PARKED.COM - Official Thread!

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Welcome to the OFFICIAL PARKED.COM thread! :)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
whitebark said:
A way around this is if you have your own server and access to the stats:
use your own 1x1 transparent gif and track visitors from that. No javascript needed!

Hi Whitebark,

Can you explain further please? I'm not sure what you are saying.
Donny,is that possible to change a 1 click domain to 2 click from CP?I can't wait 24 hours for a simple change!
Not today. PM me the domain and I can change it.

tellman07 said:
Hi Whitebark,

Can you explain further please? I'm not sure what you are saying.

He means if you use your own graphic in the added area, host the graphic on your own server, and have access to your own server logs, you can track that graphic in your own stats.
whitebark said:
A way around this is if you have your own server and access to the stats:
use your own 1x1 transparent gif and track visitors from that. No javascript needed!

Great suggestion Roy. Reps added. :)
Varon said:
Great suggestion Roy. Reps added. :)

No doubt, that is a really nice idea.
If you put 1*1 gif image,you can gain this info from each visitor:

As a visitor counter/page views counter/unique visitor counter...
Browser type and version.
OS type and version.
User's language(s).
IP address(country).
Can somebody tell me what is the best way of adding keywords in the Meta Tags window bottom right of the customization page?
Should there be any spaces or commas or both?
word word word word
word, word, word, word

Also how many keywords are best in the bottom right and in the top left? As many as possible or one or two very specific?
advaita said:
Can somebody tell me what is the best way of adding keywords in the Meta Tags window bottom right of the customization page?
Should there be any spaces or commas or both?
word word word word
word, word, word, word

Also how many keywords are best in the bottom right and in the top left? As many as possible or one or two very specific?
I personally use "word, word, word, word" which I think is correct, but I'm not 100% sure.

As for the other question "how many keywords are best in the bottom right and in the top left?" you'll have to re-phrase it as I don't understand it.

GIL :)
Thanks Gilsan.
In the second question I am referring to the two places where you put keywords. There is one place on the left-hand side towards the top of the customization page where you can click on 'edit keyword' to change the keywords. There is the other place on the right-hand side, as referred to in the word, word, word, question. So, should I put as many keywords as possible in these different places, or put one or two keywords in the left-hand 'keyword' area and a whole long list of keywords in the right-hand 'Meta Tag' area? I hope this is a bit clearer.
None of the major search engines use the meta keyword anymore.
advaita said:
Thanks Gilsan.
In the second question I am referring to the two places where you put keywords. There is one place on the left-hand side towards the top of the customization page where you can click on 'edit keyword' to change the keywords. There is the other place on the right-hand side, as referred to in the word, word, word, question. So, should I put as many keywords as possible in these different places, or put one or two keywords in the left-hand 'keyword' area and a whole long list of keywords in the right-hand 'Meta Tag' area? I hope this is a bit clearer.

On top you should put a keyword that relates to your Domain Name. For example:

If your domain is DebtManagement dot something then you should use the keyword Debt Management

The META TAGS keywords (at the bottom right) do as Netmeg says; Just leave it blank

It would be advisable to put a META TAGS Description as well as a TITLE TAG

GIL :)
How is everyones volume and ctr today?

Seems I am having a record of clicks today and ctr.

Have one wedding related term that got 30 clicks on 7 iniques only. I had brought this attention to my rep and was worried it was being abused. But I am thinking that people got proposed on Christmas and are searching. Would also like to think my hard work is beginning to pay off. This domain has a very low payout. Trying find the right key word that Will pay me around .25 cents a click. Have a similar name with a diff keyword that is paying around .13 cents.

Seems the past week, 3 days I have reported clicks on esimates and then the numbers come out and one day I lost 5 clicks. i just am beginning take notice of this. Know click fraud is on the up and people just click for the heck of it.

Holidays were rough that's for sure. 4 days before christmas my epc had a nice amount and then all of a sudden huge drops.

I can't build my traffic on my mesothelioma and forex terms. Not sure why, maybe it takes time need higher paying clicks. Want some nice traffic on this area and hope to be around .50 cents a click on average.
Dear Donny, i have look at some pages that parked have take time to banned much indonesian people.. Would you said in here... Is it possible to another people to register again @parked after they have been banned, and is it possible to someone to register in condition they have yet register in parked ?
All my question is on Indonesia people only.
whitebark said:
A way around this is if you have your own server and access to the stats:
use your own 1x1 transparent gif and track visitors from that. No javascript needed!
Wow, that's what I'm searching for

You're genius Roy

+ rep
umat_gila - The rules are usually the same for everybody, if your account has been terminated, you will not get another account with Parked. There has been the rare occasion that we have allowed somebody to get an account back but we are talking about 0.001% of the time.

I will state this publically at this point since everybody keeps questioning me. Nobody from Indonesia is getting approved right now. Not manually or automatically. We are seeing so much cheating from a large portion of our Indonesian partners. This all started Christmas morning when somebody sent me a nice email that said "Christmas Present for". I opened it up, it was from somebody who had gotten caught sending porn traffic to non-porn domains. He then gave me a list of about 30 other people who were doing the same thing, and unfortunately I gave all of them a nice Christmas termination gift. Then some of those 30 people started sending me other lists of people who were doing the same thing, all with the hope I would turn their account back on. Then the more I looked around myself the more problems I found with people doing all kinds of crazy things. So right now we are investigating every partner from Indonesia with the hope that we find no more problems. But with such cheating we decided to not allow any new partners from Indonesia until this problem has been investigated further. I personally checked over 100 accounts last night and only found one person doing anything wrong, so it's looking good. But I still have a long way to go.

We have done this with our countries before, so this isn't the first.

