Spaceship Spaceship
New Member Disclaimer: Four letter domain names are a relatively new investment category that is only beginning to gain traction in Dotcom. This domaining sector offers potentially larger returns than traditional revenue or traffic based domain names, however with this investment opportunity comes extravagant risk.


It was only a matter of time... First King Com. Then .CN fell. And now... I present to you :!:

This thread is designed to elicit discussion about LLLL.nets. You're encouraged to post anything you feel is relevant to LLLL.nets in this thread. This includes sales information, new regs, ...

Feb 05, 2008: All quad premium LLLL.nets are registered
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Sorry in saying "We have 5 letter .com's, countries and cities we've never heard of... all "the next big thing" I meant those threads are all hyped up too and I don't agree with them.
Here are other sales for

hara $3,088 - 01/17/07
beco $2,980 - 01/17/07
xpsl $1,605 - 01/24/07
wlnp $1,888 - 01/04/07

caia $544 - 12/03/07
nima $900 - 11/14/07
rapn $150 - 10/29/07
casy $210 - 10/08/07
aaah $200 - 04/14/07
dnam $861 - 04/11/07
nics $500 - 03/31/07
okya - $200 - 03/25/07
zash - $466 - 03/15/07
quex - $399 - 02/09/07
miru - $665 - 01/11/07

hwav $369 09/29/07
xqzy $449 09/26/07

walt - $825 01/24/07
Reece said:
These are being scanned in Godaddy using the bulk registration tool. It's somewhat time consuming, however, I feel it yields some of the best results in terms of time versus accuracy. If anyone has a better solution for the job, please send me a pm or post it here.
Reece, do you sleep at night? Sounds like a huge job!

I think that the have a good chance of running out but there is a high chance that this kind of thread is ahead of it's time.

There is around ~50% registered. For the, there was around 50% bought out in 2002. This was a 5 year gap between the buyout and the halfway mark. From my understanding, there is a trend that the rate of internet expansion is slowing down and so I wouldn't be suprised if it takes longer than 5 years for these domains to run out.

The were bought out early due to RegisterFly discounting and there has been over a year of drops where it is only now starting to attract interest. A lot of people lost a lot of money with the by buying too early. The has the same negative stories. (That is why I disagree with discounting for the first year for domains as domainers lose money by buying domains before their time.)

The buyout journey has many successes but also many tragic stories of people losing thousands of dollars by buying too early. I expect a buyout to have more failures. You got to be careful with this one.

There are some gems in the rough. As a rule of thumb, I would say that if the is worth less than $400 than the is a risk.
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Thanks for stopping by VURG :)

I agree with your analysis 100%. I think some people (not you) misconstrued my intentions here... I'm recommending people hunt through my list for premiums (easy to find by doing Ctrl + H [Replace] and changing every bad letter to nothing, then scan through Godaddy [all being regged, of course, leaving only quad premium LLLL.nets]).

Names like may be worth the risk imho, while (I said it again!) isn't. Once I get through the entire list, I'm sure there'll be several hundred, maybe even a few thousand worthy of being regged imho.

VURG said:
Reece, do you sleep at night? Sounds like a huge job!

I think that the have a good chance of running out but there is a high chance that this kind of thread is ahead of it's time.

There is around ~50% registered. For the, there was around 50% bought out in 2002. This was a 5 year gap between the buyout and the halfway mark. From my understanding, there is a trend that the rate of internet expansion is slowing down and so I wouldn't be suprised if it takes longer than 5 years for these domains to run out.

The were bought out early due to RegisterFly discounting and there has been over a year of drops where it is only now starting to attract interest. A lot of people lost a lot of money with the by buying too early. The has the same negative stories. (That is why I disagree with discounting for the first year for domains as domainers lose money by buying domains before their time.)

The buyout journey has many successes but also many tragic stories of people losing thousands of dollars by buying too early. I expect a buyout to have more failures. You got to be careful with this one.

There are some gems in the rough. As a rule of thumb, I would say that if the is worth less than $400 than the is a risk.
I think that the have a good chance of running out but there is a high chance that this kind of thread is ahead of it's time.
Some can foresee the future and started investing early but for me I have to look at my Crystal Ball. If I end buying a couple hundred of these to hold in a couple of years and end up losing money I could always say "I shouldn't have bought that darn Crystal Ball in eBay."
BLazeD said:
Sorry in saying "We have 5 letter .com's, countries and cities we've never heard of... all "the next big thing" I meant those threads are all hyped up too and I don't agree with them.

The only 2 seriously hyped investments I ever bought into were and .mobi. has paid off quite nicely.. .mobi looks like it'll likely do the same :)

This (or any of those threads you've mentioned and not mentioned) certainly aren't the kind of things you go wild on and reg 1600 of...

But regging a few names like,, etc certainly can't hurt -- as long as you don't overdo it. If you were to take all the hyped extensions/ideas pertinent to domaining over the last 3-4 years and allot them an equal amount of money to invest in, you'd actually have done quite well for yourself..

The problem arises when people start trying to predict what will be the next,,, etc. Same reason we had so many people cry foul with .eu... Invest intelligently - diversify. I would never put all my eggs in a basket, no matter how sure I was of the investment's potential...
Reece said:
The only 2 seriously hyped investments I ever bought into were and .mobi. has paid off quite nicely.. .mobi looks like it'll likely do the same :)

This (or any of those threads you've mentioned and not mentioned) certainly aren't the kind of things you go wild on and reg 1600 of...

