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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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@Cannuck No worries. I think the left are going to cry next year when Trump wins. I'm eating but most people aren't this inflation kills people.
DO.. how do you feel if Trump drops out?
Nikki 2024
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@Cannuck No worries. I think the left are going to cry next year when Trump wins. I'm eating but most people aren't this inflation kills people.

It just seems odd that, in the state with the biggest economy of the US which has the largest economy in the world; a state with a million millionaires and plenty of biliionaires, that most of the people in California are starving as you say. That just goes to show, Trump tax cuts don't work, nor does trickle-down economics. :xf.confused:
@Cannuck I agree that we need more tax-cuts. Gavin Newsom isn't going to give them though neither is Biden and state taxes are high too. Just costly state.
@Cannuck I agree that we need more tax-cuts. Gavin Newsom isn't going to give them though neither is Biden and state taxes are high too. Just costly state.

It's a costly state because you have millions of millionaires with loads of cash, of course they'll inflate prices. Have you ever been to Switzerland, even Scandinavia ain't cheap, but people are happy.

Maybe instead of make America great again, make America more equal ...meh, not gonna happen. :cautious:
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Maybe instead of make America great again, make America more equal ...meh, not gonna happen. :cautious:
All are equal according to constitution. If equal meant we all had same amount of money it would be Communism. We want to embrace free trade yet help those that need $'s. This is America!
@.X. Welcome back I was hoping you would come soon. Let us both rejoice next year when Trump wins!
All are equal according to constitution. If equal meant we all had same amount of money it would be Communism. We want to embrace free trade yet help those that need $'s. This is America!

Equality is about having the same opportunity, free trade is all hot air with Trump's tariffs.
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TRUMP +11 over Biden now .. Biden has lost the young vote
@Daniel Owens

When do you think the Left trades Biden in for Newsome ??
@.X. My prediction is Trump will win the electoral college next year but Biden will win the popular vote by 2% (similar to how Mrs. Clinton did).
@.X. My prediction is Trump will win the electoral college next year but Biden will win the popular vote by 2% (similar to how Mrs. Clinton did).
@Daniel Owens

When do you think the Left trades Biden in for Newsome ??
Never will Newsom replace him I think it will be Trump Vs. Biden. The president is a shoe-in to get the dem nomination and it will make a Trump win easy.
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@.X. My prediction is Trump will win the electoral college next year but Biden will win the popular vote by 2% (similar to how Mrs. Clinton did).
I just don't see how they keep Biden in, It will be a total landslide
@Daniel Owens

When do you think the Left trades Biden in for Newsome ??
Also a poll the other day showed Newsom doing worse than Biden against Trump he was even losing Minnesota
@Daniel Owens

they couldn't even cheat and win LOL... not now.. we are rolling .. Trump easy win
I just don't see how they keep Biden in, It will be a total landslide
Also a poll the other day showed Newsom doing worse than Biden against Trump he was even losing Minnesota
The primary is rigged for Biden and he has a lot of power, so it should be easy to be re-nominated plus the polls show Biden leading big in primary I don't think anyone could steal the nomination from Biden.
@Daniel Owens

they couldn't even cheat and win LOL... not now.. we are rolling .. Trump easy win
The primary is rigged for Biden and he has a lot of power, so it should be easy to be re-nominated plus the polls show Biden leading big in primary I don't think anyone could steal the nomination from Biden.
The thing that Dems, are not going to like is Biden winning popular vote but losing electoral college, although Trump is ahead by 2% today that could change and Trump won't spend 5 seconds trying to win national vote as it simply doesn't matter.
The thing that Dems, are not going to like is Biden winning popular vote but losing electoral college, although Trump is ahead by 2% today that could change and Trump won't spend 5 seconds trying to win national vote as it simply doesn't matter.
yep, who cares for the consolation prize, we get the electoral
@.X. I'm glad Trump is going to win as otherwise I'd move next door to my buddy JB.
he is going to win quite a bit bigger than thought , even if the young voter doesn't vote for him, they aren't voting for Biden, and that is a vote for Trump
he is going to win quite a bit bigger than thought , even if the young voter doesn't vote for him, they aren't voting for Biden, and that is a vote for Trump
Do you think a lot of young voters are going to vote for RFK Jr. some people suggest?
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