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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Man Biden took over presidency last time thought you could at least agree that Trump has courage to run again.

Nah, he makes more money grifting gullible Trumpers :sneaky:
You never admit good things and the courage of Trump, lol.
Nah, he makes more money grifting gullible Trumpers :sneaky:
All he'd have to do is bow out of the race, and he wouldn't have all these court cases, they are trying to destroy him. Trump needs to get in their and pay them back for their witch-hunt.
All he'd have to do is bow out of the race, and he wouldn't have all these court cases, they are trying to destroy him. Trump needs to get in their and pay them back for their witch-hunt.

He is only running to escape justice for his actions on J6 and other counts. If it were a witch-hunt, why aren't Nikki or Ron or others in court? Why, because they didn't break the law like Trump did.
He is only running to escape justice for his actions on J6 and other counts. If it were a witch-hunt, why aren't Nikki or Ron or others in court? Why, because they didn't break the law like Trump did.
Totally agree
Trump is using the courts to delay his crimes
He and George Santos are attention whores
George Santos sure got this early Christmas gift.Now he can spend more time with his special friends in only fan..... lmao
@Cannuck As someone that lives in California I was quickly able to see the lies Newsom made, he was very dishonest and refused to answer some questions. Newsom argued against data showed on the screen, what a fail.
Move to Florida Dude.....close to your buddy boss Trumpie
I was amazed how gracious Trump was in conceding to Joe Biden, he also in a video condemned Jan. 6th, violence yet the media barely covered that, he does not support violence and said Jan. 6th rioters will be punished.
Next time those who speak out against Trump should remember his speech speaking against violence as many have no idea what they are talking about when they blame Trump who even said, "Those who break the law will be punished".
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Old Biden and senile Trump will be in hospice nursing homes
Hospice nursing home should be the home for Sleepy Joe Biden. He makes Trump look like a rocket scientist. Trump is much better at being President than Biden, he doesn't need hospice. Nikki would be good too I just don't think she will be GOP nominee I think it will be Trump.
Hospice nursing home should be the home for Sleepy Joe Biden. He makes Trump look like a rocket scientist. Trump is much better at being President than Biden, he doesn't need hospice. Nikki would be good too I just don't think she will be GOP nominee I think it will be Trump.
Trump's father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's when he was 86 and likely had signs of it in his early 80s. Since it is hereditary, I would think Trump runs the risk of being the first President in history to be in office during early onset Alzheimer's if voted in.
Trump and Biden in hospice nursing homes.
Trump's father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's when he was 86 and likely had signs of it in his early 80s. Since it is hereditary, I would think Trump runs the risk of being the first President in history to be in office during early onset Alzheimer's if voted in.
Trump and Biden in hospice nursing homes.
Trump's father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's when he was 86 and likely had signs of it in his early 80s. Since it is hereditary, I would think Trump runs the risk of being the first President in history to be in office during early onset Alzheimer's if voted in.
I'd take Trump any day of the week. It is weird though that a younger candidate is not going to be nominee. I think he will be ok mentally. He'll probably make it to 90 years old before he has major issues.
Next time those who speak out against Trump should remember his speech speaking against violence as many have no idea what they are talking about when they blame Trump who even said, "Those who break the law will be punished".

When Trump requested the National Guard be summoned days prior to J6, he told former Defense Secretary Miller:

"Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

He knew what was coming... :sneaky:
I'd take Trump any day of the week. It is weird though that a younger candidate is not going to be nominee. I think he will be ok mentally. He'll probably make it to 90 years old before he has major issues.
You actually picked Desantis over Trump. Now, you’re picking Trump over America, decency etc
You actually picked Desantis over Trump. Now, you’re picking Trump over America, decency etc
Because DOwens is suffering what Biden and Trump is suffering... Alzheimer's. Mental breakdown
@JB Lions My choice for either Trump or DeSantis is an even choice, I always preference Trump but at first didn't know DeSantis was going to do so bad in primary polls. If DeSantis became nominee I'd stand behind him just like I'd stand behind Trump. Trump is better for America than Biden thus my preference.
@marijuanadomain That made me laugh I have no mental issue. That is so funny ROTFL.
@JB Lions My choice for either Trump or DeSantis is an even choice, I always preference Trump but at first didn't know DeSantis was going to do so bad in primary polls. If DeSantis became nominee I'd stand behind him just like I'd stand behind Trump. Trump is better for America than Biden thus my preference.
@marijuanadomain That made me laugh I have no mental issue. That is so funny ROTFL.
@JB Lions You remind me a lot of Clinton because you love talking down Trump supporters, it played a role in her 2016 loss. I hope Biden talks down Trump supporters although it's already going to be a Trump landslide.
@JB Lions I'd honestly be more interested in what you think was Exposed About DeSantis that hurts him (you've said over & over but never explained what was exposed)?
Vote Trump for real change! Trump's policies are better and we shall make things better. Tired of inflation and false promises? Vote Trump 2024!
Trump is going to hire George Santos to run his PR campaign.... yeah....
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