
domain What do you think about my new gTLD domain? Advice thread.

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MarekTop Member
In this thread, I will give you my opinion about your submitted new gTLD domain name.

I will focus not only on its numerical appraisal, but also will take other factors into consideration (mainly renewal fee and what you do with the name, where it is presented, etc), to debate whether it is a good investment choice (in my opinion). Just because I am a new gTLD investor it does not mean that I will give good opinion on crappy names - so I will tell you when I see no value or potential. To see examples of new gTLD domain names I personally invest in, you can check my website

1. Only 1 new gTLD domain name can be submitted daily per 1 Namepros user.
2. This thread is related to new gTLD domain names only - I can not give you my opinion about .com, .net, org or ccTLD names like .de or names, as I do not have enough direct experience with them.
3. I am not responsible for any damages related to my advice - it is only my personal opinion, although I will really try my best to give reasonable, and well-balanced opinion.
4. You can submit only domain name you personally own.
5. For security and privacy purposes, all names submitted and discussed in replies must be in
keyword(s) / gTLD extension format (for example royal / estate, or bestgames / online)
6. Comments/opinions/appraisals from other members on any name submitted here are very welcome :)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Let’s try again.

@BrandsOpen about your domain name cbd / world - you obviously know what you are doing, I really like that!

The name is properly parked at venue where it belongs. First good point.

It is short, desirable, and can create great international brand for cbd products, without any geo limitation.

The name has just low, standard renewal for .world, which is around 25 at many registrars.

I would guesstimate it in price range 2500-7500 with STR 1% for any given year of holding. This means that projected yearly profit is 25-75, while yearly cost is 25.

Btw, you can also transfer the name to atm, where yearly cost will be only 5. This will make your ratio between projected yearly profit and holding cost 25-75 : 5, which is as good as it can get.

I suspect name will be highly profitable , defnitely a keeper! And an great example of how profitable new gTLD name looks like, imo.

GL :)
I read it has sold recently for 5k to another domain investor, so it was in the middle of the appraisal range.
Let’s try again.

To me City / Ventures sounds like nice new gTLD brandable, which feels right to be sold in $2500 - $8000 range for right end user in 2019.

Now the renewal for .ventures is around $35 at many registrars, so it is not cheapest name to hold, but also not the most expensive. I like the fact that name is pretty vague and netral, so can attract interest from large end user pool.

If I would consider STR 1% for this type of name and estimated price range I gave above, this will probably be so-so investment - it will not make you rich, but it will also not make you loose money massively, if we speak from statistical point of view.

Nice name, GL with sale :)
@The Durfer unlike cbd / world which just sold for 5k, I do not think cbd / ski has similar chances, as it does not make much sense altogether.

Maybe someone can pay for it $200 - $300 if there is some special purpose, but honestly this is the quite a stretch of an imagination to even consider it, imo.

So while the keyword is pretty strong nowdays, I would probably drop the name after first year of testing (particularly considering that the .ski extension is around $35 - $40 at many registrars)

GL :)
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Drive / global
@leadnetwork drive / global is imo $4000 -$10 000 domain name (.global sales team is very generious in their reporting of sales, so this range is pretty obvious when we look at what was sold so far in this extension).

Your name is high quality new gTLD, it sounds amazing to me, and there is a really huge pool of end users there.

Considering the renewal is around $40-$50 at many registrars, your profitability largely depends on how effectively and quickly you can sell your domain names (there is no doubt .global names sell very well, again lot of sold names are reported in this extension by registry, which has very good and proactive sales team, afaik).

Great name, GL :)
Thoughts on ? Thank you so much for doing this!
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Spend . International
weeds . Today

Any thoughts?
Hot / ventures

@royj name like Hot / ventures can certainly sell for around 2k-3k, but I would feel that STR per any given year to sell in this range is even less then 1%.

Combine this with the fact that .ventures are for $35 - $40 at many registrars, and you will see that your changes to make any profit are much less then your chances to actually loose money with that name.

I have also noticed that for example is available for registration at the moment of writing: this also indicates that there might be probably smaller demand for this word.word combination as such.

Imo, experiment with the name, if no real action/traffic/offers/clicks, I would probably drop. There are few end users who might be interested in this (quick google search shows few of them) so outboud can be useful here.

GL :)
Thoughts on extraordinary / tech ? Thank you so much for doing this!
@InsertCustomName your name extraordinary / tech is nice name, which has large pool of potential end users. I would see this to sell in 1k-5k range with STR 1% for any given year.

