GoDaddy condones allows theft and Warning for NP user PaulV

Spaceship Spaceship


Account Closed
This is a direct email to Bob Parsons regarding the incident.

Namepros Member ImMike was paid in full from ourselves on the domain .. We now have a domain missing and loose at godaddy that was stolen via a hacked / stolen credit card / paypal purchase and Godaddy and even the supervisors on staff refuse to do anything about this..

Dear Mr Parsons.. I aquired a domain name from a member in the namepros official auction on Friday. Today someone offered to buy it and it hadn't yet been pushed from [email protected] to myself [email protected] ... Instead I resold it for 125.00 to the godaddy account [email protected] .. he paid via paypal and the domain was pushed.. 5 minutes later we get an email from paypal stating
What's below. He paid for the domain using stolen credit card and now our domain is sitting in an account at godaddy. 2 people at godaddy refused to retrieve it for us and give it to the rightfull owners and we are about to post this whole incident on and others very shortly as well as an alert on about godaddy's refusal to return stolen property when it's clearly sitting at the registrar. We will also file a complaint with icann and media via a press release. We have plenty of proof. Bob please do the right thing and push the domain to [email protected] or back to [email protected] and ban the user [email protected]

Here is the screenshots

Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 3:29 PM
Subject: PayPal Notification: Temporary Hold Pending Investigation (Routing
Code: C124-L001-Q410-T3320)

It has come to our attention that you may be the recipient of potentially
unauthorized funds. We have initiated an investigation into this event. In
the meantime, we have placed a temporary hold on the funds in question until
the investigation is complete. This temporary hold will show as a deduction
in your available balance. In the meantime, you are free to continue
transacting using your PayPal account.

Transaction Date: Jul. 15, 2006 14:35:48 PDT
Transaction Amount: $125.00 USD
Payor's Email: [email protected]

If you have not delivered the goods or services related to this transaction,
we ask that you delay or stop delivery until our investigation is complete
as you may be liable for the amount in question.

To assist us in our investigation, please send an email to
[email protected] with the following information:

1. The item, service or purpose of the purchase, and the associated value;
2. The name and address given to you by the sender (if an item was
3. If shipped, the company used for shipping, date of shipment, and
tracking number for the shipment;
4. Details of any other transactions related to the transaction(s) in
5. A phone number where you can be reached during the day and evening; and
6. Insurance information, if applicable.

Any additional information you have regarding this transaction, such as
email correspondence, will further help us to expedite our investigation.
Solving these cases helps us continue to offer PayPal as a secure and
cost-effective payment service. We appreciate your cooperation and

PayPal Account Review Team

Below is his conversation below with us during the sale.

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

........: Online :............IPB says:
........: Online :............IPB says:
send me link here
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
hello paul
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ps i can find you any names youd like often
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
being a broker and all
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
paypal then?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] is the paypal
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im developing that
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
for a complaint system ./ fraud alerts
........: Online :............IPB says:
forward me domain
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
not until payment
........: Online :............IPB says:
ok i will pay 1st
........: Online :............IPB says:
u get ready with all
........: Online :............IPB says:
i need it in 1 mins
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
sure it takes but a few moment
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
once paid
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
please dont do a chargeback on it... I like honest deals
........: Online :............IPB says:
what is ur paypal ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected]
........: Online :............IPB says:
not correct
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected]
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
try that
........: Online :............IPB says:
what is chargeback ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
it works
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
oh ok nm.. that address now works [email protected]
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:

[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
how many domains do you own?
........: Online :............IPB says:
This recipient is currently unable to receive money.
........: Online :............IPB says:
This recipient is currently unable to receive money.
........: Online :............IPB says:
This recipient is currently unable to receive money.
........: Online :............IPB says:
ur paypal is blocked
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
one second let me look
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] then
........: Online :............IPB says:
u r not good ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yeah likely means i past my sending limit
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
my other is [email protected]
........: Online :............IPB says:
there is no selling limit
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
when you arent verified yet there is
........: Online :............IPB says:
how can i trust
........: Online :............IPB says:
u r not verified
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im working on verifying that one and [email protected]
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
with bank / cc
........: Online :............IPB says:
is this u
........: Online :............IPB says:

