
discuss The Environmental Thread - Earth Matters, so what's holding us back?

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Are you concerned about Climate Change?

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    We have bigger problems

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    God will save us


  • 5 votes
  • Ended 4 years ago
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420 friendlyTop Member
I believe everyone would agree on at least one point - planet Earth matters! For years, scholars and environmentalists have touted the idea - that the boundaries of life on our planet have been stretched to a breaking point by human activity. From a scientific perspective, the notion of climate change is no longer up for debate. Our species and life as it exists on planet Earth now depends on the choices we humans make. Each individual with a brain possesses the ability to contribute solutions to our common current dilemma, so what's holding us back?

Is it our lack of knowledge; a conflict of interest; the lack of will, and/or other priorities that define the human race? Do we possess the courage to take an initiative, to act upon our convictions and choose to help preserve the Blue planet? Have our environmental problems become too big for individuals to tackle that we must leave it for governments to handle?

Are we limited by our own self-interests, by the confines of our own box or bubble? Have we merely been caught up in our daily mundane existence, distracted by the media and current affairs, that we fail to consider the future? Is Climate Change simply a hoax? Is the human species destined to evolve or are we doomed to extinction?

Here is place to discuss any pertinent thoughts or ideas you may have on the subject. Every thought counts. Please be respectful.
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America Divided Over Direction of Biden’s Climate Change Policies​



I believe everyone would agree on at least one point - planet Earth matters! For years, scholars and environmentalists have touted the idea - that the boundaries of life on our planet have been stretched to a breaking point by human activity. From a scientific perspective, the notion of climate change is no longer up for debate. Our species and life as it exists on planet Earth now depends on the choices we humans make. Each individual with a brain possesses the ability to contribute solutions to our common current dilemma, so what's holding us back?

Is it our lack of knowledge; a conflict of interest; the lack of will, and/or other priorities that define the human race? Do we possess the courage to take an initiative, to act upon our convictions and choose to help preserve the Blue planet? Have our environmental problems become too big for individuals to tackle that we must leave it for governments to handle?

Are we limited by our own self-interests, by the confines of our own box or bubble? Have we merely been caught up in our daily mundane existence, distracted by the media and current affairs, that we fail to consider the future? Is Climate Change simply a hoax? Is the human species destined to evolve or are we doomed to extinction?

Here is place to discuss any pertinent thoughts or ideas you may have on the subject. Every thought counts. Please be respectful.

The main reason imo and it goes without saying its generally the issue in every category...

money / profits

think of it like this... You have a domain -> would you give it away for free to someone who was starting a climate change organization? it might be the kick they need to get off to the right track? no you probably wouldnt because it wouldnt align with you personal interestes...

No im not saying that your domain name is going to save the world but just an analagy that we all can relate to as domainers...

Think of the Huge coorporation whos sales are declining... and one bad quarter could put your company out of business... Your not going to be getting many companies investing in their climate change impact, when as a result they need to eat up all their profits... When they know for a fact their compeditors arent going to do it.

people talk about things / but they dont usually do them themselves... Its hard to talk about climate change when your driving cars / going on the computer / eating out at resturants / charging your cellphone every day. -> im not saying i dont fear climate change, and the negative impacts that it is having, but im just kind of being realistic in that It takes more then saying that we are climate friendly -> sometimes people need to give up what matters to them even if that mean sacrifices.

people talk without putting themselves in the lens... you get people on instagram all day long complaining about compaies like apple and samsung ... from their cellphones... comon not... they act like it's their right to buy a cellphone but it's the companies responsibilty to do something different then they are currently doing... as if when they made the purchase they were acting out of some outside force making them buy that phone...
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people talk about things / but they dont usually do them themselves... Its hard to talk about climate change when your driving cars / going on the computer / eating out at resturants / charging your cellphone every day. -> im not saying i dont fear climate change, and the negative impacts that it is having, but im just kind of being realistic in that It takes more then saying that we are climate friendly -> sometimes people need to give up what matters to them even if that mean sacrifices.

I agree, most people literally don't walk the talk (are able to, or know how to). As what matters most is in our face right now.

Enjoy the view while it lasts 'til ya drop!! :xf.wink:
I agree, most people literally don't walk the talk (are able to, or know how to). As what matters most is in our face right now.

Enjoy the view while it lasts 'til ya drop!! :xf.wink:
yea it sucks... Im not saying its a good standpoint. but i hate how people are more interested in pretending to come across a certain way then they are actually standing for something..

like when you see some girl taking a selfy ... whos straight faced leading up to the selfy then she starts hysterically laughing as she takes the picture then she goes back to stone faced as she posts it and carrys on with their day.

