
Replacement for email alerts

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I really like ExpiredDomains' email alert service. You can configure a saved search, and then it emails you whenever domains match the search query (both expired domains as well as domains for auction on Sedo, Flippa, GoDaddy, etc)

Unfortunately it looks like it's being discontinued. I saw this on my most recent email alert:

The E-Mail Update Service for Saved Searches will be discontinued at 09.05.2018.
After that day, you will no longer get Update E-Mails from

Does anyone know of a similar service?
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Do they support advanced searches? I have a few searches with ExpiredDomains that I haven't been able to replicate with other services (eg. domains containing a particular keyword that are 5 characters or less). Flippa's search works well, but obviously that just searches Flippa.
I'm only looking for short domains, so just a keyword isn't sufficient (as I want to restrict it by length). I'm emailing the owner of to see if they have an API I can call, in which case I'll just write my own script to run once per day.
Justdropped does service
Why is it discontinued? I just saw the email today.
My sentiments, exactly @Daniel15 The email is the only email I always read!
HI, are you looking for a service to replicate the options that were available in ExpiredDomains? Or are you looking for other search options, and were some of the options you had available previously - not useful?

I'm asking because I am working a a product that will grab expired/ing + auctions and allow search on those by whatever parameters you want, even just a complete xls download to use as wanted. At the moment I have it pulling all auctions from NameJet (initial testing) and that working perfectly, so adding other sources and search parameter may not be a big deal (may-will know when testing hahah).

If I could get a better idea of what the "requirements" or spec of the best case scenario - I can see if that can be incorporated into the scope of the product I'm working on.
I'm only looking for short domains, so just a keyword isn't sufficient (as I want to restrict it by length). I'm emailing the owner of to see if they have an API I can call, in which case I'll just write my own script to run once per day.

Have you heard back about the API?
Why is it discontinued? I just saw the email today.
GDPR. Here's the discussion I've had with the creator of the site:

I like these alerts :( any particular reason for discontinuing them? Do you have a replacement, like an RSS feed that I can poll?

Thanks for the great site!

I don't want to deal with the new regulations regarding emails in the DSGVO, so I've decided to remove all email related services from my websites.

Stored email addresses will only be used for account managing and nothing else.

I might build an online version that works similar (not sure yet), however it will definitely not being send via email anymore.

Best Regards,

Marco Schmidt

Thanks for the information. I thought with GDPR / DSGVO, emails are okay as long as users explicitly opt-in?

Do you have an API I can call? I could just write a script that runs the searches once per day and diff the results.


Yes it is basically the same. What is new are the draconic fines if you do a mistake. Why should I risk that for a feature that not even 0.5% of my users are even using. Not offering email services simplifies a lot for me.

No I do not have an api yet. Maybe in the future.

Best Regards,

Marco Schmidt

@pier0 No API yet, unfortunately.
HI, are you looking for a service to replicate the options that were available in ExpiredDomains?

Just basic options like domain length and keywords. I don't use any of the fancier options. I like that ExpiredDomains supports a large number of TLDs rather than just .com and .net.
Tagging @kostaki who owns, operates and develops
I asked Marco to at least show the new domains for each saved search on one page in a similar format to the emails.

That way it would be easy to check the new results.

If anyone else is interested please indicate your interest here or email him.
I asked Marco to at least show the new domains for each saved search on one page in a similar format to the emails.

That way it would be easy to check the new results.

If anyone else is interested please indicate your interest here or email him.
You can filter the saved search for "In the last 24 hours" and this will give you the same result as the e-mail
Yes true. But if you have multiple saved searches you have to go through them one by one.
Yes true. But if you have multiple saved searches you have to go through them one by one.
Depending on the filters, you anyway have to. I assume you were aware that the e-mails only included a truncated list of the search query result...
Anybody has Marco's email address?
hi, everyone,

I just saw your discussion, I know you would certainly have an answer on a free tool.
But I would like to talk to you about

This tool allows you to access a large database of expired domain names, use an unlimited expired domain crawler and also receive email alerts on specific searches.

Maybe this tool could help you with your research.
Anything equivalent yet?
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