Payment Details

Payment Sent To: [email protected]
Account Status: Non-U.S. Verified Premier Member (1)
Type: Goods (other)
Amount: $125.00 USD
Total Amount: $125.00 USD
........: Online :............IPB says:
is it u ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
reply ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
one second
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and yes
........: Online :............IPB says:
what ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
thats it
........: Online :............IPB says:
send at - [email protected]
........: Online :............IPB says:
forward domain
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected]

[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ok [email protected] ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
for the push?
........: Online :............IPB says:
........: Online :............IPB says:
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected]
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
can i keep you on msn for further domains you might need?
........: Online :............IPB says:
plz d that fast
........: Online :............IPB says:
transfer that one now
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ok am doing
........: Online :............IPB says:
u said u r ready ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
it should not have taken time
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
verifying payment
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
one second
........: Online :............IPB says:
verifing ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
i send it long ago man
........: Online :............IPB says:
u trying to make fool of me
........: Online :............IPB says:
send it fast plz
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no im making sure its in my payapl
........: Online :............IPB says:
it is there
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im on dial up remember
........: Online :............IPB says:
i send it 5 mins ago
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im loading paypal now.. i need to verify before sending the domain
........: Online :............IPB says:
if u do not send me this or fruad , how will i buy more ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
i am saying i have send it
........: Online :............IPB says:
File Type To/From Name/Email/Phone Amount Date Status Details Action
Payment To Traci Bonin -$125.00 USD Jul. 15, 2006 Completed Details
Transfer From Credit Card $125.00 USD Jul. 15, 2006 Completed Details
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
........: Online :............IPB says:
send fast
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
if you chargeback on tis sale ill personally have you banned forever off the domain forums
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
one minute
........: Online :............IPB says:
what is meant by chargeback ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
taking domain back ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
plz send domain
........: Online :............IPB says:
its more than 10 mins now
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
on its way
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
........: Online :............IPB says:
did got till now
........: Online :............IPB says:
u defaming me
........: Online :............IPB says:
in room
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
just taking precaution
........: Online :............IPB says:
u r follish
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no one knows you in there
........: Online :............IPB says:
u dont know how to deal
........: Online :............IPB says:
u deflaming me
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no im not.. im just making sure.. people in this room are long time users.. youre a new guy comes in thats all
........: Online :............IPB says:
i have not received domain till now and u r fruading
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
nothing to defame about youve done nothing wrong
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
the domain is on its way
........: Online :............IPB says:
its not yet here
........: Online :............IPB says:
it does not takes time
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
be patient
........: Online :............IPB says:
i need to do something
........: Online :............IPB says:
u r leiing
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ive never seen someone so impatient
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i am not lying
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
you're getting the domain
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im a reputable broker
........: Online :............IPB says:
its been 15 mins since i paid u
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and im on dial up but youll ahve it within 5 more minutes in your account
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
youll have to update your own info
........: Online :............IPB says:
i know that
........: Online :............IPB says:
but i should get a mail
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] right ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
hang with me
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
its in change account right in godaddy for the push?
........: Online :............IPB says:

........: Online :............IPB says:

