
advice When to use E or I as prefix properly?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Hey guys/girls,

So I had a question. As a prefix what would be better for example on a domain like:
"eautosales" or "iautosales"

If one is better than the other, can you please explain as to why? Or are they the same really?

Thank you!
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i refers to internet

e refers to electronic

I like i when I want to convey internet. I use e when I want to refer to electronic. :)
i refers to internet

e refers to electronic

I like i when I want to convey internet. I use e when I want to refer to electronic. :)

Thank you for your reply! That helped solve a nice chunk of my question. But in my example, which would you use?
I like the "e" because it could also mean electric auto sales. :)
I would say it definitely depends on the word and on the use.

E= electronic so think if that name/word you attach the E to makes sense as electronic!

I also stands for the pronoun not only for internet

edit : posted while other posts were no showing..sorry for repeating the same concept.
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In the past E was synonymous with e-commerce. IMO things have since changed and E is not what it once was. That said I agree with others that E is associated more with Electronic and I with internet.

P.s. for example I own Evehicles in a cctld and feel It would be best used for electric/hybrid vehicles, although I think it would also work generally it wouldn't be it best use imo.
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