
What's going on with Epik and Rob Monster?

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I'm catching the tail end of this, seems to be some kind of controversy...


Must be something odd to evoke this type of a response from one of our members.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I am on Team Human. I value all lives, and invite all opinions, including those I don't like. It is tolerance.
What does "value all lives" mean to you? Does that mean you believe all people are equal?
Yes. Imagine I come to your home, beat you, rape your wife and daughter in front of you, then make you my slave. Sound good to you? It was very real for many people. Be sensitive to it.

They should be granted equal rights Bernard.

I'm trying to follow the logic here, but I cannot reconcile as to why I should want to open our borders to whoever wants to enter our country because some people, somewhere, have been beaten, raped, and made slaves.

I wish Rob would have had the foresight to avoid such controversy.

He does seem apt to stir things up a bit. Makes for an interesting conversation though. Thanks for engaging.
Thanks for that, but I have a question.

If I come there, beat you, rape your wife, take your home, then make you my slave....how long will it take you to accept what I did and be happy being my slave?

First of all, you have to be a pretty twisted guy to come up with this question, so you have no outed yourself as both a troll and weirdo in spite of your alleged professional achievements.

Now, to answer your very odd rhetorical question, you would never get a chance because either:

1. You would wise up and heed to sound logic about why you should not do that.


2. You would be on the floor awaiting arrest


3. And if all else failed, you would be filled with lead.

See WA Castle Doctrine:


Yes, I support 1A and 2A.

And now that you have been outed as an obsessive troll with a taste for morbid fantasy, perhaps people here will stop listening to what you have to say in spite of it being free speech.

If you ask a Muslim in some other part of the world, about how things would go down with a disarmed infidel, you might get a different answer.

Perhaps you like that answer better. I gotta tell you though, most Americans are just not going to go along with that program.

Seriously though, this has all been fun, but you have to know when it is time to turn the page.
First of all, you have to be a pretty twisted guy to come up with this question, so you have no outed yourself as both a troll and weirdo in spite of your alleged professional achievements.

Now, to answer your very odd rhetorical question, you would never get a chance because either:

1. You would wise up and heed to sound logic about why you should not do that.


2. You would be on the floor awaiting arrest


3. And if all else failed, you would be filled with lead.

See WA Castle Doctrine:


Yes, I support 1A and 2A.

And now that you have been outed as an obsessive troll with a taste for morbid fantasy, perhaps people here will stop listening to what you have to say in spite of it being free speech.

If you ask a Muslim in some other part of the world, about how things would go down with a disarmed infidel, you might get a different answer.

Perhaps you like that answer better. I gotta tell you though, most Americans are just not going to go along with that program.

Seriously though, this has all been fun, but you have to know when it is time to turn the page.
The problem Rob, is that what I described really happened not too long ago. You are truly in a fantasy world.

Your so-called position on free speech is self-serving and shallow. Man up. Read. People have suffered as true victims. Not like you claiming to be taking a beating or crying foul or crying lynch mob, or crying vicious attack when anyone disagrees with you. What a shame.

I'm a business man. I don't get feelings hurt and I'm sharp as a tack. Try me. I invite you to debate any time. As gentlemen of course. :)

Look me up on Twitter, @DebateDave
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Things are getting a little antagonistic, it seems. I just want to make it clear that I am here to discuss viewpoints and rationales behind those viewpoints. I hope we can stay focused on the subject matter and refrain from name calling or accusations regarding one's character here. Going to sit out for a bit and see what comes next.
Things are getting a little antagonistic, it seems. I just want to make it clear that I am here to discuss viewpoints and rationales behind those viewpoints. I hope we can stay focused on the subject matter and refrain from name calling or accusations regarding one's character here. Going to sit out for a bit and see what comes next.
Rob and I agree that anyone guilty of such crimes now, in the past, or in the future...deserves what Rob said. Too bad Rob only gets protective of his own family. Maybe he could try empathy toward those who were real victims.

I just love free speech!
I support free speech but I'm not in agreement with Rob on what free speech means. To Rob, free speech can mean beating someone up. To Rob, free speech can be a lynch mob. I'm not with that.

