
The Domaining Dictionary

Spaceship Spaceship


Don't say Huh? too much; pretend you understand.Top Member
I've been thinking of starting this thread for awhile, so here it is.
Many newbies and pros alike still daily ask about certain terms, so I wanted to create this resource thread to link to anytime anyone asks what a domaining term means.

I'll add definitions as they arise, other members are welcome to write clear, well-written definitions here also, and anyone is welcome to post a question about a term and we will try to write a clear definition for you. *If I get any details wrong here, or something's unclear, feel free to let me know.

Here are a few of the most common terms still asked about, to get us started:

BIN - in sales threads you'll see 'BIN price' or 'buy at BIN'. BIN stands for 'Buy It Now' and is considered the instant selling price if you want to bypass making lesser offers or bidding up in an auction for a domain. Many auctions or 'make offer' sales do not set a BIN, just in case bids/offers rise higher than that BIN amount, but most domainers have a good idea of the top price they want for a domain and will set a BIN price just in case they luck out and a buyer wants the domain enough to buy at BIN and not risk losing it to anyone else.

End User - you often hear of domainers selling domains to 'end users'. This term refers to a buyer who plans to use a domain for considerable development. A corporation or person who has a large vested interest in that website, for business or extensive personal use, does not plan to trade or resell that domain name (unless an irresistable offer arises) so they are considered the 'end of the line' for that domain, the user who has the final use of it and will likely never sell it again. Basically a domain is traded from owner to owner until it finds the ideal end user who will keep it indefinitely. Since the end user has so much interest in the name, they also usually pay much more for that domain than will a reseller who intends to profit on the name by reselling it at a higher price.

Grace Delete - grace deletion refers to the process of deleting a domain name shortly after you registered it. There are many reasons people register domains and then delete them within a few days; commonly it is simply a matter of 'sobering up', ha ha, and realizing it's not as good a domain as you thought yesterday. Other reasons range from discovering the name is based on a trademark, to tasting the domain for traffic and then letting it go.
Grace deletion is not a service offered by all registrars, you don't have a 'right' to delete a domain and get a refund, it's a service volunteered by some registrars. The ones that offer this allow you a 'grace period' - usually a handful of days after registration date but this varies - for you to delete a domain. Some registrars offer an automated system so you can perform the grace delete yourself, while with other registrars you must send their support a request to delete your domain/s.
Note that any registrar can delete your domain (certain extensions anyway, like when you ask them to, any time, but the 'grace delete' term refers to you actually getting some or most of your registration fee back, when deleting your domain within a specified (short) amount of time after registering it. Registrars who offer the grace delete service will set their own grace period, their own rate for this service (usually a small percentage of your reg fee), and determine their own process. Grace delete is just a short term for 'register a domain, delete it again within a short time, and get a partial refund back'.

LLL, LLLL, CVCV, CCC, etc etc. - these are domainer-speak, or slang or code or jargon, for certain types of domain name configurations. Please see Post #6 below for full explanation.

Parking - domain parking is a quick, non-development system of pointing your domain name to a simple landing page or pages that offer an automated template website, usually containing some paid advertising links and/or very simplified content, both of these automated. For more description see Post #7 below.

Push - a 'push' is a kind of domain transfer, but is different technically from the word 'transfer' (see definition for 'transfer' below). A push is when you transfer a domain name WITHIN THE SAME REGISTRAR, but to a different user. For example, if your domain is at the registrar Godaddy, you can push it to a different user who also has an account at Godaddy. Each registrar has their own procedure and requirements for a push, but most registrars follow the same basic structure:
A push can be done anytime, even immediately after regging the name; a push is immediate, taking a few seconds to a few minutes until it is in the new user's account; a push is usually free and does not require the new user to renew the name for another year, rather the same expiration date is kept; a push is simple, usually requiring you to know only the new user's username at your registrar, or their username and email, etc.
A push also differs with a transfer in that a push is originated from the CURRENT owner's account, whereas a transfer is initiated from the NEW owner's account. To initiate a push, you select the domain you want to push, then you look around for something that says 'push domain' or 'initiate account change' or something like that, and follow instructions. The new owner must follow their own procedure to accept the push into their account.