Registered At
Exp Date: 16-Jun-07
Asking Price: $40 ono Hacked.CC - SOLD
........: Online :............IPB says:
**** you
........: Online :............IPB says:
u scammed me
........: Online :............IPB says:
sold me for $ 125
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no thats not what i paid
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i did it in an auction
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
thats another user
........: Online :............IPB says:
u r fruad
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
excuse me ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i paid more than that
........: Online :............IPB says:
its for $ 40
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no it was listed for that.. then bought then auctions and i wont the auction much higher
........: Online :............IPB says:
no it is sold for $ 40
........: Online :............IPB says:
and u did not even transferred it
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yes sure did.. and it never sold to me for 40.00
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
it was more
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
4200 np to be exact
........: Online :............IPB says:
i have got no mail
........: Online :............IPB says:
i am going to contact paypal npw
........: Online :............IPB says:
........: Online :............IPB says:
u have ripped me
........: Online :............IPB says:
i will call paypal
........: Online :............IPB says:
what do you gain from ripping ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ill refund your paypal
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im not interested in your sale
........: Online :............IPB says:
what ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
u defameing me
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
not to have you do a charge back after the sale
........: Online :............IPB says:
i even paid
........: Online :............IPB says:
what is that ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
expalin me chargeback first
........: Online :............IPB says:
what is that term ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
you have not even send me mail
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ill refund you your funds
........: Online :............IPB says:
why ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
u didnt even send it till now
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
because im not interested in dealing with you
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i was about to
........: Online :............IPB says:
i just asked that if it was for $ 40 ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ill send some dunds
........: Online :............IPB says:
what big deal ?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no you called me a scam
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i paid more than 40.00 for it
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and you told me to F off
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
therfor take your money
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ill refund right now
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
........: Online :............IPB says:
u ran away
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i didnt go anywhere
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im here loading paypal page
........: Online :............IPB says:
where is my domain ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
if u have send domain
........: Online :............IPB says:
where is it ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
so u lied to me
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im not selling it to you.. not with this kind of treatment.. . im refunding your 125.00
........: Online :............IPB says:
........: Online :............IPB says:
i need domain
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ill sell you the domain
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
but can you be a little nicer to me please?
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
im working as fast as i can here
........: Online :............IPB says:
why r u acting stupid
........: Online :............IPB says:
i paid u
........: Online :............IPB says:
i need domain
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
dial up internet
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
stop insulting me..ive done nothing but give you a nice deal here
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i could have resold much higher
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ill pusht eh domain
........: Online :............IPB says:
plz send
........: Online :............IPB says:
i m waiting
........: Online :............IPB says:
i will deal more
........: Online :............IPB says:
i have $ 800 left
........: Online :............IPB says:
working ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
u said u send it ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
so u didnt send it till now ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
u didnt pushed till now ?
........: Online :............IPB says:
u said u did it 10 mins ago
........: Online :............IPB says:
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
the domain is on its way
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i stopped the push because you were being rude
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
its coming now im relogging back in
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i was going to cancel the whole sale and refund you
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
its a small sale for me
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
but you can have it since paid for
[email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
but bear in mind i got the domain for more than 40.00 that was the owners before me
Last edited:
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Perhaps not by me but this show's what to expect if you use GD as a registrar for potentially valuable domains.

And Rkahnn It's not against the rules to post a valid complaint..

Polur No ImMike isn't a suspect.. I purchased the name from him.. A+ sale on that..
It's the person who got the push who I had sold it to that's the scammer.
PolurNET said:
Also, I'm a bit confused...
Me too.

A couple quick questions I have for UD...

Did you attempt to resell the name before you actually had possession of it?

"ImMike" was paid by you, and you were paid by the scammer with the stolen credit card?
Yes I messed up (lesson learnt) .. I had funds in my bank regardless to pay ImMike (Was paid shortly after the theft via Canadian Email Interact payment which is for Canadians good as gold and instant funds transfer between Canadian Banks.)
I accepted the payment via paypal and sent mike 100.00 instead of the 84.00 (4200 np)

Buyer from me paid via paypal with stolen creditcard. Paypal didn't notice the credit card was fraudulant until after we had forwarded immediate funds to ImMike of 100.00 USD and then paypal 40 seconds AFTER the push came back and seized all funds with claim of stolen CC used to pay for the transaction from the buyer on our end.

It was about 5 minutes from when we received payment that funds went to ImMike (Well the first time) until paypal seized all funds because the payment to us had come from the stolen credit card.)
and we pushed the domain (mistakingly immediately after payment direct from his account which he gave us the info since it was the only domain in the account.

Not only that someone else used a stolen cc this week too to pay for a domain only domain was not pushed due to fear ..

ImMike was paid the same day alternate method.

Lessons learned..

Impliment escrow for all domain sales (now in progress)
Dont push a domain until payment is clear (EVER)
and certainly pay seller first rather than later even if but 2 minutes in between.

Our website is now going to be using only 3rd party escrow services to verify all credit cards on transactions via the site from now on and currently working on intigrating the api.

This will apply to any sale we take part in.

We can't afford to have paypal / other party issues with these things.

I do know now why other brokerages use escrow and not paypal.
Chelsie, thanks for the reply.

I didn't mean for that first question to sting, and I tried my best to find a better way to ask it, but ultimately I figured it was best to just be straight forward.

We've all been down this road before, so don't feel too bad.

Many years ago, my very first big sale was an "eCheck" from PayPal for $4,000. At that time, I didn't know any better, and went ahead and transferred the name. About 4-5 days later the eCheck bounced, and I was left with nothing but regrets. To this day, I've never gotten any satisfaction from the crook, but I've finally put it to rest. You have to. Otherwise it will eat away at you from the inside.

