news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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It'll be interesting to see where this goes:

Omicron-specific boosters fail to show benefit over original shots, study finds​

Are the new COVID boosters really better? Here's what early research says​

"The much talked-up new bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters may not be all that superior to the old shots at neutralizing Omicron, two new studies suggest.

Both studies are small, together involving just 73 people in total who were followed for about a month. Both are pre-prints that haven’t yet been peer-reviewed. However, their authors say their findings hint at a phenomenon known as “immunological imprinting” — the immune system’s habit of locking onto, and responding to, the first version of the virus it encountered, either by vaccination or infection."
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So, hopefully, from now on, there will be more accurate and timely data.

CDC has followed other countries by implementing weekly vs daily case reporting. The point I made earlier about under-reporting infected nurses is also reflected in the general population who may prove positive on home tests, but also go unreported.

I look forward to a time when we can have full transparency and truth; and hopefully NP's will follow suit. By that I mean the anonymous downvotes will become public, so that we will know who those white-livered lurkers are. :xf.wink:
CDC has followed other countries by implementing weekly vs daily case reporting. The point I made earlier about under-reporting infected nurses is also reflected in the general population who may prove positive on home tests, but also go unreported.

I look forward to a time when we can have full transparency and truth; and hopefully NP's will follow suit. By that I mean the anonymous downvotes will become public, so that we will know who those white-livered lurkers are. :xf.wink:

I couldn’t agree more , there is absolutely no reason for the non transparencies.. things are what they are , hiding things just makes it 10x worse IMO

Vaccine Breakthrough Could Finally Bring COVID to Its Knees​

With new COVID variants and subvariants evolving faster and faster, each chipping away at the effectiveness of the leading vaccines, the hunt is on for a new kind of vaccine—one that works equally well on current and future forms of the novel coronavirus.

Now researchers at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland think they’ve found a new approach to vaccine design that could lead them to a long-lasting jab. As a bonus, it also might work on other coronaviruses, not just the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

The NIH team reported its findings in a peer-reviewed study that appeared in the journal Cell Host & Microbe earlier this month.

The key to the NIH’s potential vaccine design is a part of the virus called the “spine helix.” It’s a coil-shaped structure inside the spike protein, the part of the virus that helps it grab onto and infect our cells.

Lots of current vaccines target the spike protein. But none of them specifically target the spine helix. And yet, there are good reasons to focus on that part of the pathogen. Whereas many regions of the spike protein tend to change a lot as the virus mutates, the spine helix doesn’t.

That gives scientists “hope that an antibody targeting this region will be more durable and broadly effective,” Joshua Tan, the lead scientist on the NIH team, told The Daily Beast.
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The key to the NIH’s potential vaccine design is a part of the virus called the “spine helix.” It’s a coil-shaped structure inside the spike protein, the part of the virus that helps it grab onto and infect our cells.

Lots of current vaccines target the spike protein. But none of them specifically target the spine helix. And yet, there are good reasons to focus on that part of the pathogen. Whereas many regions of the spike protein tend to change a lot as the virus mutates, the spine helix doesn’t.

That gives scientists “hope that an antibody targeting this region will be more durable and broadly effective,” Joshua Tan, the lead scientist on the NIH team, told The Daily Beast.
Hope for the longer-lasting jab sounds good, but the article suggests that the vaccine targeting the spine helix may take quite some time. So, while hope is on the horizon for a more permanent solution, the vaccines targeting the spike proteins may be the best interim solution.
Yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of reporting of the first case of Covid in the US.

On one hand it seems like an eternity ago when I first heard of the 'sickness' in China from a friend tasked with paying attention to that part of the world. On the other hand, it seems like yesterday when the stepmother of a friend went into the hospital for a knee replacement and unexpectedly died of pneumonia (first part of March 2020) that was later determined to be Covid related.

Incidentally, the friend mentioned above has been self quarantined for almost two weeks with severe symptoms. He is the golf pro I've mentioned in the past and it seems he contracted it from his sister. The sisters immediate family and the family of her in-laws are all sick (most in various stages of recovery). The awful part is that the sister and her daughter went to New York over Christmas and she was in the peak shedding stage. There is no telling how many people on the plane became sick as a result of that trip...the number of exponential cases is even more disturbing.

It has been a while since I've updated the numbers and I will do so shortly. At times, the namepros system does not give me alerts as it should on this thread and others I follow. I'm glad users are coming here to share information.

My covid vaccine status is that I had the initial Moderna shots with one booster. I have not gotten the most recent one...still on the fence about taking another shot.
Yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of reporting of the first case of Covid in the US.

