
A little respect with sellers

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Salai Domains

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Hi friends! How are you today?

I'm writing this post because in most part of time I'm selling here at Namepros. I know that so many are doing the same thing here, and I feel that most of us have the same feeling that me.

We sellers always are clicking at the section of Namepros called "Request Domains" at "Market Place". There we can find a lot of possible buyers asking for domains (WTB).

So we sellers, get the names form our list, we clicked at the name, we start a conversation, and no one answer us. Some buyers, sometimes, writing at the Request "I will only answer if I like"

So I have one question for all, Do you like to offer anything for somebody and the other guy ignore you?

Please show a little respect for us the sellers, just say "No I don't want your domains, thank you" (Copy paste from here.) It's easier for everyone and show respect in the trade.

This is just my opinion, I don't own the truth. I know the buyers receive a LOT of PM's when they post a thread asking for domains, but a simple answer changes everything.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
At last the buyer should reply to the sellers who offer domains based on the buyer's requests.
Some of these "wanted" threads can span weeks and months, so at what point are sellers supposed to presume "no reply = not interested"? The buyer might intend to reply to the seller depending on their time, or even an outcome of another sale/purchase. So without a reply, sellers cannot know this and don't know whether to hold on or move on.

Neither buyers nor sellers are more precious than the other. Without sellers there'd be nothing to buy and so no buyers, and vice versa. But sellers spend a minute or two of their time reading the criteria, clicking on "start conversation", writing their title and body PM out, and confirming in the thread (sometimes it only takes 20-30 seconds) - whereas the buyer replying "no thanks" while reading the PM is always only a few seconds.

even when the seller send a PM with wrong domains, why not say "No I don't want your domains, thank you" ?
I disagree with this. If someone sends something very wrong then I don't think they deserve a reply. Sure mistakes happen, in which case no harm done without a reply.

But when someone (eg) asks for " ONLY" and they receive PMs for "" then I don't think there needs to be a reply. It was a chance, and no reply means "you know your domain was not in my criteria, I haven't replied to your cheeky attempt, off you pop".

you are in a shoe store and ask for a black shoe and the seller of the shoe store brings to you a white shoe
This is different as in a shop we are in each others presence and either party is awaiting some response.

But I do agree that "no response" to signify "I'm not interested" is not fair. How long does the seller wait to acknowledge the silence is "not interested"? Perhaps the seller sells to someone else the next day, and the first buyer comes back with "yes". This is why communication is required, so both buyer and seller know where they stand and good business can be achieved.
Well, I don't own the truth its my opinion and I respect yours @james haw . But I believe, better I've learned some words (sentences), and this shows respect for the other: Please, Thank You, You are welcome, excuse me, I'm sorry, Good morning/evening/night .

I don't expect that you understand and accept my point of view. I'm just showing what I'm feeling, and I saw with this thread that a lot others members than disagree with you.

You said "This is different as in a shop we are in each others presence and either party is awaiting some response"
Yes is different you are receiving at your office or at your home some offers from people that trying to sell some things to you. When someone call to you to offer a product you turn off the phone without a word?

Just my opinion. But I understand you, but just answer "no thank you" doesn't kill
We are having here a lot of repeated opinions and examples and ...

@sellers we are only looking at what we want, a reply from the buyer, be it a positive YES (You have struck gold my friend) or NO (Better luck next time mate!). Why hasn't anybody proposed a solution that will be beneficial for both parties. By beneficial I mean time saving for the buyers and time/anxiety-saving fro the sellers.

The simple argument is buyers don't reply with that 2 letter NO. Do you know it takes at the least 2 seconds to type NO and another 2-5 seconds to click the send button and get your page reloaded back for you to move on to your next message. Considering this 1 minute for every 10 "NO" messages. You can do the math for how many ever samples you want.

So here is my solution: Have an Yes/No Quick reply buttons added to the PM. If an user makes use of this button, then the an automatic reply is sent to the recipient based on the button clicked and the page auto-magically loads the next un-read PM. This way it would take 1-2 seconds for the entire process. The 1-2 seconds is the same or lesser time a buyer would take to come back to his inbox from a message and go the next un-read message.

