
Domain name organizer program

Spaceship Spaceship


VIP Member
HI all

I am in the middle of having a Domain name organizer program created and I need to know what information would you as a user want to record and keep track of

And what other features of a Domain name organizer program would you want if you could have one made,

I will be happy to share it with any one that gives some good input,

Here is what I have come up with so far.

Domain name
Date registered ( Date of the domain )
Cost of the domain registration
name of registar
expiry date of the domain
price domain was sold for ( if sold )
The date the domain was sold ( If sold , indicate the profit made from the domain sale )

the username for the registar
the password for the registar
the url for registar ( login url )
The number of link popularity for the domain in , Yahoo, Dmoz, All the web, altavista, google , etc

Can anyone think of anything else a domain owner would like to keep track of.

let us know, by replying to this post,

I'll keep you all posted on how the program goes.

By the way it will be more then just a Domain name organizer program , it will have a lot of other features also, in all it will be a whole expired domain name toolkit,


Tom Dahne

Expired Domain Software
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
language (english, german, french ...)
- new
- hot
- cold
- angry :p
- price
- name
- email
- renew when the times comes
- drop when it expires

I could probably come up with some more ...
1.the date it was last updated...
I like Apollo's and InteractAsia's ideas.

As far as keeping dates goes; (just like in a domain whois)
Creation Date:
Last Updated:
Expirely Date:

I think some kind of wish list would be great to. Keeping track of domains you have an eye on and letting you know when they where last updated, created and their expirely. Just like a whois does, except more compact and make it have alerts. :D

I think some kind of database to keep hold of emails/file content used for the selling or buying of a domain.

I'm not sure about storing the password of the directory though... I think a password hint just to remind you would be good enough.

Perhaps my expectations are way out! Just a few nice ideas. :)
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