A book - The Carbon Almanac - being promoted by favourite food for thought source Seth Godin:

The Carbon Almanac is a powerful tool to help us create change, right here and right now.


It’s a source of reliable and easily understandable knowledge on climate change…that you can share to create meaningful impact.
Any thoughts on this opinion piece?

Climate change isn’t about saving the planet: It’s about saving the people​

Through the fog of global inaction against climate change, we often hear that we must “save the planet” — a call that has gone unheeded. Ultimately, planet Earth will survive climate change — it will persist as it has through many geological upheavals. The real risk is whether we change the Earth so much that we make it inhospitable to human life — and whether we collapse the foundations on which we’ve built our civilizations and economies. .......

We’ve forgotten that it is about us — we’re the ones in peril.
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We Are Not Freaking Out Enough About Climate Change

We could be facing a “climate endgame,” and the concept of climate change ending human existence is a “dangerously underexplored topic,” says a troubling new research paper. In other words: We know climate change is going to be really bad, but we’re completely unprepared for the true worst-case scenarios.

“We aimed to develop a rationale and scientific foundation for researching climate calamity: the question of whether climate change could result in global societal collapse, or even eventual human extinction,” lead author Luke Kemp from Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk told Earther in an email.

Humanity's Biggest Problems Require a Whole New Media Mode​

In this era of climate change and crisis, it's time for formats as varied, animal, and leafy as the world they seek to represent.

IN HER BRILLIANT essay Tentacular Thinking, Donna Haraway articulates the need for us to create a tradition that is “made up of ongoing multispecies stories and practices of becoming-with in times that remain at stake.” In these “times that remain at stake,” we need a media capable of telling not only our stories, but the stories of bacteria and fauna and beast—of helping us cultivate a “loving eye” toward the nonhuman world and tuning us into the “lyrics of the lichen” and the “volcanic poetry of the rocks,” as Ursula K. Le Guin hoped. Only when we have a media that deprivileges the Anthropos will we be able to use it to cultivate the radical relationships and care necessary to save the environment. Yet as Haraway indicates throughout her writings, this requires more than a simple shift in subject matter; rather, this media must strive to preserve the alienness that lies at the heart of nonhuman life—communicating “across irreducible difference” and relating “under the sign of significant otherness”—to avoid replicating the anthropocentric stance that so often leads to the exploitation of the green world. It is no easy task to transcend the optical, anthropic culture we have developed, but artists across a variety of disciplines are beginning to do just that.

Warming in the Arctic region has been four times faster than the global average​

A study by researchers at the Finnish Meteorological Institute has shown that the frequently repeated notion that "the Arctic region is warming at twice as fast as the rest of the globe" significantly underestimates the observed warming in the polar regions.

In recent decades the warming has been strongest in the Arctic. This phenomenon is one of the most conspicuous manifestations of climate change and it is referred to as Arctic amplification. According to a study published in the scientific journal Communications Earth & Environment, the Arctic area has warmed at a rate that is nearly four times faster than the world on average in the past 43 years. This ratio – the magnitude of the Arctic amplification – is greater than has generally been reported in the literature and in the media. The warming has been even stronger at the local level: for example, in the Barents Sea area it has been seven times above the global mean.


The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979​

"In recent decades, the warming in the Arctic has been much faster than in the rest of the world, a phenomenon known as Arctic amplification. Numerous studies report that the Arctic is warming either twice, more than twice, or even three times as fast as the globe on average. Here we show, by using several observational datasets which cover the Arctic region, that during the last 43 years the Arctic has been warming nearly four times faster than the globe, which is a higher ratio than generally reported in literature."

Time running out to protect world’s oceans, conservationists say as UN treaty talks stall​

"A fifth round of negotiations for a UN ocean treaty to protect and manage the high seas failed to reach an agreement on Friday in New York.

The treaty has been described as “the most significant ocean protection agreement for four decades”.

Conservation organisations have warned that the fresh failure of talks meant time was running out to protect the world’s oceans and marine biodiversity.

“Time has all but run out,” said Laura Meller of Greenpeace in a statement. “Failure to deliver a treaty at these talks jeopardises the livelihoods and food security of billions of people around the world."

Major sea-level rise caused by melting of Greenland ice cap is ‘now inevitable’​

"Major sea-level rise from the melting of the Greenland ice cap is now inevitable, scientists have found, even if the fossil fuel burning that is driving the climate crisis were to end overnight.

The research shows the global heating to date will cause an absolute minimum sea-level rise of 27cm (10.6in) from Greenland alone as 110tn tonnes of ice melt.

