
information sold $25,000 - No commission/brokers/fees - sold by

Spaceship Spaceship

WhoaDomain.comTop Member
10,822 Coin "Middle East North Africa"

Ok I can finally announce the sale of No NDA but I agreed not to mention who bought the domain even though a quick check is easy enough. The buyer would like to remain anonymous but does not mind the publicity from the sale of

Sorry guys. Don't take this photo seriously. It's for shock value not show off value and perhaps for exposure. Just goofin off. Check out that huge melon! (unfortunately empty!) lol


So this makes at $25,000 the 5th largest domain sale for a domain beginning with keyword "Coin" and highest domain sale for a domain ending with "Mena". MENA stands for Middle East North Africa.

I wish the buyer the best. Met him in person in NYC. Had lunch with buyer at Veselka's, my treat.

Side Note: The buyer told me that the broker they hired to get for them told them that at most should cost only $25,000. Buyer told me that Broker offered $8,000+ to me which the broker did and that the broker planned to sell it to them for $25,000. Buyer did not like this arrangement he told me and decided to buy from me directly since we were already in contact prior to the broker being brought in. I really did not understand why they felt the need to bring a broker into the mix.

If it can be avoided, I really would rather not deal with a broker.

Although that's what I did with my last sale

When brokers contact me, as a rule I ignore, but in this case I said "why not?"

I have no issue with the broker in this case. I'd probably do the same and try to flip a domain for quick profit.

I hope giving this info will help other domainers make the right decision.

I had asked for a ridiculous price of $250,000 so I guess $25,000 was a relief to them.

First we were warned that today. Godaddy users were experiencing issues with transferring domains via Godaddy Push but not external transfers. Supposedly when you do a transfer. The Transfer Button is not made available. But we did not experience that. What we did experience was that the buyer did not receive transfer confirmation email after I had accepted the whois info change update.

The transaction took long because there was an issue pushing the domain from one Godaddy account to another Godaddy account. Had to cancel transfer. Then there was an "error". So ended up transferring to Google Domains.

In which case, Godaddy rep warned me that Google Domains an "experiment" that was being phased out. and the transfer might end up in limbo. I don't know what he was talking about as the transfer went off without a hitch over to Google. Buyer said Godaddy rep was just scaring us into doing the Godaddy push to keep the domain with Godaddy.

Domain Price Date Venue 75,000 USD 2014-11-12 DomainGuardians 27,500 USD 2014-04-16 Uniregistry 26,705 USD 2018-08-05 Alibaba 26,000 USD 2018-02-05 Uniregistry 22,000 USD 2018-02-26 Sedo 20,000 USD 2017-08-31 Uniregistry 14,190 USD 2018-04-11 Sedo 12,500 USD 2019-01-31 Sedo 12,200 USD 2017-02-20 Sedo 12,000 USD 2018-03-20 Uniregistry

Domain Price Date Venue 19,000 USD 2012-05-31 GoDaddy 7,350 USD 2019-01-21 Sedo 3,429 USD 2014-10-15 Sedo 3,205 USD 2007-04-17 Sedo 2,200 USD 2017-05-15 DropCatch 1,350 USD 2014-09-24 Sedo 1,000 USD 2011-04-23 Sedo 795 USD 2010-04-19 Sedo 685 USD 2008-02-18 GoDaddy 648 USD 2012-11-25 GoDaddy

It's not the 6 figures I always go for but it's a good start in my liquidation this year.

I have more "Coin" and "MENA" domains if anyone is interested. Next one I'm working on I am going for 6 figures for updates follow me on here.

I hope this sale helps others with their keywords.

I hope this sale gains me some exposure for my other domains.

I also hope people will think twice before sending me $100 offers for my domains.

I also hope this Cashier's check clears tomorrow or else I'll have egg on my face.

Anyone know if I can submit this sale with Namebio without providing info on the buyer?

Good luck to everyone else on their future deals!

Edit: Forgot to mention. Prior to meeting buyer.I was late to the meeting because I stepped in dog poop. ( at least I hope it was dog poop although I looked "human" lol) Had to throw out my sneakers and buy flip flops.
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Amazing, Congratulations.

Yes it was! Thanks. I really needed this.

FYI. I found out buyer had registered back in May along with .net and .org. Lucky for me they did not go that usual route for a startup using .io. could have lost a sale.

Buyer told me they wanted the instant legitimacy of the .com cross boards. He said also in Middle East people only know .com.
Congratulations Avtar. Nice sale!
Amazing sale written up in an informative and fun way. Wow! Super congratulations. I had no idea what MENA means before your post.

As well as NameBio you should get in contact with Ron Jackson for DNJoirnal.

I am sure brokers often are essential in facilitating big deals, but sounds not here.

