
Afternic - Official Thread

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Established Member
GoDaddy Staff
Hello NamePros!
By popular demand, we have launched a dedicated feedback thread for Afternic, the GoDaddy-owned domain name marketplace.

We have created this thread as a way for you to tell us what works, what doesn't work, and what features you'd like to see at Afternic (please be constructive with your feedback). We're looking forward to hearing from the domain investment community to help us shape the future of Afternic.

We will also be sharing Afternic product updates in this thread.

Please note that this thread is not meant for support. Please email our support team at [email protected] for assistance.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
What's up with .ai domains support @ Afternic and GoDaddy?

1. Even though .ai is a modern registry with EPP support, no fast transfer is available on Afternic. Sedo offers fast transfer for .ai, Afternic does not.

2. GoDaddy .ai pricing is not competitive. Likely because GD is reselling another registrar (1api.net) in this case?

3. GD appraisal tool is unaware that aftermarket .ai domains are saleable and that the prices are reasonably high. Most appraisal values shown by this tool are funny.

4. According to registry website ( http://whois.ai/registrars.html ):

The company Godaddy will say "domains with this extension are not transferable" when someone tries to transfer a ".ai" domain to them when a more correct error message would be "Godaddy does not know how to transfer .ai domains even though it is done using the industry standard EPP transfer command". They will also say, "Technically .ai domains are not transferable between most registrars, but we have a dedicated team that transfers them manually." This is so wrong. All other registrars have no trouble doing them automatically. The only technical failure is at Godaddy. Because of they way Godaddy is doing this, I get many people asking me, "Vince, why don't you let people transfer .ai domains?", as if I was doing something wrong and not Godaddy. I do let people transfer .ai domains. All of the above registrars can do it automatically without any trouble. Really.
Thanks for your feedback on .ai. It's a popular extension and we see plenty of sales happening through Afternic. You're right, it's not available via fast transfer at the moment, but we'll let you know if and when that feature is available.

Is Afternic down?
I m trying to login and the login process restarts, over and over again
@Traderas We're sorry to hear that! Please let us know if you're continuing to have login problems.

at an how do you keep track of uniques-views-visits ? (not parking)
Great question. This isn't possible on Afternic yet, but we're going to release landing page statistics later in the year.

How is it possible to disable Fast Transfers ?
Everytime I update prices using CSV, the Fast transfer is enabled, and I have to request to the support to unable it.

Currently fast transfer doesnt work with networksolutions and there are failures in sales...
@davidc1 Sorry to hear that. Your account manager will contact you on your specific fast transfer issue.
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Are there any plans to incorporate BIN landers that are more in line with the color scheme of the Godaddy brand?
It sure would be nice to at least have a BIN lander option with a similar color scheme as the inquiry lander.

Not to mention, now that many of the bugs have been worked out, I'm confident they would convert better than the current BIN lander option.

It shouldn't be too difficult. The original lander, which looks more like a real Godaddy lander, should should still exist. All they need to do is implement it into our lander options.

Just curious.
What's up with .ai domains support @ Afternic and GoDaddy?

1. Even though .ai is a modern registry with EPP support, no fast transfer is available on Afternic. Sedo offers fast transfer for .ai, Afternic does not.

2. GoDaddy .ai pricing is not competitive. Likely because GD is reselling another registrar (1api.net) in this case?

3. GD appraisal tool is unaware that aftermarket .ai domains are saleable and that the prices are reasonably high. Most appraisal values shown by this tool are funny.

4. According to registry website ( http://whois.ai/registrars.html ):

The company Godaddy will say "domains with this extension are not transferable" when someone tries to transfer a ".ai" domain to them when a more correct error message would be "Godaddy does not know how to transfer .ai domains even though it is done using the industry standard EPP transfer command". They will also say, "Technically .ai domains are not transferable between most registrars, but we have a dedicated team that transfers them manually." This is so wrong. All other registrars have no trouble doing them automatically. The only technical failure is at Godaddy. Because of they way Godaddy is doing this, I get many people asking me, "Vince, why don't you let people transfer .ai domains?", as if I was doing something wrong and not Godaddy. I do let people transfer .ai domains. All of the above registrars can do it automatically without any trouble. Really.

I couldn't even register a short .ai domain with @GoDaddy yesterday.

Every single attempt ended with "This domain is unavailable."

