
DAN.COM Domain Marketplace (Official Thread)

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Domain MarketplaceTop Member
:heavy_check_mark: Dan.com Staff
DAN.COM (formerly known as Undeveloped.com) is on a path to be become the biggest domain marketplace in the world. We use state of the art technology to solve everyday problems buyers and sellers in the domain industry face. At DAN.COM we focus on automating most processes required to buy & sell domains to increase a more efficient and active secondary market for domains.

What sets us apart is our strong focus on product development and customer satisfaction. We leave nothing to chance and every single feature and element we introduce is professionally and carefully designed and built.

DAN.COM is ranked in the top 5 best-rated marketplaces in the world (According to the biggest review platform Trustpilot) and in the domain industry, we're the domain marketplace with the highest rating with an average of 9,4 out of 10 points.

At DAN.COM you will get the highest value for the lowest commission around. Due to our domain transfer automation, we can offer significantly faster handling of domain transactions and payouts (usually within 24 hours) at the lowest fee charged by any domain marketplace.

We've been the first on many fronts and proudly will continue to keep innovating. We were the first to offer optimized for sale pages since 2013, the first to provide payment plans in the form of lease to own and rentals and also the first and only domain marketplace offering free SSL on all domains parked with us for over a year now.

Read more about DAN and our future plans here: https://blog.undeveloped.com/a-big-leap-forward-3a3cc59ed418

This thread is created to act as an informal communication board between the DAN team and the domain community. Feel free to post feedback here and to discuss how you use DAN.

What this thread is not meant for is support. Please contact our support team here: [email protected] when you need assistance.

Previous reviews under old brand: https://www.namepros.com/threads/undeveloped-com-experience.893201/
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
It's possible that your domains were fraudulently added to Afternic. Fast transfers are initiated from Afternic, and if your domains are only added to Dan, there won't be any fast transfers.

This person bypassed all of Domain.com's security and was transferring the domain directly from my account around 10/13/23. That issue was resolved.

I just set up a Dan account 3/30/24. This person was still determined to take possession of the domain. If I hadn't set up a Dan account I wouldn't have found out.

I'm waiting for Dan to reply at some point next week.
Have you tried just typing a reply into the message box? It might be a problem with your specific transaction, but I noticed Dan made a change whereby the message button is greyed out when you have an active counter/offer.

I just tried it on one of my "open offer" transaction windows and it worked - once I typed something in the message button lit up and I could then send something.

Again, I assume you're dealing with a different problem, but the greyed-out button did confuse me at first so I thought I'd toss it in.
Thanks for offering suggestions.

I can't say I tried everything but it seems I have. Tomorrow I will post again with the things I've tried. Someone has suggested a browser I don't normally use so I will download it and see if things loosen up.
This person bypassed all of Domain.com's security and was transferring the domain directly from my account around 10/13/23. That issue was resolved.

I just set up a Dan account 3/30/24. This person was still determined to take possession of the domain. If I hadn't set up a Dan account I wouldn't have found out.

That's very frustrating. And shame on Dan.com, for providing an opportunity for this alleged repeat fraudster to try to scam you.

I'm waiting for Dan to reply at some point next week.
Well the good news is that their customer support response has improved lately, at least for me. Hopefully they will not only remove the unauthorized listing, but also ban the culprit.
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Previously Dan was a wonderful place! After that Godaddy bought it, all the scammers from Afternic appeared there. It is sad that everything that Godaddy's hand touches now smells bad.
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Mandatory verification for all my domains would be a monumental task, requiring a ridiculous amount of time that's simply not feasible, especially with domains registered across different registrars, some not supporting a third DNS server. I'd rather spend my time researching and acquiring valuable domains than on tedious verification.
While I understand that upfront verification can have some inconvenience, consider the potential benefits:
1) Less competition from invalid listings.
Last year, I found that about 60% of the Dan listings on spot check weren't even registered domains. How many actual domain owners, like yourself, did not have views due to an overwhelming number of these unvererified AND unregistered domains showing up in a search. Maybe that 100K sales figure could have been much more?!
2) Better visibility and appeal from the "verified" domain tag, now being provided on GoDaddy for Afternic domains that have been verified. Those listings look more appealing and I wouldn't be surprised if they lead to more sales.

