
Plural or Singular?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Dear All,
I want to develop one site for law firms directory in my country. Which do you think is better LawFirms.xx or LawFirm.xx (xx is a ccTLD which I could not disclose at this moment)
I am from asia, in my opinion, Asians usually like to use Singular more than Plural? But, my site will mainly focus foreigners from Europe and Americans in my country. I would like to hear your opinions. Which do you prefer the Plural one or Singular one in this case? Thanks a lot.
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If your web site is about a single law firm it should be singular.
If your web site is about more than one law firm it should be plural.

I'm not a professional domainer.
This is what I think as a web surfer.
In this case, register both and use the plural one in promoting. Redirect the other.
In the example you provide, both singular and plural are about equally matched. I tend to prefer the plural myself. But I agree with duskdawn about regging both if available.
Thanks a lot ,guys. I appreciate it very much.
Your opinions are very important for us.
It seems the plural one is better and I got the plural one and the singular one is owned by others.
Thanks again my friends, your reply are so quick and so nice.

one more questions please?

any other equals to "law firm" just like "attorney" to "lawyer"??
If most of the people that will be using the site are non-asian then the plural is much better. But, as you said, Asians have a strong tendncy to only say or type the singular. So if the target audience is going to have any sizable Asian component you'll want to have the singular. I guess, you should probably use both. Good luck.
lawfirms is better for asian or non-asian.
cache said:
lawfirms is better for asian or non-asian.

I don't think you are taking into account that the entire concept of a plural grammatical construct is missing from asian languages.

phoenixsuns said:
Thanks a lot ,guys. I appreciate it very much.
Your opinions are very important for us.
It seems the plural one is better and I got the plural one and the singular one is owned by others.
Thanks again my friends, your reply are so quick and so nice.

one more questions please?

any other equals to "law firm" just like "attorney" to "lawyer"??

"Law Office" returns 28 mil results on google and the sponsored ads are mostly law firms"law+office"&btnG=Search
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i recommend using of lawfirm from seo prospective
Register both, promote the plural one and redirect the singular one to it. This way you won't loose any type-in traffic.
phoenixsuns said:
Thanks a lot ,guys. I appreciate it very much.
Your opinions are very important for us.
It seems the plural one is better and I got the plural one and the singular one is owned by others.
Thanks again my friends, your reply are so quick and so nice.

one more questions please?

any other equals to "law firm" just like "attorney" to "lawyer"??


As you can see the singular is already regged, according to phoenixsuns.
in general, the singular is better for traffic and will more likely attract an end user who can use it for in this case a law firm. The plural is more confined to that of a portal and has less value, but this is tendency rather than a rule eg see the multitude of discussions re whether 'car' is better than 'cars'.
It depends on your development strategy. ITs always good to have both because having one might create a phonological confiusion that might funnel away your marketing money.

LawFirms would be a good idea for a forum or directory services for that particular field.

LawFirm is the right word to market your personal legal services.

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