This is my opinion, you can add your suggestion and make this idea better, valuable and implementable or say it not even worth the typing-time and thrash it ;)

EDIT: changed 1 minute for every 10 "NO" messages from every 20 "NO"
messages. (I am bad at math... lol :P)
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Friend @Dineshkp you got it! Perfect! I believe that your suggestion is amazing! I agree with you...
We are having here a lot of repeated opinions and examples and ...

@sellers we are only looking at what we want, a reply from the buyer, be it a positive YES (You have struck gold my friend) or NO (Better luck next time mate!). Why hasn't anybody proposed a solution that will be beneficial for both parties. By beneficial I mean time saving for the buyers and time/anxiety-saving fro the sellers.

The simple argument is buyers don't reply with that 2 letter NO. Do you know it takes at the least 2 seconds to type NO and another 2-5 seconds to click the send button and get your page reloaded back for you to move on to your next message. Considering this 1 minute for every 10 "NO" messages. You can do the math for how many ever samples you want.

So here is my solution: Have an Yes/No Quick reply buttons added to the PM. If an user makes use of this button, then the an automatic reply is sent to the recipient based on the button clicked and the page auto-magically loads the next un-read PM. This way it would take 1-2 seconds for the entire process. The 1-2 seconds is the same or lesser time a buyer would take to come back to his inbox from a message and go the next un-read message.

This is my opinion, you can add your suggestion and make this idea better, valuable and implementable or say it not even worth the typing-time and thrash it ;)

EDIT: changed 1 minute for every 10 "NO" messages from every 20 "NO"
messages. (I am bad at math... lol :P)
Great suggestion except that it will have problems. What if it is a normal conversation that doesnt talk about domains or sales? And I accidently click No. That would be awkward lol
We can overcome that easily by having those buttons display only for those sellers sending response to domain requests.

You may already be familiar with the auctions, information, security, etc tags attached to threads. The same can be implemented for PMs. By selecting the appropriate tag we can have the buttons hidden/displayed in the buyer's inbox.

And @Abdullah Abdullah , how often do you accidentally click any buttons while sending messages? :p
Well very often. I most of the time use my Note3 which is becoming small lol. Still though, that is a good idea
Lol... guess the yes/no button should most likely not be placed near the send button in any case then ;)
I think say "no thank you" show respect.

Even if a seller send you domains that dont meet the criteria, as a buyer, you STILL should show some sort of respect and seriousness.

Absolutely no. I don't have time to waste for those who do not even take the time to read what's required.

But, being sent the domains that you did not ask for is a burden, time wasting and disrespect to the buyer


People here ask buyers to show respect by answering ALL messages...isn't disrespectful of sellers to send any sort of crap that does not meet buyers' requirements? YES IT IS.

I do not post often in the WTB section but when I do I am extremely specific with what I want and yet I get any sort of stuff that is everything but what I have asked. 80-90% of PMs are junk. Is that respect?

Sure everyone can make mistakes and misunderstand a request and I am sure I made mistakes too but there is a limit.

Do I get offended and upset when a buyer does not reply to one of my PMs? No I don't. I move on and sell my names to someone else. We are both buyers and sellers therefore should understand both sides of the negotiation process. It is just that simple, really.
here is my solution: Have an Yes/No Quick reply buttons added to the PM. If an user makes use of this button, then the an automatic reply is sent to the recipient based on the button clicked and the page auto-magically loads the next un-read PM. This way it would take 1-2 seconds for the entire process.

It's a good idea.
Although it's not much faster than a quick PM, so I wonder how many buyers who currently don't bother to reply will also not click the button (especially with many PMs)? hmm, maybe at least some will.