I agree. Unfortunately, this thread also seems to be a lynch mob.
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Look. Truth be known, even though I strongly disagree with rob, if he made me money, I might hire him. I keep my personal views personal most all of the time.
Accepting the domain was not necessary to prevent censorship of the site's content or maintain its continuity. So perhaps accepting the domain was about gaining business, and possibly about saving someone else from losing their investment in the domain, which had cost a lot of money. Yes that is of interest to domain investors as an investing and rights issue.

The whole investor question could do with more info - new post on that at https://www.namepros.com/threads/so...er-or-suspension.1107245/page-23#post-7168249
If you ask a Muslim in some other part of the world, about how things would go down with a disarmed infidel, you might get a different answer.
I cant understand as you are mostly arguing with your fellow christians but still you are trying to fit your Islam bashing in between like previous post about spread of Islam by swords.

"there is no compulsion in religion."
(Al Quran 02:256)
"Say, "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it)"
(Al Quran 18:29)
"And if your Lord had pleased, surely all those who are in the earth would have believed, all of them; will you then force men till they become believers?"
(Al Quran 10:99)
"Therefore do remind, for you are only a reminder. You are not a watcher over them;"
(Al Quran 88:21, 88:22)
"To every people have We appointed ceremonial rites (of prayer) which they observe; therefore, let them not wrangle over this matter with you, but bid them to turn to your Lord (since that is the main objective of religion). You indeed are rightly guided. But if they still dispute you in this matter, (then say,) `God best knows (the value of) what you do."
(Al Quran 22:67)
Whether they are the ones who believe, or whether they are Jews, Christians or Sabians – all who believe in Allah(God) and the Last Day, and do righteous deeds – their reward is surely secure with their Lord; they need have no fear, nor shall they grieve.

(Al-Quran 2:62)

Prophet Muhammad says;

"He who believes in God and the Last Day should honour his guest, should not harm his neighbour, should speak good or keep quiet." (Bukhari, Muslim)

"Whoever hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys God." (Bukhari)

"He who hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state, I am his adversary, and I shall be his adversary on the Day of a Judgement." (Bukhari)

"Beware on the Day of Judgement; I shall myself be complainant against him who wrongs a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state or lays on him a responsibility greater than he can bear or deprives him of anything that belongs to him." (Al-Mawardi)

I know you might counter with these;

Quran 8.12 "Remember thy lord has inspired the angels with the message. Give firmness to the believers and instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Smite them above their necks and smite the fingertips of them."

Quran 47.4 "When you encounter the unbelievers, Strike off their heads. Untill you have made a wide slaughter among them tie up the remaining captives."

Quran 9.5 "When the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them."

Chapter 8 verse is about a BATTLE, - the Battle of Badr to be precise - not just some daily affair. A battle take two side to occur and battle of Badr was waged by Meccans fielding an army three times larger than that of the Muslims.

Chapter 47
verse was revealed during the first year of Hijrah when the Muslims were under *threat of extinction* by invasion from Makkah.

Chapter 9 is interesting. Islamophobes and Terrorists almost invariably quote verse 5 but leave out verse 4 and 6. Why? Because verse 4 says, "But the treaties are not dissolved with those Pagans with whom you have entered into alliance and who have you subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided anyone against you. So fulfill your engagements with them to the end of their term: for God Loves the righteous."

And verse 6 says, "If one among the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him so that he may hear the Word of God; and then escort him to where he can be secure."

I have shown the background to each verse. One cannot take a verse revealed for a battle and insist it is for the daily affairs of Muslims. And those who wish to attack Islam and terrorists who wants to misinterpret these verses to share their extremist version of Islam and hatred towards non-muslims, conveniently leave out verses before and after their quoted verse.
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OK, this thread I think has gone a long way away from the original topic.

Now I may own www.JesusChri.st but that is purely a domaining and business action, I have absolutely no interest in religion personally though I do try my utmost to respect others who do hold religious beliefs. But as for discussing religions that is something I do not wish to do.

So at least for the moment I shall bow out. :)
It is my opinion that efforts to "mitigate" migration, are based on fear, elitism, and protectionist beliefs.