Reg Fee - this is an abbreviation of 'registration fee', the cost of registering a domain name. Each registrar has different prices for's and other TLD's and ccTLD'S, and most good registrars also offer discount e-coupons for different TLD's, fresh regs, renewals, etc. 'Reg Fee' is most commonly seen in the appraisals section, where a name is valued at 'reg fee'. Most reg fees for's are in the $7 - $12 range.

Reseller - just that: a domainer who trades in domains. Resellers buy domains and do not develop them (unless it is with parking, minisites or minimal development for the purpose of making temporary income from the domain, or increasing its traffic/value for resale). As with any reseller, domainers ideally try to buy very low and sell very high. In a perfect world a reseller will reg a domain or buy it at a cheap reseller price, find the perfect end user for it, and sell high to that end user.

TLD, ccTLD - Top Level Domains; please see Post #4 below for description.

Transfer - a 'transfer' is differentiated from a 'push' (see definition for 'push' above). A transfer is when a domain name is transferred from one registrar TO A DIFFERENT REGISTRAR. The domain can be transferred to your account in the new registrar, or to a different person's account in a new registrar.
Transfer procedures differ for different extensions and different registrars, but they follow some basic structures: a transfer is initiated by the NEW registrant's account, rather than by the CURRENT owner; but the current owner must supply the new owner with what is called an 'EPP code', which you will have to locate or create for the domain being transferred (creating/finding the EPP code varies according to different registrars, but it is necessary to every transfer of a and many extensions); the domain must also be 'unlocked', if it is locked, by the current registrant; a transfer is not instant like a push, it can take a few days to a few weeks to complete, or longer depending on the quality/efficiency of one or both registrars involved); a push is usually free, while for a transfer you must pay the reg fee at the new registrar, which gives you a year's reg time starting at the transfer date, losing any time still left on the reg at the previous registrar; also, whereas a push can be performed anytime, even immediately after buying or regging a name, a transfer usually has time restrictions - again, this varies by registrar and extension, but whenever you register or buy a there is usually a 60-day waiting period before you can transfer that domain again to another registrar. I will try write a clear outline of that 60-day waiting period for this dictionary, soon.

etc. - 'x's are used mainly in the appraisals section, to denote rough estimates of how much a domain is worth. Valuing a domain name is a vague process and prices differ wildly according to the domain, the economy, the end users' pockets, and other factors, so exact valuations cannot be given. So domainers use approximations that may include numbers or x's.
The x's are simply substitutes for tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. For example, we may say a domain is worth $300 - 600... or we may put it another way and say it is worth mid-xxx.
We may say it is worth $50 - 100, or mid to high xx. We might say it is worth $8, or high x.
Here is a general outlay:
x = 0 to 9, since it is a single digit.
Low x = 0 - 3; mid x = 4 - 6; high x = 7 - 9.

xx = 10 - 99, since it covers all double-digit numbers.
Low xx = 10 - 30; mid xx = 40 - 60; high xx = 70 - 99.

xxx = 100 - 999, since it covers all three-digit numbers.
Low xxx = 100 - 300, mid xxx = 400 - 600; high xxx = 700 - 999.

This breakdown continues through x,xxx and xx,xxx and xxx,xxx and x,xxx,xxx etc, referring to thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions.
All these are vague approximate ranges.

More definitions to come! Let me/us know if there are any domaining words you want defined.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Premium domain name - a registered name that is being re-sold either by an individual or company, or a brand-new, unused domain name that is being sold for a higher price than a regular registration fee in that particular extension.

There is a lot of confusion over the word "premium" used when describing domain names for sale. Essentially, every domain name that is selling for anything other than reg fee is fetching a premium price, thus a premium domain (selling for a premium).

At first glance, when we see something described as "premium" it tends to convey "quality". But unfortunately, the word premium has been overused so much with DNs that the fact is, a premium domain name has nothing to do with quality and everything to do with price.

