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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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If the election materials were forged, they were clearly not "duly elected and qualified." If the police arrest someone practicing medicine with a forged medical license, would you say, "As a doctor, that person should have known better."

The point is, you are using a small picture to paint a big picture of Big Bad Trump when there is zero evidence at all connecting him to these cases.
He is afterall the 'teflon Don' :xf.wink:

I think you have fallen victim to the monomaniacal focus on one former president that those in power want you to have. "Look at that guy 100 yards over there who wants to pick your pocket." While they pick your pocket.
Not I, though the monomaniacal focus on a former president is still alive and rampant. Sure they'll pick your pocket and people will happily vote them back for another term...they call that politics.

It's frustrating, because some of the worst crimes in modern history are being perpetrated, democracy is being destroyed, war and poverty lay ahead... and the people who can help stop it can only think about Trump and "getting" him. It's like we live in 17th century Salem and half the people are ignoring essential survival needs to "get those witches."

Don't think for a second I've taken my 'eye off the ball'. Oh, and talk is, Kamala is on the outs... does US want another Cheney? :unsure:

Kamala Harris slams ‘gossip’ about Biden dumping her from 2024 ticket​
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So basically... don't believe data? Ultimately all it comes down to is human decency? Fair enough. I agree.
Nice we agree. But I didn't say don't believe data - just that data is meaningless unless you fully understand how it was arrived at. 99% of the data people cite to bolster their views is just something they pulled from a newspaper headline, with no understanding of the process used to obtain the data. Which is fair enough, because we don't have the time to investigate every bit of data we receive. Lies, damn lies and statistics....
Oh, and talk is, Kamala is on the outs... does US want another Cheney?
Yes, amazing to see the same politicians who called Cheney a war criminal responsible for half a million dead men, women and children in Iraq line up to treat him like royalty the other day. Apparently, being anti-Trump absolves one of all sins. An inverse Lord and Savior!
That was an interesting little experiment. Can't draw any real conclusions from it, but it definitely makes for great discussion around the political motivation of some publications to do half-assed peer reviews.

These guys focused on the social issues of the day, but the problem they highlighted is a problem in all of academia. It has no bearing on the validity of real studies, but certainly shows that even some academic journals are not immune to social and political pressures.

It's the perfect storm of political and cultural liberal victim culture affecting science and education. They were able to publish over half a dozen outlandish studies, all peer reviewed and accepted.

That's exactly how get got infinity genders.
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Nice we agree. But I didn't say don't believe data - just that data is meaningless unless you fully understand how it was arrived at. 99% of the data people cite to bolster their views is just something they pulled from a newspaper headline, with no understanding of the process used to obtain the data. Which is fair enough, because we don't have the time to investigate every bit of data we receive. Lies, damn lies and statistics....

We know one thing for sure, there are not 1.4 million genders.
Weird this didn't become public when Trump was President and only after Nancy announced her retirement.

TL;DR, worse than Hunter.

Move over Hunter Biden! Nancy Pelosi’s son has some of his own corrupt business dealings too!​
Nancy Pelosi’s son was involved in five companies probed by federal agencies – but has never been charged himself, a investigation reveals.

A shocking paper trail shows Paul Pelosi Jr.’s connections to a host of fraudsters, rule-breakers and convicted criminals.

His years-long repeated business dealings raise two troubling questions Nancy’s son has been unable to answer: why did he get mixed up with such unsavory characters over and over, and how involved was he with the criminal investigations into his fraudster colleagues?
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Weird this didn't become public when Trump was President and only after Nancy announced her retirement.

TL;DR, worse than Hunter.

Move over Hunter Biden! Nancy Pelosi’s son has some of his own corrupt business dealings too!​
Nancy Pelosi’s son was involved in five companies probed by federal agencies – but has never been charged himself, a investigation reveals.

A shocking paper trail shows Paul Pelosi Jr.’s connections to a host of fraudsters, rule-breakers and convicted criminals.

His years-long repeated business dealings raise two troubling questions Nancy’s son has been unable to answer: why did he get mixed up with such unsavory characters over and over, and how involved was he with the criminal investigations into his fraudster colleagues?
Double standards are typical of banana republics. If you have royal blood, you can get away with murder. Yet they put Martha Stewart away for panic selling a stock she heard was going to crash.
Double standards are typical of banana republics. If you have royal blood, you can get away with murder. Yet they put Martha Stewart away for panic selling a stock she heard was going to crash.

