
discuss General Public is Seriously Clueless

Spaceship Spaceship


Made in CanadaTop Member
My day job allows me to meet people in all sorts of industries. When possible, I try to identify opportunities to introduce my customers to the nGTLDs.

Thing is, since 2014, I have yet to meet someone in the general public who has a clue on the new G's. From business owners to regular folk. Even people who have owned traditional extensions since the 90s have never heard of them. And every single time that I have opened a discussion geared to new G's and matching their existing brand with an EMD, there has been nothing but positive feedback and a "wow- I had no idea, that is awesome" attitude, along with almost an immediate desire to get regging.

On Wednesday during one of my tours I noticed my customer had his brand stamped onto all of his equipment. He's a DJ, his brand is DJ Verse One. Pretty cool name, actually. Anyhow, here's a skinny transcript of how it went:

HotKey: "I noticed your business name, DJ Verse One. Pretty cool. Do you happen to have a website to go with it?"

Regular Joe: "Yes I do! It is www•djverseone•com. I have owned it since 1999."

HotKey: "Nice! Hey, did you know that there is an actual dot-one extension. You can literally match your entire name without using the "com".

Regular Joe (jaw has dropped): "Your kidding?!"

HotKey: "Nope. In fact, there's hundreds of new dots that have been released. Almost everyone can have domains exactly matching their business name."

Regular Joe: "Do you think GoDaddy has this?"

HotKey: "I'm willing to bet they do, and I'm willing to bet your name is available for registration."

At this point, my customer is beside himself with excitement. I am not kidding. He yells out to his kid to fire up the laptop and go to GoDaddy and search for djverse•one. Amazingly, his kid understood right away; didn't even question the extension and knew exactly what to type. So there the name pops up on their laptop, available.

Regular Joe (shouting to kid): "Put it in the cart, put it in the cart, quick before someone takes it!"

Now the wife walks into the room and wants in on the action. But she's the cautious one. Looking at me dubiously, asks "What's your role in all this?" I proceeded to explain that I invest in names that I believe have a great future, and love connecting people to something that suits them. I also explained I would never dream of purposely infringing on anyones current brand or business. What I do, I said, is take plain ol' dictionary words and combine them with the dot to create a complete name solution.

That put her at ease, and then they wanted to know if I had a website. So I gave them my site, and their kid had an absolute blast persuing through my names. Looks up at me and says "I get it! I get why you called it Genuine Domains!" That seriously put a smile on my face. He continued on my site for the rest of my visit, even discovers his favorite name, Mrs.Fashion. I think this kid's gonna be hooked, he's got a good eye.

It's up to us to plant the seed. The reward will come later..
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
My day job allows me to meet people in all sorts of industries. When possible, I try to identify opportunities to introduce my customers to the nGTLDs.

Thing is, since 2014, I have yet to meet someone in the general public who has a clue on the new G's. From business owners to regular folk. Even people who have owned traditional extensions since the 90s have never heard of them. And every single time that I have opened a discussion geared to new G's and matching their existing brand with an EMD, there has been nothing but positive feedback and a "wow- I had no idea, that is awesome" attitude, along with almost an immediate desire to get regging.

On Wednesday during one of my tours I noticed my customer had his brand stamped onto all of his equipment. He's a DJ, his brand is DJ Verse One. Pretty cool name, actually. Anyhow, here's a skinny transcript of how it went:

HotKey: "I noticed your business name, DJ Verse One. Pretty cool. Do you happen to have a website to go with it?"

Regular Joe: "Yes I do! It is www•djverseone•com. I have owned it since 1999."

HotKey: "Nice! Hey, did you know that there is an actual dot-one extension. You can literally match your entire name without using the "com".

Regular Joe (jaw has dropped): "Your kidding?!"

HotKey: "Nope. In fact, there's hundreds of new dots that have been released. Almost everyone can have domains exactly matching their business name."

Regular Joe: "Do you think GoDaddy has this?"