Gilsan and Netmeg thanks for the advice - rep added - seems like I was doing it all wrong ! :(

I've got another question though. If the search engines are not using the meta keywords anymore, what do they use? And how can you tweak Parked pages to get more visitors ?
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it sounds like running a parking company is alot of work. Better to keep on top of it like you are doing. We have seen click fraud bring down other parking companies, so thanks for being diligent.
advaita said:
Gilsan and Netmeg thanks for the advice - rep added - seems like I was doing it all wrong ! :(

I've got another question though. If the search engines are not using the meta keywords anymore, what do they use? And how can you tweak Parked pages to get more visitors ?

They use the TITLES to help with search results and rankings - titles are one of the most important things you can do. However, you don't want to stuff the keywords in - for one thing, you only have around six to seven words at the most, and every word you add lessens the strength of all them. For example, if you put in your title:

Keyword1 | Keyword2 | Keyword3

Then each of those keywords has roughly one third the importance it would have if you only used one. So you have to keep trying and tweaking, and swapping keywords in and out until you get a decent position. AND you have to leave it up for at least a week to ten days to determine whether or not a change has really helped you.

Google claims that they don't use the Meta Description tag for anything other than displaying the snippet. I'm not sure about that; my results seem to show that it's still pretty important for ranking. At any rate, even if what they say is true, the Meta Description tag is largely what produces the snippet that displays in the SERP, so that's where you want to put the text that's going to entice the searcher to click on your site. If you can work in some of your lesser keywords too, all to the good.

And adding UNIQUE content should also help you. If your content can be found out there on a million other websites, it won't help you at all, and will very likely hurt you. So don't even waste your time acquiring the same free or low-cost articles that are available to everyone. And your content should also contain your keywords.

When I'm advising a client, the first thing I tell him is to sit down and put himself in the place of the person who is likely to want to visit his site. I tell him to come up with eight to twelve keywords (and by keywords, I mean phrases of two to four words - it's virtually impossible to rise to the top for a single word these days in the organics) that he would type into Google to find a company or service like his. (Then I tell him to try it and see who comes up)

If he is too close to the topic to be able to think like the average surfer, then I tell him to query his friends and relatives about what THEY would type in to Google to find his type of site. Sometimes inside information can get in the way.

Once he has his list of keywords, then I tell him to rank them in order of probable importance. The MOST important should be the title (or in the title) The next two or three should be in the Meta Description. And ALL of them should be in the content; I tell him to write his content around the keywords. In most cases, you should only use each one once or twice in the content, and it should scan like it would make sense to the average eyeball, and not just the search engine algorithm.

Hope that helps.
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Has anyone else seen their earnings ad clicks disappear? I fail to believe that my account has gone from a descent CTR to nothing (no change in traffic). How about some transparency here, Parked. Otherwise, I'm going to be moving my domains elsewhere or parking them myself. It seems that every time my account has a good day, the Parked gods decide that I should have several days without a reported click.

I'm sorry to say I've lost faith in the reporting on my account.
goodkarmaco said:

it sounds like running a parking company is alot of work. Better to keep on top of it like you are doing. We have seen click fraud bring down other parking companies, so thanks for being diligent.

Yes, Donny,..your service and dedication is really appreciated by domainers like us :)

Btw, I just wonder if Parked can give us, domainers, something like conversion rate for each domain in the statistic page ? It doesn't need to be an exact value, but an estimate or gross would be satisfied.

In my opinion, domainers should also be responsible to maintain conversion rate of advertisers in good rate. This stats feature helps us to review our steps.

Happy New Year to all.
netmeg said:
They use the TITLES to help with search results and rankings - titles are one of the most important things you can do. However, you don't want to stuff the keywords in - for one thing, you only have around six to seven words at the most, and every word you add lessens the strength of all them. For example, if you put in your title:

Keyword1 | Keyword2 | Keyword3

Then each of those keywords has roughly one third the importance it would have if you only used one. So you have to keep trying and tweaking, and swapping keywords in and out until you get a decent position. AND you have to leave it up for at least a week to ten days to determine whether or not a change has really helped you.

Google claims that they don't use the Meta Description tag for anything other than displaying the snippet. I'm not sure about that; my results seem to show that it's still pretty important for ranking. At any rate, even if what they say is true, the Meta Description tag is largely what produces the snippet that displays in the SERP, so that's where you want to put the text that's going to entice the searcher to click on your site. If you can work in some of your lesser keywords too, all to the good.

And adding UNIQUE content should also help you. If your content can be found out there on a million other websites, it won't help you at all, and will very likely hurt you. So don't even waste your time acquiring the same free or low-cost articles that are available to everyone. And your content should also contain your keywords.

When I'm advising a client, the first thing I tell him is to sit down and put himself in the place of the person who is likely to want to visit his site. I tell him to come up with eight to twelve keywords (and by keywords, I mean phrases of two to four words - it's virtually impossible to rise to the top for a single word these days in the organics) that he would type into Google to find a company or service like his. (Then I tell him to try it and see who comes up)

If he is too close to the topic to be able to think like the average surfer, then I tell him to query his friends and relatives about what THEY would type in to Google to find his type of site. Sometimes inside information can get in the way.

Once he has his list of keywords, then I tell him to rank them in order of probable importance. The MOST important should be the title (or in the title) The next two or three should be in the Meta Description. And ALL of them should be in the content; I tell him to write his content around the keywords. In most cases, you should only use each one once or twice in the content, and it should scan like it would make sense to the average eyeball, and not just the search engine algorithm.

Hope that helps.

Great, awesome information nMeg... Learning from the domainer pros daily..
How much traffic is generated by In other words, if you remove your site from parked, can you expect the same amount of traffic?

Is traffic sent from, actually traffic?
Many thanks Netmeg - excellent much-needed information
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