
poll Should one share sales w/o any proof?

Spaceship Spaceship

Should one be allowed to share sales blindly w/o any info shown?

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  • 16 votes
  • Ended 5 years ago
  • Final results


Account Closed (Disallowed)
I'm not asking to compulsorily reveal the domain but one can post the screenshot of payment, transaction or anything valid to support the claim of one's sale. I think its not useful or helping anyone when one simply brags about a sale w/o any valid info. Your views?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
it’s about perspective... i’m appreciative they share in the first place, guess I blindly cheer...

too personal intrusive to ask; and they dont have to share this information.

Also, it should be obvious.. if overly inflated

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it’s about perspective, i’m appreciative they share in the first place so i blindly follow.

too personal intrusive to ask; and they dont have to share this information.

Also, it should be obvious.. if overly inflated

They should simply choose to not share then because its neither helping nor its useful like i don't like to share my sales hence i never bragged or posted anything about it.
They should simply choose to not share then because its neither helping nor its useful. I don't like to share my sales hence i never bragged or posted anything about it.

Well it depends how they share it,
i take their word for it, and helps, because the figure is believable (not million, xx,xxx etc)

Feel most tight-tipped, and vetting them will make them non-existent lol. The context is usually helpful with reputation person sharing.
maybe for members. less 5 trade feedback,
but i still disagree with this idea, since sharing is voluntary, i won’t ask them to provide receipt

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It is really so so easy to fake a screenshot of anything. If someone wants to lie/is fantasizing/insane, such "rule" wouldn't help at all.
Well it depends how they share it,
i take their word for it, and helps, because the figure is believable (not million, xx,xxx etc)

Feel most tight-tipped, and vetting them will make them non-existent lol. The context is usually helpful with reputation person sharing.
maybe for members. less 5 trade feedback,
but i still disagree with this idea, since sharing is voluntary, i won’t ask them to provide receipt

I agree if the person is trusted to you then its believable but my context was applied in general.
They should simply choose to not share then because its neither helping nor its useful like i don't like to share my sales hence i never bragged or posted anything about it.

Here there's no need, to brag about nothing, nor to show probe about anything.
People here is free to show their sales to help the community, not to brag about nothing, because they don't need to.
If you know enough about domains, you know when somebody is telling a true sale and when not.
Again, this is not Namebio or DNjournal, to show probe of sales.
If you wanna say you sold something you really didn't sell, its your problem.
Also, you are free, to believe or not, nobody is telling you to believe what they say. They get the money after the sale, that's the only that matters here.
It is really so so easy to fake a screenshot of anything. If someone wants to lie/is fantasizing/insane, such "rule" wouldn't help at all.
Agree still i feel it will require some sort of work to do that compare to now when one can simply type anything or any number.:xf.grin:
Here there's no need, to brag about nothing, nor to show probe about anything.
People here is free to show their sales to help the community, not to brag about nothing, because they don't need to.
If you know enough about domains, you know when somebody is telling a true sale and when not.
Again, this is not Namebio or DNjournal, to show probe of sales.
If you wanna say you sold something you really didn't sell, its your problem.
Also, you are free, to believe or not, nobody is telling you to believe what they say. They get the money after the sale, that's the only that matters here.

With namebio or dnjournal one has to share all proof. As mentioned in my post, i am not asking to post proof on that level.

But simply claiming i sold xxxxxx for 5 fig without any info provided doesnt help one bit and it seems bragging only.

And of course i avoid it myself as imo its not useful so i wanted to know what others think. :)
With namebio or dnjournal one has to share all proof. As mentioned in my post, i am not asking to post proof on that level.

But simply claiming i sold xxxxxx for 5 fig without any info provided doesnt help one bit and it seems bragging only.

And of course i avoid it myself as imo its not useful so i wanted to know what others think. :)

People here claiming that sold a domain for 5 fig gives more information, about their selling process, about how they manage to make that sale, than just a receipt saying they have sold xxx domain for xxx amount.

Again, the info these people share here with the community telling about their sales, is a lot more valuable than any prove of sale by itself.

