
Introducing the Epik Nigeria Support Team

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Established Member
Hello there,

My name is Saheed, and I’m part of epik support team in Nigeria. We're using this avenue to reach out to individuals from Nigeria and other countries, should you run into any problem while using Epik, you can always reach out to the following handles;

[USER=13215][URL='']@Samuel Adebo[/URL]

We'd be looking forward to help you each time you reach out to any of us
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I am a big fan of what is happening in Nigeria -- the most populous nation of Africa.

There will soon be a lot of Nigerian domainers. Some of them are going to do really great.

So, set aside any preconceptions about Nigerians. They are here to do business!
Hello there,

My name is Saheed, and I’m part of epik support team in Nigeria. We're using this avenue to reach out to individuals from Nigeria and other countries, should you run into any problem while using Epik, you can always reach out to the following handles;

@Joshua Mayowa
@Samuel Adebo

We'd be looking forward to help you each time you reach out to any of us

Not a big deal but you're linking to the wrong accounts on 2 of them:

Joshua was last seen:
Mar 25, 2012
this is the right one -

samuel was last seen:
Feb 13, 2005
this is the right one -
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Well, I hope everything goes according to plan.

Wishing you guys good luck!
wait a sec is this real or its a scam :sneaky:
wait a sec is this real or its a scam :sneaky:

Haha. Look for the guys with Epik badges. I approved them. :)

As for scams, I have yet to be scammed by any Nigerians, domainers or otherwise. I think there are some folks poisoning the well when it come to Nigeria. My experience there has been nothing but positive.

If anyone has a problem with a Nigerian domainer, contact @domainexpert77 and we'll be happy to assist in an ombudsman capacity to get disputes resolved amicably.

For now, again, set aside your preconceptions. I am telling you first-hand that there are other parts of the world where you would need to be a lot more circumspect than Nigeria.

However, to avoid confusion, the Nigerian team members from Epik that have badges are welcome to introduce themselves in this thread.
It's actually real😇 @Gray Wolf

I understand you might heard series of stuffs about Nigerians. But it's normal because life is filled with good and the bad part. So, it's the same with individuals in it. Whatever you've heard about Nigerians it's just a mix up because it happens everywhere.

We're here to serve humanity, provide solutions within the walls of Epik and beyond!🙏
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It's actually real😇 @Gray Wolf

I understand you might heard series of stuffs about Nigerians. But it's normal because life is filled with good and the bad part. So, it's the same with individuals in it. Whatever you've heard about Nigerians it's just a mix up because it happens everywhere.

We're here to serve humanity, provide solutions within the walls of Epik and beyond!🙏

Thanks Samuel.

I am counting on the Epik teams in these emerging markets to help with dispute resolution. If an issue comes up involving bad sportsmanship from a domainer in Nigeria, I am confident that these things can get worked out amicably for the benefit of the entire industry in emerging markets. Ombudsman work is rewarding in its own right and it absolutely comes back in an industry as small and connected as this one.

Keep up the good work.
Wish you all best of luck in your new roles.
“you help one domainer, then that helps us all.”

love to see this, wish u success, Epik Nigeria! not cuz this thread —or Rob— but i find lot of Nigerians here, push back against stereotype. Good! they convinced me, Keep up great work.

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Thanks @Rob, @Samuel Adebo

It is okay that we are wise to deal with persons, but it is also good not to assume that all are the same. We will strive hard to let nations see that there are still few here, set aside; who uphold good morals.

I also believe that the "future is shared", and I really appreciate the good works @Rob Monster is wisely doing in that realm. I must confess that it's beyond the natural.

Feel free to check the file below, it's a work by a Nigerian (The pioneer of Data Science in Nigeria -

@domainexpert77, a million thanks for the intro.


  • the-future-is-shared-chapter-1.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 310
Well Said @Joshua Mayowa @Samuel Adebo

We can't base our judgement of a Country with millions of citizen by virtue of our bad experience with a citizen of that nation

Nigeria is a country filled with lot of talented individuals that believe in hardwork, dedication and virtue

Lagos, one of the most popular city in Nigeria can be declared as the "African Silicon Valley". Lagos already has the best techhub ecosystem in Africa. This city has attracted visit by lot of reknown personalities such Mark Zuckerberg(Facebook), Jack Ma(Alibaba), Jack Dorsey(Twitter) among other.

So it's high time we changed our view about Nigeria.

Special thanks to @Rob Monster for believing in Nigeria and shaping people's perception about the country

The Epik Nigeria team is here to turn Lemon into Lemonades
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Hello there,

My name is Saheed, and I’m part of epik support team in Nigeria. We're using this avenue to reach out to individuals from Nigeria and other countries, should you run into any problem while using Epik, you can always reach out to the following handles;

[USER=13215][URL='']@Samuel Adebo[/URL]

We'd be looking forward to help you each time you reach out to any of us

Also adding Tony Blessed to the list. He recently joined the Epik Nigeria team\
Even tho there are bad news circulating about Nigeria especially in Asian countries, I still wouldn't blame the whole of Nigeria for that...there are bad people in every countries, if one person is bad it doesn't mean the whole Nation is bad...Likewise at ur own home, if your brother or sister is a Drug addict or a Convict, that doesn't mean your father,mother or whole family are the same....we need to first educate our own minds and perceptions before Judging or pointing fingers at others.

I myself personally have many friends from Nigeria, mostly from Abuja and Lagos...they are awesome,kind and respectful people. Glad to meet my Nigerian Neighbors here, and let's make the nation better and expand the reach of epik😊
welcome to all and good luck in your roles. are you still planning to support .ng/ soon?
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Congratulations on putting your team together,

Most people think of domains as an opportunity to make money, but I believe that domains can also be used as a vehicle to express oneself in order to change the old mindsets, lifestyles, attitudes, habits, and the human characteristics that have held the World back from advancing forward. As the stewards and leaders of the empowerment program it should be your primary task to make sure that you and those that you lead are going to end up being a force for good and that means that you should always encourage, guide, and help others without any bias or discrimination and that you should not allow fear, personal interest, or blind loyalty to anyone to prevent you from questioning the behaviors and actions that are not aligned with the Universal Values and Rights that are based on Logic and Compassion.

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welcome to all and good luck in your roles. are you still planning to support .ng/ soon?
Thanks for your good wish.

We're currently working on the .ng/ accreditation.

You'll be able to register the extension very soon.

An awareness will be made once the accreditation is finally completed.
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I am also a Nigerian domain investors for some years now.
Glad Epik (Rob) is bring the world together through his platform..

Congrat to the newly appointed Nigeria brothers/ sister.. Represent us well
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