It’s good to know that you care about humanity, but believe it or not many migrants who leave to look for a better life or to escape tyranny and hostilities would probably prefer not to have had to left their own hometown and would have probably stayed where they were only if they could have found some way to support their families without having to fear for their lives all the time. Having to move to a new place is not an easy task, most people tend to get attached to their own hometown and find it difficult to have to leave their family and friends behind. If you took a survey from migrants who were somehow forced to leave their home, you might be surprised to find out that probably most would have preferred to been able to stayed in their original place. So perhaps the best way to help migrants is to fix the political, religious, economical, and environmental problems that they are facing at home so that they don’t have to migrate in the first place. To better understand this just ask yourself how you would feel if you were somehow forced to move to a strange land having to leave your loved ones behind and finding yourself amongst strangers with different ways of life that you had to adjust to while overcoming language and cultural barriers.

We could prevent forced migrations by expanding and supporting democracy and freedom in other parts of the World and by teaching and training underprivileged and impoverished people to become more self supportive. Fortunately there are people such as yourself all over the World who mean well and care about humanity who are actively trying to help change the World for the better so people won’t have to migrate out of force, but unfortunately they are faced with many extremist groups, tyrants, and corrupt and brutal governments which are in control in many parts of the World who see any change and progress as a danger to their own power.

The World has now come to a crossroads in many different ways, whether it’s political, religious, racial, social, or economical conflicts and hostilities that are tearing the fabric of our civilization apart or whether it’s the environmental problems that are going to make us go extinct, we have to choose whether we as the human kind want to keep the status quo or whether we are willing to make a leap and start a new era in our civilization. All our existing philosophies, doctrines, and ideologies have failed us and that's why the World is in such a mess which soon might get even worse if people don't wake up and do something about it. We have to use our own intuition, wisdom, and common sense along with advances in technology such as Artificial Intelligence to help create a better World that is based on logic, compassion, and Universal rights and values and if we are successful that will help to prevent forced migrations amongst bringing about many other good things.

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But as for discussing religions that is something I do not wish to do.

Yes, I agree...if folks are interested in a religious debate, it would best to start another thread. Many of the actions of Christians and Muslims throughout history are well documented and all it takes are a few searches, clicks and an open mind to disseminate the information.

So to get back on topic as to what is going on with Rob and Epik.

To begin with, Rob as an individual has every right to share his opinion on anything and everything...whether or not it is 'correct' and/or anyone agrees with him.

Epik has the duty to keep, maintain and protect the domains it is entrusted with and to provide its customers with timely service.

It is unfortunate that the personal statements and opinions of Rob have taken time away from him and other employees of Epik, but I am sure things are being handled as usual on a daily basis.

Are the two intertwined? For me the answer would have to be yes. If it were not for Rob I would not have any domains at Epik. It is simple for me...if he were to leave so would my domains.

Do I agree with everything he has said? No. I would, however, like to have a discussion with him to hear his logic as to why he believes certain things...who knows, maybe he will give me information that will change my view...or visa versa.

I have interacted with him in the past and I believe him to be honorable, devoted and sincere. I know him to be highly intelligent and we as domainers should be grateful that he is in the domain business as there is no doubt he and Epik have had and are having an effect on pricing, etc. in the industry (just had a rep at one of the biggies say so recently when they were trying to convince me to switch domains to them).
Yes, I agree...if folks are interested in a religious debate, it would best to start another thread. Many of the actions of Christians and Muslims throughout history are well documented and all it takes are a few searches, clicks and an open mind to disseminate the information.

So to get back on topic as to what is going on with Rob and Epik.

To begin with, Rob as an individual has every right to share his opinion on anything and everything...whether or not it is 'correct' and/or anyone agrees with him.

Epik has the duty to keep, maintain and protect the domains it is entrusted with and to provide its customers with timely service.

It is unfortunate that the personal statements and opinions of Rob have taken time away from him and other employees of Epik, but I am sure things are being handled as usual on a daily basis.

Are the two intertwined? For me the answer would have to be yes. If it were not for Rob I would not have any domains at Epik. It is simple for me...if he were to leave so would my domains.

Do I agree with everything he has said? No. I would, however, like to have a discussion with him to hear his logic as to why he believes certain things...who knows, maybe he will give me information that will change my view...or visa versa.

I have interacted with him in the past and I believe him to be honorable, devoted and sincere. I know him to be highly intelligent and we as domainers should be grateful that he is in the domain business as there is no doubt he and Epik have had and are having an effect on pricing, etc. in the industry (just had a rep at one of the biggies say so recently when they were trying to convince me to switch domains to them).
Epik is a decent registrar in my opinion. Nothing particularly special. But decent.