On one hand it seems like an eternity ago when I first heard of the 'sickness' in China from a friend tasked with paying attention to that part of the world. On the other hand, it seems like yesterday when the stepmother of a friend went into the hospital for a knee replacement and unexpectedly died of pneumonia (first part of March 2020) that was later determined to be Covid related.

Incidentally, the friend mentioned above has been self quarantined for almost two weeks with severe symptoms. He is the golf pro I've mentioned in the past and it seems he contracted it from his sister. The sisters immediate family and the family of her in-laws are all sick (most in various stages of recovery). The awful part is that the sister and her daughter went to New York over Christmas and she was in the peak shedding stage. There is no telling how many people on the plane became sick as a result of that trip...the number of exponential cases is even more disturbing.

It has been a while since I've updated the numbers and I will do so shortly. At times, the namepros system does not give me alerts as it should on this thread and others I follow. I'm glad users are coming here to share information.

My covid vaccine status is that I had the initial Moderna shots with one booster. I have not gotten the most recent one...still on the fence about taking another shot.
all the best to you
I really hope we got rid of all those stupid deniers
I plan to do an update (like the old days) sometime this Sunday. Might share my latest experience with the healthcare system here in the US...I'm not a happy camper and now have no coverage due to an error. But they are being so great and are encouraging me to get signed up again this November so I can have health insurance next year. (guess I will just not allow myself to get sick this year, LOL)

This post is primarily about the info below. Spoke with one of my doctors a couple of days ago (to cancel the big time physical I should be able to get...if I had insurance) and he mentioned the variant below.


The Fast-Spreading New COVID-19 Subvariant XBB Is Part of a ‘New Class’ of Omicron​

For the past several months, Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 have dominated COVID-19 cases in the U.S. But now, there’s a class of new COVID subvariants on the rise and one in particular is getting plenty of attention. It’s called XBB—or Gryphon—and there’s a chance it could overtake everything else out there.

XBB is one of the “new class” of Omicron variants that are spreading fast right now, says Thomas Russo, M.D., professor and chief of infectious disease at the University at Buffalo in New York. That includes BQ.1.1, BQ.1, BQ.1.3, BA.2.3.20, and XBB, he says.

The variant was first detected in August 2022 in India, and has been detected in more than 17 countries since then, including Australia, Bangladesh, Denmark, India, Japan and the U.S., per Singapore’s Ministry of Health.

XBB is thought to have the best ability to evade antibody protections of these newly emerged COVID variants, according to a pre-print study from researchers in China. That study said that the new strains of Omicron, and XBB in particular, “are the most antibody-evasive strain tested, far exceeding BA.5 and approaching SARS-CoV-1 level.” (SARS-CoV-1, in case you’re not familiar with it, is the strain of coronavirus that causes SARS, a respiratory virus that can cause severe illness.)

Meaning, the vaccine and having previously had COVID-19 are not thought to offer the same level of protection against XBB as they have with previous strains of COVID-19. Antibody drugs like Evusheld and bebtelovimab may also not be very effective against XBB, the pre-print study says.

more info...
While it remains uncertain at this point, the Covid-19 Vaccine may no longer be provided for free from the U.S. government, after the public health emergency is lifted on May 11th, 2023.

So, if you live in the U.S., and have been thinking about getting the vaccinations or boosters, you can read more about the latest news about this at the following:

HHS update on Public Health Emergency Transition 2023
Lastest Vaccination Options For Boosters

Of note, the Novavax is now available as a booster alternative for some cases, even if someone has had the mRNA vaccine or J&J primary series and boosters in the past. The booster, however, has limited availability in pharmacies, so the vaccine finder can be very helpful to find the nearest locations.

Finally, let me simply say a great big thanks to @Mister Funsky for starting this initial thread on Covid 19! Hopefully, it will be obsolete soon, but as your last posts indicates, continued vigilance will likely be necessary. Thanks for helping raise awareness on this challenging chapter in our lives.
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Investigating the Origins of COVID-19​

Oversight Committee summarizes that the media downplayed, discredited, and silenced voices of experts sounding the alarm that COVID-19 may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China.

“The scientific community is very afraid to speak up on political issues. I think the reason is that government grants are handed out through the system of peer-reviewed committees. You don’t want any single scientist on your peer-review committee to vote against, because you won’t get your grant – it’s so competitive. Therefore, scientists are very reluctant to say anything that’s politically divisive or turn other scientists off against them. This means that they cannot be relied upon in the way that we would like them to be independent and forthright and call it as they see it.”

