
cash parking

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. Molly

    Newsy parking — does it work?

    Hi guys. I stumbled upon Newsy.co & love the idea, I’m just wondering if it works in practice. A couple of questions. Thanks in advance! 1. Have you used Newsy or know of another similar service? 2. Have you been able to sell a domain name using their landing page? 3. Do you earn any meaningful...
  2. Molly

    Newsy parking — does it work?

    Hi guys. I stumbled upon Newsy.co & love the idea, I’m just wondering if it works in practice. A couple of questions. Thanks in advance! 1. Have you used Newsy or know of another similar service? 2. Have you been able to sell a domain name using their landing page? 3. Do you earn any meaningful...
  3. Super Software

    news Above.com adds GoDaddy Cash Parking

    Just saw a note on my dashboard that they have GoDaddy Cash Parking as an option now.. All - compared to Bodis and PC how does GD CP fare?
  4. Super Software

    news Above.com adds GoDaddy Cash Parking

    Just saw a note on my dashboard that they have GoDaddy Cash Parking as an option now.. All - compared to Bodis and PC how does GD CP fare?
  5. Domaining Ocean

    opinion Best Platform For Cash Parking

    Hello All, I have a Portfolio of domains and I want suggestions for Best Platforms for cash Parking. Thanks in advance Best Regards, Domaining Ocean
  6. Domaining Ocean

    opinion Best Platform For Cash Parking

    Hello All, I have a Portfolio of domains and I want suggestions for Best Platforms for cash Parking. Thanks in advance Best Regards, Domaining Ocean
  7. StrategyNaming.com

    Cash Parking Surprises

    Who said Cash Parking was dead? I have a few remaining names that I've left on cash Parking and one of them gets plenty of traffic and on occasion throws me a "cash parking surprise" A nice little $22.99 hit yesterday!
  8. StrategyNaming.com

    Cash Parking Surprises

    Who said Cash Parking was dead? I have a few remaining names that I've left on cash Parking and one of them gets plenty of traffic and on occasion throws me a "cash parking surprise" A nice little $22.99 hit yesterday!
  9. R

    AdSense handling of Twitter URL redirects

    Hi...does someone know Adsense's position regarding Twitter redirects to websites with posted ads? I cannot find this policy anywhere, and am trying to understand the official Google position on this topic. Full disclosure...I recently got into an umm...disagreement with GoDaddy regarding...
  10. R

    AdSense handling of Twitter URL redirects

    Hi...does someone know Adsense's position regarding Twitter redirects to websites with posted ads? I cannot find this policy anywhere, and am trying to understand the official Google position on this topic. Full disclosure...I recently got into an umm...disagreement with GoDaddy regarding...
  11. T

    I will make this simple for you and me (new member)

    I just joined and have a question about parking & traffic monetization. I'm not a 'natural' salesperson. In fact, about eleven years ago, when a friend of mine said she got a job with an ad agency to focus on getting internet business, I said that no one would ever make any money on the...
  12. T

    I will make this simple for you and me (new member)

    I just joined and have a question about parking & traffic monetization. I'm not a 'natural' salesperson. In fact, about eleven years ago, when a friend of mine said she got a job with an ad agency to focus on getting internet business, I said that no one would ever make any money on the...
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