
sales Sound.Ai Sold For $250,000 USD

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DomainRetail.comTop Member
9,860 acquired by Andy Booth as an end user.

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It definitely is a pump of .ai

Don't agree with this at all.

The guy literally set up an office in a great location (near Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, had our honeymoon there), hires on-site staff and publicly posts acquisition price proof.

I run a genAI development business called where we focus on cost-effective solutions... in other words we build WordPress sites with gazillions of articles as cheaply as humanly possible. Based on what I'm seeing, Andy will end up going down the super-expensive development route by deploying custom software for each domain. Plus promotion that goes well beyond SEO.

When all is said and done, we easily get to $x,xxx,xxx territory for development alone. Not consistent at all with something you do for the sake of pumping an extension.

Best guess is he's deploying a "rising tide lifts all boats" strategy precisely because he's not in it for a flip rather than being all secretive about his plans and what not.
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Don't agree with this at all.

The guy literally set up an office in a great location (near Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, had our honeymoon there), hires on-site staff and publicly posts acquisition price proof.

I run a genAI development business called where we focus on cost-effective solutions... in other words we build WordPress sites with gazillions of articles as cheaply as humanly possible. Based on what I'm seeing, Andy will end up going down the super-expensive development route by deploying custom software for each domain. Plus promotion that goes well beyond SEO.

When all is said and done, we easily get to $x,xxx,xxx territory for development alone. Not consistent at all with something you do for the sake of pumping an extension.

Best guess is he's deploying a "rising tide lifts all boats" strategy precisely because he's not in it for a flip rather than being all secretive about his plans and what not.
How well do these your WordPress websites with AI-written articles do?
How well do these your WordPress websites with AI-written articles do?

A bit to early to tell, the first batch of sites were finished late last year, with being the largest one. Traffic picking up (from next to nothing initially to x,xxx monthly at the moment of writing), pages being indexed nicely.

You can find a lot of examples on our site, including a few other really good domains like How.To and No .ai yet though, kind of ironic for a genAI business :)

All in all, I'd recommend aiming for slow and steady progress, would strongly suggest staying far away from blackhat SEO, cheap Fiverr links and what not. Good SEO in 2024 is closer to old-school Public Relations than what we called SEO circa 2010. Quality over quantity, a press release here and there, newspaper placements (not as expensive as it sounds) and so on.

Plus just keeping at it. I run a YouTube channel with 183,000 subscribers called One Minute Economics, where I did my best to publish useful education animations. Nowadays, I don't do much, yet traffic is close to the 500,000 per month zone all-time high. Almost exclusively via search, YouTube search + Google search.
I write all the messages on the forum myself. Allowing someone else to create content on websites with .ai domains is problematic since you can get violations for which the domain will be suspended.
I cannot sell expensive domains because in a country where there is a war, it is difficult to manage money. The enemy is 120 km away from us and is advancing. Without American help, it will be difficult for us to contain it. Therefore, there is no point in investing in real estate. We might have to run away. I don't work with crypto. In these conditions, it is most reliable to store assets in domains.
I write all the messages on the forum myself. Allowing someone else to create content on websites with .ai domains is problematic since you can get violations for which the domain will be suspended.
I cannot sell expensive domains because in a country where there is a war, it is difficult to manage money. The enemy is 120 km away from us and is advancing. Without American help, it will be difficult for us to contain it. Therefore, there is no point in investing in real estate. We might have to run away. I don't work with crypto. In these conditions, it is most reliable to store assets in domains.

I seriously doubt the registry would suspend a domain just because you hired a human writer or used genAI to publish content... especially doing so for genAI content would be silly given the fact that the .ai namespace thrives precisely thanks to the artificial intelligence boom.

We are neighbors by the way, I live in Romania.

Many people are rooting for you guys, myself included. I think that even in light of current legislative drama in the States, US help will continue. That being stated, especially short-term speaking, war is volatile. If you and your family decide to head over to Romania temporarily, contact me and I will help free of charge. If you stick to larger cities, preferably university hubs, knowing the language will not be necessary.