So, let's not assume your idea works for everyone. Stop pushing your viewpoint; it doesn't represent everyone. Also, once a domain is listed on Dan.com, nobody else can list it. It's that simple.
Please note that my request at this point to Dan is specifically to at least block further relistings of my portfolio without verification first. I am a former customer, frustrated by unauthorized repeated relistings. This further turned me away from Dan as a marketplace. So, hopefully they can honor that block request.

Ultimately, it's possble that mandatory verification on Dan will uiltimately benefit sellers like you, increasing sales and profits.
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While I understand that upfront verification can have some inconvenience, consider the potential benefits:
1) Less competition from invalid listings.
Last year, I found that about 60% of the Dan listings on spot check weren't even registered domains. How many actual domain owners, like yourself, did not have views due to an overwhelming number of these unvererified AND unregistered domains showing up in a search. Maybe that 100K sales figure could have been much more?!
2) Better visibility and appeal from the "verified" domain tag, now being provided on GoDaddy for Afternic domains that have been verified. Those listings look more appealing and I wouldn't be surprised if they lead to more sales.

Please note that my request at this point to Dan is specifically to at least block further relistings of my portfolio without verification first. I am a former customer, frustrated by unauthorized repeated relistings. This further turned me away from Dan as a marketplace. So, hopefully they can honor that block request.

Ultimately, it's possble that mandatory verification on Dan will uiltimately benefit sellers like you, increasing sales and profits.
I've made it clear that mandatory verification for all domains would be almost unfeasible given the time it requires, especially since Dan.com doesn't have account managers. Do you not understand this?
Returning to the initial issue, why haven't you added your domain to Dan.com and set it to "offer-only"? This way, no one else can list your domain. Additionally, if you're not interested in using Dan's services, why are you so concerned about how Dan conducts its verifications? Has a fraudster stolen your domain?
If Dan decides to enforce mandatory verification, I'll have no choice but to leave Dan and switch all my landing pages to Afternic.
Returning to the initial issue, why haven't you added your domain to Dan.com and set it to "offer-only"? This way, no one else can list your domain. Additionally, if you're not interested in using Dan's services, why are you so concerned about how Dan conducts its verifications? Has a fraudster stolen your domain?
You reason strange and illogical. For example, Dan forbade the inhabitants of my country to list domains there. This gives the freedom to the scammers that llist my domains without me. If Godaddy had introduced a single check for all its sites, for example, at Afternic. there would be no such a rampant scammers.
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You reason strange and illogical. For example, Dan forbade the inhabitants of my country to list domains there. This gives the freedom to the scammers that llist my domains without me. If Godaddy had introduced a single check for all its sites, f.e. at Afternic. there would be no such a rampant scammers.
The reason is simple: I just don't care about fraudsters, and nobody has ever stolen my domains. My only concern is being able to smoothly list my domains on Dan.

There are many like daaz and domainagents where you can list domains without mandatory verification. Sedo, however, is a typical platform that requires mandatory verification of all domain listings, which makes it impossible for someone with many domains like me to list on Sedo, leading me to give up on it entirely.

I didn't know dan is not allowed in some countries, where are you from
I'm from Russia. It is surprising that I can trade at Afternic and have no right at Dan. But these sites have one owner - Godaddy And this owner, who has billions of dollars, cannot solve such a simple dilemma. I suggested that it either to allow or to forbid to sell domains totally for my countrymen. Nobody is going to resolve this issue. Therefore, in order not to prove on each site that the domain belongs to you, Godaddy need to make one universal verification for all own markeplaces.
I'm from Russia. It is surprising that I can trade at Afternic and have no right at Dan. But these sites have one owner - Godaddy And this owner, who has billions of dollars, cannot solve such a simple dilemma. I suggested that it either to allow or to forbid to sell domains totally for my countrymen. Nobody is going to resolve this issue. Therefore, in order not to prove on each site that the domain belongs to you, Godaddy need to make one universal verification for all own markeplaces.
When it comes to sanctions, there is a difference between companies in the US and Europe. The company DAN.COM (Undeveloped) falls under Go Daddy Europe Limited and is subject to European / EU legislation.