Ultimately, I closed through a different registrar without a single hiccup at a much better price.
Are there any plans to incorporate BIN landers that are more in line with the color scheme of the Godaddy brand?
It sure would be nice to at least have a BIN lander option with a similar color scheme as the inquiry lander.

Not to mention, now that many of the bugs have been worked out, I'm confident they would convert better than the current BIN lander option.

It shouldn't be too difficult. The original lander, which looks more like a real Godaddy lander, should should still exist. All they need to do is implement it into our lander options.

Just curious.

We'll have news on additional landing page choices coming soon!

Regarding the Buy It Now landing pages, we first tested this darker blue color scheme last year based on feedback from the Dan.com team.

Paul Nicks' keynote from NamesCon 2022 showed a 43.5% increase in the number of people clicking the Buy Now button during testing, and it's proven effective since we rolled it out to all our customers. That being said, we do continue to test lander features, and we'll ask our team to look into testing other color schemes. Thanks for your feedback!

Bad Daddy, what are you even thinking about?

Seriously though these filters need to be adjusted not to trigger on something which is merely a part of the word. I also have a jackpot domain stuck in review with the same note. Probably all names with words like assist, asset etc. also suffer regularly.
I finally got through to Afternic support and they don't know why I'm getting this error message and why I haven't been able to log in for the last 5-6 days. They told me no one else has reported it so far and they have to escalate it to the dev team, like GoDaddy support also told me when I talked to them on Sunday about not being able to access my GD account. Currently, I can't get into either my Afternic or my GD account.

For Afternic, it's been the same error message every time I log in. I've tried to change my password, clear my cookies and cache, open it from a private window, use another wifi service. Doesn't change anything. The person I chatted with Afternic support told me they can access my account from their end but I just can't from my end apparently.

For GoDaddy, my 2FA SMS isn't working. I'm not receiving the codes when they send them and when I try and reset the password, it goes to a blank pink error message. GD support also had me try to change my password, clear my cookies, open it from a private window, ect. and it still didn't work.

I feel like both issues are connected somehow. The errors both started on the same day (Friday). There could possibly be an overlap because I have 2FA on both accounts but I'm not sure. Both have been escalated to the higher uppers by Afternic and GoDaddy support.

The weird thing is yesterday afternoon, I got into my Afternic account once. When it worked, I immediately tried my GD account right after that and I got the 2FA code and I got in. Everything looked fine. After my login timed out for each account, both reverted back to the same issues. Same error message for Afternic. No code and blank pink error message for GD. Weird..

@WillW i got the same problem for two days now and it sickens me! @GoDaddy support wasn't a help at all.
Need access to my portfolio asap...
Where you able to login again? I tried it with phone, firefox, chrome, incognito, etc... always the same.

Everytime i tipe in my username / password this pops up at the step i should be able to enter the SMS code (which were not sent eather):


It all started when i activated the 2FA (SMS) at Godaddy with the same phone number i'm using at afternic (using it there for year/s) and everything broke down.
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I'm really frustrated with the lead center/broker system.

I'm not receiving any notifications about what's happening with my lead center.
Your brokers are handling all my leads without asking for my opinion or keeping me informed.
I have to constantly check my account and message brokers to find out what's going on.
I've spoken to support and asked about this with five different brokers, but I haven't gotten any results.

While we're wasting time, buyers have the opportunity to change their minds.


2023-06-20 18:28
Buyer made offer of $324

2023-06-21 09:58
why didn't you informed me that the buyer made an offer for $324? I want to receive email notifications for everything that happens in my lead center .I have asked this more than 3 times in different brokers. Please report this again...Thank you

2023-06-21 22:12
We'll ensure we'll update you if buyer has a new offer.

2023-06-22 02:11
Ok, please accept the offer of 324

2023-06-23 10:50
Buyer made offer of $320

2023-06-24 02:38
What is happening.
Did the buyer made again an offer of $324?
Did you accepted it?
Why isn’t the domain sold yet?
Also I m still not getting any notification about what happens in my lead center.

2023-06-24 22:02
The buyer came back with a lower offer of $320 USD. We are working to have them honor their previous offer of $324 USD. If by chance you would consider the lower gross offer of $320, please let us know. Otherwise, we are currently waiting for the buyer's response if they can honor the previous offer.

I've skipped over some irrelevant messages.