HotKey: "I'm willing to bet they do, and I'm willing to bet your name is available for registration."

At this point, my customer is beside himself with excitement. I am not kidding. He yells out to his kid to fire up the laptop and go to GoDaddy and search for djverse•one. Amazingly, his kid understood right away; didn't even question the extension and knew exactly what to type. So there the name pops up on their laptop, available.

Regular Joe (shouting to kid): "Put it in the cart, put it in the cart, quick before someone takes it!"

Now the wife walks into the room and wants in on the action. But she's the cautious one. Looking at me dubiously, asks "What's your role in all this?" I proceeded to explain that I invest in names that I believe have a great future, and love connecting people to something that suits them. I also explained I would never dream of purposely infringing on anyones current brand or business. What I do, I said, is take plain ol' dictionary words and combine them with the dot to create a complete name solution.

That put her at ease, and then they wanted to know if I had a website. So I gave them my site, and their kid had an absolute blast persuing through my names. Looks up at me and says "I get it! I get why you called it Genuine Domains!" That seriously put a smile on my face. He continued on my site for the rest of my visit, even discovers his favorite name, Mrs.Fashion. I think this kid's gonna be hooked, he's got a good eye.

It's up to us to plant the seed. The reward will come later..

Awesome read dude.... thanks for that!

This is something that too many people lack!.. REAL WORLD knowledge with REAL PEOPLE.

I'm sure you also agree that 80% of the people you speak too who are not involved with domaining are actually intrigued when you mention a nGTLD that can match their business or even Niche!..

Off course we need to be careful not to recomend nGTLD's that have insane renewal fees.

This is a kick ass story dude....enjoyed the read :)

Just be prepared for some blah blah blah... from the usual peanut gallery
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Is there a .two extension too , in case his business name was DJ Verse Two ?

If not, this is a solution that doesn't work for everyone.
similar experience here a few times as well

People come to me asking for help on deciding a name (usually after finding nothing available in the main extensions) and when I mention the fact the they can just register an exact match they get crazy with excitement.

imo, ngtlds have started completely the wrong way. Instead of a healthy promotion there has been only greed and paranoia... really a shame :/
keyword 1 keyword 2 dot extension make very little sense.

He probably got it for 99 cents so who cares, but the function of is that it is fragmented, and of poor structure.
LOL entertaining story at least.
Congratulations! You officially killed his business since no one will be able to find him now. Thank God he owns the .com or he would be screwed. Hopefully he doesn't plaster the new domain on everything because people will have no idea what the hell .one means. :)
Congratulations! You officially killed his business since no one will be able to find him now. Thank God he owns the .com or he would be screwed. Hopefully he doesn't plaster the new domain on everything because people will have no idea what the hell .one means. :)

What on earth could that mean? Maybe it's a phone number or perhaps it's a postal address.. damn man, that .one at the end is just so confusing. I will never be able to figure this out...
What on earth could that mean? Maybe it's a phone number or perhaps it's a postal address.. damn man, that .one at the end is just so confusing. I will never be able to figure this out...
Who puts www in their name? That's so 20 years ago. :) you buy a new gtld to shorten the name but you end up adding three letters back in so people know what it means. Take away three to add three. Why confuse people if it doesn't shorten the name? For that you just leave it the way it is.

I like some gltd's but ones that make sense. Spark.Media, Blaze.Studio etc... These are good gtld's. Breaking up a three word company name like DJ Verse One and throwing a dot in there just confuses your branding.
Who puts www in their name? That's so 20 years ago. :) you buy a new gtld to shorten the name but you end up adding three letters back in so people know what it means. Take away three to add three. Why confuse people if it doesn't shorten the name? For that you just leave it the way it is.

I like some gltd's but ones that make sense. Spark.Media, Blaze.Studio etc... These are good gtld's. Breaking up a three word company name like DJ Verse One and throwing a dot in there just confuses your branding.

