
discuss Donuts vs Domain King Tweets

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Donuts Inc (premium domains division) posted 9 tweets; 1/9 Domain King ... “we don’t agree with your #gtld point-of-view ....

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Robert Monster expressed a good idea. If they switch to forever registration, they may have a good chance at survival.
Robert Monster expressed a good idea. If they switch to forever registration, they may have a good chance at survival.

What is another word for forever? For Life?
..... tweet ...
Prices have dropped on so many great premium domain names. Thousands now at standard prices and standard renewal rates, for life....

Donuts Inc Tweet
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Exactly, and buying a 2-letter ccTLD has absolutely nothing in common with endorsing new gTLDs.
I don't recall any mention of endorsement. I think the point that they were making is that if you look at special purpose country TLDs, like .tv, they work across the dot in the way that Rick.tv elegantly expresses his personal brand. They were saying you can do a similar thing with new gTLDs with the two sides of the dot in a unified way expressing the idea you want to promote. The .com (or any other) extension adds meaning in some contexts but not in others. If it is RedCross it definitely adds to have the extension .org. If it is for a large financial enterprise the .com is almost essential. But if you are doing a family website (one of their examples in the series), a .com does not add to the domain name any additional information, and therefore is not elegant design.
Another word is a single payment.
Donuts divide their domains into three categories. Standard, Premium and Platinum. There are relatively few platinum but they carry huge prices. But interestingly, while premium carry lower prices on a premium Donuts you pay that higher price each year, while on a platinum one you pay much more for year one but after that it is standard renewal (I hope all of this is still valid - going by what a rep at the Donuts booth told me at NamesCon). Anyway, it seems to me if you are going to sell platinum names and then just collect standard, which is trivial compared to the platinum price that is usually 6 figures, why not promote them as permanently registered domains?
Who cares what Schwartz says

How much did Abry Partners spend on acquiring donuts again? Who's giving Schwartz airtime needs a slap

Furthermore he doesn't even have a 100th of the revenue donuts are generating so why is he opening his mouth, like he's in a position to speak.

Isn't he still trying to flog his porn names. Schwartz is tired and finished, hence why he's on twitter making videos. ZZZZZzzzzzz

Schwartz is a nobody - he can only talk his crap to the dumb poor and deluded
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Richard is a wise man, makes mistakes at times.
Donuts is catering to unknowledgeable, it seems.
Richard is a wise man, makes mistakes at times.
Donuts is catering to unknowledgeable, it seems.
What point are you trying to establish?

That's like me saying McDonalds serves up shit to the dumb, poor and uneducated

You should only buy at wholefoods. He has no point to establish

Donuts needs to respond by saying we'll show you our cash balance and you show yours. End of story
Richard is a wise man, makes mistakes at times.
Donuts is catering to unknowledgeable, it seems.

Yet you choose to blow smoke up some old farts A** for what? having a bunch of distasteful downright rancid Porn names that makes him a few quid.

Donuts ranks No. 1 fastest-growing company in North America in 2017 - They have earned the right to speak.

Schwartz, is in no position to say anything to anybody. Especially not donuts
It's not 2017 anymore. The hype has settled.
Also, you need to use proper language, this is a professional forum.
Who gives a f**k what Schwartz says

I give a fu**

he deserves respect
in my view

as he has risked a lot
at a time when nobody knew if it would pay off

in order to make it
he had to go for it
in a non-supporting environment

do the same
talk about it
and you have my respect as well

you can learn from him
thats for sure
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Donuts is trying to capitalize on Richard's distraction from .com
Who gives a f**k what Schwartz says
Rick Schwartz is GOD for the domain industry.
.COM is KING for the domain WORLD.
If you don't have the .com, you don't have the brand. PERIOD.
Did you guys see what he posted on twitter as a response today? He's cherry picking the data, starting from 22m to SUIT HIS AGENDA = TO FOOL YOU (he has me blocked cuz I'd wreck him at every turn) Cant post links, ( change DOT with . ):

twitter (DOT) com/DomainKing/status/1192049443320848384?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1192049443320848384&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedomains.com%2F2019%2F11%2F06%2Fhe-can-only-talk-his-crap-to-the-dumb-poor-and-deluded%2F

So, he's calling out #FAKES except one thing, HES FAKING YOU! Think for yourself people. Here's the HONEST data:


Who's the #FAKER now?
The level of delusion on this forum is genuinely worrying - serves as my end here

Angel.co - not a brand? Tell Naval his business isn't a brand because he doesn't own a .com

No words for the level of mental retardation you encounter here

Does he advertise Angel.co on radio and national TV?
@Lox and what is mainstream anyways? CNN? LOL! TV would be extremely INEFFICIENT use of money. The 'mainstream' doesn't know CRAP about domain investing. Domaining has NEVER been mainstream. Who can we blame for that? The last 20 years of .COM'ers?

From a business perspective the effective marketing is where there's VALUE, where the customers tend to 'hang out' IE: online.
Are you familiar with GoDaddy super bowl commercials? Probably some of the most memorable in commercials in the last two decades
^ They're marketing geniuses. Their model is a lot dif. than registry too though. I can almost hear the Trolls already in my imagination. Let me set the mood, superbowl, donuts. .whatever, runs a comerical! What will we hear? "They're desperate to sell domains" I already know nay-sayer mentality.
See how ridiculous he is acting, like chicken little, "the sky is falling"!

I can cherry pick this chart to better prove the point, on fair grounds with his, but I think we're smart enough to get the gist here:


+ Squarespace etc. Love this. :)
No words for the level of mental retardation you encounter here

So that's how you are describing yourself. Good job.
Tell us more about your mental level please.
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