The minimum of 27cm is the sea-level rise deficit that we have accrued to date and it’s going to get paid out, no matter what we do going forward,” said Dr William Colgan, also at Geus. “Whether it’s coming in 100 years or 150 years, it’s coming. And the sea-level rise we are committed to is growing at present, because of the climate trajectory we’re on.”

Colgan said: “If [2012] becomes a normal year, then the committed loss grows to 78cm, which is staggering, and the fact that we’re already flickering into that range [of ice loss] is shocking. But the difference between 78cm and 27cm highlights the [difference] that can be made through implementing the Paris agreement. There is still a lot of room to minimise the damage.”
Oh MY God! If I stand on the beach for 100 years my shoes will be absolutely ruined!
Oh MY God! If I stand on the beach for 100 years my shoes will be absolutely ruined!
Typical selfish mindset. Although I guess it would be a bit more than your shoes what would be ruined.
Let me quote from a book written by a real scientist,
Dancing Naked in the Mind Field by Kary Mullis.
Kary was awarded the Nobel Prize and the Japan Prize
in Chemistry for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

"Politicians don't know anything about scientific things.
They just want to look like they do.
Somebody has to advise them. Who are those advisors?
It's an important question because those people—who are
always having to come up with eminent disasters
that can be prevented by governmental projects—are
manipulating you. They are parasites with degrees..."
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Climate change isn’t about saving the planet: It’s about saving the people​

I'm reminded of the traditional Potlatch where giving away was the custom of chiefs, now old ways reinvisioned...

Instead of “going public,” you could say we’re “going purpose.” Instead of extracting value from nature and transforming it into wealth for investors, we’ll use the wealth Patagonia creates to protect the source of all wealth.
The Patagonia Purpose Trust will still be controlled by the Chouinard family and now they will not have
to pay any inheritance tax. A trust is invisible to the IRS.
The Patagonia Purpose Trust will still be controlled by the Chouinard family and now they will not have
to pay any inheritance tax. A trust is invisible to the IRS.

As those funds will be reinvested in the company to help save the planet, I assume most people would have no problem with that.

Patagonia would transfer 100% of its voting stock to the Patagonia Purpose Trust, created to uphold the values of the company long known for its environmental activism. All of its nonvoting stock will go to the Holdfast Collective, a nonprofit “dedicated to fighting the environmental crisis and defending nature.”
Any thoughts on this opinion piece?

Climate change isn’t about saving the planet: It’s about saving the people​

Through the fog of global inaction against climate change, we often hear that we must “save the planet” — a call that has gone unheeded. Ultimately, planet Earth will survive climate change — it will persist as it has through many geological upheavals. The real risk is whether we change the Earth so much that we make it inhospitable to human life — and whether we collapse the foundations on which we’ve built our civilizations and economies. .......

We’ve forgotten that it is about us — we’re the ones in peril.
I think that climate change is not just about saving the people, but also about saving hundreds, if not thousands, of other animal and plant species that will disappear.

Yes, for sure planet Earth will survive, that's obvious. But the contributor seems to forget about all the life in planet Earth that will disappear due to climate change and due to people's activities (destroying Amazon forests, polluting sea waters, mass fishing, etc).

So, in my opinion, it's not just about saving the people, but also the rest of the life in this planet. We are not alone in planet Earth.
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I think that climate change is not just about saving the people, but also about saving hundreds, if not thousands, of other animal and plant species...

It is my hope that, "We don't throw out the baby with the bathwater". Meaning, in our quest to re-engineer the earth to suit ever-increasing human demands, we also conserve those natural places that provide animal and plant species habitat, but the competition between population growth and environmental pollution is simply overwhelming many (esp. fragile) ecosystems.
As those funds will be reinvested in the company to help save the planet, I assume most people would have no problem wit
The trusties will not liquidate the company. They will run the company as before.
The trusties will receive dividends which they will use to pay themselves a big salary.
They may contribute a pittance of the dividends to an environmental group, but they
are not required to do this. If you can't see that this was a ruse that they used
to avoid selling off a part of the company to pay their inheritance tax, then you are a child.
The trusties will not liquidate the company. They will run the company as before.
The trusties will receive dividends which they will use to pay themselves a big salary.
They may contribute a pittance of the dividends to an environmental group, but they
are not required to do this. If you can't see that this was a ruse that they used
to avoid selling off a part of the company to pay their inheritance tax, then you are a child.
If, by avoiding state taxes, the company does good by the planet, what seems to be the problem?

Because the Holdfast Collective is a 501(c)(4), which allows it to make unlimited political contributions, the family received no tax benefit for its donation.
Thinking outside the box... repurposing oil and gas pipelene infrastructure for storm mitigation and irrigation:

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