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🤔 DOMAINER GPT: Is this the next step for domaining and GPT technology?

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


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👉 DOMAINER GPT - An Ai query tool that exists for the sole purpose of providing domain investment insights and guidance.

🤔 Is this the next step for domaining and GPT technology? Comment below.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
The absolute basics can be provided by GPT. Things a youngster could figure out.

Human domainers don’t agree on anything, have different investment styles and the most successful don’t divulge their trading secrets on the internet. The info and experience is in human brains. Everything else is conflicting opinions not facts.

So much of what we do involves fine details that make a world of difference and discernment. GPT can’t scrape that off your brain. At least not yet.

They can copy domaining tips disseminated on the internet but it has no way to prove what is hogwash and what is good advice.

AI is allready heavily used on SquadHelp with insights and trends provided but even they only have their own marketplace trends not overall trends of all domain sales.
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The issue is the limited amount (and quality) of data to train the AI. I would trust an average domainer's judgement more.
The problem with GPT is that it programmed to deliver popular (and not necessarily factual) responses.

In fact, let's test it out.


While the advice isn't necessarily bad, it's not particularly useful either. Some of it is even a bit questionable, and could easily be misconstrued by inexperienced domainers.

You could probably summarize the list of criteria for a useful domain on a sheet of paper the size of a business card. Beyond that it's just people determining what a particular domain is worth to them.
That bing ai thing I just got access to it. It's a lot worse than chatgpt. Also I don't want something telling me when to "leave it there".

Disappointing compared to gpt even though it's supposed to be based on it and a better version.
Disappointing compared to gpt even though it's supposed to be based on it and a better version.
ChatGPT won't give you (specific) financial advice either unless you jailbreak it. I think the reason for that is that Open AI would be liable for bad investment advice and (given the size of the platform) possibly market manipulation.
ChatGPT won't give you (specific) financial advice either unless you jailbreak it. I think the reason for that is that Open AI would be liable for bad investment advice and (given the size of the platform) possibly market manipulation.
Yeah, I'd question why you would ask it for financial advice though. However, I think Bing have got it into their heads that everyone has to be treated like a baby.

Bring on a version of this technology that doesn't I say.
There's a response from ChatGPT going viral around in my country, how to safely preserve and cook cow eggs.
They're all rushing things to gain first mover advantage. There's a lot of hype regarding chatgpt. I'm underwhelmed tbh.

AI is a serious matter. Not impressed by the half baked 'products' being released just to get on the train before it takes off.
They're all rushing things to gain first mover advantage. There's a lot of hype regarding chatgpt. I'm underwhelmed tbh.

AI is a serious matter. Not impressed by the half baked 'products' being released just to get on the train before it takes off.
There's money to be made so everyone jumps on the bandwagon while it's topical......would be ironic / rather apt if one of these half baked Ai products or one of it's offspring ended up being the cause of human extinction.....
There's money to be made so everyone jumps on the bandwagon while it's topical......would be ironic / rather apt if one of these half baked Ai products or one of it's offspring ended up being the cause of human extinction.....

The ironic thing is humans being the designers of their own extinction...

We are intelligent creatures indeed.
I reported my own post removed; but it seems Namepros is content to let my post stand there to see most dislikes it can get. Thank you all!

I said no, and i stand by my answer.
Elon Musk is making a competitor; and Google Lard too.
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🙏 Thank you to everyone that has commented on this thread. There have been some interesting points made to say the least. Here’s our thinking:

🤖 Despite AI’s many facets of development, a Domainers GPT isn’t quite far-fetched. Why? It all comes down to “probability and statistics”.

📊 Many of the existing examples of Ai are built atop collections of “data”. Data plays host to “patterns”; which allows “possibility” to be measured/quantified.

🧠 Where there’s “possibility”, there’s a thing known as “predictability” that’s associated with many facets of human behavior and activity. Investing included.

🧬 Centralized domain investment has numbers and data written into its proverbial DNA. Note how many domain investors rely heavily on “metrics”.

🤔 There will come a time where every single domain registration, listing, sale, drop, renewal etc will be leveraged to steer the domain game. By who though?

🛠 Major players in the domain space have a vested interest in launching a tool that will influence domain investing behavior; and thus steer profit-margins.

🔮 For example, a service called “DomainerGPT by GoDaddy” is VERY possible. They could easily leverage the trove of investor data they’ve amassed.

