
Namesilo Rude Customer Support

Spaceship Spaceship
I have been using Namesilo for years, and I was completely satisfied until today.
I just received one of the worst customer supports I 've ever had from a registrar...

The issue, that I would also like to address here, is that I had placed a proxy bid in an auction, and someone was automatically biding this auction 1' before it ends, with1$ bids, for 1,5 hours, until he surpassed my bid.

-Hello there!
I m biding the auction of ats.info and apparently some bot is biding 1$ every time, 1’ before it ends.
Is this legal?
Can they do that forever? It s been 40’ so far

-There's no bot bidding a domain name, everything is legit
You are not the only one who interested on the domain name

-The bidding is automated. Exactly 1’ before the auction ends
This is not a manual biding

-What is your account username?


-That's the current leading user in that domain name, with current bid amount > 28.00

-Yes I can see that

-So you can disregard the bidding domain name, probably it's bot
You are the currently leading user as per our system
and our system is accurate

-But it is a bot
Not me of course, the other bidder
Please observe all the bids

-current bidding leading user: Traderas

-it s been more than 1 hour that the minimum bid is added every 4’
I’m feeling like you act you can’t understand what I m saying…
Could I speak to some manager please?

-I do not have a Manager
and I already told you the correct information
You can save our chat transcript as proof
I just refresh our system and current bidding amount 38.00 and you are still the current leading user

-Ok. Where could I see my proxy bid in the auction?

-You can find in our marketplace, but the result of the bidding only our team can see it

-I m not seeing it

Then how you can place your bidding amount?

-I only see the current bid
I want to see what my proxy bid is. Not the current bid


-Is that your current bidding amount, right?

-Yes it is
I m asking you about my proxy bid. Are you aware what a proxy bid is?

-There's no proxy bid in that domain name, any amount

-You are wrong. Apparently my proxy bid was 40$. Now that the other bidder surpassed my proxy bid, I was able to see that...

-Then why you asked?
If you already knew

-Are you making fun of me?


-I just wrote "Now that the other bidder surpassed my proxy bid, I was able to see that...". I wasn't able to see that the time I asked you.
Why did you told me there is no proxy bid in this auction?

-I just checked the domain name
Someone won on the domain name
winner amount > 41.00

-Could you please reply to my question
Why did you told me there is no proxy bid in this auction?

After my last question, customer support never replied back to me.
I really don't know if that was just ignorance, or if he was trying to make fun of me for some reason.
Either way this is a very rude and unprofessional behavior.

@namesilo and @Kristaps @ NameSilo

PS: Could someone please tell me if my proxy bids visible and where?
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
they are not only rude, they are also act as they are a judge as well, even if they are definitely not qualified for.
I wouldn't say rude but some agents do have more knowledge than others. I'd probably keep trying until I get an agent that can help.
I have been using Namesilo for years, and I was completely satisfied until today.
I just received one of the worst customer supports I 've ever had from a registrar...

The issue, that I would also like to address here, is that I had placed a proxy bid in an auction, and someone was automatically biding this auction 1' before it ends, with1$ bids, for 1,5 hours, until he surpassed my bid.

-Hello there!
I m biding the auction of ats.info and apparently some bot is biding 1$ every time, 1’ before it ends.
Is this legal?
Can they do that forever? It s been 40’ so far

-There's no bot bidding a domain name, everything is legit
You are not the only one who interested on the domain name

-The bidding is automated. Exactly 1’ before the auction ends
This is not a manual biding

-What is your account username?


-That's the current leading user in that domain name, with current bid amount > 28.00

-Yes I can see that

-So you can disregard the bidding domain name, probably it's bot
You are the currently leading user as per our system
and our system is accurate

-But it is a bot
Not me of course, the other bidder
Please observe all the bids

-current bidding leading user: Traderas

-it s been more than 1 hour that the minimum bid is added every 4’
I’m feeling like you act you can’t understand what I m saying…
Could I speak to some manager please?

-I do not have a Manager
and I already told you the correct information
You can save our chat transcript as proof
I just refresh our system and current bidding amount 38.00 and you are still the current leading user

-Ok. Where could I see my proxy bid in the auction?

-You can find in our marketplace, but the result of the bidding only our team can see it

-I m not seeing it

Then how you can place your bidding amount?

-I only see the current bid
I want to see what my proxy bid is. Not the current bid


-Is that your current bidding amount, right?

-Yes it is
I m asking you about my proxy bid. Are you aware what a proxy bid is?

-There's no proxy bid in that domain name, any amount

-You are wrong. Apparently my proxy bid was 40$. Now that the other bidder surpassed my proxy bid, I was able to see that...

-Then why you asked?
If you already knew

-Are you making fun of me?