Also, not sure how the forum could determine if the PM is from a sales enquiry, or do we have "yes/no" on all PMs?
(Well, just "no", as "yes" is pointless as they'd be writing a PM anyway ;))

Expanding on your idea, I would think a full function would be better:

In "Wanted" forum threads, a seller can click a button which invokes a popup dialogue with two options, each with a checkbox and a textarea:
  1. Reply to Thread: Tick checkbox to reply to thread, and write message in the box (ie "PM sent")
  2. Send PM: Tick checkbox to send PM to buyer, and write message in the box (ie "my domain and price..")
  3. Submit - does whatever was selected in 1 & 2

Users can then
  1. PM only
  2. PM and reply
  3. Reply only (if they just want to post their domain/price in the thread)
As this is a specific function, it can have an identifier so PMs can distinguish normal PMs from sales enquiries, and so only sales related will then have the "No thanks" button, and other PMs won't have it.

Additionally, might be good for us to be able to choose what the "No thanks" message is. So can be edited and set in profile options "I'm not interested in your domain name(s) thanks". A personalised message may push more users to use it, as it's their words and reply rather than a "system" one :)
isn't disrespectful of sellers to send any sort of crap that does not meet buyers' requirements? YES IT IS.
Some of us already said this. If the seller sends a 4L for a 3L request, then it was either an attempt to see if they wanted it, or a mistake - either way no response is needed as the seller should know they did meet the criteria.

Do I get offended and upset when a buyer does not reply to one of my PMs? No I don't.
No one is offended or upset, it's not about emotions, it's about lack of communications and a resulting inconvenience. Both buyers and sellers are busy, and getting a lot of PMs can make it impractical to reply to everyone, which is why this discussion, and why people are trying to think of ideas to help both buyers and sellers communicate better and without too much time spent :)

Additionally, let's not split "buyers and sellers" into two camps, nearly all of us are both at some point. Most buyers become sellers once they've bought the seller's domain name to make profit on ;)
Additionally, let's not split "buyers and sellers" into two camps, nearly all of us are both at some point. Most buyers become sellers once they've bought the seller's domain name to make profit on

I am not the one splitting

We are both buyers and sellers therefore should understand both sides of the negotiation process. It is just that simple, really.

No one is offended or upset, it's not about emotions

It might not be about emotions for you but it seems it is for someone else.

So I have one question for all, Do you like to offer anything for somebody and the other guy ignore you?

Please show a little respect for us the sellers

simple answer changes everything.

it's about lack of communications and a resulting inconvenience

Nope, It's about understanding that the lack of communication you are talking about does not exist as buyers have the right to choose who to reply to and it should always be as such. It is a fake problem. I mean, it shouldn't even be an issue.
Nope, It's about understanding that the lack of communication you are talking about does not exist as buyers have the right to choose who to reply to and it should always be as such.
I never said buyers should be forced to reply, in fact Dineshkp's idea I expanded on is still choice based, but makes it easier for the buyer which helps the seller.
You're argument about "lack of communication doesn't exist" is only based on your opinion that you don't care either way. Live and let live. A right to reply or not does not negate it being useful for a seller to receive a reply for closure.

It is a fake problem. I mean, it shouldn't even be an issue.
Based on your opinion, of course. Because you don't "care" at all. Some others do.And it's not so much a "problem" just something some sellers would like or welcome.
My not having a juicy cheeseburger right now is not a problem, but I'd happily scoff one.

Some sellers don't just PM their domains to everyone everywhere, they select carefully, and as such closure (yes/no) is "welcomed" - note: Not "required/should be enforced with a rusty nailed stick", just "it would be useful/nice/helpful".
is only based on your opinion

Based on your opinion, of course. Because you don't "care" at all

Isn't everyone here sharing opinions? Mine is that yours is a fake problem.

Interestingly enough those who make an issue out of this are members who joined recently; maybe they are not used to "how things go" in the forum yet and they will.
BTW I am one of those who does her best to reply to all people who sell appropriate names, but I am also one of those who reports the hell out of those who don't.
Isn't everyone here sharing opinions? Mine is that yours is a fake problem.
But your opinion is "I don't care if I don't get a PM reply", and that's fine, but it's inaccurate to state "it's a fake problem", it's just "not a problem to you". The problem exists, defined by the users in the very thread you are discussing it in ;)

Interestingly enough those who make an issue out of this are members who joined recently; maybe they are not used to "how things go" in the forum yet and they will.
Being new has nothing to do with personal preference. Of course they can "get used to" the way it is and not receiving replies, but really, more time on the forum does not mean you come to like it!