🥸 Pairing some of the industry’s most notable perspectives from individuals like @bobhawkes with factual domain metrics opens the door to domainergpt.

❤️‍🔥 Remember, at this stage Ai won’t be graded so much on accuracy as it will the ability to appeal to “the sense of familiarity/convenience humans crave”.

🚧 Contrary to what some want to believe, domainer GPT is likely already in the works. It’s merely a matter of who will bring it to the space first and how.

Let’s keep the discussion going.
I reported my own post removed; but it seems Namepros is content to let my post stand there to see most dislikes it can get. Thank you all!

I said no, and i stand by my answer.
Elon Musk is making a competitor; and Google Lard too.
Google Bard, not Lard! Awful name lol
AI is going to help some domain investors, but the reality is quality domains (mainly single words) have long been gone and you don't need advanced AI to know which words are the most popular.

By the time AI picks up on any new trends, you can believe the innovators have registered those domains already.
🤔 Although it might be convenient to solely consider the “domainer and Ai dynamic”, it’s also worth considering the “registrar and Ai dynamic as well”.

🤖 Granted, many domainers won’t deal with Ai UNTIL it’s introduced to them via a medium they have to engage with for the sake of maintaining their portfolio.

🛫 Domain marketplace and auction platforms have the most to gain from AI being used in the domain space. It’s “a runway for fine-tuning operations”.

🤒 If registrars and other major players incorporate Ai, (which some are doing) domainers will be likely be forced to adapt to the new variable in domaining.

👀 Ai will be intricately woven into registrar’s upselling strategies and customer incentive programs etc. The domains won’t be their primary focus.

AI is going to help some domain investors, but the reality is quality domains (mainly single words) have long been gone and you don't need advanced AI to know which words are the most popular.

By the time AI picks up on any new trends, you can believe the innovators have registered those domains already.
🤔 Although it might be convenient to solely consider the “domainer and Ai dynamic”, it’s also worth considering the “registrar and Ai dynamic as well”.

🤖 Granted, many domainers won’t deal with Ai UNTIL it’s introduced to them via a medium they have to engage with for the sake of maintaining their portfolio.

🛫 Domain marketplace and auction platforms have the most to gain from AI being used in the domain space. It’s “a runway for fine-tuning operations”.

🤒 If registrars and other major players incorporate Ai, (which some are doing) domainers will be likely be forced to adapt to the new variable in domaining.

👀 Ai will be intricately woven into registrar’s upselling strategies and customer incentive programs etc. The domains won’t be their primary focus.
I changed my vote “no” to “maybe so”!
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It's not coming as many expect here.

AI is already used in domaining. By now, I thought this would be obvious to everyone. I've already commented recently, the folks that are "hidden partners" of DC are definitely using AI as nothing worth anything is left un-captured at drop currently. I've watched the registration patterns, that's not human it's AI and it went so during the pandemic, they used to be more sloppy before.

I'm using AI as of now. To remove 95% of my work (although there is a good part of classic algos as well not just machine learning).

There are countless other AI tools not just GPT or even in the NLP field in general. Those are going to be far more useful in domaining in comparison with GPT. Simply because there you need something else; to identify patterns in specific datasets, to analyze multi-dimensional data such as regs, past sales, trends and whatnot. GPT is not so useful here.

I see most of the people commenting here are not in touch with the AI field directly.


- You can't replace domainer experience with AI. To be smart, the AI needs domainer experience and it won't have it, unless you are a pro domainer to train it in the first place. (I trained my minions to replicate me; Edit: as far as my experience goes, of course.)

- If you have that experience, you don't need AI, something like basic filters and existing tools out there will do the job for a small monthly fee. Building it yourself, probably not worth the hassle.

- The best domain names are already taken. Years ago.

- AI will not turn crap regs into the source of eternal gold. Doesn't work like that.

- AI is already used and it made a difference but it's slight at most. I also see improvements in GD's automatic appraisal tool lately, perhaps they have improved it in this direction. Anyway, as I said, due to factors and data is not going to make any great difference soon.

- However you can use it to learn about domaining. But that is not going to turn you into a pro faster. You either have it in you, or not.

- To be successful in domaining, you need three things. Hard work, experience, and money. Lack of any of these factors ends in no profit. You can automate most part of the hard work using AI, but so far I don't see anything replacing human experience there. And money of course.

