
discuss The Environmental Thread - Earth Matters, so what's holding us back?

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Are you concerned about Climate Change?

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    We have bigger problems

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    God will save us


  • 5 votes
  • Ended 4 years ago
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420 friendlyTop Member
I believe everyone would agree on at least one point - planet Earth matters! For years, scholars and environmentalists have touted the idea - that the boundaries of life on our planet have been stretched to a breaking point by human activity. From a scientific perspective, the notion of climate change is no longer up for debate. Our species and life as it exists on planet Earth now depends on the choices we humans make. Each individual with a brain possesses the ability to contribute solutions to our common current dilemma, so what's holding us back?

Is it our lack of knowledge; a conflict of interest; the lack of will, and/or other priorities that define the human race? Do we possess the courage to take an initiative, to act upon our convictions and choose to help preserve the Blue planet? Have our environmental problems become too big for individuals to tackle that we must leave it for governments to handle?

Are we limited by our own self-interests, by the confines of our own box or bubble? Have we merely been caught up in our daily mundane existence, distracted by the media and current affairs, that we fail to consider the future? Is Climate Change simply a hoax? Is the human species destined to evolve or are we doomed to extinction?

Here is place to discuss any pertinent thoughts or ideas you may have on the subject. Every thought counts. Please be respectful.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics


We asked 380 top climate scientists what they felt about the future... here's what they said:

‘Hopeless and broken’, most people do not realize how big these risks are.

It looks like you environ mental cases have lost your leader.
Greta Thunberg has joined Hamas. But don't worry.
I am sure that another 13 year old girl will come along to be your leader


Greta will always be on the side of humanitarian causes and in favor of human dignity. By the way, very biased and distorted title on that video. The media, especially that of the countries supplying arms to Israel, seem to be very biased this time. The protest was not anti-Israel, but anti-genocide.
Anyone with a bit of dignity and humanity cannot remain silent viewing a genocide happening in real time.

This is why Greta went to protest in Sweden:

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Earth Matters, so what's holding us back? :unsure:

Shell shareholders reject investor climate resolution​

Shell shareholders on Tuesday rejected a resolution filed by a group of investors urging the energy company to set tougher climate targets.

The vote came after Shell CEO Wael Sawan weakened a 2030 carbon reduction target in March, citing expectations for strong gas demand and uncertainty in the energy transition, while focusing on more profitable operations, mainly in oil and gas.

The investor resolution received 18.6% support from shareholders in preliminary results. A separate resolution from Shell's board on its climate strategy won 78.2% support.

"Shell believes continued investment in oil and gas will be needed," Chairman Andrew Mackenzie told the company's annual general meeting.

Question: Will investors who manage $4T portfolio divest from Shell? :unsure:
If you heard about sun storms or other sun fairy tales from paid scientists, then let me tell you what are they covering in reality.
What they are trying to cover are the so called (EMP) electromagnetic weapons, bomb or grid, their purpose is to make electronic devices unusable, I write this here because I had a dream that they used something similar in my country and nothing worked, there was even no electricity.
I m afraid this can become a reality, because I prepare a video in 3 different languages about a secret that all governments are protecting with Trillions, they will possible try to prevent it spread with such weapons.
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If you heard about sun storms or other sun fairy tales from paid scientists, then let me tell you what are they covering in reality.

Sunspots and sunstorms are regular solar activity.

What they are trying to cover are the so called (EMP) electromagnetic weapons, bomb or grid, their purpose is to make electronic devices unusable, I write this here because I had a dream that they used something similar in my country and nothing worked, there was even no electricity.

That sounds more like a nightmare to me. I agree, an EMP device could render the civilian electrical grid and any military hardware that has not been hardened for such an attack nonfunctional. Backup systems are required. I suggest investing in a faraday box for some personal protection ...I use an old microwave oven. :xf.wink:
Sunspots and sunstorms are regular solar activity.

That sounds more like a nightmare to me. I agree, an EMP device could render the civilian electrical grid and any military hardware that has not been hardened for such an attack nonfunctional. Backup systems are required. I suggest investing in a faraday box for some personal protection ...I use an old microwave oven. :xf.wink:
Is your microwave oven really big or are you a really small person?
They say that great beasts once roamed this world.
Yet, all that is left of them is bone and amber.
Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures.
One day you will perish.
You will lay with the rest of your kind in the dirt,
your dreams forgotten, your horrors effaced.
Your bones will turn to sand.
And upon that sand...a new god will walk.
One that will never die.
Because this world does not belong to you
or the people who came before.
It belongs to someone who has yet to come.
Is your microwave oven really big or are you a really small person?

I suppose you cover your body in aluminum foil :-P

They say that great beasts once roamed this world.
Yet, all that is left of them is bone and amber.
Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures.
One day you will perish...
It belongs to someone who has yet to come.
Quoted from West World:

In other words...


OpenSecrets Unveils New Tool Exposing Influences Shaping Energy and Environmental Policy​

The oil and gas industry regularly outspends environmental interest groups on federal lobbying and campaign contributions.