Wish you all the best!
The only thing that makes sense to invest money in is a minibus that you can climb into and run away with. My neighbor now lives in Dubai, but when she was fleeing, bullets riddled her car, but it retained the ability to drive, and one car from their convoy stopped and was shot at point-blank range along with its passengers.
The only thing that makes sense to invest money in is a minibus that you can climb into and run away with. My neighbor now lives in Dubai, but when she was fleeing, bullets riddled her car, but it retained the ability to drive, and one car from their convoy stopped and was shot at point-blank range along with its passengers.
Prayers with you and your family
I looked into buying AUDIO.AI
The owner is seeking 1.5 million usd firm
Music .AI domains will fetch high prices as AI is transforming the music and film industries
••• is a great site and it is well funded
Song.Ai is in Beta and raising funds
Sound.AI owned by Andy Booth -- purchased for 250 K usd
Audio.Ai owned by Tom Tayang --- for sale at 1.5 million usd

Great Music domains still available to buy on aftermarket or being developed:

all are low 6 figure domains IMHO
As with everything AI at the moment, You have to keep it fundamental and related to the underlying software advancements. Hardware technology is not going to jump forward at anywhere near that speed, That's going to rely on new materials science., Which ultimately will come but it will take far longer.

Those buying up the best and most applicable 'base' words have both the money and the confidence, hence the prices. AI is and never was a free-for-all investment. too much novice cash chasing frivolous imaginary domains to my mind. Get your expertise in order first guys and you may not end up loosing all your money
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Nice name but i'll never spend $250k even $100k on .ai
Speculation on it's peak.
I registered only 80 keyword .ai domains in 2015.
I wish I had registered 1000.
52 of the 80 have been sold.
And I've received over 800 offers on one of the 28 .AI domains I still have during this month alone.

As far as getting .AI domains now or even as far back as 2018, forget about it. It's possible to get a good keyword .AI domain for less than 10 K, or maybe even reg an .ai domain as a lottery ticket hoping a company will brand with this name.

I've never played the lottery. I've never liked the odds.

I knew AI would be big back in 2015 --- and I'm talking the technology, not extension, but it has exceeded my expectations and I was working for an AI company in 2015 in Montreal where and when all the ai advances were occurring at MILA and Element, with Yoshua bengio and Yann Le Cunn and with Greg Hinton in Toronto.

Microsoft scooped up several AI startups in Montreal during that time -- none of these startups had any revenues -- they were scooping up IP and talent.
That’s a great one though tbf, sound - of course that would sell well as it’s something Ai is actively doing like with Boomy etc. I have ☠️
I have nothing but respect to the Booth brothers for what they have achieved in domains, but I do ask myself, how many times have they reported how much they have paid for a .com domain as an investment? How many times have gone public that they have bid x amount for a .com domain name like they have done with .ai domains (Health dot ai $500k), as i don't believe they have (certainly not consistantly), why share this information with .ai?

For sure Ai and .Ai is exiting and AI itself is going to change the world (good or bad), but can’t help but feel they need to cheerlead .ai domain names.

End of the day, if you know where a pot of gold is buried, you don't tell everyone else where to dig, so if they are convinced .AI is here to stay and these domains going to be in demand even more so by companies in the future, you keep it quiet and buy as much as you can and cheap as you can, right? Not go public with how much you are paying and how much you are offering for these domains, it makes no business sense, so there is one other reason, you are not 100% sure on the extension (long term), but trying to influence the market and make others invest and therefore making your own investments stronger.

This is exactly what is going on here and it's quite troubling that others fail to see the pattern. When someone starts out every Twitter post with "This isn’t a pump on .ai" or "I'm really not pumping .ai" then I answer with "Booth doth protest too much, methinks"

Does no one remember Paradise Trippies? Seriously?
Great sale, great name. Great foresight by the seller to hold the name at this price. I own a similar domain that I like -
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