'Merged Reality' - I haven;t come across that before. I guess there will be 100+ 'MergedReality' names regged from forum members here in the next hour.
... most VR headsets could end up being powered by Windows Holographic is surely a factor to consider.
Great Points.
Regarding Intel and ALLOY... Intel has a few more tricks up it's sleeve with more supplemental hardware that I can't tell for sure it's true purpose, but I see a lot of potential.
You must watch the patents to see this stuff.
Windows Holographic is all about merging the VR and AR platforms. It is a open platform and likely to allow for a user in one format to interact with someone in another.
HOLO is neither VR nor AR nor MR SPECIFIC.
I know some wish that it were not so but you can view a hologram in any format.
(a hologram is something that appears 3 dimensional and does not 'actually' take up physical space)
I said a long time ago and with many privately that their will be many formats with some technical differences and while important to the purists, means nothing to the average consumer.
Any company that wants to separate itself from the pack will call it something else.
Some are going to have to get use to that fact, but in domains,
it is what the consumer calls it that will make or break your keyword investments. No matter your preference, keep that in mind.
That is what guides me. But anyone is free to be guided by anything else they want.
A hand held monopole does not make a great domain but we call it a selfie stick.
Only one of those is technically true but the other is where the money is in online sales.
Be ready for any of the keywords to change as this evolves. "VR" isn't going away anytime soon even with the branding of some new stuff.
I am quite certain that we will hear a few more names for somethings that are slightly different.
It's all VR to the consumer till someone 'actually' breaks that mold IMHO.
But gee...
a new player with open platforms will make some rather quick changes to things don't you think.
Facebook and Oculus better get a move on as the industry will leave them behind quickly !
Exciting time to watch this come together.