So it's rather like the floor cleaning robot. It helps in the household, but it's not Skynet. (not that Skynet isn't coming, it is but that's a different story altogether)

People like to dream though, and get excited, and that's alright. I tend however to question and bring clarity into things before getting too excited about stuff I'm not fully familiar with.
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🙏 Thank you for taking the time to respond. You made some interesting points. However, two things weren’t referenced: Trends and evolution of use.

🤖 Of course there are many Ai tools that exist; but the masses are gravitating to GPT technology thanks to its “trendy” introduction via a chat/text medium.

🤯 For any industry looking to onboard the masses, GPT serves as a convenient way to capture the attention of those who wouldn’t typically frequent a space.

🥧 Many players in the domain industry are likely strategizing on how to capture a piece of the “digital identity” pie we’re seeing emerge with blockchain/Ai tech.

😵 The fact some centralized domain investors believe the good names were all purchased years ago implies domain investing is now a dead-end playground.

🧠 We believe there’s a whole new audience to garner with domaining and digital identity. One that’ll determine what a domain name means to them.

😶‍🌫️ If the domain space doesn’t evolve, it risks dying the moment core industry gatekeepers and veteran investors take their last breath. It’s now time to appeal.

🦾 It’s not a matter of whether Ai will take jobs and pick names. It’s a matter of whether a certain type of Ai will give domain investing a fresh look/feel.

🔑 We can all agree the domain industry is about metrics and sales. However, we can also agree it hasn’t reached its full potential for a few different reasons.

🧩 Our core point isn’t that Ai can, or can’t, do things better than humans in the domain space. It’s about Ai filling a void the current industry obviously has.

☄️ The next frontier of domaining is coming in hot. It will lead with “appeal” despite what some veteran domainers might believe is, or isn’t, here to stay.

🛠 A domaining era is on its way out; and bolstering the industry’s relevance through Ai tools like DomainerGPT would suggest domaining isn’t an old man’s game.

It's not coming as many expect here.

AI is already used in domaining. By now, I thought this would be obvious to everyone. I've already commented recently, the folks that are "hidden partners" of DC are definitely using AI as nothing worth anything is left un-captured at drop currently. I've watched the registration patterns, that's not human it's AI and it went so during the pandemic, they used to be more sloppy before.

I'm using AI as of now. To remove 95% of my work (although there is a good part of classic algos as well not just machine learning).

There are countless other AI tools not just GPT or even in the NLP field in general. Those are going to be far more useful in domaining in comparison with GPT. Simply because there you need something else; to identify patterns in specific datasets, to analyze multi-dimensional data such as regs, past sales, trends and whatnot. GPT is not so useful here.

I see most of the people commenting here are not in touch with the AI field directly.


- You can't replace domainer experience with AI. To be smart, the AI needs domainer experience and it won't have it, unless you are a pro domainer to train it in the first place. (I trained my minions to replicate me; Edit: as far as my experience goes, of course.)

- If you have that experience, you don't need AI, something like basic filters and existing tools out there will do the job for a small monthly fee. Building it yourself, probably not worth the hassle.

- The best domain names are already taken. Years ago.

- AI will not turn crap regs into the source of eternal gold. Doesn't work like that.

- AI is already used and it made a difference but it's slight at most. I also see improvements in GD's automatic appraisal tool lately, perhaps they have improved it in this direction. Anyway, as I said, due to factors and data is not going to make any great difference soon.

- However you can use it to learn about domaining. But that is not going to turn you into a pro faster. You either have it in you, or not.

- To be successful in domaining, you need three things. Hard work, experience, and money. Lack of any of these factors ends in no profit. You can automate most part of the hard work using AI, but so far I don't see anything replacing human experience there. And money of course.

So it's rather like the floor cleaning robot. It helps in the household, but it's not Skynet. (not that Skynet isn't coming, it is but that's a different story altogether)

People like to dream though, and get excited, and that's alright. I tend however to question and bring clarity into things before getting too excited about stuff I'm not fully familiar with.
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AI is already used in domaining. By now, I thought this would be obvious to everyone.

AI is just a buzzword. In most use cases it's just a term used to describe a fairly complex automation/autonomous system.

It's no difference in domaining.

Not directly targeted at you Twiki but AI is a rather dumb albeit highly practical and efficient tool.
1. it will be easy for AI program to search from .xyz then xyz .com so com will not be the only king in future.
2. AI will always be dependent on data created by human beings so humans will remain there lol.
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