Nope, for now... whilst the public are still would be wise to still include the www... and I assure you many companies and people still include the www in their domain names...even if it's .com/.net
Is there a .two extension too , in case his business name was DJ Verse Two ?

If not, this is a solution that doesn't work for everyone.

What if someone is DJ Verse Horse ? :) :)
Nope, for now... whilst the public are still would be wise to still include the www... and I assure you many companies and people still include the www in their domain names...even if it's .com/.net
True, companies that are ran by old schoolers that have no clue. :)
the only reason i have a new gtld (.club) is to shorten my exiting .com - no other use than that
well now he has to break up his name with the word "dot" in there.
My day job allows me to meet people in all sorts of industries. When possible, I try to identify opportunities to introduce my customers to the nGTLDs.

Thing is, since 2014, I have yet to meet someone in the general public who has a clue on the new G's. From business owners to regular folk. Even people who have owned traditional extensions since the 90s have never heard of them. And every single time that I have opened a discussion geared to new G's and matching their existing brand with an EMD, there has been nothing but positive feedback and a "wow- I had no idea, that is awesome" attitude, along with almost an immediate desire to get regging.

On Wednesday during one of my tours I noticed my customer had his brand stamped onto all of his equipment. He's a DJ, his brand is DJ Verse One. Pretty cool name, actually. Anyhow, here's a skinny transcript of how it went:

HotKey: "I noticed your business name, DJ Verse One. Pretty cool. Do you happen to have a website to go with it?"

Regular Joe: "Yes I do! It is www•djverseone•com. I have owned it since 1999."

HotKey: "Nice! Hey, did you know that there is an actual dot-one extension. You can literally match your entire name without using the "com".

Regular Joe (jaw has dropped): "Your kidding?!"

HotKey: "Nope. In fact, there's hundreds of new dots that have been released. Almost everyone can have domains exactly matching their business name."

Regular Joe: "Do you think GoDaddy has this?"

HotKey: "I'm willing to bet they do, and I'm willing to bet your name is available for registration."

At this point, my customer is beside himself with excitement. I am not kidding. He yells out to his kid to fire up the laptop and go to GoDaddy and search for djverse•one. Amazingly, his kid understood right away; didn't even question the extension and knew exactly what to type. So there the name pops up on their laptop, available.

Regular Joe (shouting to kid): "Put it in the cart, put it in the cart, quick before someone takes it!"

Now the wife walks into the room and wants in on the action. But she's the cautious one. Looking at me dubiously, asks "What's your role in all this?" I proceeded to explain that I invest in names that I believe have a great future, and love connecting people to something that suits them. I also explained I would never dream of purposely infringing on anyones current brand or business. What I do, I said, is take plain ol' dictionary words and combine them with the dot to create a complete name solution.

That put her at ease, and then they wanted to know if I had a website. So I gave them my site, and their kid had an absolute blast persuing through my names. Looks up at me and says "I get it! I get why you called it Genuine Domains!" That seriously put a smile on my face. He continued on my site for the rest of my visit, even discovers his favorite name, Mrs.Fashion. I think this kid's gonna be hooked, he's got a good eye.

It's up to us to plant the seed. The reward will come later..
Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
keyword 1 keyword 2 dot extension make very little sense.

He probably got it for 99 cents so who cares, but the function of is that it is fragmented, and of poor structure.
I believe it was around $17 Canadian.
Congratulations! You officially killed his business since no one will be able to find him now. Thank God he owns the .com or he would be screwed. Hopefully he doesn't plaster the new domain on everything because people will have no idea what the hell .one means. :)
Well not with an attitude like that they won't. I think the point of this story is it shows an example of how an introduction of a gTLD to a "regular joe" can go down in the real world..and I've always gotten positive feedback.
Well not with an attitude like that they won't. I think the point of this story is it shows an example of how an introduction of a gTLD to a "regular joe" can go down in the real world..and I've always gotten positive feedback.
It is sometimes hard to tell if someone is writing something with humor or not. It may have come across harsh but I meant it to be humorous. :)
Who puts www in their name? That's so 20 years ago. :) you buy a new gtld to shorten the name but you end up adding three letters back in so people know what it means. Take away three to add three. Why confuse people if it doesn't shorten the name? For that you just leave it the way it is.