Oil and gas industry contributions are directed overwhelmingly towards Republicans and conservative groups that tend to support fossil fuel development.

When it comes to federal lobbying spending, the oil and gas industry routinely dwarfs environmental interests.

The future of the climate depends largely on the trajectory of the oil and gas industry, a major source of political spending and government influence. Although the largest fossil fuel producers in the U.S. have pledged their commitment to a clean energy transition, most are still actively expanding their capacity to extract oil and gas.

Dive deeper into OpenSecrets data on energy, fossil fuels and environmental issues...
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China builds 2 coal power plants a week.
China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined.
Yet, some environ mental cases in the US think we should spend billions of dollars to clean up China's carbon emissions:

Could it be that Cannuck wants the US to waste billions of dollars to please his lizard overlords in China?
China builds 2 coal power plants a week.
China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined.

USA had a 50 year head start, China surpassed in 2005. The global greenhouse gas is cumulative. It takes roughly 100 years for the CO2 to dissolve into the ocean, then several thousand years by other natural processes.

Yet, some environ mental cases in the US think we should spend billions of dollars to clean up China's carbon emissions:

I suppose one could wipe one's own azz.

Could it be that Cannuck wants the US to waste billions of dollars to please his lizard overlords in China?

It's never a waste to save the planet from looming catastrophe and emitting more greenhouse is not the answer.

Does @dna want to live under gray skies with acid rain in a polluted sh*thole? Be serious man.
My degree is in electrical engineering, not psychiatry. As responding to you is a complete waste of my time, I will gaslight you no further.

Perhaps you ought to take some courses in psychology and environmental science, it might help to open your mind.

Could it be that Cannuck wants the US to waste billions of dollars to please his lizard overlords in China?

Now you're just trolling :troll::troll::troll::troll:
Back to the Future (of emissions):

Sea levels around the world are rising, in some places more than others.


A video game tech has developed a handy modelling tool for predicting and simulating future sea levels and erosion. This tool is especially handy for anyone considering buying sea front property and/or how to mitigate Climate Change effects. Currently in use in PEI.

Environment and Climate Change Canada releases first results from rapid extreme weather event attribution system

July 9, 2024

Understanding the causes and risks of extreme weather events can help us make informed decisions to protect our health, safety, and the long-term well-being of our communities. The science of calculating how much human-caused climate change has influenced extreme weather events is known as extreme weather event attribution.

Today, Environment and Climate Change Canada released the first results generated, using its pilot rapid extreme weather event attribution system. The system compares climate simulations to reveal how human-caused climate change affected the likelihood of an extreme weather event.

Using this system, Environment and Climate Change Canada scientists analyzed the heat waves experienced in Eastern Ontario, Northern and Southern Quebec, and Atlantic Canada during June.

In all instances, the analysis determined that human-caused climate change made these heat waves much more likely.

Importance of the new pilot system​

When we can understand the causes and calculate the risks of extreme events such as heat waves, wildfires, drought, and floods, we can better support the health and safety of Canadians. The new pilot system will help us plan for, respond to, and rebuild from weather emergencies and support informed decisions to protect property, health, and safety.

During the rapid extreme weather event attribution system’s pilot stage, Environment and Climate Change Canada scientists will only analyze heat waves. Work is underway to extend this system to analyze extreme cold temperature events and extreme precipitation.

Climate change is making each day slightly longer affecting global timekeeping​

Contrary to popular belief, Planet Earth isn't actually a perfect sphere. While the surface of land around the world is remarkably smooth on the planetary scale, what most forget to consider is water; in particular, how that water moves.

As the planet spins on its axis, the distribution of Earth's oceans is impacted by that force, and like in a centrifuge, the liquid is pushed out from the center, especially near the equator.

As a result, Earth, its oceans and all, bulges out at the middle, creating not a sphere, but a shape scientists refer to an oblate spheroid.

In short, as rising global temperatures melt the polar ice caps, more of the Earth's water supply is converted to liquid, allowing it to swell the oblate bulge along the equator, when it might previously have stayed locked away in the ice.

The swelling, in turn, changes the dynamics of how Earth spins in the first place, and invariably, the rotation decelerates.

"If you see how a figure skater controls their motion … if they have to slow down, they just extend their arms or legs, which is basically the same concept," Adhikari explained. "It has everything to do with the conservation of angular momentum."

"Global Warming will pose an unprecedented problem for computer network timing."

"Global warming is already affecting global timekeeping."
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Came across this website today:

'Climate Desk is a journalistic collaboration dedicated to exploring the impact—human, enviornmental, economic, political—of a changing climate.'
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New record daily global average temperature reached - July 22, 2024

The Earth has just experienced its warmest day in recent history, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) data.

On 22 July 2024, the daily global average temperature reached a new record high in the ERA5 dataset, at 17.15°C. This exceeds the previous records of 17.09°C, set just one day before on 21 July 2024, and 17.08°C, set a year earlier on 6 July 2023.

How the ocean/atmosphere carbon cycle works... @15:10
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