I'm sorry this has happened to you, but I'm glad you have the determination to follow thru on every lead you can find. Hang in there, it will only get better from here. Don't let one @sshole ruin your outlook on the business.

I'm sending some good vibes and well wishes in your direction. :)
Even if I never get the name back it's satisfying exposing flaws I've learned in transaction systems as well as as much information on the scammer I can to keep others from being ripped off. I'm pretty much dissapointed in GD's willingness to work with career domainers to combat domain theft however and I for one will transfer out every name I purchase to another registrar who is willing to go the extra mile for a customer.

No worries not offended.. It's been a learning experience and we're coming up with viable solutions on our end to protect domainers as much as possible using escrow too..

Sadly I must mention this may include an inevitable minimum to cover fees on onsite transactions ..

Escrow is a must though for domainer security as well as paypal has a 5k sending limit and doesn't verify cc information "prior" to funds being sent. That's a bad thing with an automated system and offers little recourse and many headaches especially when physical shipping doesn't apply.

Either way it's a tip for us to make a more secure system. I'm currently looking for a credible coder to add in our api and make some necessary changes.
Polur - I understand you were saying it in defense of UD...I just think that whether she is the victim or not or whether she handled the situation correctly or not, the lines of chat posted in this thread are disgusting.
Sure you bet but I can't only tell half the story.
I would keep pushing till godaddy returns the name.

I dont blame you but after he asked some questions I personally would have told him to f'off. asking for your picture?? when people ask questions like that you do not have to be polite.
I guess we will see if Bob Parsons is a humanitarian or a white collar don't give a crap unless it's green kind of person out of this.

Still no word from Bob Parsons.. You'd think he'd care considering this thread is being viewed thousands of times .
UD said:
I guess we will see if Bob Parsons is a humanitarian or a white collar don't give a crap unless it's green kind of person out of this.

Still no word from Bob Parsons.. You'd think he'd care considering this thread is being viewed thousands of times .
He is the ceo of godaddy do you think he gives a damn that your thread has thousands of views? Thousands of view compare to the thousands of domains they sell a day your thread means nothing.
Im sure they get thousands of support calls and emails a day do you think he answers and replies to them calls and emails himself?
Do you really expect him to answer in all honesty do you think he should answer?
I think he should worry. I think domainers give him alot of his business. I have spent over $2000 since January 2006 with Godaddy.
I think if the communtity got behind UD and flooded Godaddys with emails, then something will certainly be done to help her situation.
UD said:
Yes I messed up (lesson learnt)

Impliment escrow for all domain sales (now in progress)
Dont push a domain until payment is clear (EVER)
and certainly pay seller first rather than later even if but 2 minutes in between.
You say you messed up and you want to trash talk Godaddy?
texasgamer said:
I think he should worry.
No doubt.

I've nearly finished moving everything out of GD. Right now I have 4 names left in there, and believe me, they won't be staying there long.

I mean what is the point of having a security system if they don't use it?
I have to go through that dumbass 60 days wait after just changing one letter in my name or changing my email before I can transfer my domain out. Why bother?

If they're just gonna let scammers scam people out of domains and let them keep them, even though the owner has proof that it was bought fraudulently, then they don't deserve my, or anyone else's, business.

The current 60 day rule only serves to stop legitimate people transferring their domains out. If they're just gonna let scammers, fraudsters and thieves get away with it, then it is a serious waste of time.

AND please GoDaddy don't give me all that crap again about it being an ICANN rule. It's not.
The only ICANN 60-day rule is the 60 days wait after registering the domain, not 60 days after an internal push or a contact details change.

UD, give them hell. They're a pathetic excuse for a registrar and quite frankly they can take their pointless rules and their lack of action, and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

I'm done with them.
This isn't about JUST me.. it's about how they treat all incidents of this happening..

Spencermat for example lost 15 names? over 900 usd?

And this I bet happens daily and gets swept under the rug..

The point is .. they know damn well the names are stolen.. and contrary to thier own policy.. do nothing about it...

Claiming you can't do anything about it?.. Interesting .. Theyre the only registrar I've encountered yet who don't do thier best to work with the actual owner in a case of domain theft..

GoDaddy is horrible choice for a registrar for any serious domainer if they fail to work for the customer and protect thier assetts.. Thats what my domains are.. Assetts..
If GoDaddy allows a common and known thief to continue to be a customer with an account full of stolen domains .. from various well known domainers.. none with proper whois information even.. (ALL of which has been pointed out to them) Would you seriously trust your domain names (Assetts) residing there?

