Dynamic Parking Idea

Spaceship Spaceship
I just wanted this to have its own thread so I put it here. I checked and DS already owns but I have other domains and ideas that would work better.

here's the original post
calian said:
Here's another idea: Start another domain parking service. However, give the domain owners near total control over what their parking page looks like. That means if they want to hand code the entire page in html, add flash animation, javascripts, whatever - let them. This way parked domains would still be easy to administer and the stats would all be available in a centralized location, but they would look like individual sites to both visitors and search engines. Take it a step further and allow the domainers to integrate value adding dynamic content like webmail, daily comics, rss feeds, image searches, quotes, etc. This would be the ultimate in domain parking if you could hold a diverse portfolio of domains and each one would be nearly indestinguishable from a developed site. See for an example of what could be done under this system. The only requirement is that they have to integrate your code for advertising and statistics purposes and can't run their own ads.

What do you guy's think? I know I would move some domains over if this became available.

So far it seems like the best idea would be to use Google for the ads both because of their large number of available keyworks and because their place in the market means they are not a competitor.

On a technical level I would restrict each site to 150k per page load including graphics etc. to make sure people were not using the service to serve images/videos etc.

Regarding possible click fraud I would start the service up and only allow those who had invested $500+ to use it for the first 60-90 days while the technical team fine tuned the system to work best for everyone. This way those using the service have a vested interest in its success and click fraud should not be likely until the service was released to the public by which time measures would hopefully be in place to respond to it.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I'm not sure I see how adding whole lot of "content" on a park page will add value, the result will dramatically lower revenue.
I am not sure snoop, you could basically make it onto a one page website, rather than a sedo type 'parked page' I think this would encourage people to keep coming back and clicking through (especially if it was kept updated), this is the problem with Sedo, generally once someone sees that it is just a un-managed listing some people don't come back and at the end of the day how many PPC ads do you have on a sedo page (9 or 10 at most?), You could easily get a lot more than this on if you could design the page yourself.

Just my opinion :blink:
snoop said:
I'm not sure I see how adding whole lot of "content" on a park page will add value, the result will dramatically lower revenue.

Its not about adding a "lot" of content. Its about adding stuff that will get people to take an interest in the page. Stuff like local weather, webmail, news feeds, personal stock quotes. In other words, the page will still be a parking page, but it will also add value to the internet.
No, I know Calian - I totally agree. I was just getting across the point of the difference between a parked page and a user modified 'parked' page. I think it is a really good idea and I would go for it in a second!

Let me know if you go for it! :D
calian said:
Its not about adding a "lot" of content. Its about adding stuff that will get people to take an interest in the page. Stuff like local weather, webmail, news feeds, personal stock quotes. In other words, the page will still be a parking page, but it will also add value to the internet.

Right, and that just takes interest away from the advertising, the part of the page you are actually making money on.

Parking companies have tried this in the past, it is not an idea that has survived because the end result is people make far less even after taking into account traffic growth due to the page being less commercial in nature.
snoop said:
I'm not sure I see how adding whole lot of "content" on a park page will add value, the result will dramatically lower revenue.
Content can add value and revenue in many ways. You just have to think outside the PPC box.
It can give the impression of a developed site, thereby driving up the value of the name.
It can incite users to bookmark the page and return.
It can incite users to click on the truly relevant ads on the page.
It can dissuade users from closing the page before it finishes loading, which many people do when they see a PPC search engine.
It can encourage search engines and directories to link to it.
primacomputer said:
Content can add value and revenue in many ways. You just have to think outside the PPC box.
It can give the impression of a developed site, thereby driving up the value of the name.
It can incite users to bookmark the page and return.
It can incite users to click on the truly relevant ads on the page.
It can dissuade users from closing the page before it finishes loading, which many people do when they see a PPC search engine.
It can encourage search engines and directories to link to it.

I agree,Well said
primacomputer said:
Content can add value and revenue in many ways. You just have to think outside the PPC box.
It can give the impression of a developed site, thereby driving up the value of the name.
It can incite users to bookmark the page and return.
It can incite users to click on the truly relevant ads on the page.
It can dissuade users from closing the page before it finishes loading, which many people do when they see a PPC search engine.
It can encourage search engines and directories to link to it.

