
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Estimated 1.56 billion face masks will have entered oceans in 2020

Our oceans will be flooded with an estimated 1.56 billion face masks in 2020 says a report released today by Hong-Kong-based marine conservation organization OceansAsia. This will result in an additional 4,680 to 6,240 metric tonnes of marine plastic pollution, says the report, entitled “Masks on the Beach: The Impact of COVID-19 on Marine Plastic Pollution.” These masks will take as long as 450 years to break down, slowly turning into micro plastics while negatively impacting marine wildlife and ecosystem.

I think this woman really deserves the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry or Medicine.

BioNTech scientist Katalin Karikó risked her career to develop mRNA vaccines

"Scientist Katalin Karikó struggled for years to convince colleagues that messenger RNA could have disease-fighting applications in humans."

"In 2005, she found a way to configure mRNA so that it slipped past the body's natural defenses — a discovery that paved for the way for the world's first mRNA vaccines."

"The COVID-19 vaccines from both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna rely on this technology."

"It was 1985. The family was moving from Hungary to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, so Karikó could take a postdoctoral position at Temple University.

"Karikó, now 65, oversees mRNA protein replacement at BioNTech, a German biotech firm that developed a coronavirus vaccine in partnership with US pharma giant Pfizer. Karikó's work also inspired the founding of Moderna, the US biotech company developing a competing coronavirus shot.

Both vaccines use mRNA to deliver a coded message to the body that triggers an immune response. And so far, both have been found to be highly effective at preventing COVID-19: Pfizer and BioNTech's two-shot regimen was found to be 95% effective, while Moderna's was shown to be 94.5% effective.

Unlike more traditional shots, mRNA vaccines stimulate the production of killer T cells, which stop the coronavirus from replicating. The vaccines are also relatively easy and quick to produce, since they're made in test tubes or tanks rather than cultivated in cells."
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,766,601
United States: 339,921
Brazil: 190,815
South Africa: 26,521
United Kingdom: 70,405
Canada: 14,800
Mexico: 122,026
Poland: 27,118
Russia: 54,778
India: 147,659
Bolivia: 9,093
Japan : 3,155
Indonesia: 21,237
Italy: 71,620
Spain: 49,824
Belgium: 19,158
France: 62,573
Netherlands: 10,970
Chile: 16,404
Philippines: 9,109
After Review, Minnesota Lawmakers Say COVID Deaths Heavily Inflated..

Franson said she and a team reviewed 2,800 “death certificate data points” and found that about 800 of them did not have the virus as the underlying cause of death.

She added that in one case, a person who was ejected from a car was “counted as a COVID death” because the virus was in his system.

TL;DR - Financial incentive for classifying death as Covid-19
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The E.U. begins its vaccine rollout, aiming to inoculate more than 450 million people

"From nursing homes in France to hospitals in Poland, older Europeans and the workers who care for them rolled up their sleeves on Sunday to receive coronavirus vaccine shots in a campaign to inoculate more than 450 million people across the European Union."
MAP: Covid-19 vaccination tracker across the U.S.

"NBC News is tracking administered doses in each state by surveying health departments and examining daily reports."

"Two vaccines to prevent Covid-19 infections have now been granted authorization for emergency use, and every day thousands more people are becoming vaccinated. As of Dec. 23, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that more than 1,008,025 initial doses of the two Covid-19 vaccines have been administered."
Of course, all legal recourse should be taken. Then allow the use of a baseball bat on those that broke the law...those that took the dose out of turn should not be allowed to get the second installment. PIGS.

State police investigating COVID-19 vaccine distribution outside of protocols

Provider based in Brooklyn, Orange County touted giving Moderna vaccine to public
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Excess use of antibiotics due to COVID-19 triggers 'super gonorrhea'

The overuse of antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rise in cases of gonorrhea. Health experts even fear that the highly drug resistant STI may become untreatable.

The World Health Organisation clearly states the sexually transmitted infection (STI) may become even more resistant to the recommended treatments like azithromycin, which typically is used for chest and sinus infections. Azithromycin has seen an increase in usage during the pandemic.

