Is Adam Dicker a criminal? You decide.



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This story starts with DNF; a barren wasteland that once was a leading forum within the domain industry. While the forum itself played a huge role in propagating the myth that is Adam Dicker, the story really begins with DNF College in the summer of 2011.

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Updates / Reports
These are in no particular order.

From what I understand, Adam still owes north of $33,000 to previous customers and business partners. As I receive more information, I will update this figure.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
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Noted. I won't anymore. If these lot are acting under instruction or in collusion then they really have run flat out of ideas.

I've just put wpm, webinvestments and frank-germany on ignore, they have nothing sensible to offer. Easy solution to a simple problem.
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I didn't call him a victim, are you purposely misrepresenting my words? You even quoted my passage of text, the word "victim" was not included.

Neither is the word victim used at any point on page #1.

I stated that he is somebody who came forward publicly to state that he is owed money. Do you dispute that?

Please choose your own words more carefully, mine were chosen just fine.

if you read carefully
you denied WPM s post

and you too used the word "victim"

1. Ohhhh.... so.... You can't be a victim if you are wealthy? Dude, the wealthier you are the more people there are trying to squeeze a dollar out of you.

2. I don't remember that but I'm glad you've managed to accidently hit the nail on the head. Uniregistry likely had some of AD's domains, they had him by the balls. If those with unsettled disputes were looking after a chunk of AD's domain portfolio then they'd probably have had their complaints settled quickly too.

3. Yes, paying bills on time would have been the right thing to do.
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What is a crime?
What you need to do to be a criminal?

wikipedia :

"Usually, to be classified as a crime, the "act of doing something criminal" (actus reus) must – with certain exceptions – be accompanied by the "intention to do something criminal" (mens rea).[4]

While every crime violates the law, not every violation of the law counts as a crime. Breaches of private law (torts and breaches of contract) are not automatically punished by the state, but can be enforced through civil procedure."
Noted. I won't anymore. If these lot are acting under instruction or in collusion then they really have run flat out of ideas.

I've just put wpm, webinvestments and frank-germany on ignore, they have nothing sensible to offer. Easy solution to a simple problem.

Hold on... I'm grabbing a tissue, I'm being ignored. Remember, only the "IGNORANT" ignore things.

Let's get something ABSOLUTELY STRAIGHT!!!

Yes, F.S. did come on to a public forum stating A.D. owed him money... now I am not sure if this was a "personal debt" or a "business debt". But I believe it was a business debt. Something that occurs in business daily, chasing "accounts receivables". But I assure you it wasn't because A.D. overcharged or over promised "web design services" as is stated by many of the victims claiming that A.D. didn't deliver as promised etc, etc. I am NOT doubting their claims, nor am I defending A.D..

That being said, considering the power/clout in the industry that both F.S. and A.D. (who once had), I can understand why A.D. would want to pay F.S. back ASAP. BECAUSE IT"S A BIGGER PART OF THE BUSINESS. BUT I STILL SAY F.S. COULD "MAYBE" HAVE WAITED FOR PAYMENT UNTIL AFTER THE LITTLE GUYS WERE MADE WHOLE. INCLUDING YOU, IF YOU HAVE SUFFERED.


Please post one quote of me "defending" A.D.. I merely posted opinions of the "situation" as did you. Sure, I said I knew him and spoke to him via skype and by phone, email and reiterated, as many others have, he seemed like a nice guy. Now he seems like a nice guy who f'ed up somewhere. Would I speak with him again... to be honest, if he had a line on a buyer for one of my domains for sale... HELL YES I WOULD SPEAK TO HIM!!! I can build my own sites.

I don't give a rat's arse about hacked satellite dishes from 10+ years ago. Who were the victims there? The MULTI BILLION DOLLAR entertainment industry who programs you to love zombie shows? GTFOOH!!!

Don't accuse me of "being under instruction" or of "collusion". Those are disparaging remarks and you may get a letter. ;)

My opinions, blah blah blah, ignore me, whatever.

My apologies once again to the readers. Sorry for not being "on board".


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I appeal to all parties to read though these well-thought-out expectations again before clicking the Post Reply button.

We can agree to disagree. But leave the hatred and hostility out of this thread, which is in no way helping anyone.

I hope we can see some mutually-satisfied resolutions settled moving forward, sooner rather than later. And that will be progress.

Time for a song. Not totally relevant, but some parts ring true.

Lyrics said:
Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door

I know that I'm a prisoner
To all my Father held so dear
I know that I'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got

You say you just don't see it
He says it's perfect sense
You just can't get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defence

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts

So Don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different day
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be OK.

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

I wasn't there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn't get to tell him
All the things I had to say

I think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I'm sure I heard his echo
In my baby's new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
This thread continues to get derailed....

We have frank-germany declaring you aren't a real victim unless you've been through a hurricane, a plane crash, had your house ripped open by a tornado, etc. WTF? He declares that someone who is not delivered what they ordered is not a victim! He also declares that Adam's intent was never to rip people off therefore he didn't commit a crime according to a wikipedia article.

We have WPM ranting in CAPITALIZED LETTERS trying to prove something.

We have Jen-Sin posting every namepros rule and a depressing song about his living years.

I feel like I'm on 4chan everytime I come to this thread.

It's time to pull a Cyger and wipe Adam completely out of my mind as if he never existed. He will continue to reap what he sows as will we all. I hope this thread does get back on topic for the benefit of the victims. Peace out!