For those interested in describing an exceptional domain name for sale, you may try combining the two terms, "premium quality", or just excluding the the word premium and going the route of "high-quality" or similar wording.
I believe that PREMIUM is PREMIUM, it should be a rare and highly desired asset. I don't agree with someone advertising their name as premium. The term, like you say, is widely overused and this has in turn discredited the describing word PREMIUM.
I believe that PREMIUM is PREMIUM, it should be a rare and highly desired asset. I don't agree with someone advertising their name as premium. The term, like you say, is widely overused and this has in turn discredited the describing word PREMIUM.
Yep totally agree, re. rare or highly desired for something with premium connotations. Especially when it comes to investors/resellers, it would be a domain that is above-average in terms of market value, because of its quality.
I have learnt something today
I've been thinking of starting this thread for awhile, so here it is.
Many newbies and pros alike still daily ask about certain terms, so I wanted to create this resource thread to link to anytime anyone asks what a domaining term means.

I'll add definitions as they arise, other members are welcome to write clear, well-written definitions here also, and anyone is welcome to post a question about a term and we will try to write a clear definition for you. *If I get any details wrong here, or something's unclear, feel free to let me know.

Here are a few of the most common terms still asked about, to get us started:

BIN - in sales threads you'll see 'BIN price' or 'buy at BIN'. BIN stands for 'Buy It Now' and is considered the instant selling price if you want to bypass making lesser offers or bidding up in an auction for a domain. Many auctions or 'make offer' sales do not set a BIN, just in case bids/offers rise higher than that BIN amount, but most domainers have a good idea of the top price they want for a domain and will set a BIN price just in case they luck out and a buyer wants the domain enough to buy at BIN and not risk losing it to anyone else.

End User - you often hear of domainers selling domains to 'end users'. This term refers to a buyer who plans to use a domain for considerable development. A corporation or person who has a large vested interest in that website, for business or extensive personal use, does not plan to trade or resell that domain name (unless an irresistable offer arises) so they are considered the 'end of the line' for that domain, the user who has the final use of it and will likely never sell it again. Basically a domain is traded from owner to owner until it finds the ideal end user who will keep it indefinitely. Since the end user has so much interest in the name, they also usually pay much more for that domain than will a reseller who intends to profit on the name by reselling it at a higher price.

Grace Delete - grace deletion refers to the process of deleting a domain name shortly after you registered it. There are many reasons people register domains and then delete them within a few days; commonly it is simply a matter of 'sobering up', ha ha, and realizing it's not as good a domain as you thought yesterday. Other reasons range from discovering the name is based on a trademark, to tasting the domain for traffic and then letting it go.
Grace deletion is not a service offered by all registrars, you don't have a 'right' to delete a domain and get a refund, it's a service volunteered by some registrars. The ones that offer this allow you a 'grace period' - usually a handful of days after registration date but this varies - for you to delete a domain. Some registrars offer an automated system so you can perform the grace delete yourself, while with other registrars you must send their support a request to delete your domain/s.
Note that any registrar can delete your domain (certain extensions anyway, like when you ask them to, any time, but the 'grace delete' term refers to you actually getting some or most of your registration fee back, when deleting your domain within a specified (short) amount of time after registering it. Registrars who offer the grace delete service will set their own grace period, their own rate for this service (usually a small percentage of your reg fee), and determine their own process. Grace delete is just a short term for 'register a domain, delete it again within a short time, and get a partial refund back'.

LLL, LLLL, CVCV, CCC, etc etc. - these are domainer-speak, or slang or code or jargon, for certain types of domain name configurations. Please see Post #6 below for full explanation.

Parking - domain parking is a quick, non-development system of pointing your domain name to a simple landing page or pages that offer an automated template website, usually containing some paid advertising links and/or very simplified content, both of these automated. For more description see Post #7 below.

Push - a 'push' is a kind of domain transfer, but is different technically from the word 'transfer' (see definition for 'transfer' below). A push is when you transfer a domain name WITHIN THE SAME REGISTRAR, but to a different user. For example, if your domain is at the registrar Godaddy, you can push it to a different user who also has an account at Godaddy. Each registrar has their own procedure and requirements for a push, but most registrars follow the same basic structure:
A push can be done anytime, even immediately after regging the name; a push is immediate, taking a few seconds to a few minutes until it is in the new user's account; a push is usually free and does not require the new user to renew the name for another year, rather the same expiration date is kept; a push is simple, usually requiring you to know only the new user's username at your registrar, or their username and email, etc.
A push also differs with a transfer in that a push is originated from the CURRENT owner's account, whereas a transfer is initiated from the NEW owner's account. To initiate a push, you select the domain you want to push, then you look around for something that says 'push domain' or 'initiate account change' or something like that, and follow instructions. The new owner must follow their own procedure to accept the push into their account.

