
Everybody wants premium names but check the budgets in domains wanted

Spaceship Spaceship


GreenFriendly.comTop Member
just want to bring this up, again

if you want premium names, then expect to pay premium prices

you don't want certain letters or only want specific numbers or want the name to end in "ie" only.....then you gotta pay extra for the extra criteria

you want names with pr, traffic and ppc earnings, you gotta pay extra for those too

also, it's trickery to post that you got $10k budget for the right name, but every offer you make on a qualified submission is only $250

increase the budgets!!!

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had to "up" this thread, because.......

while browsing dn wanted section, i noticed thread seeking 3L.com and 4L.com
so i peeped in to check

posted budget for this request is less than $3k per name

with a total budget of less than $6k


And there's people replying to the thread. That's the more interesting thing I find.
And there's people replying to the thread. That's the more interesting thing I find.

Probably with the following:

Hey, I know you were looking for 3L and 4L's but how about some of these fantastic 7C's (hd2d1e4.com) for $400 each.
Probably with the following:

Hey, I know you were looking for 3L and 4L's but how about some of these fantastic 7C's (hd2d1e4.com) for $400 each.


i see those kinds of examples on daily basis

member @johnn created a thread other day, seeking LLL net/org/ and .us

and one member couldn't wait to post if he wanted .biz too ;)

It’s not even reseller pricing when certain buyers want to pay way less than you acquired it for, less than acquisition and renewal and way less than they could ever get it on the average reseller marketplace.

There is a number of people here who want to buy way below reseller pricing.

It’s one thing if you simply want to get rid of a name and are ok to basically give it away but that kind of buyer should NOT expect award winning names for their lame budget.:xf.eek:

Domainers as a general rule are super cheap here. And yes some are rude. Lately I have had very polite interactions which is an improvement. There were some idiots in the summer reporting people for no reason.
I was thinking to suggest a new feature, "Premium WTB threads", with verified sellers and buyers. With minimum $50/domain. With no sharks, no tire-kickers and no time-wasters. Pros only. But I lack motivation, because I don't buy or sell too much here on NP. At any rate I could elaborate more if this feature is something that people would want to use.
... and another one offering you a whopping 1-2% of Estibot appraisal..LUCKY YOUU!!...
In defense of the "up to 2% for 50k Estibot appraisal": there are domain names appraised by Estibot at over 50k that none of us would invest more than a few hundred $ in. I did pay over $1000 per, and also only a few hundred per. I do not expect any very short or one word .com among those offers, but there will be a few two-word domains that will end up being a win-win. That post closes on average one deal per month. Cheers - happy domaining.

"I'm looking for a 3 characters domain .com .
Any combinaison :
I can be a LNL.com, NNL.com, NLN.com, NNN.com or LLL.com.

I'm willing to pay 300 usd, by paypal only.

PM me anytime."​
Domainers like to talk about the need to 'educate' end users, but they could do with some education.
Domainers like to talk about the need to 'educate' end users, but they could do with some education.


Most of them are seem to be newbs.. A little empathy can go a long way..

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just wondering, from your perspective....has anything changed much in WTB section?


"I'm looking for a 3 characters domain .com .
Any combinaison :
I can be a LNL.com, NNL.com, NLN.com, NNN.com or LLL.com.

I'm willing to pay 300 usd, by paypal only.

PM me anytime."​

old post, but it's a good example

WTB section problem is the word "wholesale". Even end-users are pretending that every name they are buying is for resale(when it's not so). And brandbucket names are all expected for $25(even good ones). We have made the whole section only wholesale, and we have not defined wholesale as, anything that you can make a good profit on. Someone once sold MrSmile.com to me for around $250 and i thought that was a monster deal.... and not surprisingly it sold for 6k on BB. I would have spent $500 to 1k on it if i could have afforded that.. at wholesale. Because the possible profit is what determines wholesale for me. Right now wholesale is defined as $25 and $250 if you're lucky to have a nice one word .com lol. There is no room for retail or even solid offers. Most domainers are not willing to spend on their own business name, so imagine anything else.

