
discuss .IO Future

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What you think about .io???
These are selling at higher rates now a days.What could you see after few months/years about .io sales?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Amazon is using to allow people to experience Alexa (their virtual assistant).
Amazon is using to allow people to experience Alexa (their virtual assistant).

I know right...
It's 2016...
In time... .io will go ape shit...
Let the "Big Dogs" make .io popular...
It's happening VERY quick too

And that product is crazy popular...
Any Complaints on "Indian Ocean" from the consumers?
Lol... yea... no, not at all.
They looked at it once.
.io is in their brain. And they quickly moved on to how cool the Amazon VA is.
Done and Done.
I am newbie to the business and I was wondering how you guys choose numeric domain names. Is there any particular patterns or is it random? thanks
Someone offered me $40 buck for Myself said, you is crazy dog..bark.bark. You can bark louder than dat..
Someone offered me $40 buck for Myself said, you is crazy dog..bark.bark. You can bark louder than dat..
Gotta love the low ballers man.
Our Inboxes wouldn't be as full with out em'
Some great sales yesterday. LL for XXXX, Trumps & Fathers sold for way more than I would expect. 4N.IO for XXX and it's not even CHIP? that's interesting. 2,333 USD 2016-06-02 Flippa 1,555 USD 2016-06-02 355 USD 2016-06-02 212 USD 2016-06-02 104 USD 2016-06-02 104 USD 2016-06-02 100 USD 2016-06-02 Flippa 100 USD 2016-06-02 Flippa 905 USD 2016-06-01 Flippa 660 USD 2016-06-01 504 USD 2016-06-01 405 USD 2016-06-01 Flippa 105 USD 2016-06-01 Flippa 105 USD 2016-06-01 Flippa 104 USD 2016-06-01
Going to be posting something here in regards to a couple comments on here bashing .io domains and also in regards to many other .io threads where .ios are getting bashed.
I'm going to finish a few things up and then write it...
Not even going to go back and proof read it... just going to write it off of the top of my head and as I go, because some of these people are making no sense and with what many of them are saying... I think it is safe to say they fall a lot when they walk
I think .io is the next best extension other than .com, but I may be a little bias. :D
Ok… so all this bashing on .ios is getting ridiculous and annoying.

I figured maybe someone being blunt about it MAY… JUST MAYYYYYYY, encourage those who are spitting out useless knowledge to do some research and stop giving bad business advice.

But with all the .io threads I have went through and all that good stuff… I doubt that will happen.

So after reading almost every freakin’ .io thread on here… I now know that anyone on this thread and many other .io threads, in addition, other forums too, who have bashed .io with “only for squatting”, “only for tech companies” < which I cannot stand, and “will fail”, “doesn’t have anything on .com” ect… makes me assume you know nothing, lack all aspects of creativity without the knowhow of when or where to implement it and just haven’t had success with .io’s, don’t do research, have a mad lack business sense, made bad investments because of your inexperience, or just don’t have the money to invest so wanna put .ios down in any possible way you can think of.

I know one should never assume anything and that it makes an Ass out of U and me…

But to me… it’s only fair and or logical to assume this about those who bashed .io, because they’re assuming the .io future (which no one can predict), they are trying to go ahead and disprove FACTS, or at least haven’t done their research before commenting, and are basing “.com” against “.io” which is outright ridiculous.

OF COURSE .com is always going to trump .io.

The Internet is Consumed by websites containing .com extensions and that’s the most well known extension.

Please… tell me something new and something that is not common sense 100. Not even 101.

.com trumps MANY extensions and will only continue.

It beat the other extensions to the Punch.

Simple as that.

But not having a .com extension and using a .io does not at all change your credibility, potential for sales, becoming a brand and more.

Matter of Fact, having a .io can give you a bigger reach to your market globally.

I can make a business or a site successful with a .ickyicky extension and so can other experienced people on NP or wherever they are, who KNOW WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT and KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING.

But if you are saying that .com is “better” than .io because it will earn more, is easier to make a brand, is more credible, has more potential ect…


Thank you for your future business.

Also… the “No Successful businesses have .ios”????


Just Logout of everything and Turn your Computer Off Now.