Reg Fee - this is an abbreviation of 'registration fee', the cost of registering a domain name. Each registrar has different prices for's and other TLD's and ccTLD'S, and most good registrars also offer discount e-coupons for different TLD's, fresh regs, renewals, etc. 'Reg Fee' is most commonly seen in the appraisals section, where a name is valued at 'reg fee'. Most reg fees for's are in the $7 - $12 range.

Reseller - just that: a domainer who trades in domains. Resellers buy domains and do not develop them (unless it is with parking, minisites or minimal development for the purpose of making temporary income from the domain, or increasing its traffic/value for resale). As with any reseller, domainers ideally try to buy very low and sell very high. In a perfect world a reseller will reg a domain or buy it at a cheap reseller price, find the perfect end user for it, and sell high to that end user.

TLD, ccTLD - Top Level Domains; please see Post #4 below for description.

Transfer - a 'transfer' is differentiated from a 'push' (see definition for 'push' above). A transfer is when a domain name is transferred from one registrar TO A DIFFERENT REGISTRAR. The domain can be transferred to your account in the new registrar, or to a different person's account in a new registrar.
Transfer procedures differ for different extensions and different registrars, but they follow some basic structures: a transfer is initiated by the NEW registrant's account, rather than by the CURRENT owner; but the current owner must supply the new owner with what is called an 'EPP code', which you will have to locate or create for the domain being transferred (creating/finding the EPP code varies according to different registrars, but it is necessary to every transfer of a and many extensions); the domain must also be 'unlocked', if it is locked, by the current registrant; a transfer is not instant like a push, it can take a few days to a few weeks to complete, or longer depending on the quality/efficiency of one or both registrars involved); a push is usually free, while for a transfer you must pay the reg fee at the new registrar, which gives you a year's reg time starting at the transfer date, losing any time still left on the reg at the previous registrar; also, whereas a push can be performed anytime, even immediately after buying or regging a name, a transfer usually has time restrictions - again, this varies by registrar and extension, but whenever you register or buy a there is usually a 60-day waiting period before you can transfer that domain again to another registrar. I will try write a clear outline of that 60-day waiting period for this dictionary, soon.

etc. - 'x's are used mainly in the appraisals section, to denote rough estimates of how much a domain is worth. Valuing a domain name is a vague process and prices differ wildly according to the domain, the economy, the end users' pockets, and other factors, so exact valuations cannot be given. So domainers use approximations that may include numbers or x's.
The x's are simply substitutes for tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. For example, we may say a domain is worth $300 - 600... or we may put it another way and say it is worth mid-xxx.
We may say it is worth $50 - 100, or mid to high xx. We might say it is worth $8, or high x.
Here is a general outlay:
x = 0 to 9, since it is a single digit.
Low x = 0 - 3; mid x = 4 - 6; high x = 7 - 9.

xx = 10 - 99, since it covers all double-digit numbers.
Low xx = 10 - 30; mid xx = 40 - 60; high xx = 70 - 99.

xxx = 100 - 999, since it covers all three-digit numbers.
Low xxx = 100 - 300, mid xxx = 400 - 600; high xxx = 700 - 999.

This breakdown continues through x,xxx and xx,xxx and xxx,xxx and x,xxx,xxx etc, referring to thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions.
All these are vague approximate ranges.

More definitions to come! Let me/us know if there are any domaining words you want defined.
Thank you for the information. As a newbie, I found it very informative and useful.
Intuitive post, definitely a helpful resource to learn the basic definitions of domaining. Thanks for sharing!
I've been thinking of starting this thread for awhile, so here it is.
Many newbies and pros alike still daily ask about certain terms, so I wanted to create this resource thread to link to anytime anyone asks what a domaining term means.

I'll add definitions as they arise, other members are welcome to write clear, well-written definitions here also, and anyone is welcome to post a question about a term and we will try to write a clear definition for you. *If I get any details wrong here, or something's unclear, feel free to let me know.