But regging a few names like,, etc certainly can't hurt -- as long as you don't overdo it. If you were to take all the hyped extensions/ideas pertinent to domaining over the last 3-4 years and allot them an equal amount of money to invest in, you'd actually have done quite well for yourself..

The problem arises when people start trying to predict what will be the next,,, etc. Same reason we had so many people cry foul with .eu... Invest intelligently - diversify. I wouldn't never put all my eggs in a basket, no matter how sure I was of the investment's potential...
Okie great. You understand that. but what about,

Reece said:
the amount of new members and new money flowing into domaining everyday
Once they see your thread title " COUNTDOWN" they will just jump into the lists and start loading themselves with non-secure investment.

It have been better if your topic was about Hunting premium which still not 100% secure.
Once I have the entire scan done (should be a day or 2), I'll get rid of every name that isn't at least triple premium.

edit: Thinking about that... Maybe a newbie recommend link and an experts only one :-/

Meh.. I'll figure something out.. Some good names have a bad letter or 2, but I agree that newbies regging ZQVJ... :!: said:
Okie great. You understand that. but what about,

Once they see your thread title " COUNTDOWN" they will just jump into the lists and start loading themselves with non-secure investment.

It have been better if your topic was about Hunting premium which still not 100% secure.
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about premium - only 15% are available as far as I remember.
I saw premium LLLL.coms are offered at prices around 4000$ to end users. Isn't the same for 200$ a good alternative for a small company? I think all will never be sold out, but premium will certainly be! And it will be very soon.
More sales (tdnam):
FIFI - 520
A disclaimer has been added to the thread:

New Member Disclaimer: Four letter domain names are a relatively new investment category that is only beginning to gain traction in Dotcom. This domaining sector offers potentially larger returns than traditional revenue or traffic based domain names, however with this investment opportunity comes extravagant risk.

Only invest in 4 letter domain names what you can afford to lose.
I do not recommend new domainers invest more than 20% of their total investment in 4 letter .coms or more than 25% collectively between 4 letter .coms and 4 letter domain names in other extensions. Investments in 4 letter extensions other than dotcom should be capped at a maximum of 10% of investable assets.
Reece can you please edit your first Post. It make it huge to scroll right / left , up / down.


Sorry Zoki,

Is it fixed now for you?

zoki said:
Reece can you please edit your first Post. It make it huge to scroll right / left , up / down.


I cannot download the list
Hi Epasaport,

Welcome to Namepros!

The easiest way to get the list is to open it, then hit Ctrl + A (select all), Ctrl + C (copy)and then open Notepad and hit Ctrl + V (paste).

epasaport said:
I cannot download the list
Reece said:
Sorry Zoki,

Is it fixed now for you?

yes, thank you :wave:
G through I scan is now up, enjoy!
LLLL.Net are NOT going to be profitable for a long long time, they will perhaps be a net money loser imo.

New Domainers should stay away from LLLL.Net imo.
Depends on which LLLL.nets... CVCV.nets are already profitable. I'm doing a VCVC scan right now and can't seem to find much of anything...

I do think some quad premium .nets are an investment worth their risk. And it seems I'm not alone as some of the names I've posted have bitten the dust :)

rickkumar said:
LLLL.Net are NOT going to be profitable for a long long time, they will perhaps be a net money loser imo.

New Domainers should stay away from LLLL.Net imo.
rickkumar said:
LLLL.Net are NOT going to be profitable for a long long time, they will perhaps be a net money loser imo.

New Domainers should stay away from LLLL.Net imo.

3. ^ Whats message behind such unqualified comments ?

1. Had idea about this thread, but haven't time to do scan

2. Why everytime comes to some anti-hype in (like) this threads
No-one told that they are $ worth, but there are allways some members of DNHG (Dot Net Hater Group) which thinks, they should fight against .NET ? To save .COM ? or tell that only .COM have value ?

4. Nice thread Reece :great:

5. And would be more nicer if we can stay just on CountDown or CountUp of LLLL.NET , just to have stats !

just my 2cents :blink:
zoki said:
3. ^ Whats message behind such unqualified comments ?

1. Had idea about this thread, but haven't time to do scan

2. Why everytime comes to some anti-hype in (like) this threads
No-one told that they are $ worth, but there are allways some members of DNHG (Dot Net Hater Group) which thinks, they should fight against .NET ? To save .COM ? or tell that only .COM have value ?

4. Nice thread Reece :great:

5. And would be more nicer if we can stay just on CountDown or CountUp of LLLL.NET , just to have stats !

just my 2cents :blink:

OK, I spoke from my experience. It is very easy to register tons of domains but come renewal time....its not that much fun any more.

Some .net especially the pronounceable ones will be profitable but I don't see the others becoming profitable soon.

If you understand your investment and have some risk money, then you can go for it :)
Don't all these threads start out this way? Here's how I believe it will play out. LLLL's will start getting $50-$100 a piece, then the VCVC, CVCV, CVVC and VCCV's .NET's will all get registered. After that, there will be another long time period for the dwindling down of the available choice letters; until one day we find ourselves realizing they're all gone.

So ummmm, who wants to start naming a sell out date?
^ CVCV.NET are sold out ....

i would tell 05.12.2008

(still not sure about that i would never buy .. but i would never buy too)

BLazeD said:
You are creating your own hype.

Isn't that marketing 101?

Besides, has been sold out for months. If this thread was created 6 months ago, more members might be cashing in nicely right now.
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