If it resulted in increased revenue the model would have been adopted by major parking co's/domainers, the ones who did try the idea soon dropped it.
They did'nt have the right formula to draw traffic while maintaining good content feed IMO.There are plenty of freebie games,Coupon services,Ect.To keep people coming back if it was done correctly in rotation.Just MO
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Xfactor said:
They did'nt have the right formula to draw traffic while maintaining good content IMO

well they found the best model was 100% advertising, how is your model better than what has been tried in the past?

here is what is left of applied semantics/google's efforts,

"Firehunt aims to make information gathering easy for the user by delivering intelligent Internet search and content tools --- making hunting for information fast, simple, and fun. As the discovery of fire served as a great leap forward for our ancestors, Firehunt was created to meet the quantum information needs of our savvy online users."


"The hunt is over!

Our journey has ended. We have found fire! Thus, the saga of Firehunt has come to a close. Thank you for your support over the past few years!"
Quality not quantity.For instance,You have a stocks name.You want stocks feed,But not coming from yahoo writers,Or blogs,The feed needs to be nasdaq,Wallstreet ect,Advertising can be productive in this manner,Who wants to go to a site that is just full of advertising,It gives nothing back to the viewer.It actually probably turns them off because all they see is advertising,Which is asking them for thier money,If they get the info they are looking for,I think they will look at some advertising and atleast click to see what it has to offer them.But the steady rotating daily feed will keep them coming back as long as the quality is there,The rest would take care of itself IMO
If you want to totally redesign the layout and content, can't you just go the extra step and add Google Adsense or similar? You can almost consider a dynamic parked page.

I just remembered something, I think allows you to create a customized parking page, but I think you have to host it.

The only true benefit I see in the dynamic parking idea is free hosting and some search engine rankings.
Xfactor said:
Quality not quantity.For instance,You have a stocks name.You want stocks feed,But not coming from yahoo writers,Or blogs,The feed needs to be nasdaq,Wallstreet ect,Advertising can be productive in this manner,Who wants to go to a site that is just full of advertising,It gives nothing back to the viewer.It actually probably turns them off because all they see is advertising,Which is asking them for thier money,If they get the info they are looking for,I think they will look at some advertising and atleast click to see what it has to offer them.But the steady rotating daily feed will keep them coming back as long as the quality is there,The rest would take care of itself IMO

Basically all the ideas being talked about, stock feeds, news, email etc were what people in the past tried in the past.

I think you might find your repeat visitors numbers will be far lower than you might be counting on, you could build a site better than or and I think you'd still get a very low % coming back if was a domain they stumbled upon.
snoop said:
If it resulted in increased revenue the model would have been adopted by major parking co's/domainers, the ones who did try the idea soon dropped it.
That's a classic logical fallacy. It's like saying that if sliced bread was such a brilliant idea everyone should have been making it thousands of years ago.

By the same token, saying that sedo is the pinnacle of parking evolution is like saying a loaf of sliced snow white bread that has the consistency and nutritional value of a large marshmallow is the pinnacle of bread evolution.

snoop said:
well they found the best model was 100% advertising, how is your model better than what has been tried in the past?
A handful of companies were successful with a page of PPC for a year or two so that makes it the ultimate solution? Puhleez! Will this still be the ultimate solution in a few years when most of these services have been killed because of click fraud and suits by cheated publishers?

PPC SE are fine if you have a popular name with lots of typeins or backlinks. If not they don't do much for you, least of all earn you money.

I have many names that would be appraised for regfee here which I get $100-$300 offers on simply because they are parked on a site with content. People bookmark my parked names and come back to them because of the content. I have referrers from Hotmail,, etc. These would be making $1/month at sedo, but are making $50+/month because they have content.
I have noticed one thing in my own experimentations with PPC and affiliates on my sites (not the parking thing) and that is that the more bells and whistles there are, the more people are distracted from the ads. It works best on simple pages that draw their eye to the ad. I agree that content is what keeps them coming back, but if you go crazy with the content, they'll never pay attention to the ads.
It depends on the site. I have some names where people just seem to click every other link on the page without thinking. Needless to say these are packed full of PPC ads. They have absolutely no content and look like complete crap. But they make nice money.

Another thing I should point out is that there is a content that directly generates revenue. One of my “parking services” dynamically generates a TGP for each name. Each thumbnail links to a gallery that is part of an affiliate programme. It’s not PPC, but every time someone clicks through and signs up I get paid. You could do the same thing with a product review site, which is another project I’m working on.
primacomputer said:
One of my “parking services” dynamically generates a TGP for each name.