Here are a few of the most common terms still asked about, to get us started:

BIN - in sales threads you'll see 'BIN price' or 'buy at BIN'. BIN stands for 'Buy It Now' and is considered the instant selling price if you want to bypass making lesser offers or bidding up in an auction for a domain. Many auctions or 'make offer' sales do not set a BIN, just in case bids/offers rise higher than that BIN amount, but most domainers have a good idea of the top price they want for a domain and will set a BIN price just in case they luck out and a buyer wants the domain enough to buy at BIN and not risk losing it to anyone else.

End User - you often hear of domainers selling domains to 'end users'. This term refers to a buyer who plans to use a domain for considerable development. A corporation or person who has a large vested interest in that website, for business or extensive personal use, does not plan to trade or resell that domain name (unless an irresistable offer arises) so they are considered the 'end of the line' for that domain, the user who has the final use of it and will likely never sell it again. Basically a domain is traded from owner to owner until it finds the ideal end user who will keep it indefinitely. Since the end user has so much interest in the name, they also usually pay much more for that domain than will a reseller who intends to profit on the name by reselling it at a higher price.

Grace Delete - grace deletion refers to the process of deleting a domain name shortly after you registered it. There are many reasons people register domains and then delete them within a few days; commonly it is simply a matter of 'sobering up', ha ha, and realizing it's not as good a domain as you thought yesterday. Other reasons range from discovering the name is based on a trademark, to tasting the domain for traffic and then letting it go.
Grace deletion is not a service offered by all registrars, you don't have a 'right' to delete a domain and get a refund, it's a service volunteered by some registrars. The ones that offer this allow you a 'grace period' - usually a handful of days after registration date but this varies - for you to delete a domain. Some registrars offer an automated system so you can perform the grace delete yourself, while with other registrars you must send their support a request to delete your domain/s.
Note that any registrar can delete your domain (certain extensions anyway, like when you ask them to, any time, but the 'grace delete' term refers to you actually getting some or most of your registration fee back, when deleting your domain within a specified (short) amount of time after registering it. Registrars who offer the grace delete service will set their own grace period, their own rate for this service (usually a small percentage of your reg fee), and determine their own process. Grace delete is just a short term for 'register a domain, delete it again within a short time, and get a partial refund back'.

LLL, LLLL, CVCV, CCC, etc etc. - these are domainer-speak, or slang or code or jargon, for certain types of domain name configurations. Please see Post #6 below for full explanation.

Parking - domain parking is a quick, non-development system of pointing your domain name to a simple landing page or pages that offer an automated template website, usually containing some paid advertising links and/or very simplified content, both of these automated. For more description see Post #7 below.

Push - a 'push' is a kind of domain transfer, but is different technically from the word 'transfer' (see definition for 'transfer' below). A push is when you transfer a domain name WITHIN THE SAME REGISTRAR, but to a different user. For example, if your domain is at the registrar Godaddy, you can push it to a different user who also has an account at Godaddy. Each registrar has their own procedure and requirements for a push, but most registrars follow the same basic structure:
A push can be done anytime, even immediately after regging the name; a push is immediate, taking a few seconds to a few minutes until it is in the new user's account; a push is usually free and does not require the new user to renew the name for another year, rather the same expiration date is kept; a push is simple, usually requiring you to know only the new user's username at your registrar, or their username and email, etc.
A push also differs with a transfer in that a push is originated from the CURRENT owner's account, whereas a transfer is initiated from the NEW owner's account. To initiate a push, you select the domain you want to push, then you look around for something that says 'push domain' or 'initiate account change' or something like that, and follow instructions. The new owner must follow their own procedure to accept the push into their account.

Reg Fee - this is an abbreviation of 'registration fee', the cost of registering a domain name. Each registrar has different prices for's and other TLD's and ccTLD'S, and most good registrars also offer discount e-coupons for different TLD's, fresh regs, renewals, etc. 'Reg Fee' is most commonly seen in the appraisals section, where a name is valued at 'reg fee'. Most reg fees for's are in the $7 - $12 range.