So is not one of the most popular sites right now? They’re not very very successful? isn’t ranking up there with HBO, Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook messenger ect… and isn’t EXTREMELY popular and VERY SUCCESSFUL? isn’t on its way to a Million MEMBERS and isn’t Brining in Insane Money? isn’t in the top 4,000 on Alexa? It’s not making serious money? It doesn’t have the users base? It’s not successful? It’s not in the top 500 sites? Not making BANK off of JUST ADS alone? is smashing the living crap out of so many other other url shortner sites, including MANY well-known .coms, and it isn’t bringing in fat cash? isn’t loved by tons of developers? It’s not very successful even after earning big bucks?

How about making great money and being LOVED by techies everywhere because what it is?

Wait… those sites/companies must be “Garbage” and “Fake…

By even making that comment, YOU are Garbage and Fake.

Like you wouldn’t take a job at any one of those or you wouldn’t love to own any of those.

Remind me NEVER to take business advice from those who relate to any of these ridiculous comments, outlooks, “theories” and “Business Tactics” about .io’s here on NP or In life in general.

You are wasting bandwidth.

Reading this .io thread and many others on NP… made me seriously mark down those of you who have proven to me that you know nothing about business and that you are officially a liability.

All these people… claiming to know business…. attempting to give business advice, SOUNDING RIDICULOUS – IN FREAKING WRITING!!!! And STILL PROCEED to make irrational assumptions, statements, arguing Facts and are willing to jeopardize our industry and credibility by giving something to another person in exchange for money… with it being safe to say… that since they are giving the worse, inaccurate, incorrect answers and “know how” here on a PUBLIC forum… they are probably doing the same but worse when dealing with someone privately, which then screws the other person over and INDEED… has an effect on us and makes this industry get more bullshit than it is already has all at the same time.

You are doing nothing except being misguided, giving misguidance, typing impulsively and instead of choosing to gain experience in this field, conducting research, doing the proper due diligence and accept the failure/being wrong or right when it comes… you are only holding yourself back and limiting yourself to excel any further…

Instead… you choose…to… well… be an idiot.

I have “failed” TONS of times working Online throughout the years. And still screw up to this day.


Yesterday I misspelled a domain and regd it thinking I lucked out…
Am I scared to admit I am an idiot for doing that?

I laughed, called myself an idiot and punished myself by reading 10 articles about the industry and writing 5 articles about the industry.

I Have had unsuccessful sites, made bad investments, lost good money and more.

I accept that.

But the reason I am not in a stuck position right now…

Is because I BUST ass.

I work my ass off, learn, ASK QUESTIONS, AM NOT SCARED TO SAY “I DON’T KNOW, CAN YOU HELP?” and because when I “failed”, I did not continue to argue the reasoning of why I failed and give crap information and spin my words to make my failures a success like many of you.

I simply accepted it. Chose to Learn, research, network, conduct a/b testing, look back on how I failed to see the mistakes I made, and to this VERY DAY, I repeat that cycle daily, because every day there is a technological advancement, something new and unwalked ground that I know… if I stomp on hard enough I’ll make money spit out from the soil.

The reason I say all of that, is because I am starting think I am on a different Internet than many of you.

I wonder if we’re talking about the same .io domains.

If we are indeed on the same world wide web, then how??? HOW!!!??? Can you give such feedback, advice, bashing, comparisons, Drop such bold statements that are trying to disprove FACTS and top it all off with VERY FIRM futuristic predictions of .ios??????

You make me want to close my eyes and run through the woods at full speed.

It just kills me…

I am seeing more MILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENTS into .io companies more than ever before here in 2016 and TONS of MULTI MILLION DOLLAR PLANS TO MOVE FORWARD IN 2017 with .ios

The amount of Kickstarter Companies are at an all-time high for .ios in 2016.

The amount of .io domains that are getting developed EVERYDAY are at an all-time high in 2016.

The amount of DAILYYYYYYYY .io SALES is at an all-time high in 2016 and is PROGESSING MONTHLY!

Many .io sites and businesses are MAKING MILLIONS!!!

There are SO MANY .io companies out there that are VERY SUCCESSFUL.

Some of which ARE Tech Companies and some of which… well… you guessed it! AREN’T!

.io can be used for ANYTHING.

But a lot of you have clearly proven you are not a professional via Domaining and in other Areas Online AND off… because if you were…

You would retract all of your posts that you are probably thread hopping, writing babble, all to get you an NP “Trophy”, but really are damaging yourself, OTHERS and the INDUSTRY.


You would know that it wouldn’t matter if the extension was a ccTLD, Gtld, BANANA TLD, a .KGHTY, .woo, .fig or .flamingo or .io

With the proper marketing, the proper advertising, the proper SEO, the proper brand awareness, the proper psychology, the proper well… this may be something you do not here often… or possibly even have heard of… but is a good sum up…

“Business Tactics and Business Strategy”

You can make anything successful, make anything earn and make anything popular.

