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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Heading into 2024, most Americans believe country headed in the wrong direction: POLL​

76% wrong direction. Even 54% of Democrats believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, I believe that will show-up at the polls when Trump wins.
Bodes well for the election, get rid of all the Republicans in Congress. See just the posts I made today about all those frauds, trying to take credit for stuff Biden is passing when they voted against it.

Thanks for bringing attention to it.
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Bodes well for the election, get rid of all the Republicans in Congress.
It will help the GOP as a lot of the anger is directed at Biden who I already pointed out has a lower approval rating than Trump. It is not the GOP's fault the commander and chief Biden should take responsibility and unless he does he will lose next year. I don't see Biden ever admitting his mistakes thus a Trump 2024 landslide.
It will help the GOP as a lot of the anger is directed at Biden who I already pointed out has a lower approval rating than Trump. It is not the GOP's fault the commander and chief Biden should take responsibility and unless he does he will lose next year. I don't see Biden ever admitting his mistakes thus a Trump 2024 landslide.
Nope. RCP approval ratings are about the same.

What will happen next year, you already had a preview during the recent elections and the Midterms. Dems winning.

Gun control

The little dip Biden is taking is because of the Israel situation, which will be cleared up by election time. Lots of Palestinians will come back around and understand Trump is much worse, Mr. Deport Muslims.
Gym Jordan who has done nothing in Congress, constantly getting smacked down.

"Did Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter have anything to do with the Justice Department's decision to file that lawsuit against SpaceX?" Jordan demanded to know.

But Clarke reminded Jordan that the investigation was started under Trump's administration.

"The investigation into SpaceX was open during the last administration, and we filed an administrative action under the Immigration and Nationality Act, an important law passed by this body with bipartisan support and signed into law by President Reagan," she explained.
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Johnson blurring out more criminal faces


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No, you're literally lying. $3.22 average is not record highs. And in your state, $4.78, not record high. Stop lying all the time.
DOwens love love to exaggerate stuffs
His belly and butt is 10times bigger than his head
What the oil companies do is fund their lobbying efforts (and profiteering) from the additional profit they make off the blue states.

Kinda like Trump calling his LIV Golf buddies to cut production in order to boost the price - make everyone pay more.

Biden popularity 37.9% Trump popularity 42.2%

That's the man in office less popular than Trump. I guess when you compare the two Trump is liked a way better choice to millions of Americans. You also should stop lying about a good country millions are struggling and both you and Biden don't care about poor Americans. Trump will save America!

Trump's tax cuts for the rich are there to keep you poor.

People paying record high prices for gas and suffering from inflation are not going to buy the trash shipped by Biden claiming things are better when more people than ever are homeless because of Biden or can't afford healthy foods.

GOP tax reform benefits the rich, especially those who pollute the most (ie. like Trump's private 757).

Remember this, @Daniel Owens? :unsure:
Kinda like Trump calling his LIV Golf buddies to cut production in order to boost the price - make everyone pay more.

Trump's tax cuts for the rich are there to keep you poor.

GOP tax reform benefits the rich, especially those who pollute the most (ie. like Trump's private 757).

Remember this, @Daniel Owens? :unsure:
GOP tax reform benefits the rich, especially those who pollute the most (ie. like Trump's private 757).

Remember this, @Daniel Owens? :unsure:
Trump does not give a Shiiit about climate change--- he will just disjoin the green energy program and
drill baby drill

He love oil oil oil

He uses so much water to flush down his big pile of poop
Why are they jerking off over this? It took about 15 seconds to find the already released flight logs:

It’s called Democratic Socialism, and it’s definitely not Marxism, socialism or communism. You take the social benefits of community owned governance (what the right always claims they are after) that create roads, common infrastructure, police, fire, etc, and the economic benefits of a democratically regulated marketplace (it’s a free market until it needs guardrails to stop bad actors). Basically, it’s the best ideas from different ideologies that has voter consensus. It also fixes 100+ years of terrible MBA education, and removes private shareholders from interfering between doctors & patients, and pupils & teachers.
I am not doubting you, you are honest, I doubt on many others though, as to their preferred Gov system, I have no problem with the Lincoln Project or Democratic socialism systems.
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In 335 days, America will have a great peaceful election, Donald Trump will win this election and become the 47th President of the United States.

TRUMP 2024
In 335 days, America will have a great peaceful election, Donald Trump will win this election and become the 47th President of the United States.

TRUMP 2024

...and when Trump loses, what then? Will he peacefully ride his golfcart into the sunset? :unsure:
...and when Trump loses, what then? Will he peacefully ride his golfcart into the sunset? :unsure:
if he loses ? are you keeping up with the Polls and watching Trump gain Black voters in Chicago ? and all over the US ??

when he loses LOL
@.X. Behold we both know the Trump Landslide cometh! I'm ready for a new direction, Trump 2024!
@.X. Behold we both know the Trump Landslide cometh! I'm ready for a new direction, Trump 2024!
It is literally going to be a landslide. I wouldn't have thought so a year ago , nor would have thought that Trump could win the PoP vote . what a difference a year makes. We Comin
headed to Louisiana tomorrow to go get two alligator tails , good winter meat. good anytime actually, I will stop and grab me some Bourdain Sauage too

The US ain't fighting Russia, That fool is full of shit . and Zelensky total corrupt ass can suck it.
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headed to Louisiana tomorrow to go get two alligator tails , good winter meat. good anytime actually, I will stop and grab me some Bourdain Sauage too
Love alligator and bison meat
Say hi to my buddy the swamp people in Homer
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