BTW I am one of those who does her best to reply to all people who sell appropriate names
That's great, so you agree with me then, surely? Why would you be against sellers trying to ask buyers to do something which you yourself already do?

but I am also one of those who reports the hell out of those who don't.
Good stuff. Will keep people at bay and threads and comms to a professional level. I would welcome more buyers to do this as I see a lot of offers not even close to the criteria, so sellers get penalised.
Should buyers be penalised instead when they report something which was not covered by their criteria? Or is there no risk for buyers here and only sellers can be "punished"? We're all "domainers".
The problem exists

The "problem" ( or should we call it personal preference? ) is perceived as such by a handful of members so unless many more stand up I am afraid it won't be considered much of a problem at a forum level.

Good stuff. Will keep people at bay and threads and comms to a professional level. I would welcome more buyers to do this as I see a lot of offers not even close to the criteria, so sellers get penalised.
Should buyers be penalised instead when they report something which was not covered by their criteria? Or is there no risk for buyers here and only sellers can be "punished"? We're all "domainers".

Ask Eric.

That's great, so you agree with me then, surely?

No I don't. I treat people the way I would like to be treated and that's my choice, but I also put myself in both positions ( buyer and seller ) and I understand both parties and reasons.
Now I am out of here.
unless many more stand up I am afraid it won't be considered much of a problem at a forum level.
No-one has said it's a forum level problem, it's personal preference, which has been my tone all along. We're just discussing it and putting forward possible solutions to benefit all concerned.

Ask Eric.
But, given your very strong views on this, I asked you, not Eric.

I also put myself in both positions ( buyer and seller ) and I understand both parties and reasons.
Someone who believes others shouldn't have a problem just because they don't is not really being unprejudiced.

We can go on forever, however. I see your opinion is you don't think we should care about not receiving PMs and the forum won't currently care either. I have no issue with your opinion, other than I disagree with it :)
I wrote this thread to find a better way to communication, to make better deals, to create a little more interaction between domainers.

I believe that, I believe that when someone answer to you, saying No or saying yes show respect, show that you treat him as a person. Even when I receive some domains that doesn't meet the criteria. Why not to creta a relation a friendship,

I have 3 friends here, 2 of this friends I don't made any transaction, and we talk and discuss everyday. My other friend is the guy that bought a lot domains from me.

So I believe that "No, thank you" makes difference.

Just my opinion. And I show respect to everyone that disagree with this
Someone who believes others shouldn't have a problem just because they don't is not really being unprejudiced.

Once again you misunderstood. It is because I put myself in other people's shoes that I do not have an issue with that.
If you want to keep going on you are free to do so, it's up to you but the fact that this thread has been "supported" by 3 members could ( and should ) make you pause and think about who has to change what. I do not think there are solutions to be found as apparently there is no problem to be solved; not on a bigger scale at least. Not on a lager scale than your own personal range of perceptions, likes and dislikes.

As for friendship : this is a business forum not FB. I have dear friends here and I have "colleagues" I do business with...sometimes the 2 coincide but it is an exception and I do not expect it to be the rule.
If you do not want to get "burnt" very quickly I really suggest you to treat this place the same way.

At the end you can take my words the way you prefer; as a piece of advice or as something to disagree and get pissed off about. It is your choice and it does not affect me at all, at the end I am not the one experiencing problems and so is 99.9% of the members.
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there is no problem to be solved; not on a bigger scale at least.
Well, now you have changed it from "no problem exists" to "not on a bigger scale at least" I can agree that is possibly true.

at the end I am not the one experiencing problems and so is 99.9% of the members.
"99.9%" is entirely fabricated and without any stats, you may be right, but we do not know. I could state 40% agree with the thread, 10% agree, it's just guesses and pointless, and again based on your own personal status.

No worries, we'll agree to disagree :)
You have said something meaningful which is generic and would be helpful tips to newbies.

This has turned out to be a debate. It was supposed to be a suggestion/improvement thread :/
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