Whether it being a .sausage or a .ijustshitmypants

For every product, there are multipleeeee products that are the same.

For every niche, there is competition.

For every .com there is a .co

It is what it is.

The business can do one of 2 things:

1: Succeed

2: Fail

If you had: kja;ljfkbq;ourf;kjbqe;

And I had the .io

Does that make your domain better?


You may like .coms better… sure.


So I am going to rank on search engines correctly, market correctly, advertise correctly, utilize the millions of ways to gain brand awareness for my .io

Start a business the right way and use effective business strategy and tactics…

Because at the end of the day.

That is what matters.

Proper execution of the BRAND.

And because of the fixation of other extensions, and the lack of knowledge the power of .ios have… resulting in global search, the new generations growing up on it, the brands that can be obtained and the realization that the .io is an opportunity sitting there KNOCKING on the door, giving you a chance and fresh start to become something big… and you choosing not to answer that door… because of stubbornness, lack of knowledge and experience… with the result of it being an outright bad business move.

You’re going to pass on amazing opportunity and kick away the potential presented to you that can get you to the goal you have been trying to reach this whole time?

All because you choose to TALK. NOT WALK.



You might as well pass on making money and succeeding off of the color blue if that color was JUST introduced to the world…

All because you like the color pink, saw blue once, talked about blue once and decided you don’t like it.


I’m a movie maker.

You’re a Movie Critic.

I make the film.

You sit back and watch.

It’s business.

Put all personal feelings aside, unless you want to open a mom n pop shop because your neighbors loved your cookies and you’re passionate about them.

Other than that…

All I know… and all I care about…

Is in the end…

YOU WILL be clicking on many .ios in the future or most likely have already.

Business vs Personal.

This extension is better than that one!


That one is better than this one!

How hard is this to comprehend?

.ios are Booming.

Whether you like it or not. Too freakn’ Bad.

Opportunity is sitting in front of you to establish a Million Dollar Brand with an amazing kw, and have what EVERYONE HAS BEEN AFTER THIS WHOLE TIME…

AND it can hit a Global Market.


The average user/person clicks the links on the first page of google or the second.

The average user/person clicks what is shared on social media because it’s interesting or funny.

The average user/person does not know, yet alone give a flying SHIT, if the “domain extension” is a .com, .co, .info or…. a .kjdgkjdg

It’s about the “word”, the “Brand” and the Execution of Good Business Strategy.

If you start a business selling Pink Slippers. would do JUST GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT



But PINK SLIPPERS is not TECH Related!!!!


No. Indeed it is not.

What it is…

Is an Amazing Chance for you to Obtain Something Normally Very Rare for your Pink Slipper Business, and dominate that niche and market with a rock solid brand your target market will love.

Your Market is people who have feet, who like the color pink, who like slippers and based on “my experience, as a professional in not just Domaining… but “BUSINESS”, I wouldn’t do what some of the people who commented would do… and that would probably be them targeting men… I would do it right and target women first, then men, especially on the right holidays.

So… You just rocked





Wouldn’t get that gnarly brand name without a .io!!!

Oh wait… yea you could get the .com… because… ya know… it’s KING!!!!!


But with a .io…


Now… you have the Brand…

But the .io….

Which seems to somehow be freakin’ Pi to some people…

Is now what is holding you back.

Well… even though it DOES NOT MATTER and having that .io with that Solid kw/brand is only beneficial to you….

But If you are in the least bit worried about having the .io as your extension…

This is where you need to “get creative” and overcome that so called “Problem”.

You are not trying to figure out the secret of life here…

It’s much more simple.

Use Business!!! Strategy, Psychology!!!!

It’s Simple!

They Know .io: “Hey wanna try my Pink Slippers On?”

They Don’t know .io: “Yea sure!” “Wow these are comfortable!” Where’d ya’ get em???”

They know .io: “I Ordered em’ from!”

They Don’t know .io: “What!? What is .io???”

They know .io: “I guess it means… Input/Output. It makes sense on the video on their site, and it is really funny! Lol, my phones dead, so we can’t watch it, but here… I’ll just show you like this lol!” “Put your foot in the slipper”

They Don’t know .io: “ok”

They know .io: “Ok now take it out”

They Don’t know .io: “Ok”

They know .io: “now put it back in”

They Don’t know .io: “ok”

They know .io: “Now take it back out”

They Don’t know .io: “Lol, Ok”

They know .io: “Alright… now let’s go fast! When I say input, stick your foot in, and when I say output take it out!”