"Such a situation can fuel the emergence of resistance in gonorrhea including gonorrhea superbug (super gonorrhea) or gonorrhea with high-level resistance to current antibiotics recommended to treat it," a WHO spokesperson told British media outlet The Sun.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,773,875
United States: 341,138
Brazil: 191,146
South Africa: 26,735
United Kingdom: 70,752
Canada: 14,963
Mexico: 122,426
Poland: 27,147
Russia: 55,265
India: 147,940
Bolivia: 9,098
Japan : 3,213
Indonesia: 21,452
Italy: 71,925
Spain: 49,824
Belgium: 19,200
France: 62,746
Netherlands: 10,998
Chile: 16,443
Philippines: 9,124
Excess use of antibiotics due to COVID-19 triggers 'super gonorrhea'

The overuse of antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rise in cases of gonorrhea. Health experts even fear that the highly drug resistant STI may become untreatable.

The World Health Organisation clearly states the sexually transmitted infection (STI) may become even more resistant to the recommended treatments like azithromycin, which typically is used for chest and sinus infections. Azithromycin has seen an increase in usage during the pandemic.

"Such a situation can fuel the emergence of resistance in gonorrhea including gonorrhea superbug (super gonorrhea) or gonorrhea with high-level resistance to current antibiotics recommended to treat it," a WHO spokesperson told British media outlet The Sun.
I would like to know why of that "overuse of antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic".
As covid-19 is a disease caused by a virus, antibiotics do nothing to treat a covid-19 infection.

By the way, the problem of antibiotic overuse is not from now. From many years doctors are giving way more antibiotics to people than what they really need, and that is creating antibiotic ressistance to many antibiotics, not just Azithromycin.
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I think this woman really deserves the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry or Medicine.


Kary Mullis - who did win the Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry most certainly deserved it!
He won if for creating the legendary RT PCR test.

Mullis also very specifically said to not use it for infectious disease diagnosis.

Essentially, with PCR you are seeing a signature of genetic material.

There are medical uses for the test.

However, Infectious Disease Diagnosis is not one of them.

Why listen to third hand info through Fraudci and Gates the Eugenicist when you can just listen to Dr. Mullis describe the PCR test himself:

Kary Mullis speaks about the PCR test that he invented that won him the Nobel prize.

Some rare footage of Mullis and his feelings about Fauci! (later in the video)
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I would like to know why of that "overuse of antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic".
As covid-19 is a disease caused by a virus, antibiotics do nothing to treat a covid-19 infection.

Viruses are inherit in our microbiomes
A detox mechanism of our genius human machines.

And yes Antibiotics are meant for BACTERIA infections, so of course they are not going to help the experiences of a viral detox phenomenon.

The antibiotics most certainly will damage the microbiome, leading to other issues, including an imbalance of Candida to Probiotics in our genius human systems.

Yes you are correct . . .
Even the most mainstream of Rockefeller MD texts admit that the overprescribing of antiobiotics is a problem.
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Viruses are inherit in our microbiomes.
Covid-19 as well as Smallpox and other dozens of virus are not inherit in our microbiomes.
But to know this, you must be able to see the difference and don't be a conspiracy theorist.
The antibiotics most certainly will damage the microbiome, leading to other issues, including an imbalance of Candida to Probiotics in our genius human systems.
Antibiotics must be used only when there's a bacterial infection, and in that case they are essential and necessary.
Thanks to antibiotics, you won't die for a tooth infection, or a pneumonia, or for dozens of other bacterial infections.
Something that a complete science-denier and a complete conspiracy-"Rockefeller" like you won't understand even in 100 conspiracy lifes.

Again, it's a complete waste of time to talk with such a complete denier, that thinks there's no Gravity on our planet, that our planet is flat, that NASA is fake news, that "virus cannot spread by a cough or by air", that thinks this pandemic is fake, and believe in every other completely idiotic conspiracy theory you can imagine.
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Covid-19 as well as Smallpox and other dozens of virus are not inherit in our microbiomes.