Rob seems a decent person. Certainly not a criminal or anything like that. What I have found however, is that Rob is like some people that feel entitled to express their thoughts and opinions but then either ignores or takes personally the expressions of those that disagree.

As to intelligence, well, I don't know his level of intelligence. I would like to think that truthful, truly open, respectful conversation on the matter can happen.

If we are going to talk about free speech, protecting free speech, what free speech means, how people have been attacked, and so on....then let's be open about it. Let's not get timid when subjects like slavery, racism, etc. come into the discussion.

Everyone knows these types of topics are hotbeds of debate.

I hope Rob can respect the fact that there are many brilliant individuals here at Namepros and that many folks here at NP possess equal, if not superior intelligence.
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I have absolutely no interest in religion personally though I do try my utmost to respect others who do hold religious beliefs. But as for discussing religions that is something I do not wish to do.
I dont wanted to discuss religion either but had to. It will be better if Rob comes out of his self righteousness and If he believes in One religion, then he should respect other religions too. I wouldnt had any problems if he was an atheist, as an atheist paints all religions with same brush.
Yes, I agree...if folks are interested in a religious debate, it would best to start another thread. Many of the actions of Christians and Muslims throughout history are well documented and all it takes are a few searches, clicks and an open mind to disseminate the information.
I agree. If people had followed their religions properly, world would had been better place. For me King Raja Dahar of Sindh is a hero who fought against invading Arabic forces of Muhammad Bin Qasim.

So to get back on topic as to what is going on with Rob and Epik.

To begin with, Rob as an individual has every right to share his opinion on anything and everything...whether or not it is 'correct'
Like Rob everyone is entitled to his/her opinions, whether correct or not, which should also be respected.
Yes, I agree...if folks are interested in a religious debate, it would best to start another thread. Many of the actions of Christians and Muslims throughout history are well documented and all it takes are a few searches, clicks and an open mind to disseminate the information.

So to get back on topic as to what is going on with Rob and Epik.

the problems is that it looks like Rob can't post w/o quoting some text passages from a bible
and keeps on talking about God in regard to profane things

I really wished he could just leave that part out

free speech - yes he can do so

but it makes him less trustworthy in my eyes
as I would suggest his spoke based on his own insights
instead of what he thinks "God" wants or the Bible's view of it
the problems is that it looks like Rob can't post w/o quoting some text passages from a bible
and keeps on talking about God in regard to profane things:xf.smile::xf.smile:

I really wished he could just leave that part out

free speech - yes he can do so

but it makes him less trustworthy in my eyes
as I would suggest his spoke based on his own insights
instead of what he thinks "God" wants or the Bible's view of it

I understand your point and I also understand Rob wants to share his convictions.

It is hard for many to keep personal thoughts/opinions out of the professional arena...I know it is tough for me to do. When interacting with someone one on one I will let the other person know that the conversation is heading toward a point when/where my belief system will begin to kick in. They are then given the option as to carry on and go 'there' or stop the current path of the discussion.

Many times the scenario has happened where the other person chooses to stop the personal part of the discussion and we conclude business...and after the contract is signed or the sale is made we go back and revisit the point/counterpoint...often ends up being a learning experience for both of us.

The significant downside to social media is that the info being shared is viewed by parties that are not involved in the primary discussion and may attract a troll wishing to sew discourse and entertain themselves. For this exact reason I have zero 'social' accounts...the namepros platform is all I can handle! :xf.smile:
I cant understand as you are mostly arguing with your fellow christians but still you are trying to fit your Islam bashing in between like previous post about spread of Islam by swords.

Hey Wali -

First of all, I mean no disrespect to you. You seem like a very capable, articulate, and thoughtful guy who is deeply studied on Islam.

As context, I have traveled throughout the Middle East, including recently UAE, Oman, Qatar, Turkey, and Israel. I have not been to Pakistan, which I believe is your home country, but have worked extensively with Pakistani developers in the past.

Specific to the domain industry, with Sufyan Alani Director of Business Development, recently onboard, we are actively exploring cooperation with ccTLDs across the Middle East, Indonesia and Pakistan. In particular, I think .ID and .SA are good candidates for international adoption similar to .AI.

In other words, I am not in any way an isolationist. I love the idea of being able to cross borders without waiting at immigration. I also enjoy exploring other cultures and have experienced amazing warmth and hospitality from many Muslim friends and business associates when visiting for business and leisure.