What is TGP? Where to find this "parking service"?

I agree that this would be a great idea, but my question is:

What would the incentive be for the host of these dynamic parking page?

If there was all this great content on the page, then I don't think someone is going to bother to click on Google Ads at the top of the page, they are going to read the content. I think its almost a better idea just to purchase a resellers plan, and just create your own "parking" pages.

shilmy said:
What is TGP? Where to find this "parking service"?
TGP is a Thumbnail Gallery Post. It's a parking service strictly for adult names. If you want more details PM me, as I'm hesitant to post a link in a non adult forum.

jeter4982 said:
What would the incentive be for the host of these dynamic parking page?
The revenue, or at least a large portion of it.

jeter4982 said:
If there was all this great content on the page, then I don't think someone is going to bother to click on Google Ads at the top of the page, they are going to read the content.

If the Google ads are targeted well then people will click on them. I get a 1:30-50 Click:Impression rate on real sites that just have a text ad box slapped on the side. And if you have highly relevant affiliate links people will click on them as well.
snoop said:
Basically all the ideas being talked about, stock feeds, news, email etc were what people in the past tried in the past.

I think you might find your repeat visitors numbers will be far lower than you might be counting on, you could build a site better than or and I think you'd still get a very low % coming back if was a domain they stumbled upon.

Its not just about repeat visitors. People will soon be quite jaded to parked domains. What's gonna happen when click rates fall by 90%?
calian said:
Its not just about repeat visitors. People will soon be quite jaded to parked domains. What's gonna happen when click rates fall by 90%?
This is why PPC parking works best on names that have a substantial amount of typein traffic. If you only have 100 people visiting the site by accident again and again they will remember what it looks like and simply close it down as soon as they see it. This is actually one of the first reasons I developed my dynamic parking pages. I can show a different looking site each time a visitor returns. In some cases this has tripled revenue.
There's some sort of critical mass in PPC parking where enough people are visiting who haven't already decided this is a site they don't want to visit. I have a name that gets about 20 uniques a day and makes pennies. I have a name that gets 300 uniques a day and make $15+. My click rate isn't dropping off. If anything it's actually increasing.
heh... just seen this page from another! :) is this still an idea in people's minds? I would love to do something like this. An idea that came to mind when I was reading here would be like a "free hosting" parking site.

Basically, like tripod/lycos they have the frame at the side, why can that no be done here. People can have their own small HTML site (3 pages tops or something) that they can then put up. They can have an offers box for the domain, and they can put up other stuff, tools we provide, but then they can code the rest of the site and save it. In our little box, on the side, or we could put ads in at the top or something, we have the ppc ads, or affiliate ads. PPC ads get you measley amounts for clicks. If you affiliate with casino's, every time someone downlaods that casino and puts money in, you get £80 - £200! Now, ok, with PPC you get money for EVERY CLICK, but if 10 people click a PPC, you will get, $2 (ish). If one person downloads a casino and puts money in you get $400. I know which one I would rather.

this does sound interesting though, and I would like to be a part of it, if it is still milling around in people's heads (or not already done)

I found this page from another thread, but they all seem a few months old! :(
snoop said:
I'm not sure I see how adding whole lot of "content" on a park page will add value, the result will dramatically lower revenue.

I would have to agree. I like the idea of being able to customize the look and the feel of the page, however adding content to a parking page is just like well, creating a website with ads. The whole point of a parking page is just a page that you do not even have to touch, yet generates revenue for you.
This is interesting if could be made to work. I did not hear anyone mention that If I am parking a domain & I have control of at least part of the page content then I can create SE food content & draw SE traffic.

Small time example
I had a name parked at Sedo for several months & only getting 20-50 cents/month.

I unparked, created some SE food content, added Google Ads. Link from a PR4 site got the spiders to stop by. Still linked to Sedo for sale page.

Just looked a bit ago & the site has a PR3 and this months income is low $xx of which 40 cents is from Sedo.

I am working on another idea where every time the page loads it is different layout, colors and content (actually nearly same content presented differently). Will cycle through about 20 looks.

I am one of those -- as soon as I determine it is a PPC page I am out of there.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.