I like some gltd's but ones that make sense. Spark.Media, Blaze.Studio etc... These are good gtld's. Breaking up a three word company name like DJ Verse One and throwing a dot in there just confuses your branding.
That whole www bit was literally verbatim. It might be 20 years ago to us, but to him it was current "internet" talk. Adding letters three here two there blah blah he's not looking at it like that. Thats domainer lens. It doesn't confuse people, it makes sense.
It is sometimes hard to tell if someone is writing something with humor or not. It may have come across harsh but I meant it to be humorous.
Gotcha- I did read it wrong. Thanks! :)
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Nope, for now... whilst the public are still would be wise to still include the www... and I assure you many companies and people still include the www in their domain names...even if it's .com/.net
Its almost automatic with coms, nets. I think it isnt necessary for new G's least for those of us that like to look at the url bar. Kind of takes away from the whole name.
How long before he has to spend $998 to renew it. The proof is in the pudding... GTLD's are unsustainable. I predict the days of 4-500 dollar renewals are coming for most tld's. They will never become common place, only the choice domains like will get registered. They will never see big enough traffic to support the extension. Just look at .us as an example, if ANY extension should be taking off its that one. Even is struggling next to the .coms

.whatever extensions have no hope in hell of succeeding in the long run. If they do they will be on the backs of the registrants having to support them with exorbitant renewal fees.
How long before he has to spend $998 to renew it. The proof is in the pudding... GTLD's are unsustainable. I predict the days of 4-500 dollar renewals are coming for most tld's. They will never become common place, only the choice domains like will get registered. They will never see big enough traffic to support the extension. Just look at .us as an example, if ANY extension should be taking off its that one. Even is struggling next to the .coms

.whatever extensions have no hope in hell of succeeding in the long run. If they do they will be on the backs of the registrants having to support them with exorbitant renewal fees.
It will never be $998 to renew, that's a little extreme. gTLDs are a risky investment, for sure. You have to have your finger always on the pulse, or pick names you think have a long shelf life. There's bound to be trends with the nG's over the years. It would serve the registries well to keep prices low and consistent for many of them. I agree, the massive renewal hikes on the horizon are a bummer, really discredits the registry and throws investments into doubt. But lots of these extensions should never had seen the light of day to begin with.

What one considers to be the "chosen" gTLD, is what makes them so lucrative and dangerous. There won't be just one, there will be many. But for investment purposes, I think it's better to keep focused on just a few and what you're comfortable with.
True, companies that are ran by old schoolers that have no clue. :)

Actually companies run by just about everyone... not difficult to figure it out... open a magazine.... or better yet... try this cool;s called Google :xf.eek:. Go to this search bar they have then type in a search string... look at the results. Seems only old schoolers own businesses these days cos almost all the search results have www. in front of them... strange that. :)
How long before he has to spend $998 to renew it. The proof is in the pudding... GTLD's are unsustainable. I predict the days of 4-500 dollar renewals are coming for most tld's. They will never become common place, only the choice domains like will get registered. They will never see big enough traffic to support the extension. Just look at .us as an example, if ANY extension should be taking off its that one. Even is struggling next to the .coms

.whatever extensions have no hope in hell of succeeding in the long run. If they do they will be on the backs of the registrants having to support them with exorbitant renewal fees.

Lol... please tell u where you bought ur crystal ball from. We would all like one of those too. I dont know why u wasting your skills on domaining...I mean if I could tell the future like I would have just won the lottery a few times over...

There is no comparison between a .com - if people keep comparing any tld to a ,com they have are wasting their time. We all know .com is King.. nobody disputes that... it's like saying.. Porsche are awesome cars... so nobody she drive anything else... cos Porsches are the best... why bother making toyota and hyundai's etc...
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