

Spaceship Spaceship


Upgraded Member
Thinking out loud.

This may have been discussed and settled prior to my post.

Does anyone think it's odd you can have less traffic than you have bids? I'm not questioning a buyer's prerogative. I don't understand how you can have <10 traffic count but have hundreds of bids. Wouldn't each bid increase your domain traffic by 1?
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It might be something to do with total visits and/or the same people/bots coming back? I can't get my head around how sedo counts these things. They replied to my similar question here, but I still don't understand.

My guess: Traffic count requires Sedo landing pages (nameservers), bids obviously don't.

edit: It seems they only count traffic to parking pages, which is weird.
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They replied to my similar question here, but I still don't understand.


I think 'uniques' is applicable to parked domains only (uniques&clicks combination). In addition you can get offer views from the marketplace.
It might be something to do with total visits and/or the same people/bots coming back? I can't get my head around how sedo counts these things. They replied to my similar question here, but I still don't understand.

I have/had that same question. I didn't at first understand the how you can have less offer views than you have page views. If you type the domain name from a browser you see the landing page you picked with the price and the click/buy/bid button. Unique page views occur outside of SEDO. If you don't log into SEDO and click on your domain name you see the SEDO landing page with the description of your domain (if you typed one). That's the offer page view. I have more outside page views than I have SEDO account offer views.

The real reason for my original post is because if a domainer can have >10 unique views but have 100's of bids, then what is the purpose of a category showcase? Does the domain name have intrinsic value that's beyond obvious, it requires zero effort marketing outside of posting it's for sale? Only one domain off the top of my head falls into that criteria.

typed dot com

All the other domain names that have 100's of bids, I can't make heads or tails of the high bid count.
I think traffic resets everything month, whereas bids keep accumulating as long as the listing is active.
I think traffic resets everything month, whereas bids keep accumulating as long as the listing is active.
I watch the auctions regularly. Some of these domains never increase in unique views. I think the monthly traffic only resets in your personal domain listing.
I should have said I think the traffic resets on a rolling 30 day period. So the traffic is always for the past 30 days. But I'm not positive. You could always ask Sedo to find out.
I watch the auctions regularly. Some of these domains never increase in unique views. I think the monthly traffic only resets in your personal domain listing.
I should have said I think the traffic resets on a rolling 30 day period. So the traffic is always for the past 30 days. But I'm not positive. You could always ask Sedo to find out.

Yes it's that kind of monthly traffic, and moreover it is counted only if Sedo's domain parking is used. I checked this with some of my own domain names.
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I should have said I think the traffic resets on a rolling 30 day period. So the traffic is always for the past 30 days. But I'm not positive. You could always ask Sedo to find out.
You never get a straightforward answer from them. I have asked them a few times. I'll ask again and see if they tell me the same story tomorrow.
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