Antibiotics must be used only when there's a bacterial infection, and in that case they are essential and necessary.
Thanks to antibiotics, you won't die for a tooth infection, or a pneumonia, or for dozens of other bacterial infections.
Something that a complete science-denier and a complete conspiracy-"Rockefeller" like you won't understand even in 100 conspiracy lifes.

Again, it's a complete waste of time to talk with such a complete denier, that thinks there's no Gravity on our planet, that our planet is flat, that NASA is fake news, that "virus cannot spread by a cough or by air", that thinks this pandemic is fake, and believe in every other completely idiotic conspiracy theory you can imagine.

You know there are antibiotics in food.....

Ever use Manuka Honey on a wound?
Used Garlic and Ginger to treat infection?

We Eastern doctors treat the body with the utmost respect.
Our bodies our sacred.
We don't test you to death and cut out your parts,
We treat the whole.
With as little invasiveness as possible.

Again, are you a healer or a teacher?
Or just a name calling troll?

I bring compassion, sometimes firm,
I know what I stand for,
And I know what I stand on (it's not a spinning ball)

Hopefully your MDs understand the role of rebuilding gut floras with prebiotics and probiotics after rounds of antibiotics.

Not all MDs are clueless as to the true nature of our realm.

In fact I'd say more than half are WIDE AWAKE as to the true nature of the plandemic. :xf.wink:
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You know there are antibiotics in food.....

Ever use Manuka Honey on a wound?
Use Garlic and Ginger to fight infection?

We Eastern doctors treat the body with the utmost respect.
Our bodies our sacred.
We don't test you to death and cut out your parts,
We prefer to treat the whole.
With as little invasiveness as possible.

Again, are you a healer or a teacher?
Or just a name calling troll?

I bring compassion, sometimes firm,
I know what I stand for,
And I know what I stand on (it's not a spinning ball)

Hopefully your MDs understand the role of rebuilding gut floras with prebiotics and probiotics after rounds of antibiotics.

Not all MDs are clueless....

In fact I'd say more than half are WIDE AWAKE as to the true nature of the plandemic. :xf.wink:
You are the only name calling troll, the biggest I have seen in fact.
Eastern doctor? you are a complete ignorant and complete science denier supporting the most weird and idiotic conspiracy theories out there.
You don't have a clue about virus, microbiology, real medicine, nothing, null.
Anyway, a complete waste of time. Luckily the most of the people have the minimum knowledge to differenciate reality and real science from crazy conspiracy theorists and science-deniers.

Now, continue thinking that there's no gravity on our planet, that virus cannot spread by air or by a cough, that earth is flat, that science is a conspiracy and other incredible conspiracy and denier theories out there. You are the boss of the ignorant science-deniers and conspiracy theorists.
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My understanding is...this about....

Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

not about YOUR beliefs

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Police hand out 12 fines following a tip-off about a wedding reception in Sydney that was attended by guests from the northern beaches in breach of coronavirus stay-at-home orders.

Source: Coronavirus Australia news: Dozen fines issued for northern beaches COVID-19 breach at Sydney wedding reception - ABC News

My understanding is...this about....

Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

not about YOUR beliefs


Little did the OP know he was starting a thread for the ongoing WORLDWIDE 911 we are all enduring.

The cabal does this on 19 year cycles with the moon....
The moon is in the same celestial alignment every 19 years ;)

It's one reason the order out of chaos scripts work so well.
Astrology is for billionaires not millionaires - yea?

So I won't branch too far from Coronavirus updates and news.

However Coronavirus is the scapegoat for the globalists to reshape the world.
Hence a variety of topics are now in play.
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California now has the worst COVID-19 spread in US

Florida still doing better. It's almost like lockdowns and mask don't work.

Clearly those who wrote the script years in advance know how gullible and programmable the masses are.

Common sense will win.

Masks don't prevent viral transmission. This fact has been known for awhile.

There were legit research studies completed decades ago that proved this.

And Steiner did great work about a century ago that really proved it :xf.wink:
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(Even with questionable testing methods and very questionable labeling of death certificates)
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