Reseller - just that: a domainer who trades in domains. Resellers buy domains and do not develop them (unless it is with parking, minisites or minimal development for the purpose of making temporary income from the domain, or increasing its traffic/value for resale). As with any reseller, domainers ideally try to buy very low and sell very high. In a perfect world a reseller will reg a domain or buy it at a cheap reseller price, find the perfect end user for it, and sell high to that end user.

TLD, ccTLD - Top Level Domains; please see Post #4 below for description.

Transfer - a 'transfer' is differentiated from a 'push' (see definition for 'push' above). A transfer is when a domain name is transferred from one registrar TO A DIFFERENT REGISTRAR. The domain can be transferred to your account in the new registrar, or to a different person's account in a new registrar.
Transfer procedures differ for different extensions and different registrars, but they follow some basic structures: a transfer is initiated by the NEW registrant's account, rather than by the CURRENT owner; but the current owner must supply the new owner with what is called an 'EPP code', which you will have to locate or create for the domain being transferred (creating/finding the EPP code varies according to different registrars, but it is necessary to every transfer of a and many extensions); the domain must also be 'unlocked', if it is locked, by the current registrant; a transfer is not instant like a push, it can take a few days to a few weeks to complete, or longer depending on the quality/efficiency of one or both registrars involved); a push is usually free, while for a transfer you must pay the reg fee at the new registrar, which gives you a year's reg time starting at the transfer date, losing any time still left on the reg at the previous registrar; also, whereas a push can be performed anytime, even immediately after buying or regging a name, a transfer usually has time restrictions - again, this varies by registrar and extension, but whenever you register or buy a there is usually a 60-day waiting period before you can transfer that domain again to another registrar. I will try write a clear outline of that 60-day waiting period for this dictionary, soon.

etc. - 'x's are used mainly in the appraisals section, to denote rough estimates of how much a domain is worth. Valuing a domain name is a vague process and prices differ wildly according to the domain, the economy, the end users' pockets, and other factors, so exact valuations cannot be given. So domainers use approximations that may include numbers or x's.
The x's are simply substitutes for tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. For example, we may say a domain is worth $300 - 600... or we may put it another way and say it is worth mid-xxx.
We may say it is worth $50 - 100, or mid to high xx. We might say it is worth $8, or high x.
Here is a general outlay:
x = 0 to 9, since it is a single digit.
Low x = 0 - 3; mid x = 4 - 6; high x = 7 - 9.

xx = 10 - 99, since it covers all double-digit numbers.
Low xx = 10 - 30; mid xx = 40 - 60; high xx = 70 - 99.

xxx = 100 - 999, since it covers all three-digit numbers.
Low xxx = 100 - 300, mid xxx = 400 - 600; high xxx = 700 - 999.

This breakdown continues through x,xxx and xx,xxx and xxx,xxx and x,xxx,xxx etc, referring to thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions.
All these are vague approximate ranges.

More definitions to come! Let me/us know if there are any domaining words you want defined.
Thank you for the information. Much appreciated!!!
List of things we’ve defined (updated frequently):
  • Brandable means it could make a great brand name, such as Infiniti.
  • Pronounceable means it can be pronounced but is not necessarily a word, such as Hulu.
  • Premium means it’s better than most others, such as (but it’s quite subjective).
More coming soon…
A wonderful piece of information.
SpicyPickle - when it pertains to domain names, this is a tongue-in-cheek, internal reference to be found on Namepros only.

On Namepros only, a 'SpicyPickle' refers to when a domainer (usually a newbie) regs or buys a poor quality domain, and then begins a dishonest thread here about that domain. They use the tactic that they have turned down very high offers for it, or they have received high offers and they ask us what should they do, or they are developing the domain but they know it has huge value and ask us whether they should sell it instead. Or they make up other sentences to try fool us into becoming interested in their domain.

In reality, they've usually had the domain for a very short time, usually a hand reg (or sometimes they vastly overpaid for it in the aftermarket, due to being newbies). In reality, they have had no offers for it. In reality, they have their domain listed for sale here (or Sedo, Afternic, wherever), often for much less $ than they told us the offers were for. Example: they might tell us they had an offer of $65K for a domain, and ask us whether they should accept it... meanwhile, they just listed it here on Namepros for $1.5K. That's just a random example :)

In reality, they think that we - and remember, many of us are long time experienced domainers - cannot do a tiny little bit of research and find out they are telling lies.