It's typical of any government with life-long politicians. Congress created term limits for Presidents after FDR, but failed multiple times to limit their own service.


One who did was Senator Robert C. Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia, who was first elected senator in 1958 and is serving his seventh six-year term. He said that in 1787, the framers of the Constitution had rejected the idea of limiting Congressional terms.

Senator Byrd was also a famous clansman.

Hi argument is fallacious because the framers outline specific rules for amending the constitution as needed.

Unrelated pic of Sen Byrd.

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I say he gets a light or suspended sentence.

TL;DR He stole private db and software so he could copy it and sell a "management" system back to the Government.

Another person involved has not plead but is facing similar charges. The DOJ won't say what sentence they are suggesting.

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If the election materials were forged, they were clearly not "duly elected and qualified." If the police arrest someone practicing medicine with a forged medical license, would you say, "As a doctor, that person should have known better."

The point is, you are using a small picture to paint a big picture of Big Bad Trump when there is zero evidence at all connecting him to these cases.

Hard to get a straight answer when information is stonewalled...

I think you have fallen victim to the monomaniacal focus on one former president that those in power want you to have.

What about Republicans who refuse to toe the Trump-party line? Another one bites the dust... :xf.rolleyes:

It's the perfect storm of political and cultural liberal victim culture affecting science and education. They were able to publish over half a dozen outlandish studies, all peer reviewed and accepted.

That's exactly how get got infinity genders.
A lot of you folks in this thread certainly do get a lot of enjoyment from using small, isolated examples as evidence of major national issues. Far be it for me to ruin your fun! I'll bow out now.

At the end of the day you're either willing to do the work to let humanity evolve to a place where we can accept people for who they are, or you're not.
What about Republicans who refuse to toe the Trump-party line? Another one bites the dust...
A politician who doesn't represent his constituency deserves to be kicked out. If he voted for that sham impeachment, he deserved the boot. Wouldn't it be funny if the Dems actually held their politicians to account?
If he voted for that sham impeachment, he deserved the boot. Wouldn't it be funny if the Dems actually held their politicians to account?

USA has become a government of the billionaires, by the billionaires, for the billionaires. Wouldn't it be funny if Americans actually held their politicians to account? When given the choice whether to save democracy or their jobs, Republican puppets chose the latter.
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USA has become a government of the billionaires, by the billionaires, for the billionaires. Wouldn't it be funny if Americans actually held their politicians to account? When given the choice whether to save democracy or their jobs, Republican puppets chose the latter.
Agree on the first part. Also not a fan of the Republicans - most of the pols are dirty and incompetent, seeking power above all else. But joining a McCarthyesque show trial is hardly "saving democracy." If you are really worried about democracy you should be terrified at what the current administration is doing - but you seem not to be worried at all.

A bunch of American citizens entering the capital and demanding change is what democracy is all about. A leader who supports democracy would engage with that crowd, not call them terrorists. The latter is what despots so when they are challenged. Another trick of despots is to seed the opposition with their own minions.

The government/media/billionaire class has turned Americans against each other - like a giant gladiator game for their profit and entertainment. Don't buy into it. It's not a question of red or blue - it's a question of whether one supports an oppressive and unsustainable structure that will lead to disaster or supports the few leaders with integrity who have not yet completely sold out.
Biden during his inauguration: "For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury," Biden said. "No progress, only exhausting outrage. No nation, only a state of chaos. This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward."

Biden now: Trump supporters are "a dagger at the throat of democracy" and potential terrorists.
A lot of you folks in this thread certainly do get a lot of enjoyment from using small, isolated examples as evidence of major national issues. Far be it for me to ruin your fun! I'll bow out now.

At the end of the day you're either willing to do the work to let humanity evolve to a place where we can accept people for who they are, or you're not.

I'm not using isolated examples. Your attempt to frame it as such shows the weakness of your argument.

Universities are garbage pits of victim culture, "equity" instead of meritocracy. The women on Penn U's swim team have been threatened not to speak out because it could "ruin their careers" so have to speak anonymously.

DESPITE the liberal corporate media attempt to censor and create dishonest context to push gender nonsense, you can find incidents where other rights are trampled on in the name of "equity and inclusiveness"

You can pretend there are infinity genders. I'm going to tell the truth.
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If you want to know why degenerate democrats like Joe Biden have to insight hatred to stay in power, look at the redistricting maps.

