
NamePros Blog

Domain blog covering the latest domain news, domain sales, reports, analysis, advice, interviews, strategy, and more.
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advice It's never too late...

…to become a domain name investor.

“It’s too late! All the good names are taken!”

Sadly, because of that single thought, a lot of would be investors are turned off and leave the industry before ever giving it a chance. Others try it, lose money and give up. I’m here to remind you that it’s...

sales Mike Mann Sells a Three Word .COM for $40,000

One of our favorite investors, Mike Mann, has racked up yet another five-figure sale. Following on from the sales of AnimalsUnited.com for $39,000 and GotBoobs.com for $15,000 is this latest $40,000 sale of a three-word .COM.

The news of the sale was broken by Mike via his Twitter...

news Blockchain Company Monkey Acquires Monkey.com for $500,000

Blockchain development and news and information service company Monkey has confirmed the acquisition of the domain name Monkey.com for a fee of $500,000. The Singapore-based company is lead by entrepreneur Daniel Mark Harrison, who initially launched the company using the domain name...

strategy What Are The Odds? Applied Probability For Domain Investing

Many skills can help you make better decisions as a domain name investor. One of them is quantitative decision making. While probability can never firmly tell you what to do, it can help make better decisions in some cases.

Applied probability can be used to help answer questions such as how...

information Is This the End of the Chinese Market?

Recently, a discussion has arisen on NamePros, asking whether the Chinese domain market could be at an end. This question comes after a couple of months of declining prices after a period of steep growth at the end of 2015. In this article, I wanted to give another perspective on this question...

information A Deeper Look At Domain Name Fast Transfer Sales Networks

What if your domain names would be seen at many different registrars? In addition, when a name sold through any of those registrars, the entire transfer process was automatic. You just wait to be paid.

That is the promise of the so-called fast transfer networks. Traditionally there have been...
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analysis Brand Names Including Animals - A Look At The Data

Many great brand names have been built around animals, such as Puma, Jaguar, RedBull, FireFox, DuckDuckGo and many others. The animal provides a concrete image on which to build the logo and brand. Many times some aspect off the name hints at characteristics of the brand. Foxes are known to be...
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information How Do You Sell Domains to Chinese Investors?

With Chinese investors becoming the focal point of the entire domain industry, it stands to reason that at some point you'll probably be doing business with someone from China, Hong Kong, or Singapore. The Chinese culture has many different standards and protocols to abide by when conducting...

interviews Ultra-Premium Monkey.com Returns to Original Owner

In August, we published the news that the domain name Monkey.com had been sold in a deal worth $500,000. The sale, verified independently through an Escrow.com sales agreement, listed Daniel Mark Harrison of Monkey Capital as the buyer.

Daniel was scheduled to submit payments at regular...

information Should You Buy 6N .COMs? A Guide to This Rapidly Expanding Market

This time last year, the majority of six-number (6N) .COM domain names were available for registration. Even up until September of 2015, investors were acquiring thousands per day; the news broke here that a Chinese investor had registered 33,000 6N .COM's over a two day spree.


news What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse does not yet exist, but everyone is talking about it. Domain investors have had their eye on the metaverse for some time, particularly since the domain name metaverse.io was sold by Andrew Rosener’s MediaOptions for $175,000 in March, 2021 at ParkIO.


analysis A Close Look At The .CC Domain Extension

The past year has been a strong one for country code domain extensions in general, with the generic extensions .io and .co particularly active. This has prompted discussion around what might be the next generic country code to become popular. While extensions such as .ai...
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information GPT and Similar Artificial Intelligence Technologies: Implications for the Domain Name Industry

Since OpenAI introduced ChatGPT-3 in late November 2022, it seems everyone is talking about ChatGPT.

Earlier in the NamePros Blog, I ‘interviewed’ ChatGPT on domain topics. I think most will agree that ChatGPT did an impressive job on most answers.

Many investors are registering domain...
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domains By This Time Next Year, I Will...

I’ve never been one for new years resolutions. In my experience, the idea of deciding to start or stop something specifically because it’s the new year rarely works. Statistics back this up, too. According to a British survey last year, 63% of UK adults failed to keep a New Year's...

analysis Premium Two-Word .COM Domain Sales in 2019

It is not surprising that single words and short acronyms attract most of the attention at the high end of the domain name sales news. For example, voice.com sold for $30 million, and California.com, EKO.com, TM.com and RX.com all above one million dollars in...
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news New Domain Name Appraisal Instrument Fills Void

Do we need another automated domain name appraisal instrument? While automated domain name appraisals have their critics, and are certainly not precise instruments, some find them useful in certain circumstances.

While some instruments like Estibot, have been around for a very long time...
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tips How To Evaluate Chinese Pinyin Domain Names

Pinyin is the use of Roman letters to represent Chinese characters. Many Chinese companies use Pinyin to create corporate domain names in Roman letters. Investing in Pinyin names can be profitable, but there are some pitfalls that can get in the way. In this blog post, I'll provide some tips on...

video FakeNews.com's Broker Gets TV Air Time

"Fake news" is a term that has become extremely popular over the last few months, thanks in no small part to President Trump. Fake news has become a catch-all phrase for the President's distrust of many mainstream media outlets, and has been mentioned by the President in numerous tweets and live...
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advice How Safe Are Your Domain Names?

Whether you are the king of domains and sitting on countless super valuable domains or someone just starting out who spent days scraping through dropping lists to buy a handful of domains you found that others may have overlooked, our portfolios are special to us. They are a part of who we are...

information Expert Exchange: If You Began with $1,000 to Spend on Domains, What Would You Buy? What If $25,000?

Welcome to a brand new Q&A series on the NamePros Blog. Each article in this series will ask numerous domain name industry experts a single question. The questions and answer will hopefully give you an insight into how these successful industry leaders operate, while also giving valuable advice...

advice Hard work.

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to be a negative one, in fact, quite the opposite. It is meant to motivate - drive - inspire. So take it with a grain of salt, if you dare.

Hard work. Sound familiar? To some, it doesn’t. Sadly, it is a dying aptitude amongst the crowds and for some...

information Is Domain Name Presentation Important?

In a recent NamePros Blog post, I looked at the different ways a domain name can be found. One of the most important is through the lander.

Over the last few years additional marketplace choices, and additional lander options at marketplaces, make it possible to add a variety of...
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information An Outbound Domain Sales Walkthrough

Outbound domain sales are a popular means of creating a revenue stream without having to wait for a buyer to come to you. Consisting of finding a suitable owner for a domain and then contacting them directly, outbound sales is typically done via email or phone to a targeted group of individuals...

information Taking A Close Look At Domain Name Appraisals

Few topics generate as much heat as discussion of automated domain name appraisals. The value of human appraisals can also be controversial. This week I decided to take a look at appraisal options and limitations. Should we even be doing domain name appraisals?

Why Do You Want An...

guide Free Tools For Quick Domain Research

This article lists a selection of free tools to help evaluate a domain name. It covers how you can quickly determine how many similar names are registered or for sale, prices of sales of similar names, the popularity of the name for business use, and the history of the domain name. In about ten...
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