
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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India’s low hygiene gives it more immunity against virus, helps in Covid fight — CSIR study

In a pre-print paper, CSIR talks about better 'immune training' among Indians that may be the reason why the country has lower Covid cases and deaths per million than global average.

The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, says that high parasite and bacterial disease burden in “low and low-middle income countries” and a chronic exposure to communicable diseases lead to “immune training” among populations.
India’s low hygiene gives it more immunity against virus, helps in Covid fight — CSIR study

In a pre-print paper, CSIR talks about better 'immune training' among Indians that may be the reason why the country has lower Covid cases and deaths per million than global average.

The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, says that high parasite and bacterial disease burden in “low and low-middle income countries” and a chronic exposure to communicable diseases lead to “immune training” among populations.

Totally agree. Childs must be exposed to germs in order to "train" their immune system.
Immune system is like an arsenal that must "attack" and be exposed to germs, in order to gain "memory".
Immune system is a very powerful response developed through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. And if from overnight, you "cut" the germ exposure and training of the immune system, this "body arsenal" will attack whatever it finds, because it is what it has done through thousands of years, and in the absence of external germs, it will attack its own body, that is what happens with auto-immune diseases.
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The following is a very interesting article to read, if you want to learn about immune system and how it works.
Dropping antibody counts aren’t a sign that our immune system is failing against the coronavirus.

Scared That Covid-19 Immunity Won’t Last? Don’t Be

"Dropping antibody counts aren’t a sign that our immune system is failing against the coronavirus, nor an omen that we can’t develop a viable vaccine.

That antibodies decrease once an infection recedes isn’t a sign that they are failing: It’s a normal step in the usual course of an immune response.

A vaccine works by mimicking a natural infection, generating memory T and B cells that can then provide long-lasting protection in the people who are vaccinated".
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Melbourne's hard lock-down finally ends
After hundreds of deaths in the second COVID-19 wave, Melbourne Australia has ended its 111-day hard lockdown.


Melbourne's hard COVID-19 lockdown ends as city moves into third step of roadmap

Melbourne is enjoying its first day out of hard lockdown, although a number of measures designed to limit the spread of coronavirus are still in place.

Victoria [Australia] and only a handful of countries have achieved zero from second wave

Victoria’s stunning defeat of the second wave puts it in rare company with only a handful on nations.

White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci praises Victorian attitude to mask wearing
Top White House coronavirus adviser Anthony Fauci has praised Victoria's attitude towards mask-wearing, saying it has been "painful" to see the issue become politicised in the United States."I really wish that we could transplant that kind of mentality here, because masks in the United States have almost become a political statement."
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,173,782
United States: 232,101
Brazil: 157,981
South Africa: 19,053
United Kingdom: 45,365
Canada: 10,001
Mexico: 89,814
Russia: 26,935
India: 120,054
Bolivia: 8,672
Japan : 1,725
Indonesia: 13,612
Italy: 37,700
Spain: 35,298
Belgium: 11,038
France: 35,541
Netherlands: 7,142
Chile: 14,026
Philippines: 7,114
Some Covid Survivors Have Antibodies That Attack the Body, not Virus

Some survivors of Covid-19 carry worrying signs that their immune system has turned on the body, reminiscent of potentially debilitating diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, a new study has found.

This misguided immune response may exacerbate severe Covid-19. It may also explain why so-called “long haulers” have lingering problems months after their initial illness has resolved and the virus is gone from their bodies.

The findings carry important implications for treatment: Using existing tests that can detect autoantibodies, doctors could identify patients who might benefit from treatments used for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. There is no cure for these diseases, but some treatments decrease the frequency and severity of flare-ups.
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India’s low hygiene gives it more immunity against virus, helps in Covid fight — CSIR study

Interesting findings, especially this:

One of the manifestations of better hygiene and safe sanitation practices in high GDP countries is the increased incidence in autoimmune disorders. It has been postulated that better hygiene practices could lower a person’s immunity and make the person susceptible to autoimmune diseases. We therefore tested if any of the autoimmune diseases showed an association with the LDM (log of deaths per million) variable. We interestingly find a strong positive correlation with Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis and a weaker correlation with Asthma.
Interesting findings, especially this:

One of the manifestations of better hygiene and safe sanitation practices in high GDP countries is the increased incidence in autoimmune disorders. It has been postulated that better hygiene practices could lower a person’s immunity and make the person susceptible to autoimmune diseases. We therefore tested if any of the autoimmune diseases showed an association with the LDM (log of deaths per million) variable. We interestingly find a strong positive correlation with Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis and a weaker correlation with Asthma.