One example, Oregon is growing more conservative so the legislature gerrymanders to keep power. Both parties do it to stay in power. Only one can use the media to convince gullible people Republicans are gerrymandering to steal power.

More on the lawsuit: Democratic lawmaker supports suit challenging Oregon legislative maps passed by his party

In 2020, those 30 rural precincts represented around 27,000 voters, while the three Eugene precincts represented around 10,000 voters. And this is where gerrymandering rears its ugly head. In every election in the last decade, those 30 rural precincts voted for the Democrat’s opponent by a roughly 60%-40% margin. But in the Eugene precincts, they voted roughly 90%-10% for the Democrat, and subsequently carried the election every time.

More succinctly, the 10,000 voters in the three urban Eugene precincts overruled the 27,000 voters in the 30 rural precincts in every single election for a decade. Clearly this configuration did not represent communities of interest. The new configuration largely un-gerrymanders the new House District 12, which is now exclusively in Lane County and mostly non-urban except for the one precinct left in southeast Eugene where Wilde lives. (Hence the punishment element Wilde alluded to.) As you might guess, the 3,000-plus voters in that precinct will likely not feel represented in the Oregon House for the next decade.


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Biden during his inauguration: "For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury," Biden said. "No progress, only exhausting outrage. No nation, only a state of chaos. This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward."

Biden now: Trump supporters are "a dagger at the throat of democracy" and potential terrorists.

The best part of this clown show, two democrats, Sen Sinema and Sen. Manchin are what stands between the marxist running Joe Biden and loosing our Bill of Rights.

I want to know who wrote that speech.

Agree on the first part. Also not a fan of the Republicans - most of the pols are dirty and incompetent, seeking power above all else. But joining a McCarthyesque show trial is hardly "saving democracy." If you are really worried about democracy you should be terrified at what the current administration is doing - but you seem not to be worried at all.

What, me worry? :sneaky:

I'm definitely concerned about the state of democracy south of the border. It seems to me that every citizen ought to have the ability to vote for the candidate of their choice. Voter suppression is a problem, because if the people don't have any say in the policies that shape the future, then Big Oil/Pharma will simply run the earth and its people into the ground.

A bunch of American citizens entering the capital and demanding change is what democracy is all about. A leader who supports democracy would engage with that crowd, not call them terrorists. The latter is what despots so when they are challenged. Another trick of despots is to seed the opposition with their own minions.

Is it indeed? IMO democracy was (past tense) about casting votes and acknowledging winners/defeat. When one sheds doubt on all that has been held in a societal trust, that society can no longer function. Leave it to the Supreme court? These judges have the least accountability. Appointed (not voted)...for life, they ARE ABOVE the law.

No surprise FBI were part of the mind-hack that day. If someone told you to jump off a cliff, would you? :xf.laugh:
The government/media/billionaire class has turned Americans against each other - like a giant gladiator game for their profit and entertainment. Don't buy into it. It's not a question of red or blue - it's a question of whether one supports an oppressive and unsustainable structure that will lead to disaster or supports the few leaders with integrity who have not yet completely sold out.

Yup, yup and more yup. Is it possible an ex-pat living abroad and close neighbour can more clearly see the forest thru the trees? :xf.wink:
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I'm definitely concerned about the state of democracy south of the border. It seems to me that every citizen ought to have the ability to vote for the candidate of their choice. Voter suppression is a problem
Voter suppression, as far as I can see, is a myth created by the left to help them acquire illegitimate votes. Otherwise, where are these masses of voters who have been suppressed? Why have they not taken to the streets? The absolute absurdity of claiming that ID is a form of voter suppression hardly needs to be discussed.
When one sheds doubt on all that has been held in a societal trust, that society can no longer function.
Yes, well, see above. Is it any wonder that people lose trust in elections? One would think that efforts to make the election process more transparent and accountable would be the solution here. Instead, we see the opposite.
Yup, yup and more yup. Is it possible an ex-pat living abroad and close neighbour can more clearly see the forest thru the trees?
Of course there's truth to that. Living with crazy people inevitable rubs off on us.

That said, you should worry about north of the border as much as the south. The whole world is rapidly drifting into fascism and/or authoritarianism. I can think of no place that is immune. I can only think of places where the government is less competent or effective, thereby slowing down the process. Chaos is coming, but I suspect the places that will do least poorly are those places where the people understand the government is not on their side. Places that will do the worst are filled with those who think their government will provide the solutions to all their problems.
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