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Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
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Afternic does not require verification, it's only when there is a conflict with an existing domain.

I don't believe that's true anymore. All new hand reg'ed domains I have submitted have required verification. Hard to believe scammers have previously listed these and they all had conflicts. I think they now require an NS3 verification for new names
Dan has started the process. No resolution as of yet.
Thanks for offering suggestions.

I can't say I tried everything but it seems I have. Tomorrow I will post again with the things I've tried. Someone has suggested a browser I don't normally use so I will download it and see if things loosen up.
Good morning @Mister Funsky,
If you're still experiencing any problems, we're ready to help: https://dan.com/contact

Best regards,
Good morning @Mister Funsky,
If you're still experiencing any problems, we're ready to help: https://dan.com/contact

Best regards,
I appreciate you reaching out to me.

A work around became available for the most recent issues. Again, for the record, the Dan format and functionality is my favorite of those available (with the recent exception of not being able to communicate directly with those that make an offer).

It never became clear why that would not work for me on the last couple offers that came in but as all domainers understand, time is of the essence when negotiating.

Dan isn't the only marketplace that does not share vital information (info used for my pricing strategy) but ease of use along with the ability to add a 'sales pitch' to the landing page is essential and Dan allows that where others do not.

I'm going to keep active and current at Dan in hopes Godaddy keeps it functioning as a stand alone entity. I'll reach out to support the next time an offer comes in and try to 'fix' whatever happened in the past.
In what time frame can I expect a resolution?
Not sure if this question is directed to me or not. In my case, several issues happened at once. My solution was to redirect (at least for now).
Not sure if this question is directed to me or not. In my case, several issues happened at once. My solution was to redirect (at least for now).
No, to the Dan rep.
I do have an agent responding to my issue, I provided screenshots showing this individual listing my domain. In what time frame can I expect a resolution?
The current methods to verify ownership for requesting rogue listing removalsappear to be either using: 1) the ns3 or txt mnethod or 2) having privacy off on whois and sending an email from the whois email of record.

To actually list your domain and "bump out" the rogue listing, doing the ns3/txt method is likely required. You could ask customer service explicitly what all the options are at this point. Their customer support response time, even on a weekend, can be within hours.
having privacy off on whois and sending an email from the whois email of record
What happens exactly when you use this method? An email address can easily be spoofed. Does DAN send a verification link to that email address, that has to be clicked?
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What happens exactly when you use this method? An email address can be easily spoofed. Does DAN send a verification link to that email address, that has to be clicked?
My situation may have been unique.

The privacy off method was only perhaps applicable to the request for the rogue listing removal.I was not trying to list my own domains after removal. In order for the domain to be relisted, the ns3 or txt would have likely been required as well, regardless of Whois privacy status.

No email verification linik was sent, but I was a former customer who used that same email previously for my former Dan account. Many of the rogue listings involved domains that were in that former account.

Since emails can be spoofed, as you wisely point out, ths method would not be a good alternative to requiring ns3/txt for submitting new listings.
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The current methods to verify ownership for requesting rogue listing removalsappear to be either using: 1) the ns3 or txt mnethod or 2) having privacy off on whois and sending an email from the whois email of record.

To actually list your domain and "bump out" the rogue listing, doing the ns3/txt method is likely required. You could ask customer service explicitly what all the options are at this point. Their customer support response time, even on a weekend, can be within hours.
I did add the TXT record and Dan nameservers. If you click on the name, Norton anti-virus blocks you from viewing the page. as a known hacked webpage.
I did add the TXT record and Dan nameservers. If you click on the name, Norton anti-virus blocks you from viewing the page. as a known hacked webpage.
So you were able to get the rogue listing removed and successfully listed your own domains? And now you have Norton Antivirus blocking the lander as a hacked webpage?
Maybe that's a question to direct to Norton customer service?
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So you were able to get the rogue listing removed and successfully listed your own domains? And now you have Norton Antivirus blocking the lander as a hacked webpage?
Maybe that's a question to direct to Norton customer service?
The domain hijacker made it a malware page. There's a brief message saying the server certificates are expired and the dates and times are incorrect.
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