We have frank-germany declaring you aren't a real victim unless you've been through a hurricane, a plane crash, had your house ripped open by a tornado, etc. WTF? He declares that someone who is not delivered what they ordered is not a victim! He also declares that Adam's intent was never to rip people off therefore he didn't commit a crime according to a wikipedia article.

everbody can read what I posted.
there is really no need to quote me on that 1 page later

And if you quote me
first try to understand what I say

and don't quote me wrong

1) somebody who wasn't delivered what he ordered may not be a victim

2) Adam's intent is beyond my knowledge

Your version of my post
is reflecting the method used
to manipulate people

pretty close to the words
but far off to the content / meaning
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Not one blogger was talking about ANY of the details until I posted something today. It is not by chance that two blogs followed with posts about it. In the last two weeks nobody had posted anything but their opinions on the matters and left out all details. It was time one of the bloggers said something and that one was me today. But I closed the comments just because I could see how the conversation was derailing in this thread. Name calling and internal fighting.

Details? You just posted a TL;DR version of this thread.

But then there is this classic:
"Another thing. What’s going on now really shows how much people are scared of legal. "
"I am not going to allow comments here because of legal."

With the additional "is not guilty until proven in a court of law" and "I’m not saying don’t give Adam Dicker money" it was a bit weak really. Though pedants should rejoice in the slip there -- implying that you are giving money vs receiving and exchange of service.... Lawyer up Shane! :)

"I may still get a legal letter from my comments" - I don't know what others think but real legal letters are real legal letters. Any significant letter is registered and managed as an important part of an overall process. If the only contact is known is email then they would usually send a copy of said letter versus just an email. The email in question in here offered very little in reality - no legal basis, no timeline, just a half-assed offer of settlement OR I will legal up. In other words.. the letter is, imho, not worth much worry. I really wonder if the law firms even know their junior guy sent it out (wouldn't it be fun to copy one of the senior partners and ask?)

Can I be sued for implying Adam should get a better lawyer?

Seriously ...though..

@Shane Bellone You might want to check this site:
He can't sue me. ;)

Thanks though.

It was more the "free legal help" so you don't have to have your crowd funding.. (and by free I also mean just free resources not actual free lawyers - though they help with that also)
It was more the "free legal help" so you don't have to have your crowd funding.. (and by free I also mean just free resources not actual free lawyers - though they help with that also)

The fund isn't for me personally. It's to help the people who received the legal notices. I have me covered.
Domain Shane is one of the best people in this industry. Hands down, I have dealt with many over the years and I have been fortunate to surround myself with the best kinds, so this even happening is a slap in the face to all of the honest people out there, trust me when I say the best people will be around to help.

Thank you. Means a lot. I'm not looking for praise but after the awful things say to me in comments for no reason it's nice to have some positive.
Paypal Dispute Opened 17th. It is now the 27th. I have sent Screenshots of the "Website" Delivered,along with every trace of Conversation and etc On my end for this transaction,including the Base Foundation of "Unique Content" Pictures from Niche Websites.
Every 3 days is a New Update on the phone with Paypals Dispute Specialists that Adam Dicker is fighting and stating he "Provided the service paid for"
Your Website is matching Articles to a T , along with Ezine free articles.
You have kept this Debate going back and forth Adam Dicker- I've laid low,I haven't said anything on this Forum,defamatory about You,at all.Just that I was delivered a "Website with "b*llsh*t content".With Your Lawyer Letter You had Sent to me,I replied to Gowlings saying "What would you like me to do?" Ready to comply,and receive my refund peacefully.

I cannot use this website. You know it,I know it..Google knows it,All the words on it are from someone else's effort , Please let me Move on.
Copy and Paster of the Year.
We have WPM ranting in CAPITALIZED LETTERS trying to prove something.

You're right daj... and I apologized for doing so.

I should have realized the difference in mentality 20 years makes in life and business. Many of the comments here reflect that.

Sometimes it's experience and wisdom that make all the difference in the world.

Still hoping everyone with issues gets them resolved.


This isnt directed at anybody in particular, just a couple of lines that really fit this thread.

Someone here decided to post at

I wrote a post just for you.

Paypal Dispute Opened 17th. It is now the 27th. I have sent Screenshots of the "Website" Delivered,along with every trace of Conversation and etc On my end for this transaction,including the Base Foundation of "Unique Content" Pictures from Niche Websites.
Every 3 days is a New Update on the phone with Paypals Dispute Specialists that Adam Dicker is fighting and stating he "Provided the service paid for"
Your Website is matching Articles to a T , along with Ezine free articles.
You have kept this Debate going back and forth Adam Dicker- I've laid low,I haven't said anything on this Forum,defamatory about You,at all.Just that I was delivered a "Website with "b*llsh*t content".With Your Lawyer Letter You had Sent to me,I replied to Gowlings saying "What would you like me to do?" Ready to comply,and receive my refund peacefully.

I cannot use this website. You know it,I know it..Google knows it,All the words on it are from someone else's effort , Please let me Move on.
Copy and Paster of the Year.
Did you ever here back from the attorney? I have contacted him twice. Still no response.
Where can you get a transcript of this blog?
It seems the ones that are owed back money are the ones that got threatening letters.
Did you ever here back from the attorney? I have contacted him twice. Still no response.
Nothing. I replied within an hour of it being sent. I honestly don't think Adams's done yet. Letter was just the start..(my opinion)
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