news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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Why uncontrolled HIV may be behind the emergence of Omicron​

Where did Omicron come from? By all accounts it is a weird variant. Though highly mutated, it descended not from one of the other variants of concern, such as Alpha, Beta or Delta, but from coronavirus that was circulating maybe 18 months ago. So where has it been all this time? And why is it only wreaking havoc now?

Researchers are exploring a number of hunches. One is that Omicron arose in a remote region of southern Africa but failed to spread until now. Another is that it evolved in infected animals, such as rats, and then crossed back into humans. But a third explanation is gaining ground as more data come to light, that Omicron arose in a person with a weakened immune system: someone having cancer treatment perhaps, an organ transplant patient or someone with uncontrolled HIV.
How do you explain this:


(source: drcharlie ward: fake news? so what.. you can't dispute the equation.)
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 5,324,894
United States: 817,956
Brazil: 616,941
India: 475,636
Russia: 290,604
United Kingdom: 146,439
France: 120,431
Italy: 134,831
Spain: 88,381
Mexico: 296,672
Poland: 88,508
South Africa: 90,137
Indonesia: 143,948
Netherlands: 20,112
Canada: 29,919
Chile: 38,686
Belgium: 27,504
Philippines: 50,341
Japan : 18,373
Bolivia: 19,317
Australia: 2,106
Peru: 201,650

UK's Johnson warns of Omicron 'tidal wave', says two doses not enough​

LONDON, Dec 12 (Reuters) - Britain faces a "tidal wave" of the Omicron variant of coronavirus and two vaccine doses will not be enough to contain it, Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned on Sunday, as he accelerated the booster rollout programme.

Speaking hours after government scientists lifted the COVID alert level to 4 on a 5-point scale, Johnson said the booster programme must go faster because scientists did not yet know if Omicron was less severe than other variants.

"A tidal wave of Omicron is coming," Johnson said in a televised statement on Sunday evening. "And I'm afraid it is now clear that two doses of vaccine are simply not enough to give the level of protection we all need."

Johnson added that with Omicron known to be much more transmissible than other variants, the National Health Service would struggle to cope with hospitalisations if the variant were to tear through an un-boosted population.
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'You don't fully absorb it': Omicron's spread across the province is taking experts by surprise​

Just weeks after it was first identified in South Africa, the highly contagious variant of SARS-CoV-2 is spreading through the province with such speed that it has taken experts by surprise.

“As epidemiologists and public health officials, even we need to splash our faces with cold water for it to sink in,” said Dr. Doug Manuel, a senior scientist at The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and a member of Ontario’s science advisory table.

“The first time you see it, you don’t fully absorb it.

The reality of Omicron in Ontario is that it is spreading at a rate not seen since the pandemic began. Cases of the variant are doubling every three days, according to the science advisory table. As of Dec. 7, its effective reproduction number, the rate at which it spreads, was 4.07, compared to 1.09 for Delta, according to the science table.”
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Covid-19 is raging across the US, with a surge in cases and hospitalizations causing new disruptions​

(CNN)Covid-19 infections and hospitalizations are rising once again, prompting a new wave of cancellations and disruptions as the country prepares for another pandemic holiday season.

The US is now averaging 118,717 new Covid-19 cases each day -- 40% higher than a month ago -- according to data from Johns Hopkins University, and 1,326 Covid-19 deaths are being reported each day on average. That's a 12% increase compared to a month prior.

In response, some colleges and universities are moving to online classes and exams while multiple Broadway shows are canceling performances and professional sports leagues are postponing games.
Proteins taken from SHARK immune systems can prevent COVID-19

Antibody-like proteins found in a shark's immune system could be a natural COVID killer that not only prevents the virus that causes it, but also different variants – such as Omicron that is currently spreading across the globe.

The proteins, known as VNARs, are one-tenth the size of human antibodies, making them small enough to 'get into nooks and crannies that human antibodies cannot access,' Aaron LeBeau, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor of pathology who helped lead the study, said in a statement.

LeBeau and his team identified three candidate VNARs from a pool of billions that effectively stopped the virus from infecting human cells.

However, the researchers note that the new VNARs will not be available as a preventative during the current coronavirus pandemic, but the team is preparing the shark proteins to combat future outbreaks.

'The big issue is there are a number of coronaviruses that are poised for emergence in humans,' said Aaron LeBeau.

'What we're doing is preparing an arsenal of shark VNAR therapeutics that could be used down the road for future SARS outbreaks. It's a kind of insurance against the future.'
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And this is happening in The Netherlands with a full vaccination rate of 75% of its population.

Netherlands goes into strict lockdown for Christmas​

"The Netherlands will go into a strict lockdown over the Christmas and New Year period to try to contain the highly contagious Omicron coronavirus variant, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Saturday.