Congrats again.

Congrats on the sale bud!! Now add a few more to that list of top sales $$$
Amazing sale written up in an informative and fun way. Wow! Super congratulations. I had no idea what MENA means before your post.

As well as NameBio you should get in contact with Ron Jackson for DNJoirnal.

I am sure brokers often are essential in facilitating big deals, but sounds not here.

Congrats again.


Thank you Bob. Will do on DnJournal.

Yea. MENA is an obscure term.

But there is and 5G Mena on Coinmarketcap
Well done! Congratulations. You just started the mena-mania....
Amazing sale written up in an informative and fun way. Wow! Super congratulations. I had no idea what MENA means before your post.

As well as NameBio you should get in contact with Ron Jackson for DNJoirnal.

I am sure brokers often are essential in facilitating big deals, but sounds not here.

Congrats again.


Also wanted to comment about brokers.

I don't like the fact that they offered $8,000 for the purpose of reselling for $25,000.

But I respect their hustle and can't blame them either.

The buyer also suspected that if the broker bought for $8,000 the broker might have gone above $25,000. So since we already were emailing he took my offer. That plus I gave him a deadline of 7 days to accept or the price will go back to $250,000.
Congrats on the sale, hope you reinvest wisely, I would love to know who the broker was so I can watch out for those tactics. The broker was going to offer you $8K, and pocket $17K, wow.

Most brokers have an agreement, that they get a certain percentage they can buy the domain under the buyers max offer, but to pocket the full take, and make more than twice the owner, that is harsh, put the name out there, and shake up their game.
Well done! Congratulations. You just started the mena-mania....

Hopefully. Wait till I post the sale over at my LinkedIn with 18,000+ followers.

Might be time to unload some Coin and Mena domains at auction for those that have been holding.

Crypto just recently became Sharia compliant.
Congrats on the sale, hope you reinvest wisely, I would love to know who the broker was so I can watch out for those tactics. The broker was going to offer you $8K, and pocket $17K, wow.

Most brokers have an agreement, that they get a certain percentage they can buy the domain under the buyers max offer, but to pocket the full take, and make more than twice the owner, that is harsh, put the name out there, and shake up their game.

Hehe lol. I knew someone was going to ask me that sooner or later but I'm not here to expose anyone or blow up their spot. No my thing just wanted to shed some light on it and that's that. Like I said. I didn't like it but I can respect the hustle. I guess when you are established. You can do whatever you want really and get away with it like just Epstein it. Lol
Congrats on the sale, hope you reinvest wisely, I would love to know who the broker was so I can watch out for those tactics. The broker was going to offer you $8K, and pocket $17K, wow.

Most brokers have an agreement, that they get a certain percentage they can buy the domain under the buyers max offer, but to pocket the full take, and make more than twice the owner, that is harsh, put the name out there, and shake up their game.

Also no more "reinvesting" for me. I'm getting out of domain as time and time again I've proven I suck at it. Especially trademarks lol. So liquidations are in order. Keep a look out for the SIG.
Hehe lol. I knew someone was going to ask me that sooner or later but I'm not here to expose anyone or blow up their spot. No my thing just wanted to shed some light on it and that's that. Like I said. I didn't like it but I can respect the hustle. I guess when you are established. You can do whatever you want really and get away with it like just Epstein it. Lol
Ha Ha ok just give us the intials, and let us think we know who it is. If your getting out, it will be a great goodbye contribution. I think it is a good time to take a step back, as aftermarket prices are pretty high, so you would be buying pretty high. Best to take those dollars, and maybe take them into a project offline that can provide steady income. I assume it was a hand reg for you based on the recent registration date, so pretty much a grand slam.
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Ha Ha ok just give us the intials, and let us think we know who it is. If your getting out, it will be a great goodbye contribution. I think it is a good time to take a step back, as aftermarket prices are pretty high, so you would be buying pretty high. Best to take those dollars, and maybe take them into a project offline that can provide steady income. I assume it was a hand reg for you based on the recent registration date, so pretty much a grand slam.

Lol naah. No initials. Not my style. Yea I'm thinking of starting a forum using Discourse and a ***" clone. Forums will be VRAR related and crypto.

Also going to invest in getting paid access to data to help me with my next domain auctions. Like ahref and majestic and semrush maybe develop mini rss feed affiliate sites.
Chanfle..someone just registered tokenmena/com. News spread fast over here. I'm going for some Mena too....
Yeah @Avtar629!!


Great job and thanks for the info!
Lol thanks. Every dog has its day. Even the dumb ones. Lol
Hahaha, I was going to say, "you da man!"

.....but it's more appropriate in this case to say, "You da MENA!"
Mena (Měna) also means "currency" in Czech language.

Congrats on the sale!
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