
auctions Deal or No Deal

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Not April fools but who would pay more than the cost to own the string for one domain ($182k) and as we know here is suspicious, as no changes have been made to the whois after it sold for 50,000usd 2 weeks ago and now its showing as a $33k sale but no whois changes? All from - Feels like pump and dump and is losing all credibility. Anyone got any info to shed light on these sales or non sales at last month? Daniel Negari would know but I bet the lot he will not share.
On the face of it they all look fake is still owned by the registry. Great marketing for the registry but awful for domainers #foolsgold 182,971 65,901 46,518 43,107 39,695 35,974 34733 33,183 31,012 24,499 23,569 23,259 19,227 14,421 14,266 12,715 9,304 8,218
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Maybe it is 4 trillion in canadian dollars?

But forget donating to charities you all....
Instead move the money over to my paypal account at once!
Plus the 50 richest people on this planet?
Combined wealth is;
$1.46 trillion
i thought the offer was for the domain name or was it
Publicy-traded companies are required to file quarterly reports and have their annual financial statements audited. Audits provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements fairly present the results of operations, cash flows and financial position of the company. However, when you see dozens of $XXXX sales every week and regular five-figure sales while you hardly ever sell anything, you start to wonder how real these publicly-reported sales really are. Yes, DNJ does require some documentation prior to publishing a sale. But if DNJ blindly accepts sales reports from industry platforms and new TLD registries which stand to benefit from the hoopla, what assurance do users of the DNJ reports have that such reported sales were true arms-length transactions. Could a shell company or related-party be used to fake a sale? Of course. I have seen numerous sales over the years (before new TLDs) which I have questioned and have become skeptical about this industry' s reported sales.

My view is that publicly-reported sales should be audited as many investors are relying on such reports to make domain investment decisions. Should the SEC or FTC get involved?
Dot xyz must be better situation than other ntlds.
Stop attack dot xyz.B-)
Dot xyz must be better situation than other ntlds.
Stop attack dot xyz.B-)

I don't know of another gtld that reports so many fake sales or at least questionable sales reports.
Plus .xyz is run by some questionable people.
Dot xyz must be better situation than other ntlds.
Stop attack dot xyz.B-)
.xyz is in a much better position then the other newgTLDs. Daniel will use any tactic to get the registry profitable and he has done very well. People under estimated him. But because the registry does well it doesnt mean that domainers will do well, they are not the same and inclusive.

.xyz for domainers, is a perfect example of the biggest fool theory. Can you sell your .xyz for a profit, to another domainer being the bigger fool. All notable .xyz sales have either been to domainers or back to the registry, undeniably.
Whilst you can sell to a bigger fool the market keeps ticking along. Nothing wrong with that but you should understand what game you are getting into.
Good luck
read this extract from tech republic today
Nearly five years on, the prediction of ICANN founding Chairman Esther Dyson appears to have been perfect—the proliferation of gTLDs has added no value, but has lined the pockets of gTLD operators from organizations and individuals in the practice of defensive registration, and joke websites that serve no practical purpose except to highlight the ridiculousness of gTLDs, such as””
Could a shell company or related-party be used to fake a sale? Of course. I have seen numerous sales over the years (before new TLDs) which I have questioned and have become skeptical about this industry' s reported sales.

It is easy to fake domain sales, because these assets don't move physically. You can do it the easy and sloppy way: fake the whois.
More elaborate: set up a real transaction between two corporate entities that have the same beneficial owner. The money goes from the left hand to the right hand. The transaction is reportable and valid for audit purposes. But it is deceptive.

I have seen my fair share of dubious sales reports. I am certain that some domainers have spoofed sales in order to show apparent success and raise their status.
The indirect benefit could be to boost the perceived value of their portfolios, and possibly take advantage of newbies to offload their overvalued 'assets'.

We also know that some registries selling new extensions have set up subsidiaries and essentially bought domains from themselves - if they did pay anything. This is not fraudulent in itself and could even be justified for tax planning reasons. But artificially inflating the domain count can still be a deceptive tactic.

While the .xyz registry is know for stuffing numbers, I am not saying they are doing anything improper here, I just don't know. My opinion is that just because crap happens to sell, that doesn't mean crap has turned into gold.
Progressing plot to kill Dot xyz.
Dot xyz is killed, all killed.B-)
Progressing plot to kill Dot xyz.
Dot xyz is killed, all killed.B-)
Some will survive most will not. None are investment quality for domainers, with high renewals and premiums.
.news .club probably the best
Some will survive most will not. None are investment quality for domainers, with high renewals and premiums.
.news .club probably the best
I believe in china investors.
I am sure they know china domain market trends than us.
I believe in china investors.
I am sure they know china domain market trends than us.

If you believe in Chinese market .xyz is just circulating around domainers. Sell now and re invest in .vip when it comes out in May 2016, has a much better chance of being adopted mainstream in China. Its a term they use all the time.
Dot vip is Specific. I am not concerned about it.(I have a viptravel and vipservice.xyzB-))
Only .xyz of ntlds is distributed world widely.

I had pessimistic view last year.
Now, a little hope appears.
Dot vip is Specific. I am not concerned about it.(I have a viptravel and vipservice.xyzB-))
Only .xyz of ntlds is distributed world widely.

I had pessimistic view last year.
Now, a little hope appears.
the Chinese are not going to buy 'service' or 'travel'. Re your earlier point believing in Chinese investors.
Have you being do this for long? Your logic is like a newbie making rookie errors. However I wish you good luck with your investments, just not for me.
••• and, 2L premium domains, are registered.
Another premium domains have been registered continuously.
I picked up it because travel and service are very easy english for world people as well as chinese.
I had offer for $500 last year. I rejected it.
I have a little regret now.B-)
I re-emailed him last year, but no responding.
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Thank you. Good luck to you, too.
Its sad that the Pump & Dump schemes are crumbling the domain industry..hope it gets sorted out someday :(

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