Measures including the closure of all non-essential shops, restaurants, hairdressers and gyms will go into effect on Sunday and remain in place until Jan. 14. All schools will be closed until Jan. 9.

"The Netherlands is again shutting down. That is unavoidable because of the fifth wave that is coming at us with the Omicron variant," Rutte told a televised news conference.

Other measures include a recommendation that households receive no more than two visitors and that gatherings outside are also limited to a maximum of two people.

A failure to act now would likely lead to "an unmanageable situation in hospitals", which have already scaled back regular care to make space for COVID-19 patients, Rutte said."
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Washington Senator Doug Ericksen, Who Fought Vaccine Mandate, Dies After COVID Battle​

Washington state Sen. Doug Ericksen, a Republican who opposed vaccine mandates, has died after a battle with COVID-19.

Ericksen's death came weeks after he revealed he had tested positive for COVID-19 during a trip to El Salvador, but his cause of death wasn't immediately released. He was 52.

"We are heartbroken to share that our husband and father passed away on Friday," Ericksen's wife, Tasha, and his two daughters said in a statement issued through the Washington State Senate Republican Caucus on Saturday. "Please keep our family in your prayers and thank you for continuing to respect our privacy in this extremely difficult time."

Ericksen, who represented the 42nd District in Whatcom County, had sent an email to his Republican colleagues in the Washington House and Senate in November saying he had tested positive for COVID-19 shortly after he arrived in El Salvador.

He asked them for advice on how to receive monoclonal antibodies, which were not available in the country.

"I cannot get back home, and it's to the point that I feel it would be beneficial for me to receive an iv of monoclonal antibodies (Regeneron)," he wrote. "I have a doctor here who can administer the iv, but the product is not available here."

He arranged a medevac flight from El Salvador shortly after sending the email, former state Rep. Luanne Van Werven later said. Van Werven said Ericksen was recovering at a hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but it was not clear where he was when he died.

It was unclear if Ericksen had been vaccinated against the coronavirus himself or why he was visiting El Salvador. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people should make sure they are fully vaccinated before visiting the country, where current levels of COVID-19 are "high."
Maybe we are all getting worked up for nothing...after all, the death rate is a measly 2.3%. Certainly not a big deal (unless it is you or someone you love). One of the US patients is not doing well...others are in varying degrees of illness, some with nothing more than a persistent cough and sniffles. Numbers in China stabilizing due to the immediate and firm action of the state...a different look at stats from same source as link above. The data is updated as it comes in...just refresh from time to time.

btw, Harbor Freight and a local franchise paint store in my area are sold out of n95's and face shields. A manager of a local chain store that I have business with said water is hard to keep stocked as well as some canned vegetables. He said the largest percentage increase in the last 24 hours is in wine sales! He said, "the masses have spoken...people have to have their wine no matter what!".

Are you thinking countries are about to shut down again ??? Supposedly the vaccines nor the booster will stop omicron … omicron will lead to other variants … it looks like Herd immunity or nothing IMO.. just as I felt in the beginning of covid 19 ..
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Are you thinking countries are about to shut down again ???
A lot of them are starting the process of restricting travel again. I'm curious what our 'leader' has to say tomorrow night...hope a partial shut down for the US is not coming...the economy might not survive the hit.

At this point...nearly two years might be time to let it run its course. The next mutation will likely spread 2-3 times faster than omicron, which is spreading 2-3 times faster than delta which spread 2-3 times faster than earlier versions.

The 'genie' is well out of the bottle, so over the next 30-60 days omicron is going to run through the population pretty completely. 2022 will still be unsettled but spring of 2023 it should be a shadow of its current least I hope so.
A lot of them are starting the process of restricting travel again. I'm curious what our 'leader' has to say tomorrow night...hope a partial shut down for the US is not coming...the economy might not survive the hit.

At this point...nearly two years might be time to let it run its course. The next mutation will likely spread 2-3 times faster than omicron, which is spreading 2-3 times faster than delta which spread 2-3 times faster than earlier versions.

The 'genie' is well out of the bottle, so over the next 30-60 days omicron is going to run through the population pretty completely. 2022 will still be unsettled but spring of 2023 it should be a shadow of its current least I hope so.