So, here we can see 3 things :

1. I was never informed about these offers.

2. The broker is trying to save me $4, risking ruining the transaction!

3. I would have accepted this offer four days ago if I were allowed to do so...
@WillW i got the same problem for two days now and it sickens me! @GoDaddy support wasn't a help at all.
Need access to my portfolio asap...
Where you able to login again? I tried it with phone, firefox, chrome, incognito, etc... always the same.

Everytime i tipe in my username / password this pops up at the step i should be able to enter the SMS code (which were not sent eather):

Show attachment 241229

It all started when i activated the 2FA (SMS) at Godaddy with the same phone number i'm using at afternic (using it there for year/s) and everything broke down.

And the next day i wasn't able to login at both godaddy and afternic...
I got an qualified lead for an $14,995 listing - can't assist
Have an portfolio to manage - can't renew
Want to spent some money on GD auctions - can't participate

Godaddy support? Telling me to use a browser in incognito mode - didn't work. Telling me to wait for some hours because they are doing a security update - nothing changed. Come on @GoDaddy. For real? :(
Let me know if there is a shortage of personnel in the technical team. I know a couple of solid names.
And the next day i wasn't able to login at both godaddy and afternic...
I got an qualified lead for an $14,995 listing - can't assist
Have an portfolio to manage - can't renew
Want to spent some money on GD auctions - can't participate

Godaddy support? Telling me to use a browser in incognito mode - didn't work. Telling me to wait for some hours because they are doing a security update - nothing changed. Come on @GoDaddy. For real? :(

Godaddy support #part II:
And again - a bad experience with a support guide from Godaddy.

We needed to start at the beginning again (no front against the supporter. He need to get the infos - but for me this is pretty annoying as i told the problem the supporter yesterday already).

They asked for the support PIN again which i can not provide because i have no access to my acounts! lol.
Then he asked for the TAN code he sent me to my phone which i provided. And i named him a code he sent to my mailadress.

And then we were ready to start:

Here we go again. Told him that the 2FA login do not work and provided screenshots:


After clicking on login this page / error comes up next. No SMS TAN sent out.


Translation "This phone number can't be used".

After some back and forth he sent an invatation to reset my password. Which i did.

Then he told to try it again.... it did not work. He told me to check multiple times (f.e. to use my customer number instead of mailadress, etc.).

Then the 2FA is blocked for 24 hours because of the high frequency login tries:


I told him that my account is locked for now and we can't do anything (that told me the supporter yesterday).

He answered i don't have to worry. He'll sent the problem to specialists and we go on to try to login at afternic. I was happy he'd gonna try some more. Then he asked if i know the way to delet the 2FA at all. I told him that i have seen that option but would not prefer to do that because then i have to upload my ID and business documents which i'm fine with because of the security reasons but i guess this will take lots more business days which i do not want to wait to get access to my portfolio.

Then the Godaddy support went cheeky and angry:


Translated he says:
"Well! Then you have to wait for 24 hours until the lock is over. And i have to say that your 2FA works fine. I sent you a code [i mentioned at the beginning of the post - the TAN for legitimation] and it worked. Your account should be able to login easily! [sounds for me like he'd like to add, "you stupid customer!", to the end]

ARE YOU SERIUOS??? I told him multiple times that i can not login. Showed screenshots. Were kindly. And he tells me that i'm wrong at all and there is no problem. Un-be-livable! That is not how a support should work like. This is so EPIK or NetworkSolutions like...Damn! I quited the chat. Still got no solution to access my accounts.

Will try it tommorrow again. Maybe there is no other option then deleting the 2FA via form and waite more days to be able to login again. If so i'll do that but just need someone to tell me that is the (only) way! Afternic login worked since day one the 2FA was integrated... Didn't see a huge problem like this coming especially at godaddy. :(
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Looks like i'm not the only one who can not login to AN or GD...
Lots of customers try to cancel their 2FA / 2SV at the moment:


PS: Gladly DAN works still fine with 2FA.
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And the next day i wasn't able to login at both godaddy and afternic...
I got an qualified lead for an $14,995 listing - can't assist
Have an portfolio to manage - can't renew
Want to spent some money on GD auctions - can't participate

Godaddy support? Telling me to use a browser in incognito mode - didn't work. Telling me to wait for some hours because they are doing a security update - nothing changed. Come on @GoDaddy. For real? :(
Yeah it took a few weeks for both my GD and AN account to be accessible. I had to remove the 2FA from both accounts in order for it to work. I tried going through the proper channels to remove the 2FA but it was taking too long. At some point in the 2nd week, I was able to login to the GD App on my phone. Once in, I removed the 2FA for my GD account. After that, I was able login to AN with my GD account and once in, I removed my 2FA. Everything worked after that.