Nobody here needs to brag about any sale, because they don't win nothing with it, and as I told you, we all know when a sale is legit or not.
Here the sales won't be showed at Namebio or DNJournal, so nobody is asking or wishing to certificate that sale. They just share the sales for helping the community.

This is what I think.
People here claiming that sold a domain for 5 fig gives more information, about their selling process, about how they manage to make that sale, than just a receipt saying they have sold xxx domain for xxx amount.

Again, the info these people share here with the community telling about their sales, is a lot more valuable than any prove of sale by itself.

Nobody here needs to brag about any sale, because they don't win nothing with it, and as I told you, we all know when a sale is legit or not.
Here the sales won't be showed at Namebio or DNJournal, so nobody is asking or wishing to certificate that sale. They just share the sales for helping the community.

This is what I think.

I also mostly think like you but Please read my post again or even poll i'm not talking about those who give some kind of info on the sale.
If you are looking to build credibility then provide proof, I did with my first few sales and if and when I have a big sale go through I would provide proof.

If you have been in the industry for a long time and have built up a level of trust then no proof is required imo

No one can force anyone to provide proof of sale here, but I would question anyone who is fairly new saying they sold a domain without even providing the name!
but one can post the screenshot of payment, transaction or anything valid to support the claim of one's sale. I think its not useful or helping anyone when one simply brags about a sale w/o any valid info.

I read your post again, and I think that you are asking for a screenshot of payment, transaction or anything valid. NO, THERE'S NO NEED TO POST ANYTHING.
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Nowadays we have freedom of literally everything , anyone can post or do what they want within the rules, it's up to the receiver to chose whether they want to take it seriously or ignore...If you dont like something, you ignore and move on...

Well, why would anyone want to brag about a fake sale in the first place?

- Is it because he wants attention?
- Is it because he has nothing better to do in his/her life?
- Do he/she thinks that by bragging it would increase their reputation?

There could be many many more reasons, but YOU as a receiver have the option to not give attention/complain/ignore.Have a good holiday :)
I read your post again, and I think that you are asking for a screenshot of payment.
Screenshot of payment is one of the things, i have clearly written or any valid info. Read it here.
of payment, transaction or anything valid to support

Amazed that you can't comprehend something written so clearly.
If someone wants to lie, then he can just photoshop image/screenshot of sales. It just takes 10 minutes of work. so.. it won't work.
Screenshot of payment is one of the things, i have clearly written or any valid info. Read it here.

Amazed that you can't comprehend something written so clearly.
Amazed that you begin a post asking for probe of payment, because you don't beliebe nothing, because you need to see the screenshot of the payment, and bla bla bla because people here is bragging and bla bla bla.
Dear, its you that really have a lack of comprehension.
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Private sell . Never believe without proof.
Screenshot of payment is one of the things, i have clearly written or any valid info. Read it here.

Amazed that you can't comprehend something written so clearly.
I will tell you again, to see if you finally get it.
Understand? Or its too much for your comprehension level?

Now, believe what you want to believe dear, here nobody is telling you to belive their sales.
Do you comprehend?
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Amazed that you begin a post asking for probe of payment, because you don't beliebe nothing, because you need to see the screenshot of the payment, and bla bla bla because people here is bragging and bla bla bla.
Dear, its you that really have a lack of comprehension.

I will tell you again, to see if you finally get it.
Understand? Or its too much for your comprehension level?

Now, believe what you want to believe dear, here nobody is telling you to belive their sales.
Do you comprehend?

I have already cleared about this above now given up trying to make you understand. Things i would rather do instead of trying to make you understand
1. Read terms and conditions
2. Watch paint dry
3. Pluck my eyeballs out
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I have already cleared about this above now given up in trying to make you understand. Things i would rather do instead of trying to make you understand
1. Read terms and conditions
2. Watch paint dry
3. Pluck my eyeballs out
Wathever you want dear. Just try to raise your level of comprehension, and then go watch a nice tv movie.
Wathever you want dear. Just try to raise your level of comprehension, and then go watch a nice tv movie.
I think most can spot a genuine sale from the get-go. It usually doesn't take more than a minutes analysis to spot the "I want the hype" type.

I think only those occasional extraordinary sales (price or name) are singled out for questioning, So why require the same factual evidence for all NP published sales seems a bit OTT to me
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