
domains James Booth sells AnyCloud.ai for $78K

Spaceship Spaceship


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James Booth announced that he sold AnyCloud.ai for $78,012 at Atom. Now this is a 3 year payment plan. I liked James ended it with “Let’s see if they complete”. Great price for the name we don’t see many two word .ai domain names selling …

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Must have had a gun to their head lol that's the only way I'd be able to sell that name.
Please someone explain how and why this happened
I guess these were the previous owners, maybe they bought it back or just some other cloud hosting company- https://x.com/anycloud_ai?s=21&t=AXO7nwtIXQWumHiC_Tm-Yw

Never used Atom, is it like Dan where you can use the domain as you make payments? If so, will probably find out who the new owners are soon
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How about we don't report a freshly initiated payment plan as "sold"?
Guy who once owed the Atom dot com domain, possibly still having ties to the domain therefore platform, keeps selling rubbish names on Atom for large amounts of money, even though it’s been discussed publically this week by well-known people within the domains industry that sales have dried up and they don’t even get an enquiries on the platform now.

Not hating, I’ve never had an account on Atom (SquadHelp) I’m just mentioning the elephant in the room, that I and surely everyone else can see?
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Must have had a gun to their head lol that's the only way I'd be able to sell that name.

It’s taken in 68 extensions and the brand is used by companies including IBM and cloud hosting companies which are well funded.

Cloud has been a solid keyword for a long time.

He does seem to have the magic touch but the name is not as bad as some people seem to think.
One can almost taste the saltiness in this comment section...
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