
The State of NamePros

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
It seems to me that this place has been a bit slower than usual. Is it just me? This has always been my top Domain forum, but it just doesn't feel that it's as active as it used to be.

Perhaps things just seem slower to me now that I am on crack. D-:
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
There's times when it picks up and times when it's slow. :ghost:
SoapTaco said:
Perhaps things just seem slower to me now that I am on crack.
Yes, I think that's the problem.

Crack is bad. Don't do crack.


Where is it slowing ? ;) I don't see it .... :D

The last 10 days from NamePros.Com
Date: | New registered members | New threads | New posts | Registered members who visited NamePros.Com

01-23-2007 83 449 2302 1947
01-22-2007 83 388 2366 1976
01-21-2007 68 411 2591 1883
01-20-2007 82 425 2325 1863
01-19-2007 97 434 2204 1928
01-18-2007 84 474 2419 1965
01-17-2007 92 427 2462 1954
01-16-2007 87 454 2412 1957
01-15-2007 80 461 2604 1942
01-14-2007 74 361 1960 1831

The last time I checked stats :

We were averaging +/-60 New members per day
We were only averaging 1700 Registered Members logging in per day

My connection takes sleeping pills between the hours of 11am and 11pm. Apparently my high-speed connection changes into "slower than dialup" during those hours.

NP is still the fastest thing on it though, even if it does take over a minute to load. It's as fast as Google! :tu:

NP is the greatest! :)
I only experince slowness on namepros when it is day time here as it gets night time in US..still many people are active..whereas speed is concerned only that backup time i think it hangs thats pretty much it :)
Domain Crack™, you just gotta have it ... :!: :laugh:


Nightio for now.
-Jeff :zzz:
Still seems pretty active to me. :)
Right, I guess it's just me. I hate to say that I have been spending too much time on the dark side, a.k.a. DP. The problem there is it moves too fast.

I feel like goldilocks.

I am beyond help.

This place still has the best people, best mods, and an actual community feeling about it. I will only stop coming here if that ceases to be the case. I had to stop going to Sitepoint for that reason.
Hang in there goldilocks. It will pass. (seriously though, hard drugs like crack are for suckers and losers.)

By the way.... DP, DNF, DS, SP, ABCDEFG... we don't care what other forums you visit.

We are not competing with anybody. And we wish them all success. In our humble thinking... NamePros is, and will continue to be, a 'unique' community that will always stand apart from the rest of the crowd. Can you dig it? B-)
-db- said:
Hang in there goldilocks. It will pass. (seriously though, hard drugs like crack are for suckers and losers.)

By the way.... DP, DNF, DS, SP, ABCDEFG... we don't care what other forums you visit.

We are not competing with anybody. And we wish them all success. In our humble thinking... NamePros is, and will continue to be, a 'unique' community that will always stand apart from the rest of the crowd. B-)

Just kidding about the crack of course :)

I agree NamePros is a great 'unique' community.
itl get alot more active if you give free beer with every new membership,
wheres mine?
ken_o said:
itl get alot more active if you give free beer with every new membership,
wheres mine?
They already do that.. you didn't get yours?
db good point. I'm a member of other forums like DP and SP. NP is definitely unique community which is why I keep coming back.

who needs crack when you've got namepros?

np IS my crack :tu:
It has died down quite a bit since I joined. I keep seeing the same members on all the threads.

Maybe I am on crack too!
All the posts are in the mobi area. That's all we talk about lately..mobi this and mobi that...getting old really fast.
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