Comer: “Was there science available to make such an unequivocal statement against the possibility of a lab leak that early on in February of 2020?”

Witnesses Dr. Metzl, Mr. Wade, and Dr. Redfield all answered, “No.”

Comer: “Is the possibility COVID-19 leaked from a lab a conspiracy theory?”

Witnesses answered, “No.”

Investigating the Origins of COVID-19​

Oversight Committee summarizes that the media downplayed, discredited, and silenced voices of experts sounding the alarm that COVID-19 may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China.

“The scientific community is very afraid to speak up on political issues. I think the reason is that government grants are handed out through the system of peer-reviewed committees. You don’t want any single scientist on your peer-review committee to vote against, because you won’t get your grant – it’s so competitive. Therefore, scientists are very reluctant to say anything that’s politically divisive or turn other scientists off against them. This means that they cannot be relied upon in the way that we would like them to be independent and forthright and call it as they see it.”

Comer: “Was there science available to make such an unequivocal statement against the possibility of a lab leak that early on in February of 2020?”

Witnesses Dr. Metzl, Mr. Wade, and Dr. Redfield all answered, “No.”

Comer: “Is the possibility COVID-19 leaked from a lab a conspiracy theory?”

Witnesses answered, “No.”

I get they didn’t want to stir the pot into a complete world war , IMO , as I said right in the beginning , Covid - 19 was made in a lab and released on the complete world IMO , and sooner or later I feel that will be 100% substantiated. Now , there were other people associated with the Wuhan lab , that were from other countries , so to nail it down to China right now really can’t be done. Either way , it will all be divulged in time . There are people with massive blood on their hands IMO
Great news! A friend of mine had had some temporary significant symptoms after a previous vaccine series. He finally tried the Novavax as a booster, as an alternative to the mRNA vaccines.

He did great! The difference was amazing. Note that that does not mean that this is an alternative for everyone. To me, I'm very grateful that this option as a booster is now available.

Note that it's unclear how effective the Novavax is against the new variants. But, for those who are reluctant to get the other vaccines, the FDA does permit this now as a booster choice. They are only being offered in limited locations in the USA, which can be found through the CDC website. CDC Covid19 Vaccine Website
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In my country, as of June 20, 2023, there have been over 2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 and over 29,000 deaths. The vaccination rate in Bangladesh is currently around 60%.
They are basically telling us there will never be a definitive reason/cause...anyone surprised?


No direct evidence COVID started in Wuhan lab, US intelligence report says​

June 23 (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies found no direct evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic stemmed from an incident at China's Wuhan Institute of Virology, a report declassified on Friday said.

The four-page report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said the U.S. intelligence community still could not rule out the possibility that the virus came from a laboratory, however, and had not been able to discover the origins of the pandemic.

"The Central Intelligence Agency and another agency remain unable to determine the precise origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, as both (natural and lab) hypotheses rely on significant assumptions or face challenges with conflicting reporting," the ODNI report said.

The report said that while "extensive work" had been conducted on coronaviruses at the Wuhan institute (WIV), the agencies had not found evidence of a specific incident that could have caused the outbreak.


Why Are People Suddenly Dropping Dead? | CBN NewsWatch - July 6, 2023​

Iam just sayin ... A very reliable news source.

Why Are People Suddenly Dropping Dead? | CBN NewsWatch - July 6, 2023​

Iam just sayin ... A very reliable news source.

A quick check - others can check things out more, if they want to verify it further...... Turned this up on the Suddenly Dropping Dead claims:

Fact Check-No evidence that people aged 25-44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality due to COVID vaccine rollout​

"At the 0:28 second mark, Dowd says: “And the money chart is really chart 4, which shows that the millennial age group 25 to 44 experienced an 84 percent increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst ever excess death mortality I think, in history. Just to give you an idea, when you look at chart 4, you see when mandates and boosters hit the acceleration into the fall and then it reaccelerated into the end of the year.”

The graph shown in the video includes a link to this CDC page (here) as the source.

While Dowd claims the deaths are due to vaccine rollouts, this CDC data represents excess deaths from COVID-19."

COVID-19 vaccines did not cause excess deaths among millennials​

CLAIM: There were more than 61,000 excess deaths among the millennial age group in the U.S. in the second half of 2021 because of COVID-19 vaccines.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. There was an increase in excess deaths — which is the difference between the observed numbers of deaths and expected numbers of deaths in a specific period — among millennials at that time, but health experts say there is no evidence vaccines played a role. Instead, contagious variants of the coronavirus were a major contributor to the toll.
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Don't get the Johnson and Johnson Covid booster.