Culturally, I embrace tolerance, free will and want peaceful coexistence. However, if a group wants to impose their religion or mandate cultural norms, they cross a line that should not be crossed. I have no interest in being required to pay Jizya, for for the privilege of being an infidel.

I would like to ask you 4 questions:

1. How would you describe Shariah Law?

2. Under what circumstances might a country be expected to adopt Shariah Law?

3. Do you believe it is possible that some Islamists are interested in spreading Islam, including imposing Shariah Law?

4. Lastly, without resorting to Taqiyya, please tell me if you believe if anyone should ever be allowed to impose their cultural norm on another country's people.

In the context of ChristChurch, we have a nation being asked to participate in a spiritual invocation of Allah, in the form of Adhan, or Islamic Call to Prayer while requesting all women to be covered. Of course this was in the wake of a horrific event for which empathy and mourning is warranted.

If you prefer to answer privately, or discuss via phone, in order to not have this thread become excessively theological, that would be fine. Personally I think the context of civil liberty is relevant as it determines whether and how people are allowed to publish and consume content on the Internet.

Thanks, and blessings to you and yours!
Here's an example of the free speech Rob claims to be protecting. This is from the front page of news on g**.


I fail to understand in good conscience how rob can justify providing a platform that allows and encourages this type of speech. Any child can go on that site with no barrier and read this type of stuff.

Excuse me but this is just idiotic.

Now, let me be direct and clear...

Rob, you should be ashamed of yourself for even remotely being associated with type of content. If you are a man of honor, you must distance yourself from this type of organization immediately.

I absolutely do not and would associate in any way with people that hold these attitudes. Neither should you.

You have lowered yourself to that level by association.
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In domaining, we say...If you have to explain your domain, it's probably not good.

Rob, if you find yourself constantly having to explain, it's probably not good friend.
I would like to ask you 4 questions:

1. How would you describe Shariah Law?

2. Under what circumstances might a country be expected to adopt Shariah Law?

3. Do you believe it is possible that some Islamists are interested in spreading Islam, including imposing Shariah Law?

4. Lastly, without resorting to Taqiyya, please tell me if you believe if anyone should ever be allowed to impose their cultural norm on another country's people.

In the context of ChristChurch, we have a nation being asked to participate in a spiritual invocation of Allah, in the form of Adhan, or Islamic Call to Prayer while requesting all women to be covered. Of course this was in the wake of a horrific event for which empathy and mourning is warranted.

If you prefer to answer privately, or discuss via phone, in order to not have this thread become excessively theological, that would be fine. Personally I think the context of civil liberty is relevant as it determines whether and how people are allowed to publish and consume content on the Internet.

Thanks, and blessings to you and yours!
1 and 2:
Sharia Law is divine Islamic law as revealed in the Quran and the Sunnah(the teachings and practices of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and His companions). Human understanding of this law is called fiqh. Fiqh expands and develops Shariah through interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah by Islamic jurists (ulama) and is implemented by the rulings (fatwa) of jurists on questions presented to them. Thus, whereas sharia is considered immutable and infallible by Muslims, fiqh is considered fallible and changeable. So the point is; to implement Sharia Law, the Leader and his Islamic Jurists must be well versed in Islam and Quran and must interpret laws justly(without corruption and bias). There is an old saying, To implement Sharia Law you need to have a Leader as good as four companions of the Prophet. In this age its infeasible to implement Sharia Law as every sect of Islam has its own understanding and interpretation of Fiqh so any attempt to implement Sharia Law is bound to fail as those who want to implement Sharia Law are not well versed in Fiqh. Without proper knowledge and understanding of Fiqh will lead to a theocratic and tyrant state similar to rule of IS in Iraq.
3. No Islam wont spread by tyranny and forced conversions as Quran is clearly against it by saying their is no compulsion in religion. In this age of corruption and greed, lobbying for Sharia law is nothing more than an excuse to get into Power.
4. Religion is a personal thing so its practice shouldnt be imposed on others. If you are referring to Hijabs, then its just a peace of clothing and nothing more. If one wants to wear it, fine but it shouldnt be imposed forcefully.
Say to the believing men that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private parts (by being chaste). This is better for them.”
(Al Quran 24:30)
“You have heard that it was said by them of old time, you shall not commit adultery. But I say unto you, That whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.”
The Gospel of Matthew, chap. 5, verses 27-28
1 and 2:
3. No Islam wont spread by tyranny and forced conversions as Quran is clearly against it by saying their is no compulsion in religion. In this age of corruption and greed, lobbying for Sharia law is nothing more than an excuse to get into Power.
4. Religion is a personal thing so its practice shouldnt be imposed on others. If you are referring to Hijabs, then its just a peace of clothing and nothing more. If one wants to wear it, fine but it shouldnt be imposed forcefully.