Even today, I saw a request that I had two great names for. I literally started to submit the names within their budget and I stopped right before I could click send. Though I could use some extra cash, I literally thought it would benefit me more, developing a site myself. Sometimes you can't let people value names for you. Lastly, if you do send a name valued way over their budget, but you send it close to their max budget...they think you probably did it simply because it's their max. When in reality, you're underselling by a mile..

Like wtf, you think $250 can buy launchup.com? nyam.com? gotbrands.com? please... At this point I don't even look at that section. That section is should be renamed to>.....

Something like....... what's the word for needing money desperately...so you need to sell fast even for ridiculously low prices???? I know it, but it just won't come to mind.
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seems like nothing much has changed over the years.

what's the word for needing money desperately...so you need to sell fast even for ridiculously low prices?
One of these?
  • Liquidation
  • Closeout
  • Clearance sale
  • Hastily selling
  • Short-term investor
  • Flipper
  • Bankrupt
  • Desperate
  • Motivated seller
  • Generous :angelic:
One of these?
  • Liquidation
  • Closeout
  • Clearance sale
  • Hastily selling
  • Short-term investor
  • Flipper
  • Bankrupt
  • Desperate
  • Motivated seller
  • Generous :angelic:

those examples of a person's "financial state of being", could be true for them...
but the quality of the domains they are trying to sell cheaply, would be the question.

I'm not sure if i'm in the right place.
But I'm looking for a one-word .com
my budget is $50 and up to $100 if the name is really good.
Please don't send me junk names.
I'm looking for a one-word .com
my budget is $50 and up to $100 if the name is really good.
Please don't send me junk names.

that's a good example that i've seen posted more than once!

when reading such a request,
you wonder if the OP really expects to get submissions at that range, because they don't know that such criteria commands higher pricing?
or if the OP is knowledgeable about such values, but just making a crap shot, in hopes of snagging a decent name for low price?


I stopped reading the domains wanted section years ago. I don't have the time to read thru all the crap, eliminate all the crap, leaving nothing to read. I don't have an easy solution to stop all this nonsense either. Maybe stricter rules. Like. First post gets a stern warning. Second post gets a ban from NP. That might help clean it up :) Another might be to have a private sub-forum where you need an invitation to join. Where you don't get any warnings. First post gets you banned from the sub-forum. Where you have a right to appeal.
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that's a good example that i've seen posted more than once!

when reading such a request,
you wonder if the OP really expects to get submissions at that range, because they don't know that such criteria commands higher pricing?
or if the OP is knowledgeable about such values, but just making a crap shot, in hopes of snagging a decent name for low price?


It's somewhat mind boggling and irritating to me. Which is one reason i haven't been as active in the last year.
I understand the idea of wholesale/resale... however, they trying to get a diamond for the price of a beach stone.
I guess we all have seasons of desperation in life.. so maybe they will cast the net and catch someone in a desperate moment.

bumping this thread
to reflect on current DN wanted requests, along with the criteria and budgets they have for each DN Wanted pos

are the budgets within range of reasonable discounts
or are they absurdly lower than replacement cost for that same domain?

what's your thoughts


bumping this thread
to reflect on current DN wanted requests, along with the criteria and budgets they have for each DN Wanted pos

are the budgets within range of reasonable discounts
or are they absurdly lower than replacement cost for that same domain?

what's your thoughts

Admittedly, those ads discouraged me from bothering to go to the buyer's request section in general. I wonder if that has been the case for others as well?
Looking for 4L .com 1 Dollar gimme now. 3L 50 cent.
Looking for 4L .com 1 Dollar gimme now. 3L 50 cent.
:xf.laugh::xf.laugh::xf.laugh: And, while you're at it, send the domain name so instead of buying it from you I can catch it the day and minute it expires.
Well, not to be cynical here, but if someone wants to pay pennies on the dollar for a domain's value, it tends make one wonder....
Granted, the listings probably wouldn't be there unless they were being successful with some extremely discounted sales. The message to potential buyers of "premium" domains in other venues is a strong one here, though. You may only end up getting pennies on the dollar for what you paid.
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