dependent on the need for someone to WANT or NEED to market the products or services with AR/MR in the name. They would be the likely buyers for it.

Compare to "CLOUD" for names demand and product branding for any example research.
If anyone can't understand why cloud became a high value keyword, you will never understand it at all since it is the easiest and most in your face modern simple example.
All be it, the consumers for CLOUD names are more a B2B play with deeper pockets that need to say what they do in a name and keep it short and memorable normally with just 2 words.

We are selling names not a popularity contest for most mentioned in media or by tech co's.
It has nothing to do with what is technically true in definition of formats .
Those that think otherwise should only use google search "RESULTS" to pick their keywords. Good Luck.
Name value is determined by demand for end-use and most often a indicator of advantage to the buyer.
Why else spend the kind of money some expect.

You got a great name, but if nobody wants to use it for a product or service, it has no value.
But the question then becomes how many want it or how deep are the pockets of those that do want it and and how badly, so the advantages of the particular name present over other names that could be used.

When it comes to names, we are just trying to predict that future demand of 'end-use'.
I still see no commitment of use of MR in a brand and I know it is a bit premature but it's not a new thing either. After all.... they are all talking about it aren't they ! Many company's doing mixed reality did not use it in their name. (referring that to the 'cloud' example again).

This x-mas will sport plenty of MR devices so you will not have to wait long to determine commitment because if it comes to be,
it will be on the software experience side for highest demand and later not sooner..
MixedR will suffer from the LACK OF CONTENT in the beginning year maybe 2 anyway.
But that is dependent on how you define Mixed Reality 'Content'...
I'm 'not sure' this Merged/Blended style Mixed content will be compatible with Mixed style of HoloLens or Magic leap's. Nobody knows if ML's will be compatible with anything else.
Could be a problem if all MIXed content can not be viewed on all MIXed devices. A Wait-N-See !
It may be left on Microsoft's lap to make it cross hardware compatible .
But the Merged/Blended style will work with VR/360 content.
New definitions will likely be coming down the road. Along with new terms. Accurate ? I don't care.
This is much more complicated than many will give credit to.

Problem is, they are calling them MERGED and BLENDED and who knows what else may come to play.
Each for a specific reason that you should be doing your research on to understand why.
But they are Mixed Reality Devices by the self created definitions out there, and those 2 names are not MR branding. So with all the mix-up, you will have to wait for the consumer reactions.
Now some folks have promoted the XR term in blogs and the like and there are also TM's associated with that term. (look them up) and I think the motivation for promotion lies in the owner of one of them
.(just conjecture on my part). It's not on my radar till 3 or more small cap's brand with the term.
That's commitment to the idea, if the TM does not get them. Even that will only have me 'watch for it'.

If you did have a single name to describe it all, someone would quickly have a new one to differentiate themselves from everyone else using it. And that is how we got here.:-o
We have one term to describe it all. VR ! Problem with that is, while some were busy differentiating themselves with AR/MR/Merged/Blended, they ill-defined what VR was and tied it to a particular hardware type/definition. And that has grown with each new one. There it is and if someone uses the term to describe what some define as DIFFERENT, it is quick to be pointed out. So one term will never work !
When Intel chose Merged or HP chose Blended, they were making a marketing statement that "what we do is different than the others", And that is how the name game is played. Marketing 101.

One company brand name can not play with others. Holo is a free standing word that is most often used as a syllable or a adjective and MS brands it HOLOLENS not HOLO. It really is a different keyword since you can view a hologram in any format tech and it means "whole or complete" with latin/greek roots.
I'm not promoting the keyword because it too is a limited use as the keyword just does not play well with many other words. But it is quite different than AR/MR, not necessarily better. Just pointing that out.

We all should know there will be some limited generic use on the hardware side of names for any format of it and I would expect 'some' software use of the term MR in 'generic branding' sometime.
If they don't brand with it (make it part of their name like Oculus VR), who you going to sell it to?
But it needs to be in the mind of and on the tongue of the likely consumer first (also see cloud example).

I don't care what terms come to be for it but I'm not playing more than a couple till there is a indication they are indeed domain keywords that likely will be used by end-users. The more 'likely buyers' I see with deep pockets, the more I will buy of any keyword. And I don't care which one's they are !

I do have opinions on what is best for the industry but it has no weight on how I value names.
It's just wishful thinking and I am just a spectator in the game. I react to the results.

And I do not promote one keyword over others. I play it as I see it. We can't/don't create keywords.
I have said it many times... Domaining is about the marketing of others.
But some end-users are better marketer's than others and it shows in the names they choose and what they are willing to pay for them. Doing well with domain's is understanding marketing.
Something all my tech knowledge does very little to help with in this niche. :xf.wink:

Sorry for the long one
.:ROFL: But next time, I will just refer to this post... ...LOL...

Here is a new one for ya... Synthetic Reality...... No hardware required... Just LSD !

A big reply from you but i hear ya and i know you have also a very big interest / heart and passion for this tech. At this early stage all the new tech have to prove itself first and customers must be willing to buy. I consider all my holo / ar / mr and even vr domains risky.

Let's hope we can all make some coin in the neir future and at least make a return of investment.
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