AN support told me it was most likely related to a login issue at that time and they said their dev team looked into it and it was resolved. That was mid April.

I recommend trying the GD app, not the investor app. See if you can get in and remove the 2FA. If you can, you should be able to login to AN with your GD account info. Hope that helps!
I can't log in either,but I'm not complaining, because I had a nice AN sale the other day lol
There are currently a lot of errors in the Afternic interface.
can login but cannot add names to account. cannot navigate site.
Something went wrong. Please go back and try again.
Yeah it took a few weeks for both my GD and AN account to be accessible. I had to remove the 2FA from both accounts in order for it to work. I tried going through the proper channels to remove the 2FA but it was taking too long. At some point in the 2nd week, I was able to login to the GD App on my phone. Once in, I removed the 2FA for my GD account. After that, I was able login to AN with my GD account and once in, I removed my 2FA. Everything worked after that.

AN support told me it was most likely related to a login issue at that time and they said their dev team looked into it and it was resolved. That was mid April.

I recommend trying the GD app, not the investor app. See if you can get in and remove the 2FA. If you can, you should be able to login to AN with your GD account info. Hope that helps!

Thank you for taking time to write down this helpful informations - i appreciate it. That is a nice idea to try with the GD app. Didn't work for me (when i click on 'login' the page loads for a second and interrupt) but maybe it will help someone other from the community too. Tried both the investor and the studio app.
Maybe @GoDaddy will assist in this thread today. Looks like there are lots of more users who face some critical bug problems recently.
Thank you for taking time to write down this helpful informations - i appreciate it. That is a nice idea to try with the GD app. Didn't work for me (when i click on 'login' the page loads for a second and interrupt) but maybe it will help someone other from the community too. Tried both the investor and the studio app.
Maybe @GoDaddy will assist in this thread today. Looks like there are lots of more users who face some critical bug problems recently.
I just looked over my emails in April and it looks like it worked for me because I had gone through the 2SV cancellation process at GD and it was approved right around the time I tried logging in (found an email from the GD account recovery team confirming this). It looks like you're going to have to start the 2SV process at GD and wait for it to be cancelled). It took a few weeks for my accounts to go to normal so you should try calling GD support today to see if they can speed up the 2SV cancellation process.
I just looked over my emails in April and it looks like it worked for me because I had gone through the 2SV cancellation process at GD and it was approved right around the time I tried logging in (found an email from the GD account recovery team confirming this). It looks like you're going to have to start the 2SV process at GD and wait for it to be cancelled). It took a few weeks for my accounts to go to normal so you should try calling GD support today to see if they can speed up the 2SV cancellation process.

Thanks again for helping me out. Damn, i was hoping till last that this is not the solutions to go with. But i'll start the process immediately. Gladly Dynadot had the transfer coupon this month and i renewed / transfered out the keeper domains expiring within the next two month. You really need to fix this @GoDaddy. Thinking of a sale right now which i'd need an AUTH code for and not be able to login for lots of more days - even weeks - from now on. I mean you got a lot of infos to check where the problem could be. It all started when i activated 2SV SMS at Godaddy. Like i said. For afternic the 2SV was no problem for more than a year or so. Is the problem that we can't have the same phone number at both afternic and godaddy at the same time? I don't know. Keep starting the cancel process of 2SV and hoping for the best.
Why is a domain in pending review status for so long? Afternic sure does make it hard to list a domain.
I have domains in pending review status for weeks...

You can't delete them and they do not appear for sale in the marketplace!!

Good job once again Afternic!
I have domains in pending review status for weeks...

You can't delete them and they do not appear for sale in the marketplace!!

Good job once again Afternic!
i have 2 like that, but they do show up at godaddy and namecheap. makes no sense.
i have 2 like that, but they do show up at godaddy and namecheap. makes no sense.
I just checked again, mine doesn't appear anywhere
at least in afternic classic, you can
2 months ago I sold a name in DAN and when I tried to delete it from Afternic, I couldn't.
After exchanging many emails with their support, they told me that the reason was that it was on hold, and that I can't delete domains in this state.
3 days after I transferred the name to DAN, I got an email saying that the domain was also sold in Afternic...

Good job once again Afternic!
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