They Don’t know .io: “Hahaha Ok!”

They know .io: “Input” “Output” Input” “Output” Input” “Output” Input” “Output” Input” “Output”

They Don’t know .io: “LOL! My foot feels funny! What was the point of that??”

They know .io: “Well… what was more comfortable? Your foot in the Pink Slipper? Or your foot Out of the Pink Slipper?

They Officially know .io: “In the Pink Slipper!”

That person officially can CARE LESS about the .io extension and it just worked to my advantage because I just straight scolded their brain with my BRAND AND I Psychologically Embedded the word “Slippers in their Head” to reference back to my awesome Pink Slipper Site…

And if you are going to say… “well it’s not input output, it’s Indian Ocean”

Feel free to PM me and I will write your own personal dialog and provide you the solution for any niche you are in.

I’ll solve your version of Pi… sure.

Heck… I would be VERY confident, based on Society today and the majority being caught up on day to day routine, working, struggling daily, doing their own thing, going home, eating, sleeping, consuming their life with social media, watching Netflix, waking up the next day and doing it again... making all future generations even more distracted by what is in front of them “especially from a business capturing their market standpoint” I’d be willing to put some of my Best Domains up and bet that there is a larger percent of people in the U.S and the WORLD in General, that cannot point out where the Indian Ocean is on a freaking map if it did not have words on it vs. the percentage that could.

The majority of people are not involved anyways, and hearing “it means Indian Ocean” is by far… the least of their worries… because within seconds… they either just stop giving a shit about what it meant and hop to the alert on their facebook app to see what Stacy Just Posted and to Update their status about the fart they let out. Society is Consumed. As a Domainer… You care about the extension. Or have your Opinion. But it is not about you. It’s about your market. And Your Market will most likely… just go “Oh. Hmm. Whatever. The Sites Bad ass and it has what I want” when or if the .io is brought up.

Go do some a/b testing.

I did.

And was spot on.



It had what they wanted. And it was INFRONT OF THEM.

The World… especially the U.S… is lazy.

Everyone wants whatever it is NOW NOW NOWWWW!!!!

If you knew business, you would know that there is a solution for everything and the only thing making “it” not successful is your lack of knowledge, skillset, resentment to research, learn and you placing yourself in a field, industry and or position you do not belong in.

Everyone has their opinions. And that I fully and 100% respect and agree on.

But don’t argue with FACTS. The only time I argue with facts is when I am wrong with my Fiancé’.

But when it comes to business. Know the facts, because many of your next moves are effected by them.

You cannot say .io’s are not successful. You cannot say it’s a trend.

As much as I hate statistics… know the stats. And please…

If you are THROWING stats out there all wild and them being just outright wrong….

Or if you keep being a broken record with “.coms will always be King and .ios have nothing on them”

Please… tell us something we don’t already know.

.com is king. OBVIOUSLY.

You’re acting like we just heard of Google this very day.

Do your research and Provide meaningful stats that back up your statement.

Don’t toss in…

90% of shark attacks happen in shallow water.


If it wasn’t for boats, 100% of them would happen in shallow freaking water.

People swim there. Not in the middle of the ocean.

Everything you say, is as pointless, useless and as ridiculous as that.

If you were right… and not talking gibberish… you would not be on this forum, because you have just disproven a major error in multiple systems that have been releasing false data about the insane rise of .ios throughout the past years on out and would be in a bidding war with some of the biggest companies out there, deciding to take the job with the Million Dollar sign on Bonus, or to take the Job that is going to relocate you to a fully paid villa on the beach, provide you a butler and give you Half the Sign on Bonus. And while doing that… CLEARLY only for fun… because why would you work? You just want all the companies to bid and see who offers the most at the end, then reject them… I mean… because we know you were not really going to actually take the once in a life time jobs being thrown at you, when you obviously can predict the future and grab a lotto ticket?

Oh wait…


You just learned what a keyboard was, stuck out your 2 index fingers and started pushing keys simultaneously, very fast in a machine gun like motion, until somehow… letters magically appeared on your screen, which is when you noticed “YAY! THE BIG BUTTON!” and pushed that, realizing it parted the letters, spacing them out to form words, with the end result of making a sentence.

Then you pushed enter.

This to me… is how your comments were formed.