Too much hygiene is not a good thing!
Coronavirus: Macron declares second national lockdown in France

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced a second national lockdown for at least the whole of November.

"Mr Macron said under the new measures, starting on Friday, people would only be allowed to leave home for essential work or medical reasons.

Non-essential businesses, such as restaurants and bars, will close, but schools and factories will remain open.

Covid daily deaths in France are at the highest level since April. On Tuesday, 33,000 new cases were confirmed.

Mr Macron said the country risked being "overwhelmed by a second wave that no doubt will be harder than the first".

Germany to close bars, restaurants in new lockdown

"Germany will close all bars and restaurants during a partial nationwide lockdown due to begin on 2 November.

Hospitality venues will remain shut until 30 November, sources told Reuters.

Shops will be allowed to remain open under the condition of one person per 10 square metres to respect social distancing."
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A really good study on the spread of Covid under indoor conditions. Masks do help, but still people need to be aware.

A room, a bar and a class: how the coronavirus is spread through the air

The risk of contagion is highest in indoor spaces but can be reduced by applying all available measures to combat infection via aerosols. Here is an overview of the likelihood of infection in three everyday scenarios, based on the safety measures used and the length of exposure.
India’s low hygiene gives it more immunity against virus, helps in Covid fight — CSIR study

In a pre-print paper, CSIR talks about better 'immune training' among Indians that may be the reason why the country has lower Covid cases and deaths per million than global average.

The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, says that high parasite and bacterial disease burden in “low and low-middle income countries” and a chronic exposure to communicable diseases lead to “immune training” among populations.
You think this is a good thing?
it's like saying being the most obese country more immune,

Even if it's true; after OperationWarpSpeed's success; Vaccine dashes virus hopes and dreams; there'll be no more silver linings to poor hygiene. I know culture is a big part of it;

Japan and or Chin awore maskspart of culture before became thing...
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You think this is a good thing?
it's like saying being the most obese country more immune,

Even if it's true; after OperationWarpSpeed's success; Vaccine dashes virus hopes and dreams; there'll be no more silver linings to poor hygiene. I know culture is a big part of it;

Japan and or Chin awore maskspart of culture before became thing...

Poor hygiene is NOT a good thing. It leads to lot of deaths, especially among infants. Has social costs also.

But an interesting study. Another theory proposed early during outbreak was that BCG vaccination provides immunity. I am yet to see definitive studies on that.
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Nor is too little -- the trick is to find a healthy balance.
You think this is a good thing?
Poor hygiene is NOT a good thing. It leads to lot of deaths, especially among infants. Has social costs also.

The key is letting the kids play on the park, with friends, and getting dirty with mud, sand... play and get dirty on nature, play on the mountain, etc. A too protective environment, like parents keeping kids always at home, and keeping home clean as a whistle, will prevent the kid's immune system to be developed and trained, and can lead to develop autoimmune diseases later.

Exposure to germs helps build immunity in kids

"Exposure to germs builds immunity, and works in the same way as vaccines, which expose kids to a small amount of germs so that when the real infection strikes, the body fights it better.

Have you ever stopped your kids from getting their hands dirty with mud or sand? If so, you may want to rethink your stand as many medical experts now believe that playing with mud is a great way to strengthen your child’s immunity. In fact, doctors and scientists believe that allergies and asthma are higher in wealthy countries due to lack of exposure to bacteria and other microorganisms — a fact backed by several studies."

Could Getting Dirty and Being Exposed to Germs Boost Your Health?

"It's commonplace today for people to clean their hands with antibacterial or antimicrobial soap, spray their bathrooms and kitchens with bleach and other sanitizers and wash their dishes and clothes at "germ-killing" settings. No doubt, it's an effective weapon for keeping germs at bay.

