
guide My first mistake which makes my GoDaddy account deactivate.

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Ritik bhardwaj

Established Member

3 days ago I purchased a GoDaddy auction membership [1 year] at INR 409.00. I got one domain "" It looks good, meaningful and eye-catching [ Yeah it looks so Because I was just a beginner and not invested my time at NamePros ]

What next? Domain was at a base price of 32$ and I was a blind person I bid it for 36$. Really lateral I went through NamePros to guess its value and It was 0 'No bucks' This domain value brand-ability was like the egg of 'duck'.

I decided not to purchase this asset, As per the rule of GoDaddy auction membership- We have to purchase the domain after the bid. OR else our account will get penalties.

And yes, My auction membership account is deactivated by GoDaddy.

What's next?

If you are a new member [less than 2 years in this industry] Invest your time at NamePros instead of investing your money on Domain. It's Okay If you think you can Invest your money in the domain early but the risk is yours...

All the best...
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
well we allmake mistake when new. that domain is worth nothing. we all lost money when starting. some more than others. alot to learn. no quick easy money here. u have to like it. keep learning. after alot of work u will just know why that domain or any other are worthless .. as long as u gotta keep asking others it just means u got work left. .gl
I know @Ritik bhardwaj $36 may seem like a lot it might have been worth paying for your win rather than get a strike on godaddy or risk losing your account. It's just my opinion and I'm sure the opinion of godaddy staff. That's just my two cents about the matter.
I know @Ritik bhardwaj $36 may seem like a lot it might have been worth paying for your win rather than get a strike on godaddy or risk losing your account. It's just my opinion and I'm sure the opinion of godaddy staff. That's just my two cents about the matter.
Your opinion is right, But all this happens at sudden. I was not ready to take right decision on time.

It's okay next time I will be aware of this things....
Your opinion is right, But all this happens at sudden. I was not ready to take right decision on time.

It's okay next time I will be aware of this things....

well yes but u did say there won't be next time for u on gd correct? gd used to be main sale point for me ... then it slowed down at pandemic... but 40usd is not worth losing account if u could get sale there when u get better in future... so u are banned forever? dont they give at least one strike...
well yes but u did say there won't be next time for u on gd correct? gd used to be main sale point for me ... then it slowed down at pandemic... but 40usd is not worth losing account if u could get sale there when u get better in future... so u are banned forever? dont they give at least one strike...
I am not banned forever, GD saying me to create new account again with same amount INR 409.00
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