For me to listen to those of you who state that crap, or for you to convince anyone on here who “actually knows what they’re talking about, or provide such incorrect info that is negatively effecting other people’s financials … just reminds us, as well as pin points exactly… yet ANOTHER reason this industry is getting bashed, damaged and clients “WE” could have had, who just got screwed over by “YOU”, which then made them fail.

You have a better chance of getting me to hold up 2 cards, with the one card saying yes and the other saying no. Directly in front of a monkey and whichever Curious George pointed at, would be my decision to light my money on fire or not that day.

Some people amaze me sometimes….

And NO.

You can use a .io for any site, not just tech sites. If you think this, then you listen to everything you read online, and that is notttttttt good.

And NO. You are not limited to the “Indian Ocean”. You can go Global with any .io domain.

If there was a Cowboy Ocean, feel free to saddle your .io there as well.

Without copying and pasting the link everyone posts about “Google recognizes .io domains as…”

It’s simple to grasp this concept.

.io Domains can be rocked anywhere online. This is a MAJOR advantage that can increase exposure and brand awareness remarkably. Especially your earning potential.

Development is also limitless.

You’re not limited to only Tech Related sites.

That doesn’t even make sense… Financially, Creatively, Brand wise and just all around Business Wise.

There are tons of .io sites out there making great money that are not tech sites.

Both Startups and Established, with 2016 having some very serious .io businesses starting up, expanding, getting invested in, being bought out, as well as 2016 being the Biggest year the App Stores are seeing with, .io’s marching in hardcore.

Accept it. It is what it is.

No one is forcing you to buy a .io or even to click on one.

But guess what?

You will eventually be clicking on them, again… if you haven’t already.

So put your dislikes and personal feelings aside and stop giving others bad business advice.

You’re only showing your lack of knowledge, lack of experience and lack of business sense.

This is Business. Not personal.

The best part is…
I had time to right this… because I did pretty well with .io sales last month selling .io domains and .io sites…

So to end this…
I’m gonna go take my 2nd poop today, then go play some guitar on the beach with a little bit of casting the ol’ pole from the shore line.

io io off the way I go
Wow @DudeManBro golly gee with respect sir, I appreciate you sharing and I find it overwhelmingly huge and distracting as a part of this thread.

I have converted your post into a PDF and attached it here and will kindly request your post be edited maybe just the first paragraph then people can continue to pdf? - thanks for understanding : smile :


  • NP-DudeManBro-IO-8-pgs.pdf
    83.2 KB · Views: 51
Wow @DudeManBro golly gee with respect sir, I appreciate you sharing and I find it overwhelmingly huge and distracting as a part of this thread.

I have converted your post into a PDF and attached it here and will kindly request your post be edited maybe just the first paragraph then people can continue to pdf? - thanks for understanding : smile :
O very nice!
Thank you!
Yea, it prob is better in a doc like that for sure.
Thank you for taking the time out to do that!
I appreciate it!
Last edited:
OK the fabulous mods edited, in the future, for long posts you can use the SPOILER tags

And if anyone wants to practice

It is what it is,
When I'm in mode, I type.
Gonna be hard to break the 12 years of doing that, I'll try and remember that that is there.
In the meantime,
If someone wants to skip it and not read it they can, if not, read it lol.
But I really do appreciate you putting that in there, thank you and thanks for the link

Anyways, let's hop back to the original thread and what it is about.

I'll be posting some more .io's here shortly that I have
I sold Biscuits.IO two weeks ago for $166
I just registered Excited to see where this extension goes.
Sold for $8000 to an enduser.

Inbound inquiry. Negotiated for just over a month.
Purchased for $500 on Flippa last year (June).
Escrow completed today.

Sold for $8000 to an enduser.

Inbound inquiry. Negotiated for just over a month.
Purchased for $500 on Flippa last year (June).
Escrow completed today.

Congrats man... Great Sell.... Wish I get contacted like that for my
Sold for $8000 to an enduser.

Inbound inquiry. Negotiated for just over a month.
Purchased for $500 on Flippa last year (June).
Escrow completed today.


VERY nice! Congrats! If you dont mind sharing, what was their initial offer?
VERY nice! Congrats! If you dont mind sharing, what was their initial offer?

Initial offer was $500. I countered $25k.
Sold for $8000 to an enduser.

Inbound inquiry. Negotiated for just over a month.
Purchased for $500 on Flippa last year (June).
Escrow completed today.

congrats. did you have a for-sale landing page up?
.IO can be hugely successful ccTLD if renewals come down.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.