
analysis Alternative TLDs

Spaceship Spaceship
This is just my hypothesis and only time will tell if it is true

My hypothesis is that, to some end user looking to brand his domain name outside of a .com, he will look for easy to pronounce TLD. I think that i behind the success of .co and .in despite being ccTLDs
.to also has potential if only they market it better.

You see, when you register, blue widgets becomes the brand.
Even if your primary branding is Blue.Widgets, you will still one to own

But if your primary wedaddress is, then .io becomes part of your brand, whether you want it or not.
.co and .xyz gets it
Which is why they market their logo actively.

.co logo

That is also the reason behind .io's success.
It looks nerdy and geeky to name your company as
.io is part of the brand identity despite being two syllable.
The Product hunt crowd loves it.

Look at .FM
If your gTLD can form a great brand extension, it is a good buy.

So you see, if your primary website is non dot com, you have to brand your TLD as well.
That includes .Net

Media.Net is the biggest example

.net gets most affected by the new TLDs IMO despite being the oldest and despite the intention at the start.

And since you need to brand the extension as well, what do you think are the best gTLDs for general sites.
Not very tight categories, like or

I think single syllable, easy to speak (Radio test) , good sounding extensions are the best

.co, .in, and .to according to me are best in line as second in line after .com

.us could have made the cut, but the ccTLD of the USA is (unfortunately for .us), the Dot COM

You wanna compare .us and .in?
Go to expired domain and filter LLL.US
You will find even pronounceable's even though I registered the last batch of all pronounceables,
Check, you won't find a single one. The chinese are bullish on .ins

Sorry I digress.

.ca .de too pass the radio test, but they are too specific like .UK, since they are big economies. Also people tend to pronounce them C A and D E

.es is also single syllable but short single syllables ending in S are not as good as a co or an in

.me also checks all the boxes, but again it is too specific.

Based on this hypothesis, I see some potential for speculative gains on .top and .biz
.top has every other domains as reg premium though, which is bad business
Both of these read and sound good.

But .co, .in, and .to beat them in the number of letter. People want short domain names. Why add more letter in the TLD?

XYZ is three syllable. So, combined with the cheap reg fee, I think it will end up like .info
Right now they have very good marketing with a very active CEO who put out the name in front of people.
You need Product, Place, Price and Promotion to succeed. They got the Place, price and promo right.

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