In short:
1. They come to this forum, make up a bunch of lies about their domain (usually a fresh reg, of low quality), hoping to fool someone here into buying their domain.
2. We do a quick bit of research, and discover their lies.
3. They either continue to hang around, in which case we hope they learn to become better domainers and better people; or they leave the forum the moment their lies are discovered, and are never heard from again.

Note: many newbies try dishonest tactics. Instead of just naming and shaming, I always hope they learn to carry themselves as better domainers, better domain ambassadors, and more honest humans. Education, and example, is what we hope to achieve here. Best wishes to all newbies... if you are starting out dishonest, I hope we can change that for the better and that you can become productive and successful here!
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I couldn't resist: this thread made me realize I just had to add SpicyPickle to my Domaining Dictionary thread here at Namepros

(Thread is 12 years old but still gets updated occasionally)


I fed:
(a) the opening post of the $65k offer thread
(b) your definition of Spicy Pickle
(c) the transcript of the pickle rick and morty episode
into Google Gemini...

...Then I asked for: (1) comparitive analysis + (2) jokes + (3) spicy domainer pickle pictures.

(1) The results are in:

TraitDomainerPickle Rick
MotivationInflate domain value, gain recognition, financial gainAvoid therapy, assert independence, prove intelligence
MethodDeceptive tactics, fabricated stories, manipulationScientific transformation, escape, violence
OverconfidenceBelieves in their ability to outsmart experienced domainersBelieves in his superior intellect and ability to outsmart anyone
AvoidanceAvoids the hard work of legitimate domain investingAvoids emotional vulnerability and family therapy
ConsequencesPublic humiliation, loss of credibilityTemporary physical vulnerability, forced to confront emotions
TransformationTurns a low-value domain into a "spicy pickle"Turns himself into a literal pickle
Lesson LearnedHonesty and hard work are key to success in domainingEmotional connection and vulnerability are important for well-being

Key Takeaways:
  • Both the domainer and Pickle Rick use their intelligence and creativity to manipulate situations to their advantage.
  • Both are motivated by a desire to avoid unpleasant realities (poor domain quality for the domainer, family therapy for Rick).
  • Both ultimately face consequences that force them to confront their shortcomings.
  • The domainer's transformation is metaphorical, turning a legitimate domain into a "spicy pickle" through lies and deception.
  • Pickle Rick's transformation is literal, using science to physically become a pickle.
  • Both learn valuable lessons through their experiences, albeit in different ways.
This comparison highlights how both characters, despite their vastly different circumstances, share underlying motivations and flaws. It also serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of dishonesty, avoidance, and overconfidence.

(2) Jokes:
  • He thought he could pull a Pickle Rick, turning FusionByte into a golden dill, but now he's trapped in the jar of his own dill-emma, a spicy pickle sweating under the scorching spotlight of Namepros.
  • He tried to concoct a FusionByte masterpiece, but the Namepros grill was too hot, charring his reputation and turning his briny ambition into a spicy pickle meme for all to relish.
  • He tried to pull a Pickle Rick, but instead of escaping therapy, he ended up in the therapy group for delusional domainers with a spicy pickle problem and a heaping side of dill-enial.
(3) Spicy Domainer Pickle Pictures:


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Yeh I bought a jar of spicy pickles and only because it was on sale and was really disappointed and reached out to various family members to take the jar of spicy pickles but none would bite. It is really amazing that it's a domaining term but for the record I did tell them that the spicy pickles were crap.
nto Google Gemini

"He tried to concoct a FusionByte masterpiece, but the Namepros grill was too hot, charring his reputation and turning his briny ambition into a spicy pickle meme for all to relish."

Excellent work by AI and you! Too, too funny!
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Yeh I bought a jar of spicy pickles and only because it was on sale and was really disappointed and reached out to various family members to take the jar of spicy pickles but none would bite. It is really amazing that it's a domaining term but for the record I did tell them that the spicy pickles were crap.

I think Spicy Pickles are considered a delicacy by some pregnant women...

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