But that doesn't mean we should aim to have our families, including kids whose immune systems are still developing, avoid all germs – if there were even a way to do that. That's because a growing body of research is showing that microbes – microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses – and dirt are crucial for our well-being. Research indicates that early exposures to a variety of microbes may help lower the risk of developing conditions like asthma and allergies"

Early exposure to germs has lasting benefits

Exposure to germs in childhood is thought to help strengthen the immune system and protect children from developing allergies and asthma
, but the pathways by which this occurs have been unclear. Now, researchers have identified a mechanism in mice that may explain the role of exposure to microbes in the development of asthma and ulcerative colitis, a common form of inflammatory bowel disease.

In a study published online today in Science1, the researchers show that in mice, exposure to microbes in early life can reduce the body’s inventory of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, which help to fight infection but can also turn on the body, causing a range of disorders such as asthma or inflammatory bowel disease."
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Normally kids develop the immunity as they play outside, on streets, and school grounds. Plenty of exposure to germs. I guess this happens irrespective of country.

But, There are a lot of places were poor hygiene is EXTREME. Like people living in shanties alongside open sewers and garbage dumps. Those are serious health hazards. And a serious issue in lot of developing countries.

Like the slums portrayed in movies Trash, Slumdog millionaire etc.
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Normally kids develop the immunity as they play outside, on streets, and school grounds. Plenty of exposure to germs. I guess this happens irrespective of country.

But, There are a lot of places were poor hygiene is EXTREME. Like people living in shanties alongside open sewers and garbage dumps. Those are serious health hazards. And a serious issue in lot of developing countries.

Like the slums portrayed in movies Trash, Slumdog millionaire etc.
Of course, poor hygiene is never good. The key is to have a good hygiene but also be in contact with a few germs. A lack of germ contact leads to future autoimmune diseases, that are really devastating for the person, as it's your own immune system who attacks your own body. That's the reason why, usually on developed countries, autoimmune diseases have increased a lot on the last decades.

The immune system is like an armory, a powerful arsenal of the body, made to fight germs, yes or yes.
Because that's what has happened during thousands of years of evolution, always, kids have been in contact with germs and autoimmune system has responded.
If from overnight you cut the germ contact of a kid, the immune system has to find an enemy, as it is what it has done during thousands of years. And it will find it on its own body. Autoimmune diseases are the worst for this reason.
In fact, with covid-19 the cytokine storm that totally inflames and collapses the lungs, is just that, a strong and devastating autoimmune response of your own body.
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In my area they've sold out on Toilet Paper extra strength. I guess when S**T hits the fan people will literary S**T themselves.

We went through two waves of toilet paper frenzy in Australia.

I saw a neighbour pull up with a trailer and his car stacked with the stuff. People were filmed fighting over it in supermarkets, and charged by the police for various offences.

How much toilet paper do people actually need?
We went through two waves of toilet paper frenzy in Australia.

I saw a neighbour pull up with a trailer and his car stacked with the stuff. People were filmed fighting over it in supermarkets, and charged by the police for various offences.

How much toilet paper do people actually need?

How come people don't switch to the much better way to wash?
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,180,914
United States: 233,137
Brazil: 158,468
South Africa: 19,111
United Kingdom: 45,675
Canada: 10,032
Mexico: 90,309
Russia: 27,301
India: 120,583
Bolivia: 8,694
Japan : 1,730
Indonesia: 13,701
Italy: 37,905
Spain: 35,466
Belgium: 11,170
France: 35,785
Netherlands: 7,202
Chile: 14,032
Philippines: 7,147
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST (this morning--hurricane took out net) are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,188,262
United States: 234,218
Brazil: 159,033
South Africa: 19,164
United Kingdom: 45,955
Canada: 10,074
Mexico: 90,773
Russia: 27,656
India: 121,144
Bolivia: 8,705
Japan : 1,733
Indonesia: 13,782
Italy: 38,122
Spain: 35,639
Belgium: 11,308
France: 36,020
Netherlands: 7,258
Chile: 14,118
Philippines: 7,185
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 10:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,195,929
United States: 235,254
Brazil: 159,562
South Africa: 19,230
United Kingdom: 46,229
Canada: 10,110
Mexico: 91,289
Russia: 27,990
India: 121,726
Bolivia: 8,715
Japan : 1,744
Indonesia: 13,869
Italy: 38,321
Spain: 35,878
Belgium: 11,452 (20,000 new cases in 24 hours)
France: 36,565
Netherlands: 7,395
Chile: 14,158
Philippines: 7,221
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