
discuss Selling Strategy: Singular, Plural and Related TLD's

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Been meaning to join NP for some time. Finally getting down to it I am look forward to the interactions!

Several of my names are from developed sites that I operated and have more-or-less recently decided to phase out (some held for more than 10-20 years) . So the sites are kaput showing lander pages at Sedo.

Basically, with more registrations, it is a mixed bag of names I have up for sale...(initially for the purpose of raising funds to help develop larger websites).

Anyway, the names are mainly .com extensions. Although I have .org's and .net's and also plural/singular versions as well as a few hyphens of the same names. That brings up my question of how to treat the variations, what to do with them after the sale:

  • If a Buyer learns that the same Seller owns the other extensions, are they apt to feel cheated? Amid the probable chances of the new Buyer learning of the Sellers identity when being contacted direct after the sale.

  • Too, there is the case of a Seller listing both the same singular and plural versions at the same time (or maybe that could execute via Registrar contact). For example: DNJ's Top Journal ending Feb 4, 2024

    causepreneur.com $2,495
    causepreneurs.com $2,495

  • To the best of my belief, platforms such as Sedo, only handle transactions on a one-on-one basis. So how might they view a Seller contacting a new buyer after the completion of sale, in order to either: give for free or, offer at a price a near same name(s) to the Buyer?

  • Obviously there is the option of simply letting the names expire in their natural cycle. But does this imply bad faith or at least disregard to the new Buyer (assuming a purchase)?

I have sold developed .com sites as businesses (where I possessed other name versions of the .com). On one deal in particular I simply gave the backup names to the buyer that they much appreciated. But I don't know if I want to make this standard practice for everyone!
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The market is big. Sell yours, I sell mine. Shikena!
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