How did Katerina Pavelek die? 'The Mindy Project' star was 41 and fell ill following vaccine booster​

By Anita Goswami
Updated On : 23:19 PST, Jul 3, 2023
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How did Katerina Pavelek die? 'The Mindy Project' star was 41 and fell ill following vaccine booster

Model and actress Katerina Pavelek died by assisted suicide after falling gravely ill after taking the Covid-19 booster shot (kat.pave/Instagram)
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BASEL, SWITZERLAND: Model and actress Katerina Pavelek recently died through assisted suicide. The 41-year-old took the tough decision after being diagnosed with an incurable and chronic neurological illness.

Pavelek attributed the illness to the Covid-19 booster shot she received in 2022. She was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) before she decided on euthanasia. She publicly shared her intention to undergo assisted suicide in an Instagram post on June 1. She ended her life on June 17 at an assisted suicide clinic in Basel, Switzerland.
Also Read: 'A whole ‘nother album': SZA announces deluxe version of sophomore album 'SOS'
Model and actress Katerina Pavelek died by assisted suicide due to illness following Covid booster shot(kat.pave/Instagram)

Who was Katerina Pavelek?​

Katerina Pavelek was a 41-year-old model and actress who appeared in TV shows, including the 'The Mindy Project', and movies such as 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood', 'Star Wars', 'The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time' and 'Fool's Paradise'. In her Instagram post, Pavelek claimed that the Covid booster shot she received in 2022 had an adverse impact on her health, ultimately leading to her diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). She believed that the vaccine was responsible for her deteriorating health.
Katarina Pavelek put out a post on Instagram detailing how the Covid-19 booster shot led to her health deteriorating (kat.pave/Instagram)

Also Read: Reese Witherspoon shuts down reports claiming she is a billionaire, says 'they’re wrong'

'The booster jab destroyed my life completely'​

"I was diagnosed with [an] untreatable chronic neurological illness ME/CFS caused by booster jab on top of having suspected respiratory ALS," Pavalek wrote, adding, "This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have [a] social life and unable to enjoy life all together. Breathing have become more and more difficult and painful for me and my lung function has been declining. The booster jab I received over [a] year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made."
Also Read: Amy Robach 'furious' as Robin Roberts excludes her from dream wedding over her affair with TJ Holmes
Pavelek openly shared details about her health issues through multiple Instagram posts prior to her death. "No one tells you that you will grieve when you become disabled or chronically ill. Instead of a loved one dying, it’s like you’ve died. Your life, your hopes, your dreams, your plans… all forever changed," she wrote.

Katerina Pavelek wrote another heartwrenching post after becoming chronically ill (kat.pave/Instagram)

'I felt very uncomfortable about getting a booster'​

Despite not receiving a formal Covid diagnosis, Pavelek believed she had contracted the virus in 2020 during the initial stages of the pandemic in the US. She experienced a month-long illness during that time, although she did not have any pre-existing health conditions. "I believed the vaccine was safe and effective. After the first and second Covid vaccines, I had no major side effects other than a few days of fatigue," she wrote.

"I felt very uncomfortable about getting a booster," Pavelek admitted. In February 2022, she received the Johnson & Johnson booster shot for work purposes, even though "ongoing conflicting messaging showed me that they were negligently lying." Within two days, "my heart started racing, and I began to feel intense chest pains," she said.
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Megyn Kelly also got the Johnson and Johnson Covid booster :

"During her show, Megyn Kelly expressed regret for getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

After being vaccinated and boosted, Kelly says she contracted COVID-19 and was diagnosed with an autoimmune issue.

Kelly’s physician agreed that the booster shot caused more medical problems. "

“For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical,” Kelly explained.

“And I went to the best rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, ‘Do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks?’

“And she said yes. Yes. I wasn’t the only one she’d seen that with,” Kelly continued.
WASHINGTON — Staff on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have heard testimony from a whistleblower alleging that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) offered six analysts significant monetary incentives to change their position on COVID-19’s origin. The whistleblower, who presents as a highly credible senior-level CIA officer, alleges that of the seven members assigned to the CIA team tasked with analyzing COVID-19 origins, six officers concluded that the virus likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. The CIA, then however, allegedly offered financial incentives to six of the experts involved in the investigation to change their conclusion in favor of a zoonotic origin.
It was looking like another toxic round of covid could hit the US .. it has fizzled out it appears .. who knows what is come to covid wise this winter .. hopefully no covid

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