It seems that your domain name has standard renewal for .tech, which is around 30-45 at many registrars.

There are some registrars where you can renew it for $6-$8 year at the moment of writing (I am not going to mention them, as I am not here to promote or demote anyone specifically, but if you search carefully, you will find it).

So it can be pretty profitable business imo IF you would learn about renewal and transfer promotions for .tech, and you will reduce your renewals for this name for future years to come..

GL :)
Spend . International
weeds . Today

Any thoughts?
@Domains Ted I will be be direct here - invest in new gTLDs which are really good, and make good sense which is obvious for end users. Both of the names are only so so, very standard so to say.

Spend / International can go for 1-3k for sure, but I feel STR here will be much less then 1% for any given year. So you can experiment with it, but if no visitors/clicks/interest/offers, I would personally not renew. The keyword here does not go well with extension.

Weeds / Today - I really do not feel plural here, someone can of course buy it for $200 for example, but this is not investmet grade new gTLD. If that would be singular, it would be immediatelly 100x more valuable, imo.

In 2019, still only best new gTLDs has chances to sell, anything below that level will probably not bring much profit (of course, there are exceptions from this rule, but it is what it is).

GL :)
@InsertCustomName your name extraordinary / tech is nice name, which has large pool of potential end users. I would see this to sell in 1k-5k range with STR 1% for any given year.

It seems that your domain name has standard renewal for .tech, which is around 30-45 at many registrars.

There are some registrars where you can renew it for $6-$8 year at the moment of writing (I am not going to mention them, as I am not here to promote or demote anyone specifically, but if you search carefully, you will find it).

So it can be pretty profitable business imo IF you would learn about renewal and transfer promotions for .tech, and you will reduce your renewals for this name for future years to come..

GL :)

Yeah I'm aware there are some cheaper registrar's, I just bought the first year on namecheap because I had the ability to get it for 0.88$ as a student discount.
Recently acquired Maximize(dot)fitness..thoughts?
Your thoughts please.

Payonline . Click
Holidays . Voyage
Jetman . Club

Any thoughts?
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@Bookman334 your domain name storageunit/ x yz can imo sell anywhere between 100-1k with STR 1 % for any given year.

TONS of available alternatives in new gTLD space, though, are present there.

Given it has standard renewal for .xyz, around 10 at many registrars, your projected yearly profit is $1-$10, while your fixed renewal cost is $10.

If above estimate holds in reality, this seems to be shifted as unprofitable choice for qn domain investor from math point of view..

GL :)
Recently acquired Maximize(dot)fitness..thoughts?
@briguy as for your name Maximize(dot)fitness, it seems you have nice new gTLD name which imo might sell in $3k-5k range with STR 1 % in 2019.

There are some alternatives to it, but luckily not so many. New gTLDs with verb as an keyword sell pretty well, particularly when string as such makes good sense together.

Renewal for this name seems to be just standard for .fitness, around $25 at many registrars.

From my point of view, this will act as an average new gTLD investment in your portfolio: if my above estimate holds, your projected yearly profit is $30-$50, while your fixed renewal cost is $25. So it is slighly shifted in favour of domain investor, but to be really profitable and happy with new gTLDs, one should invest in names which are not only slighly shifted, but are 10x -100x shifted in favour of domain investor (which is imo not the case here). There are many examples of above in this thread.

Despite not so impressive math from my point of view, it is very good name for an enduser, who can build nice and memorable brand on it - I hope you will have great sale!

GL :)
Guys how about

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Payonline . Click
Holidays . Voyage
Jetman . Club

Any thoughts?
@Domains Ted as per rules in this thread, only 1 name per 1 user in 1 day. But I will still comment on those 3 names as an exception:

PayOnline / Click does not make much semantic sense imo, it is word1word2 in .click with many permutations available for reg fee - I do not feel much chances of resale here.

Holidays / Voyage - it is plural, but still feels like 4k name to me, with STR 1% for any given year for this range. Can be even more, but with lower probability. It seems to have medium premium renewal attached to it, around $40 at many registrars, so it will probably act as an very neutral investment for you:

your projected yearly profit is $40, while your yearly cost is also $40... If you wish to be profitable here and shift the math towards more positive outlook, you need to do some very proactive outbound for it and contact (quite large) pool of possible end users, imo.

Jetman / Club - feels like $200-$1500 name, with STR 1% for any given year for this range. Again, it will probably act as an pretty neutral investment for you, slighly shifted against a domain investor holding the name.

GL :)
Guys how about

1 name per 1 user in 1 day, so choose one name you are interested in most, thank you :)
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