Thanks Wali --

I like your interpretation. I also appreciate you being a resource to this group and would encourage folks to visit Islamic countries. I am personally quite fearless about visiting other cultures and have not experienced a sense of being unwelcome in any islamic country.

It does sadden me to see an uptick in acid attacks on women in the UK or to hear ongoing reports of genital mutilation. At the same time, I have seen first-hand how Islamic husbands protect their wives like royalty, up to and including walled palaces as I saw a lot of while touring through Oman, for example.

Two practical questions:

Are there any parts of the world where you would advise an uncovered woman not to visit without being accompanied specifically due to danger of vigilante justice being meted out by those who support shariah?

What can non-muslims do to prevent more part of the world from becoming no-go zones as is now happening in the UK? The issue goes back many years, including CNN covering it already in 2013.

We can probably agree on a lot of what is "right". The difference is whether a group has license to impose or force a code of conduct on another group.

Finally for avoidance of doubt, I am not an "Islamophobe" and never had an intent to pick on Islam. As I see it, free speech is an antidote to tyranny -- religious tyranny, economic tyranny, medical tyranny, etc.

If the term "medical tyranny" sounds odd, look into the news this week in NY of forced vaccination as a condition for being in public spaces. We are dealing with a slippery slope and the trend is not good.

Thanks again.
This morning I was briefly thinking about this thread which reminded me how I found it.

A person I have come to have great respect for, Shane Cultra, wrote an article expressing his opinion on Rob's decision to provide a platform for gab.

I reserved my opinion until I had more of a grasp of the situation.

I have done that and can say with absolute conviction that I agree with @Domain Shane .

The content perpetuated on gab is not content that I could ever be remotely associated with.

I wish Rob nothing but the best despite my disappointment in his judgement.
1 and 2:
Sharia Law is divine Islamic law as revealed in the Quran and the Sunnah(the teachings and practices of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and His companions). Human understanding of this law is called fiqh. Fiqh expands and develops Shariah through interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah by Islamic jurists (ulama) and is implemented by the rulings (fatwa) of jurists on questions presented to them. Thus, whereas sharia is considered immutable and infallible by Muslims, fiqh is considered fallible and changeable. So the point is; to implement Sharia Law, the Leader and his Islamic Jurists must be well versed in Islam and Quran and must interpret laws justly(without corruption and bias). There is an old saying, To implement Sharia Law you need to have a Leader as good as four companions of the Prophet. In this age its infeasible to implement Sharia Law as every sect of Islam has its own understanding and interpretation of Fiqh so any attempt to implement Sharia Law is bound to fail as those who want to implement Sharia Law are not well versed in Fiqh. Without proper knowledge and understanding of Fiqh will lead to a theocratic and tyrant state similar to rule of IS in Iraq.
3. No Islam wont spread by tyranny and forced conversions as Quran is clearly against it by saying their is no compulsion in religion. In this age of corruption and greed, lobbying for Sharia law is nothing more than an excuse to get into Power.
4. Religion is a personal thing so its practice shouldnt be imposed on others. If you are referring to Hijabs, then its just a peace of clothing and nothing more. If one wants to wear it, fine but it shouldnt be imposed forcefully.
Say to the believing men that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private parts (by being chaste). This is better for them.”
(Al Quran 24:30)
“You have heard that it was said by them of old time, you shall not commit adultery. But I say unto you, That whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.”
The Gospel of Matthew, chap. 5, verses 27-28
Thank you @Wali Dahot for being a great steward! Hello Brother
In the UK there is a criminal offence of "glorifying terrorism."
Thats exactly what the Monster was doing: Glorifying terrorism and racism too! He made a Big mistake on his twitter account that Will have very serious consecuenses for his small registrar epik and for his own reputation.

Internet destroyed HIS life and his small registrar epik:
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