I agree , should we have a shutdown it will devastate many many companies .. I don’t think the restaurant food chains would make it as well .. we have some very tough months ahead with covid -19 no doubt about it .. I think at this point with the mutation being somewhat unable to even foresee .. we just have to ride it all out from here. .. I am still very optimistic that the virus will die off .. at least as far as being prevalent year around ..
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it might be time to let it run its course.
No way... if you let Omicron run its course forgetting masks and vaccines, you will colapse Hospitals and health systems in two weeks, not to mention the number of fatalities it would cause...
We must keep fighting the virus with what we have, this is masks, vaccines and social distancing.
omicron, which is spreading 2-3 times faster than delta
Omicron is spreading 70 times faster than Delta.
In future let's hope that every new strain will be less virulent, and that finally we can manage to deal with it like a flu virus.
But for the moment, even if Omicron is less virulent than Delta (this is what it seems, for the moment), as it spreads 70 times faster, this means that Hospitals can collapse quite fast if people don't take measures.
And the collapse of hospitals means that many people will not be able to receive treatment in hospitals for other diseases.
Supposedly the vaccines nor the booster will stop omicron …
Vaccines will keep you alive if you are vaccinated with two doses. And the booster will stop omicron at a 90% rate again.
Giving the fact that Omicron is spreading 70 times faster than Delta, I would recommend you and everybody to get vaccinated as soon as possible, in case that you still are not yet vaccinated. Because with this strain there are high probabilities to get it and end in a Hospital having real troubles if not vaccinated.
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No way... if you let Omicron run its course forgetting masks and vaccines, you will colapse Hospitals and health systems in two weeks, not to mention the number of fatalities it would cause...
We must keep fighting the virus with what we have, this is masks, vaccines and social distancing.
I did not suggest abandoning the logical ways to reduce infection.

The underlying point I was making is that two years have passed since the start and 10+ months of vaccines becoming available (albeit in stages) means most who want the vaccine, have it. In America, at least, those that wanted/needed the vaccine have had ample opportunity to receive it. The 'running of its course' would happen primarily in those that are unvaccinated...the quicker it moves through that community the quicker it will likely begin to fade.

But all our armchair analyzations are mute. As you say, at 70 times faster spread than delta means it will move through this country in 2 months or so (insert mathematics here) so the course has been a matter of weeks hospitals in major metros will be pushed to the max (due to all the 'holiday' travel occurring at present). Death percentages will be lower with omicron but the sheer numbers based on millions of new cases will catch many off guard.

Of course, I could be wrong.
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My elderly neighbor was hospitalized a couple of weeks ago for weakness and extreme fatigue. She had to stay in the ER for two days because the hospital had no beds for her. That was before omicron even hit. The daughter brought her home for a couple of hours but had to call an ambulance to take her back. The daughter feared the lady has covid and wouldn't be able to get a bed. I think she is still in the hospital, and I also fear that she has covid.

These are the problems we'll be running into as the omicron takes hold. It's very scary.
Vaccines will keep you alive if you are vaccinated with two doses. And the booster will stop omicron at a 90% rate again.
Giving the fact that Omicron is spreading 70 times faster than Delta, I would recommend you and everybody to get vaccinated as soon as possible, in case that you still are not yet vaccinated. Because with this strain there are high probabilities to get it and end in a Hospital having real troubles if not vaccinated.
I won’t get the covid vaccine .. even if that means the death of me .. But.. during this run of the omicron variant ..the main thing is that people not panic and allow the hospital beds to be used according to need correctly .. preexisting .. elderly and people in immediate need… they should get the beds first and foremost … people that simply test positive and have fever should get prescriptions and ect and go home and go to bed .. the vast majority of healthy people who contract omicron and show symptoms will recover and can do so at home with out complications I would think .. long term covid complications ?? Nothing new with this .. most aren’t having long term illness from the other variants ..
My elderly neighbor was hospitalized a couple of weeks ago for weakness and extreme fatigue. She had to stay in the ER for two days because the hospital had no beds for her. That was before omicron even hit. The daughter brought her home for a couple of hours but had to call an ambulance to take her back. The daughter feared the lady has covid and wouldn't be able to get a bed. I think she is still in the hospital, and I also fear that she has covid.

These are the problems we'll be running into as the omicron takes hold. It's very scary.

The elderly , people with preexisting illness should be top priority to be hospitalized … young and younger healthy people will pile in the hospitals out of fear.. being scared of covid 19 isn’t going to make any difference in the final outcome .. fever , extreme fatigue and ect are the normal symptoms , they need to take extra strength Tylenol, drink fluids ,stay in bed a few days . the elderly should always be fully taken care of first IMO
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 5,380,184
United States: 828,836
Brazil: 617,905
India: 478,007
Russia: 299,249
United Kingdom: 147,261
France: 121,717
Italy: 135,778
Spain: 88,793
Mexico: 297,916
Poland: 92,052
South Africa: 90,453
Indonesia: 144,024
Netherlands: 20,504
Canada: 30,063
Chile: 38,885
Belgium: 27,992
Philippines: 50,794
Japan : 18,379
Bolivia: 19,459
Australia: 2,154
Peru: 202,295
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