Personally the smart choice is get the hell out of there .. If that's how little they care.. I'd much rather give the little guys the business because they work for you.. not against you.
texasgamer said:
I think he should worry. I think domainers give him alot of his business. I have spent over $2000 since January 2006 with Godaddy.
I think if the communtity got behind UD and flooded Godaddys with emails, then something will certainly be done to help her situation.
Right and when my campaigns at adwords i suspect click fraud but google support doesnt i should then go post in a forum and Eric Schmidt SHOULD come and reply right? Or not...
:hehe: And how about paypal, they are partly at fault here too, right? How can they accept stolen credit cards. Lets all boycott Paypal too. Power to the people!
SiteBroker said:
Right and when my campaigns at adwords i suspect click fraud but google support doesnt i should then go post in a forum and Eric Schmidt SHOULD come and reply right? Or not...
The key word there being "suspect".

UD has actual proof that her domain was obtained fraudulently. It is GoDaddys obligation to prevent domains being stolen or otherwise taken illegally.
They have a 60 day wait rule before you can transfer out a domain that has recently been pushed or had the contact details changed, they also say by email that you have 15 days to report problems.

If they don't follow their own rules and let a domain be obtained fraudulently, then why shouldn't this incident involve high level GoDaddy staff/managers/owner?

If she can provide the proof then GoDaddy should return the domain as they already obligated themselves to do so, after all, they give you 15 days to report, they have 60 days to stop a transfer out. If they aren't serious about it, then they should not offer it.
B33R said:
The key word there being "suspect".

UD has actual proof that her domain was obtained fraudulently. It is GoDaddys obligation to prevent domains being stolen or otherwise taken illegally.
They have a 60 day wait rule before you can transfer out a domain that has recently been pushed or had the contact details changed, they also say by email that you have 15 days to report problems.

If they don't follow their own rules and let a domain be obtained fraudulently, then why shouldn't this incident involve high level GoDaddy staff/managers/owner?

If she can provide the proof then GoDaddy should return the domain as they already obligated themselves to do so, after all, they give you 15 days to report, they have 60 days to stop a transfer out. If they aren't serious about it, then they should not offer it.
Get real the amount of fraudalent transactions ive had with paypal and the amount of times ive lost my money due to people using stolen accounts i never once spoke to anyone higher up then telephone support. There is no need staff can handle problems like these, now if 1000 people on the same day got hit by the same fraud account that would be a story where someone high up would release a statement, not 1 domain for $100 or whatever it was.
Godaddy probably are wrong i think its stupid posting on a forum "why isnt bob parsons replying to this thread" i mean cmon!
Heck let's boycott Google too. You guys are too much. JMO
WGS_Thunder said:
Heck let's boycott Google too. You guys are too much. JMO
You know msn is sending me less traffic lately, someone please alert Mr Gates to this thread!
SiteBroker said:
You know msn is sending me less traffic lately, someone please alert Mr Gates to this thread!
Well, I've done my part. I moved all 3 of my domain names to another registrar AND spent the $14.00 I had in my paypal account. I'll show them for not posting here. Bill better hurry up and post here too or I'm switching to linux.

Even three stings.. thats around 23.00 per year?

Sitebroker.. you work for GD or something?..

0 trader rating.. just a note.

I bet you'd hum a different tune if this were you.
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UD said:

Even three stings.. thats around 23.00 per year?

Sitebroker.. you work for GD or something?..

0 trader rating.. just a note.

I bet you'd hum a different tune if this were you.
Im more into marketing and seo thus no trader here since this forum is all about np$ and not much to buy from what i see.
But no i wouldnt hum a different tune because a few hundred dollars means squat to me and ive lost more money then that on a night out.
No i dont work for godaddy some crap support wages arent going to tempt me away from being self employed. How about this send me your paypal email and ill send you $120 which is what you lost right? Ill call it my good deed for the month :)
I can't take your money..

You never harmed me.. and although this is the kindest gesture I've seen in a long time.. and I humbly appreciate the offer.

I can't... It's not your wrong to rectify.

Thank you so much for your offer .. you are too kind
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**Holds Out Hand for SiteBroker to give me money too**

LOL! Just kidding..... but if ya really want too :P :P :P :P :P
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