-I just wrote "Now that the other bidder surpassed my proxy bid, I was able to see that...". I wasn't able to see that the time I asked you.
Why did you told me there is no proxy bid in this auction?

-I just checked the domain name
Someone won on the domain name
winner amount > 41.00

-Could you please reply to my question
Why did you told me there is no proxy bid in this auction?

After my last question, customer support never replied back to me.
I really don't know if that was just ignorance, or if he was trying to make fun of me for some reason.
Either way this is a very rude and unprofessional behavior.

@namesilo and @Kristaps @ NameSilo

PS: Could someone please tell me if my proxy bids visible and where?
Please pardon our delayed reply on this thread. We have investigated this matter and indeed, you are correct that our support agent did not provide sufficiently professional and knowledgeable support to your question. We strive for world-class customer support and this did not meet our standards. We have several assistance protocols to address these types of questions internally that the agent did not follow. We have since addressed it internally with our customer support staff and will continue to provide additional training to continue getting better.

As it pertains to your question, we do indeed offer proxy bidding (thus the reason why the bid was increasing incrementally) and the way to access it is by navigating to the specific domain:
Show attachment 256278
Proxy Bid.png

Please accept our apologies for this poor exchange and we'll do our best to win your business again in the future. If you have any other comments or feedback, please DM us on here or email us at [email protected].
Thank you for your reply, I accept your apologies.

I am aware that you offer proxy bidding.
The problem is that after refreshing the page, my proxy bid is not visible to me. The proxy bid field is empty, and I have no way to access it.

Also, while I m the higher bidder, I am not able to increase my proxy bid, unless I also increase my bid.
So, the only way increase my proxy bid is to bid on myself, which is not quite logical.

I don’t know if this is the way your platform operates, or it may be a bug.
Thank you for your reply, I accept your apologies.

I am aware that you offer proxy bidding.
The problem is that after refreshing the page, my proxy bid is not visible to me. The proxy bid field is empty, and I have no way to access it.

Also, while I m the higher bidder, I am not able to increase my proxy bid, unless I also increase my bid.
So, the only way increase my proxy bid is to bid on myself, which is not quite logical.

I don’t know if this is the way your platform operates, or it may be a bug.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As a result of this investigation, we realized that the edit "Proxy Bid" functionality isn't working as intended on our platform and are currently working to update it asap.

You should able to see your previous bids and proxy bids though, by navigating to the 'Buyer Resources' tab under the 'Marketplace Manager' page.
I just had one more terrible interaction with your support.
They are completely uninformed, and they don't even bother to look into my issue.
They are just throwing generic answers.

"I tried to bid on ***.net, but I got the message that reserve didn't met.
This is an expired auction. Do expired auctions have reserves?"

"Make sure to have renewal price on your fund as well or it will not work, thanks"

"Your answer was irrelevant to my question.
I don't need to have funds in my account to bid in an auction."

"When you see an error related to the reserve not being met, it always means an issue with the fund.
Also, for bidding in an auction, you must have funds in your account, including the domain renewal price. That is how it works."

"I m sorry but this is not how it works. My card is connected with my account and I have a credit limit of $5,000, while the available funds in my account right now is $0,43"

"Add the funds to your account and try to bid again. https://www.namesilo.com/cart/add-funds"

"Did that changed today? Because I m bidding every day in your auctions, with no funds"

These replies are irrelevant to my initial question. (Do expired auctions have reserves?)
Also to my understanding, these replies are not correct.
Do you confirm what your support is saying?
I just had one more terrible interaction with your support.
They are completely uninformed, and they don't even bother to look into my issue.
They are just throwing generic answers.

"I tried to bid on ***.net, but I got the message that reserve didn't met.
This is an expired auction. Do expired auctions have reserves?"

"Make sure to have renewal price on your fund as well or it will not work, thanks"

"Your answer was irrelevant to my question.
I don't need to have funds in my account to bid in an auction."

"When you see an error related to the reserve not being met, it always means an issue with the fund.
Also, for bidding in an auction, you must have funds in your account, including the domain renewal price. That is how it works."

"I m sorry but this is not how it works. My card is connected with my account and I have a credit limit of $5,000, while the available funds in my account right now is $0,43"

"Add the funds to your account and try to bid again. https://www.namesilo.com/cart/add-funds"

"Did that changed today? Because I m bidding every day in your auctions, with no funds"

These replies are irrelevant to my initial question. (Do expired auctions have reserves?)
Also to my understanding, these replies are not correct.
Do you confirm what your support is saying?
Apologies for the poor level of customer support on this inquiry. We have been scaling up our support staff and as a result, there have been a few cases where newer agents weren't able to understand the exact question being asked. We have re-trained our entire team on the procedures for more complex questions like yours so you should hopefully not encounter lacking responses like this again in the future. Sorry for any inconveniences caused and glad we were able to ultimately resolve this matter for you.
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